
Day in the life of Rainbow Dash's

Aug 12th, 2014
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  1. >Be Rainbow
  2. >History class
  3. >I’d rather be dead than here
  4. >The professor is an absolute idiot who can’t teach a real history class to save his life
  5. >I really want the day to end already so I can go to practice
  6. >Some action, that’s what I need alright!!
  7. >Gosh!!!! why is it so freaking boring?
  8. >There’s no one to talk or anything to do during this class period
  9. >Well, there’s Twilight, but she seems to be enjoying the funerary ceremony
  10. >No way she’s gonna want to talk to me
  11. >There’s Tim over there…
  12. >nah, he’s real asshole
  13. >the guy’s been hitting on me for since the beginning of middle school
  14. >eww!! He just took his finger out of his nose and put it right into his mouth!
  15. [audible cringing]
  16. >Gross
  17. >The hipster dude with the orange-scarf-thingy who occasionally talks to Norman fell asleep on the desk that’s in front of mine.
  18. >Total dick. Don’t even know how Norms would ever hang out with this moron.
  19. >I don’t even know him. Heh
  20. >Then on my rear is Mrs. Fuck You All to Hell, also known as Sunset Shimmer looking into her pocket mirror.
  21. >Today seems to be her day off from being an annoying bitch.
  22. >I hate this class so much
  23. >Norman
  24. >Yeah, I had this random thought about him earlier
  25. >haven’t been able to hang out with him for some time now
  26. >He’s got really cool hair.
  27. >I kinda like it.
  28. >Like… a lot
  29. >And his neck
  30. >And his chest
  31. >And his stupid rock hard abs
  32. >Those thighs
  33. >I want to roll my hands all over his back so bad
  34. >Squeeze his manly solid ass
  35. >don’t even get me started with his arms
  36. >ohh God. His glorious shaft standing waiting for me to-
  37. >Damn it Norman, I’m totally biting my lip here
  38. >I think I got wet too
  39. >wait
  40. >Fuck
  41. >Rainbow Dash, what the fuck have you done!!!
  42. >Why did put all of that into paper?
  43. >whatthefuckwasieventhinkingforfuckssake.webm
  45. >Save by the bell!
  46. >Quickly Rainbow Dash!!
  47. >To the locker!
  48. >Hide the evidence.
  49. >There will be time to destroy it later.
  51. >Be Norman
  52. >Heading to next class
  53. >Gotta pick up the stupid textbook
  54. >Gonna have to make a somewhat unscheduled visit to my locker
  55. >Maybe take a piss afterwards
  56. [Yawning Intensifies]
  57. BAM!!
  58. >Holy fuck. What the hell happened?
  59. >“Hey, watch where you-
  60. >God damn it, Blue
  61. >“Norman!! ah-uh. hi!”
  62. >all her stuff and mine lies strewn across the hallway floor, like confetti on a street after a parade.
  63. “What’s the hurry, huh?”
  64. >N-none! None at all. hehe!”
  65. “Geesh. Try to take it easy from here on out, alright?
  66. >She snatches one of my own papers right off my hand
  67. >“hey! Wait that’s my binder!”
  68. >”S-sorry! Talk to ya later, Norms!”
  69. >She desperately shoves the damn thing onto my chest
  70. >No need to be so aggressive
  71. “Later”
  72. >Shit
  73. >She didn’t even bother to tuck the papers inside the sleeves
  74. >what a fucking mess
  75. >open the binder to tidy up a bit
  76. >whatthefuckisthishit.avi
  77. >where did these Renaissance paintings of me and my beanie come from?
  78. >Is this really a depiction of me?
  79. >God damn it, I look hot in these!!
  80. >whoa!!
  81. >I don’t think my dick is remotely as monstrous as this thing.
  82. >I’ve got to show these to Brad
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