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Feb 1st, 2013
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  1. [2/1/13 4:39:19 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: Maxcloud, aka nate
  2. [2/1/13 4:39:24 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: Is the person I worked for, for two years
  3. [2/1/13 4:39:30 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: On MapleFresh, ArikuMS, and ArikuStory
  4. [2/1/13 4:39:44 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: working with him, was also the reason In which i got recognized for my abilities in website scripting.
  5. [2/1/13 4:39:53 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: However, i'll have to backlash certain things he said about me
  6. [2/1/13 4:40:18 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: 1. When I worked for the guy, there was never one instance where I delayed any sort of work that i promised, nor did I work for any other server during the time in which I worked for him ASIDE from AncientMS.
  7. [2/1/13 4:40:23 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: AncientMS was owned by Jay
  8. [2/1/13 4:40:33 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: We had a deal, in which he would pay me 150 USD for a website design
  9. [2/1/13 4:40:35 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: i mean
  10. [2/1/13 4:40:36 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: a website
  11. [2/1/13 4:40:40 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: It was promised, he did NOT pay me
  12. [2/1/13 4:40:41 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: the money
  13. [2/1/13 4:40:48 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: and when the website was COMPLETE I asked him to pay me, and he would not
  14. [2/1/13 4:40:54 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: this resulted in ME going in-game, and asking the players for the donations
  15. [2/1/13 4:40:58 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: the players DID give me the donations
  16. [2/1/13 4:41:00 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: and jay WAS given the website
  17. [2/1/13 4:41:08 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: There was not ONE instance where I ran off with money saying LOLBYE.
  18. [2/1/13 4:41:15 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: As a matter infact, maxcloud is the one that owes ME money
  19. [2/1/13 4:41:25 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: So no, this has not happenned in the past
  20. [2/1/13 4:41:29 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: RoyalMonky is Zack from MythStory
  21. [2/1/13 4:41:36 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: he paid me 150 dollars for a website , while I was working on it
  22. [2/1/13 4:41:40 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: MythStory suddenly shut down
  23. [2/1/13 4:41:48 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: afterwards, I lost all contact with the guy and he just disappears
  24. [2/1/13 4:41:50 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: for months
  25. [2/1/13 4:41:51 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: off of msn
  26. [2/1/13 4:41:55 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: 6 months later, he comes back
  27. [2/1/13 4:41:57 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: and asks me for the website
  28. [2/1/13 4:42:09 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: 1. That's not reasonable, there's no way I'd keep a useless website on my computer if no one came to claim it
  29. [2/1/13 4:42:16 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: 2. He started spreading slander and lies about me afterwards saying I scammed him of money
  30. [2/1/13 4:42:22 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: when he was never around to claim the website
  31. [2/1/13 4:42:39 PM] Sublime | Ragezone: Steven, you can believe who you want, I was and still am a respected member of ragezone, so I don't have any reasons to lie to anyone.
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