

Apr 29th, 2014
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  1. [04/29/14 00:50:02] *** JOPEBUSTER joined the channel
  2. [00:50:02] *** Shampuru joined the channel
  3. [00:50:03] *** Mnemosyne joined the channel
  4. [00:50:03] *** JLVWNNOOOO joined the channel
  5. [00:50:06] *** FourTwentySevenTen joined the channel
  6. [00:50:09] *** lololevitis joined the channel
  7. [00:50:11] FourTwentySevenTen: D
  8. [00:50:20] FourTwentySevenTen: P
  9. [00:50:33] lololevitis: hey
  10. [00:50:44] lololevitis: are you going to play ghost an goblins
  11. [00:50:50] FourTwentySevenTen: Never played it before so nah
  12. [00:51:00] FourTwentySevenTen: Just helping out since Im the only one that has used SRL before I guess
  13. [00:51:06] lololevitis: awesome
  14. [00:51:09] lololevitis: oh nice,
  15. [00:51:11] lololevitis: just realized who you were
  16. [00:51:16] lololevitis: can you instruct vela how he can join
  17. [00:51:21] lololevitis: and squirrell
  18. [00:51:23] FourTwentySevenTen: P wont let me have numebrs as my name lol
  19. [00:55:49] FourTwentySevenTen: .enter
  20. [00:55:49] RaceBot: FourTwentySevenTen enters the race! 1 entrant.
  21. [00:56:02] FourTwentySevenTen: put ".enter"
  22. [00:56:47] lololevitis: .enter
  23. [00:56:47] RaceBot: lololevitis enters the race! 2 entrants.
  24. [00:59:25] *** TomSinister joined the channel
  25. [00:59:34] *** TomSinister left the channel
  26. [01:01:40] *** VelaToget joined the channel
  27. [01:01:52] FourTwentySevenTen: Kreygasm Vela!
  28. [01:01:56] FourTwentySevenTen: type .enter
  29. [01:02:01] VelaToget: D
  30. [01:02:05] VelaToget: .enter
  31. [01:02:05] RaceBot: VelaToget enters the race! 3 entrants.
  32. [01:02:10] FourTwentySevenTen: .unenter
  33. [01:02:10] RaceBot: FourTwentySevenTen has been removed from the race.
  34. [01:02:25] FourTwentySevenTen: Need at least 2 racers or channel will be closed down :P
  35. [01:02:53] *** FourTwentySevenTen quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  36. [01:03:12] *** FourTwentySevenTen joined the channel
  37. [01:03:21] FourTwentySevenTen: Oops left to look at FAQ.
  38. [01:03:51] FourTwentySevenTen:
  39. [01:04:56] lololevitis: is vela in this now
  40. [01:05:13] FourTwentySevenTen: Yeah if you see the audio icon thingie by your name
  41. [01:05:15] VelaToget: Vela is in
  42. [01:05:16] FourTwentySevenTen: .entrants
  43. [01:05:17] RaceBot: lololevitis | velatoget
  44. [01:05:30] FourTwentySevenTen: Click that link I linked
  45. [01:05:33] FourTwentySevenTen:
  46. [01:06:20] FourTwentySevenTen: If you guys want your stream to be on SRL
  47. [01:06:30] lololevitis: i do
  48. [01:06:38] FourTwentySevenTen: ".setstream"
  49. [01:07:11] FourTwentySevenTen: might have to add a http://www in there
  50. [01:07:28] lololevitis: ok thanks four twenty
  51. [01:07:31] *** deranged_squirrel_fighter joined the channel
  52. [01:07:43] VelaToget: D
  53. [01:07:44] FourTwentySevenTen: .stream lololevitis
  54. [01:07:44] RaceBot:
  55. [01:07:50] FourTwentySevenTen: o
  56. [01:07:57] FourTwentySevenTen: .stream velatoget
  57. [01:07:57] RaceBot: Doesn't exist.
  58. [01:08:01] FourTwentySevenTen: Kappa
  59. [01:08:08] VelaToget: He's almost got it!
  60. [01:08:20] FourTwentySevenTen: Vela talking in 3rd person? :P
  61. [01:08:45] FourTwentySevenTen: .enter
  62. [01:08:45] RaceBot: FourTwentySevenTen enters the race! 3 entrants.
  63. [01:08:55] FourTwentySevenTen: .ready
  64. [01:08:55] RaceBot: You must set a goal first!
  65. [01:09:10] FourTwentySevenTen: What do you guys want the goal to be?
  66. [01:09:15] VelaToget: end game
  67. [01:09:41] FourTwentySevenTen: .setgoal end game
  68. [01:09:41] RaceBot: Goal Set: end game
  69. [01:09:41] *** Topic changed by RaceBot: Status: Entry Open | Game: Ghosts 'N Goblins | Goal: end game
  70. [01:10:11] deranged_squirrel_fighter: .enter
  71. [01:10:11] RaceBot: deranged_squirrel_fighter enters the race! 4 entrants.
  72. [01:10:19] FourTwentySevenTen: .unenter
  73. [01:10:19] RaceBot: FourTwentySevenTen has been removed from the race.
  74. [01:10:30] FourTwentySevenTen: ".ready" whenever you guys are ready
  75. [01:10:35] FourTwentySevenTen: then ".done" when you finish the game
  76. [01:10:43] FourTwentySevenTen:
  77. [01:11:06] FourTwentySevenTen: It wont start until all racers are ready then it will start the count down
  78. [01:12:05] FourTwentySevenTen: Squirrel if you want your stream on SRL. ".setstream"
  79. [01:12:18] FourTwentySevenTen: .stream velatoget
  80. [01:12:18] RaceBot: Doesn't exist.
  81. [01:15:35] FourTwentySevenTen: .setstream
  82. [01:15:35] RaceBot: Stream set.
  83. [01:16:17] VelaToget: .ready
  84. [01:16:17] RaceBot: VelaToget is ready! 2 remaining.
  85. [01:16:22] deranged_squirrel_fighter: .ready
  86. [01:16:22] RaceBot: deranged_squirrel_fighter is ready! 1 remaining.
  87. [01:16:24] lololevitis: .ready
  88. [01:16:24] RaceBot: lololevitis is ready! 0 remaining.
  89. [01:16:26] RaceBot: 4The race will begin in 10 seconds!
  90. [01:16:31] RaceBot: 45
  91. [01:16:32] RaceBot: 44
  92. [01:16:33] RaceBot: 43
  93. [01:16:34] RaceBot: 42
  94. [01:16:34] FourTwentySevenTen: GOOD LUCK!
  95. [01:16:35] RaceBot: 41
  96. [01:16:36] RaceBot: 4GO!
  97. [01:16:36] *** Topic changed by RaceBot: Status: IN PROGRESS | Game: Ghosts 'N Goblins | Goal: end game
  98. [01:17:35] *** FourTwentySevenTen quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  99. [03:02:07] VelaToget: .done
  100. [03:02:07] RaceBot: VelaToget has finished in 1st place with a time of 01:45:32.
  101. [03:06:29] deranged_squirrel_fighter: .quit
  102. [03:06:29] RaceBot: deranged_squirrel_fighter has forfeited from the race.
  103. [03:20:52] *** VelaToget quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
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