
Anon X Spike (Gay) Part 1 (Setup, Lewd) By BritFag

Jun 22nd, 2015
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  1. This was originally in the misc section (and still is), but the archive links didn't work anymore.
  2. So I did some digging, and I found it.
  3. Author: Britfag
  4. https://archive.moe/mlp/thread/19121918/#19267325
  5. >Today is Twilight's birthday
  6. >You were all set for it as well
  7. >You'd gone through the tedious trouble of making a gift
  8. >She was a hard mare to buy for, considering Ponyville's... demeanour?
  9. >In the end you'd settled on creating something instead
  10. >You liked building and creating, so you'd taken some time to create a fully working Newton's Cradle
  11. >Getting it to work just right had required decent tools, thank fuck that you'd had those on you when you came here
  12. >In any case, she was bound to like it you hoped, considering she was an egghead
  13. >You were all dressed up in your usual attire for the occasion
  14. >Black suit, red tie; the usual, rather posh
  15. >God knows why you didn't have a more extensive wardrobe
  16. >But that was besides the point
  17. >The point being Twilight, and today
  18. >You were outside the castle grounds now, walking from the outskirts of the Everfree where your bungalow was
  19. >The guards immediately recognised you; hard not to do that, really
  20. >They admitted you with a smile each
  21. >Nice guys, not bad looking either, for stallions
  22. >As you walked to the entrance, you wondered how her friends fared
  23. >You saw Applejack more oft than not considering your like for constructing, what with the repairing of structures and such
  24. >You hadn't seen much of the others
  25. >Welp, time to catch up, Anon
  26. >Oh right, of course, forgot to mention that
  27. >You're Anon, duh
  28. >Time to put on the nice face
  29. >As you entered, a fancy armoured guard trotted up to you
  30. >He greeted you warmly, asking you to follow him to Her Highness's Ballroom
  31. >Damn, Twi had a ballroom?
  32. >'Well yeah, she's a Princess'
  33. >Shut up, brain
  34. >You followed him through several hallways until you reached a heavy set of double doors that looked to be made out of opaque crystal
  35. >The wide doors would probably been more at home in The Crystal Empire
  36. >Speaking of said doors, they opened inward at your approach, revealing the spacious interior of the Grand Ballroom
  37. >Shit, this place was crowded with gear
  38. >By gear, you mean tables of food and drink
  39. >There were a lot of ponies here as well, likely dignitaries or lords, whatever ponies had in their royal hierarchy
  40. >In the centre of the room, Twilight danced with her other 5 friends
  41. >All of the previous element bearers were rather splendid in their outfits
  42. >The same ones Rarity had made, actually
  43. >You slipped through the masses of squabbling, chattering ponies to get to them, much to the scowl of a privileged high pony
  44. >Twilight and company clamour up at your sudden appearance
  45. >"Oh! Anonymous! Wonderful to see you here, I wasn't expecting you to show up because of your 'anti-social tendencies'!"
  46. >Yeah, thanks Twilight
  47. "Nah, I couldn't miss a birthday could I? What's with the crowd?"
  48. >"Ugh, Celestia says it's my duty as Princess to hold a royal party in my own honour for the common folk. I liked it better when it was just us 7."
  49. >You can underst--
  50. "7?"
  51. >"Of course! You, me, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, and Spike!"
  52. >Oh right, Spike
  53. >How was that little bastard doing?
  54. >You'd been here in Equestria for just going on 4 years now
  55. >And in all that time, you'd spent most of your days fucking around in your home, getting high with Pinkie and Flutters, or working your arse off with Applejack
  56. >Barely seen much of Spike at all
  57. "Ah right, O.K, well, you're all here at least. I don't see Spike here though."
  58. >"Ah, yeah, he's here! Over there!"
  59. >Twilight points to a large serving table where several ornate looking ponies are handing out food to those that come seeking
  60. >But you see no small, purple dragon
  61. "Nope, maybe a different table?"
  62. >Applejack canters up and turns your head to the opposite end of the unusually long table
  63. >"There he is, sugarcube."
  64. >Oh
  65. >Wow
  66. >Oh, okay
  67. >That's great
  68. >No, no, that's fine!
  69. >Just Spike all grown up is all, not barely up to your knee anymore, but easily 5'3"!
  70. >No, it's great!
  71. >He's fucking adorable, he's all dressed up in a bloody maid's uniform, totally normal!
  72. >No! It's fucking peachy! He's as cute as a fucking button!
  73. >You don't even care, Anonymous!
  74. >You don't even care!
  75. >...
  76. >You care immensely
  77. >It takes you a few moments to process
  78. >Applejack has a shit-eating grin wide on her face, and Twilight's just smiling, as if she doesn't get why Applejack might unhinge her face from how stretched that fucking smile is
  79. >So... yeah
  80. >'Dude, pick up your jaw.'
  81. >Shut up, brain
  82. >This was very strange
  83. >But good strange?
  84. >Spike was amazing, for lack of a better word
  85. >The years had seemingly sought to change him into some kind of femboy marvel
  86. >His face was pointed, his eyes were almond-shaped and wide, with long eyelashes and a thin neck. Curvaceous body, very wide hips, contoured, long and shapely legs. His feet and hands were small and dainty, very... fragile looking
  87. >On the whole, you could swear you were seeing a female dragon
  88. >Bloody hell, the cute bastard was wearing makeup as well
  89. >Eyeliner outlined the shape of his eyes almost perfectly, he'd spent a good half hour in front of a mirror for it you'd bet
  90. >Damn, little dragon
  91. >Rarity appears beside you with a prideful smile
  92. >"Darling, do you like how he looks? I helped him you know."
  93. >Of course. Usually you'd brush off Rarity's boasts of her work, but... this was deserved. She'd very clearly had a hand in helping Spike become... feminine
  94. >"He kept asking me to help him with his makeup, the poor dear. I was only too happy to help. I figured something more in line with his personality would suit for tonight's dress, oh, my Spikey-Wikey's so cute!"
  95. >Ugh, that pet name
  96. >'Hit her later, ogle the androgynous femboy goddess now.'
  97. >Agreed, brain
  98. >You do just that for a few minutes, watching him shyly smile as he passes out plates of rabbit food to passersby, wishing people a nice evening
  99. >Pinkie's turn to shine apparently because she's blocking your view
  100. >"Heeeyyy, Anon! Long time, no see!"
  101. "Hey, Pinkie."
  102. >"What'cha doin'?"
  103. "What does it look like I'm doing, Pinkie?"
  104. >"Standin'."
  105. "Your powers of observation could give Maud a run for her money."
  106. >"Ya think?"
  107. >Bloody hell, Pinks
  108. >"Ya wanna grab something to eat?"
  109. >Actually, that sounds like a nice idea
  110. >And a better idea to go see the purple goddess while you're at it
  111. >...And maybe get a few drinks down your neck
  112. >You be a little cooler under the collar around him that way
  113. >Let it not be said you weren't adverse to attractions in this world
  114. >Stallions and mares popped along on occasion that caught you eye, but those were few and far between
  115. >Right now, Spike was... damn, he was doing something fierce to your body
  116. >You really wanted to just hug him
  117. >In order to get within a half a metre of his personal bubble required you to be sufficiently pissed
  118. >So Ponka took it upon herself to drag you forcefully over to the serving table where Spike was
  119. >Either she knew or... fuck it, of course she knows, mate; it's Pinkie
  120. >You catch yourself before her abrupt halt causes you to fall on your arse
  121. >Woah, hello gorgeous
  122. "Hah. Hey Spike. Uh, long time, no see?"
  123. >Best thing to say, really
  124. >Spike glances up from the dish he's preparing and offers you a timid smile
  125. >"O-oh, hey, Anonymous! Um... would you like something to eat?"
  126. >Fuck you sideways, he sounds like he's swallowed gilded honey
  127. >Lovely voice
  128. >"Ah, yes, please."
  129. >You're nervous, dude, calm down
  130. >"And some cider too."
  131. >"S-sure thing, Anon."
  132. >He sounds rather nervous, poor lil' femdude
  133. >It's getting you down that he looks so... distraught
  134. >And he's sort of staring into the distance
  135. "You feeling alright, Spike?"
  136. >He snaps out of his daydreaming and balks, offering you an apologetic smile and a uneasy face
  137. >"H-ha, s-sorry! I-I'm kind of on edge right now, s-sorry!"
  138. >You wave him off
  139. "Nah, it's fine lil' dude."
  140. >Shit, did you really just say that?
  141. >Well, whatever, he seemed to perk up lightly to the nickname, some red flushing to his cheeks
  142. "So, uh, seriously, what's eating at you?"
  143. >"Oh... well, n-not much, I guess, just... p-personal issues."
  144. >He speaks while filling your platter, eventually handing it to you with a cool mug of apple cider in tow
  145. >"Mainly, just... how I... am?"
  146. >Step back right there
  147. "Why's how you are bad to you?"
  148. >"N-no, no! Well, no, i-it's not, you know? I... I like... you know... this. It's... comfortable, for me..."
  149. >Ah okay, got that, so why the long face on him?
  150. >"It's just... uh, you know, I-I really shouldn't talk about it, y-you know?"
  151. >His sweet, small voice is cracking!
  152. >We're losing him, Captain!
  153. >Mayday! Mayday!
  154. "Why not? I may not see you a whole lot, but know I'm your friend. You can talk to me, same as you could Twilight."
  155. >He still seems pretty unsure, wringing his delicate hands as if contemplating
  156. >"I... well, alright, I s-suppose."
  157. >Score
  158. >Lets help our lil' friend
  159. >Or our name isn't Anon!
  160. "C'mon, tell me what's up? And don't say 'The sky'."
  161. >Awh yeah, got a cute giggle out of him
  162. >"O.K, but, you gotta promise not to tell anyone! N-not even Twilight!"
  163. >Huh, you could do that
  164. "Can I ask why?"
  165. >He idly scratches behind an ear spine
  166. >"I just... I don't want Twi and the others to worry. You know they get super protective..."
  167. "Of course they do, lil' dude. Twi's like... your mum, no?"
  168. >"Well y-yeah, that's why: She'll go super protective parent on me."
  169. "Hm... Sure, I promise, Spike. Would you like to discuss it elsewhere?"
  170. >His shy smile almost turns to a happy grin, his emerald eyes are brighter than they were, he nods
  171. >You two both move from the serving table, walking into one of the many adjacent hallways connected to the Ballroom, Spike sighs
  172. >"Uh... Where to start... Uh, w-well, you know I still live with Twi in Ponyville, right?"
  173. "That's a given. Number one helper if I recall."
  174. >"Heh, r-right. So anyway, when I started... this--"
  175. >He gestures to himself and his dress style
  176. >"--T-there were, y-you know, some ponies that...didn't like it..."
  177. >Oh
  178. >Well now
  179. >"A-and... they... they hurt me, Anon..."
  180. >Oh shit, he's starting to tear up
  181. >You gently 'Shhh' him
  182. "It's cool, Spike, chill, they're not here are they? They aint gonna hurt you again."
  183. >He manages to recompose himself, taking in a few lungfuls of air and stopping the tears from falling
  184. >"I-I'm sorry... It's... it was painful..."
  185. "Honestly, it's fine. Take your time."
  186. >"Y-yeah... Thanks."
  187. >He takes a deep breath, continuing
  188. >"B-but they didn't stop with a few p-punches... It... it escalated."
  189. >"T-they started following me instead of waiting for me outside places I frequented..."
  190. >"A-and... a few shoves and punches... it turned into f-full on beatings..."
  191. >The tears were going free now
  192. >It's not fun to watch him sink to his knees
  193. >It is adorable however, in a heart-breaking sort of way, that he's gone down on his knees Bridget style
  194. >You crouch down beside him and hesitantly pull him into a hug
  195. >You'd love to hug him if you were pissed, but you aint, and you're not really a cosy kind of person that dishes out hugs on a regular basis
  196. "Hey, hey, c'mon lil' dude, don't cry now."
  197. >You're bad at the whole comforting thing, so you kind of just have to sit there until he stops
  198. >He does stop finally
  199. >But your legs are cramped from crouching down for too long
  200. >He wipes his eyes on the uniform he wears and gives you a shaky smile
  201. >"Sorry... I-it's not nice to think back on it..."
  202. "It's alright. Wouldn't be a good mate if I weren't there to help. I'm sorry too, I haven't exactly been here much, have I?"
  203. >"Y-you've had your own things to do, Twilight said so."
  204. "Ha, right. I've been shut in my home for ages. It only took me a year or so with AJ's help to build it, so I could of been around. I just chose not to be."
  205. >"O-oh..."
  206. "Yeah."
  207. >He stares at the ground
  208. >After a time, he looks at you, a warm smile coming to his lips
  209. >"Well, you're here now."
  210. "True."
  211. >"W-would you... be there for me?"
  212. >Huh?
  213. >Oh, for the ponies hating on him?
  214. "In case they show up again?"
  215. >Y-yeah. After the... f-first attack, t-they backed off, the second... they almost broke something... t-they haven't looked for me again yet."
  216. "But you think they will?"
  217. >He gazes at you, scared
  218. >"No... I know they will."
  219. >One things nagging at you.
  220. "How have you managed to hide this from Twilight or the others?"
  221. >"Ah, w-well... I explore the castle on a regular basis between working, and I always tell Twilight my bruises come from falling over things or, slipping on ladders."
  222. >"Dragons are resilient creatures, Anon. I'm pretty certain my scales could deflect a s-spear at this point of my growth."
  223. >Silly Twilight
  224. >She was the smartest mare you knew, yet she wasn't smart enough to see trouble in front of her own eyes
  225. >You sigh
  226. >It's not right
  227. >Spike doesn't deserve this shit, he's done a lot for Ponyville, The Crystal Empire as well
  228. "I'll be there for you, Spike, you have my promise on that."
  229. >He shyly embraces you
  230. >"Thank-you..."
  231. >Oh gee, heart pumping like mad
  232. >Damn pretty boy
  233. >He seems to sense your discomfort and releases you
  234. "C'mon, lets get back in there before they wonder where you are."
  235. >"S-sure, Anon."
  236. >He takes the lead, walking ahead of you
  237. >Goddamn, your eyes cannot look away from his arse, it's an applebum, bouncing softly with each step he takes
  238. >Left, right, up and down, left, right, up and down
  239. >His steps are so precise as well
  240. >Just... Unf
  241. >The rest of the evening is rather fun
  242. >Pinkie went out into the gardens with Shy and smoked up, you got in on that
  243. >The party pony was always happy to share a joint
  244. >Twilight didn't approve of Pinkie's habit, but she didn't stop it, she was even less happy to know you joined in
  245. >There had been alcohol, dancing, food, and more alcohol. Bad karaoke courtesy of Pinkie herself, which ended with gales of laughter
  246. >You knew Pinkie could sing well, just... not drunk
  247. >Hell, Spike even had a few ciders once he'd calmed down, you only reckon he drank because you were
  248. >At least he was happier
  249. >Watching him waltz with Fluttershy around in his maid uniform was so unbelievably... hot
  250. >It was odd, that of all ponies (Dragons, in this case), to catch your eye, it was him
  251. >He had a certain, clumsy, cute grace to his mannerisms
  252. >It was different. And that was nice.
  253. >He was a mix of things
  254. >And it seemingly ticked all your boxes
  255. >For the longest time, you'd doted on AJ, and... well, you'd both had your fun, but that was a brief thing between friends
  256. >What you were feeling as you glanced at Spike was... well, a crush? You'd believe so, his looks were making your brain do flips
  257. >You always did regret staying away from your friends, and now seeing Spike like he is makes you regret it more
  258. >Where would you be if you'd stayed around them all more often?
  259. >Well, at least you were here now, like he said
  260. >You didn't intend to leave either
  261. >You decide you'll join in with the dancing, why not?
  262. >Go on up to the dancefloor
  263. >Of course, you can't actually dance, you really just sway
  264. >But that works, it's what most other ponies are doing, in time to the beat of music
  265. >Oh hey, you know this song
  266. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89AyEP4Ao00
  267. >Nice beat to sway to
  268. >Spike looks to be enjoying it
  269. >You stumble over your own feet, moving toward him before you think
  270. >Yeah, you've had more than a few
  271. >Thinking catches up with you
  272. >'DANCE, MATE!'
  273. >Damn, that sounds like a good idea
  274. >'SLAP HIS ARSE, MATE!'
  275. >Yea-- wait, no, th' hell, brain?
  277. >You can get behind that
  278. >Maybe get behind something els--
  279. >Bad thoughts, Anon, banish them to the vault
  280. >You swagger on over to where the purple goddess does some weird dance that utilises his whole body in a rhythm
  281. >It goes really well to the music
  282. >He notices you and takes your hand with a laugh
  283. >His face is flushed, he's... very tipsy
  284. >Fluttershy giggles knowingly, backing off to go and speak to Rainbow all of a sudden
  285. >He pulls you towards him, and you grab his waist to stop yourself from falling
  286. >Celestia on high, these hips don't lie
  287. >He's giggling in your ear as he sways about in his little dance
  288. >You're fumbling about holding his hand as he does this, so you attempt to join in, probably looking a right twat in the process
  289. >You spin him, making him do a pirouette
  290. >He kicks his leg up when he comes about to face you again
  291. >Damn
  292. >You could of happily stayed like that and danced with him until you both fell asleep
  293. >Alas, all good things must end
  294. >The music dies down and Twilight magically empowers her voice to let everyone know the party will end soon
  295. >All in all, everyone has had fun tonight
  296. >You especially
  297. >After the nobles and such have taken their leave, and the actual maids have come out to clean, it stands just you 8 in the largely empty room now
  298. >Twilight trots over to where you decided it would be a nice place to lie down
  299. >Hey, the floor is marble. It's cold, cold is good right now
  300. >Her magic picks you up as if you were a stick
  301. >Drunken you finds this extremely amusing, making you burst into laughter. Of course, Pinkie joins in even though she hasn't the foggiest idea why you're laughing
  302. >Twilight smiles
  303. >"Looks like you had a good time tonight, Anonymous."
  304. "Yeah..."
  305. >"I don't think you're good to go home though."
  306. "No...?"
  307. >"You're drunk, I think you drank more than Applejack did..."
  308. >The applebutt in question cheers at the mention of her name
  309. >"Yee-haww! Ah'm good a' th' drinkin'! Great fun wer' had t'nigh'!"
  310. >Rainbow's attempting to drag her away
  311. >"C'mon, AJ, lets go back to our room."
  312. >You laugh at the couple
  313. "Naahh, she's so gone, mate!"
  314. >Twilight simply nods
  315. >"Exactly, and you're drunker than she is."
  316. "Yeah! I'm drunk! You don' haven'excuse!"
  317. >"Come on, let's get you settled. Goodnight everypony!"
  318. >She wishes everyone a farewell and they make their departures
  319. >You're content to float through the castle until Twilight decides to deposit you into a rather spacious room with a roomy double bed
  320. >"238 rooms in this castle, it's unreal. This one's closest to the bathroom in case you need to, um, empty your stomach."
  321. "Hah, thanks Twily. Yer a pal."
  322. >"I'd hope so. Have a pleasant night, Anonymous."
  323. >You waste no time in falling into the duvet, snuggling into the warmth and comfiness. You laugh at the antics of tonight, promptly falling asleep
  324. >Your last thoughts are of Spike
  325. >And your dreams are filled with him
  326. >Come morning, your morning wood makes itself known
  327. >Your head is still fuzzy, but you remember last night easily, for which you're glad
  328. >You decide to 'take care' of your morning wood in the shower while you wash off the sweat and grime from the night previous
  329. >You emerge from the bathroom the epitome of cleanliness
  330. >You sniff at your suit, shrug, and don it regardless
  331. >It wasn't too bad, it'd suffice until you got home
  332. >But first, to the kitchens!
  333. >You required foodnoms
  334. >And you'd have it, or you'd die tryi-- Er, be quite peeved
  335. >You explore until you actually succeed in finding the kitchens, and that takes a good long time
  336. >You a door open and amazing smells assault your nostrils
  337. >Gonna have yourself a nice full english
  338. >Oh wait, no you're not, these buggers don't eat much meat
  339. >Have to go to special Griffon-run restaurants for that
  340. >Meh, rabbit food it is
  341. >Your stomach grumbles as it was only full of party food and alcohol last night, so you mosey on over to a table and sit down
  342. >This kind of on-order kitchen-lunchroom is awesome
  343. >Perks of being a Princess in a castle you guess, plus staff needing food all the time
  344. >A waitress steps up with a smile
  345. >"What would you like today, sir?"
  346. >You scan the menu she offers you briefly
  347. "I'll just take the bread rolls with butter, and balsamic vinegar. A dozen vegetable samosas as well."
  348. >"Of course, sir, right away!"
  349. >A dozen because they're so damn small
  350. >Plus, you fucking love samosas
  351. >You're waiting a good 10 minutes but your order is brought out piping hot
  352. >You stop before taking a bite of a roll, noticing The Goddess entering the serving room
  353. >Damn, Spike
  354. >He's hotter than yesterday
  355. >You could probably cook an egg on him
  356. >The maid uniform was cute, but what he wore now?
  357. >Tight black tee, snugly form fit to his upper body, showing off his feminine figure
  358. >Just-as-tight skinny jeans, but damn, he must of needed Rarity to make them custom, because they fit perfectly on his curvy hips all the way down his long legs to his petite lil' clawed feet
  359. >He didn't notice you at first, so when he turned, you saw a full view of the fabled applebutt
  360. >And in those jeans, just, UNF
  361. >Such a nice arse
  362. >You could bounce a bit off those cheeks
  363. >You'd rather do something else to-- No. Bad Anon, cease. To the vault with you!
  364. >Wave at him, he sees, shyly waving back
  365. >He slowly walks over
  366. >"Good morning, Anon."
  367. "Morning, Spike. What's up."
  368. >"The sky?"
  369. >Fucking adorable wanker
  370. >He laughs gently at the joke, you humour him and smile, he takes a seat opposite you
  371. >"A-are you feeling alright, today?"
  372. "I'm peachy. But seriously, the question stands; what's up? You doing O.K after last night?"
  373. >He shifts about in his seat
  374. >"Y-yeah, I guess. It felt good to get that off my chest, y-you know?"
  375. "I understand. At the end of the day, we've all had bullies. Of course, these guys are beyond that."
  376. >He looks downward again, glancing at his cute feet
  377. >"I saw them this morning. Outside the castle."
  378. >You glance at a clock on the wall, 11:42. Huh, late riser, you are
  379. >"I was going to head into Ponyville and see Pinkie, but... t-they were hanging around the local pond into town..."
  380. >"I got scared in case they saw me, y-you know? S-so I came back here."
  381. >Darn, femdude can't even get out the castle
  382. >You'll put that right
  383. >You gotta stick up for your friends
  384. >Perhaps confronting these guys might be a move to consider
  385. "So... how many were there?"
  386. >"Oh... j-just 3..."
  387. >3 ponies picking on 1 innocent little dragon
  388. >Rather unfair
  389. "Are they all Stallions?"
  390. >"Y-yeah... One of them, he was really s-strong."
  391. >Could it be that guy that hangs out with Fluttershy? It couldn't be, could it?
  392. >Bulk was a pretty cool guy, and friendly
  393. >Then again, he was somewhat... simple minded. It stood to reason he might also be quite narrow minded as well
  394. >You're getting on this very soon
  395. >The same waitress comes over again and asks what Spike would like to eat
  396. >He asks for a deluxe salad with everything
  397. >He likes his rabbit food, apparently
  398. >You sit in polite silence until she leaves to help another pony
  399. >Spike brings up conversation about something other than the stallions, like new clothes that Rarity's been making
  400. >Of course he follows Rarity for clothing
  401. >You laugh good-naturedly
  402. >A brief flush rises to his face
  403. >"H-hey, clothes are a good interest!"
  404. >You raise your hands in surrender
  405. "I wasn't judging! Just find it rather fitting of your person."
  406. >He nods
  407. "I suppose you like following hairdresser tips as well from those magazines that are about."
  408. >"...They have some good techniques for softening your spines and stuff..."
  409. >You can't help but grin, breaking into chuckles
  410. >"A-at least I'm with the trends!"
  411. >Oh no, what a low blow
  412. >You laugh harder
  413. "Ohh... Spike, you're adorable."
  414. >He seems taken back by the comment
  415. >It was meant as a compliment
  416. >He seems to take it as such however, blushing crimson
  417. >"...I-I, s-shut-up..."
  418. >Oh wow, he's not a taker of the compliment
  419. >You're gonna have fun with this
  420. >The waitress places Spikes food in front of him and goes off
  421. >Spike digs in, in the most feminine way you've ever seen someone eat
  422. >A few pieces on the fork, gentle bites, soft chews
  423. >Is there anything he does that isn't graceful?
  424. >You remember him being very clumsy as a small dragon
  425. >Maybe it's an age thing
  426. >Either way, he's... perfect, really
  427. >'Mate, you're so gay for him.'
  428. >Shut up, brain
  429. >He /was/ perfect, for you anyway
  430. >But hey, you had no clue if he was gay, or bi, or what
  431. >For all you knew he liked mares and was just like this because he hung around Rarity so much
  432. >That was actually something you'd like to talk to Twilight about
  433. >It wasn't bad, far from it, but it was making you curious
  434. >Meh, it can wait
  435. >Oh damn, he's finished already
  436. >Appetite of a dragon
  437. >To be fair, the meal would of been gone in the blink of an eye if it'd been gems
  438. >Another thing for the list; get Spike some fuck-off great big gems
  439. >To action!
  440. "Right, well this has been rather lovely, Spike, but I gotta get home."
  441. >His expression turns from content to surprised
  442. >"Oh, really? I-I was hoping we could m-maybe hang out?
  443. "Some other time, promise."
  444. >He seems like he's going to say something, but instead he nods
  445. >"H-have fun."
  446. >You leave feeling like an arse, but you want to get to the bottom--
  447. >'Yeah you do!'
  448. >Shut up, brain!
  449. >--Of this situation Spike is in
  450. >And you will, right fucking now
  451. >If those guys are still there at the pond
  452. >It takes you only minutes to get to the front of the castle thanks to the guards directing you
  453. >You're bringing a ball of string next time though, bloody hell
  454. >Alright, pond now, home after
  455. >You stride determinedly, you're on a mission
  456. >You hear a few ponies calling your name, but you aint got time for them yet
  457. >The pond is up ahead
  458. >But no big stallions to be seen yet
  459. >As you walk, you begin to wonder if they've buggered off
  460. >'They've scarpered they have!'
  461. >Possibly
  462. >But no, you'd be a lucky one
  463. >There's 3 Stallions throwing rocks into the pond
  464. >One has a pipe in his mouth, and looks like Steve Buscemi on heroin, if he were a pony
  465. >Another is a fairly normal looking pony, although he's quite macho, short clippered mane and tail
  466. >But the last one, damn
  467. >It's not Bulk Biceps, but it could be his estranged cousin or some shit
  468. >This stallion is muscled to fuck, but instead of a weird grin and white coat, he's got a mean stare and he's dark grey
  469. >These gotta be the cunts hurtin' on Spike
  470. >Welp, time to play
  471. "Hey, excuse me mates! You got a light?"
  472. >You have no pipe to smoke, but they don't need to know that
  473. >The gangly Tim-Burton pony with the pipe perks up
  474. >"I got a light, if you're needing."
  475. >Infiltration complete
  476. >You're the goddamn batman, in a suit
  477. >You pace over to them cautiously, the one who looks like a Jarhead in bootcamp seems wary of you
  478. >"You... you're that Anonymous guy. Friend of th' princess an' that right?"
  479. "I guess you could say that."
  480. >Hm, where can you take this? You do take a match or two from Buscemi though, grabbing some random shit from your pocket in the hopes it looks smokable
  481. >Oh fuck, score, a bloody joint of all things
  482. >Welp, if you're gonna talk, may as well do it high!
  483. >Thankyou based Ponka you beautiful mare
  484. >You light up, throwing the spent matches
  485. >Grey Hulk eyes you like a piece of meat
  486. >Scout_This_Does_Not_Look_Good.avi
  487. "But yeah, I know the Princess. Four, actually."
  488. >Jarhead grins
  489. >"Yeah dude, what about that Empire chick, huh? I'd nail her so hard! Bend the bitch over and rut her good!"
  490. >Oh if Shining Armour head this guy
  492. >You nod, smiling
  493. "Eh... so, you guys know of fun shit to do around here?"
  494. >You haven't seen these guys before, so likely they don't know you've been here for years
  495. >Buscemi speaks up again
  496. >"Oh, sure, plenty of fuck all. This town's only good for the cider 'cos of that farm down the way. Other n' that it sucks hard."
  497. >Jarhead chips in
  498. >"Oh man, so true. It's like... there's nothing! Man, I wish that prissy faggot would show up again, I need to hurt something."
  499. >Bingo, these are your guys
  500. >Low-life cunts
  501. >Hm. Well, you're playing the game, lets put on the game face
  502. "Prissy faggot? What you on about?"
  503. >Grey Hulk's been very silent
  504. >That unnerves you
  505. >He's still looking at you like you're dinner, more so now you asked that
  506. >Jarhead continues, oblivious to you motive
  507. >"Just some queer-sexual weirdo, guy dressed like a girl and expects to be treated normally, pft. Maybe he decided normal clothes were good after Brawn near on broke his arm!"
  508. >Ah, so Grey Hulk has a name
  509. >He didn't seem pleased for you to know that though
  510. >He glares daggers at Jarhead, who visibly recoils
  511. "Ha, well, I can understand. Thanks for the light, mates, I'll see you around."
  512. >You get the fuck outta there before Brawn can bury you
  513. >Goddamn, you were sweating bullets
  514. >Good thing you got an excellent poker face
  515. >And hey, information, plus a lit joint
  516. >You were motherfuckin' Garret
  517. >Taking a shortcut, you head on back to your place
  518. >Home, sweet home
  519. >You shut the door once you get inside, and lock it, just to be safe
  520. >You jump out your fucking skin when you turn around
  521. >Suddenly Twilight
  522. >Very annoying
  523. >But... hey, your to do list is pleased
  524. >"Hello, Anonymous. Sorry to intrude without you being here. The door was unlocked, and I couldn't find you in the castle."
  525. "Fair doose. What'cha here for?"
  526. >She meets your eyes
  527. >"I'm concerned, Anonymous. Spike's been acting so reclusive recently, and he was limping up until a while ago."
  528. >Huh, you didn't notice a limp, maybe he recovered before you saw him
  529. >"He says he falls over a lot, but I don't buy it. But, he just refuses to talk to me. I'm worried."
  530. >Shit, and here you thought she was totally blind to Spikes problems
  531. >But also; shit, you promised Spike you wouldn't tell
  532. >...
  533. >Fuck it, he can be mad at you later, you're gonna help him
  534. "Yeah, about that: He's uh, been having some trouble lately."
  535. >"Like what?"
  536. "Well, there's a few ponies that, er... don't like him."
  537. >"Oh no... he was limping, Anonymous! You don't think that--"
  538. "Yeah, it's what you think."
  539. >She looks almost horrified
  540. >"T-this is awful! Why would anypony hurt him?!"
  541. "Woah, calm down. Chill. Spike didn't want me telling anyone, don't go rushing all mother hen to him."
  542. >"And why not? Why did he come to you and not to me?!"
  543. "Because you're doing this; freaking out."
  544. >"I AM NOT-- *Ahem*, I am /not/ freaking out."
  545. "Sure. Calm down, take a breath. This needs to be dealt with discreetly."
  546. >"Discreetly? I-- yes. Yes. Fine."
  547. "Alright, good. I know who the guys are. One of them confirmed it when I met them."
  548. >"You met them?! They're all stallions?"
  549. "Yeah, I'm awesome. Spike also said as much."
  550. >She smiles, but it's not happy
  551. >"I'm... hurt, that he didn't think he could rely on me. I would of gone 'mother hen' I suppose, but it would of gotten sorted out immediately."
  552. "Eh... somehow I think you'd sing a song of friendship and try to appease to the bad guys."
  553. "And if that failed, boom, turn them to stone."
  554. >"I would not!"
  555. "Discord? Elements. Trixie? Sang a song of peace and tricked her. Tirek? Super Saiyan Elemented him."
  556. "I highly doubt such tactics can be applied here."
  557. >"I have the law."
  558. "True, I was about to ask that we go down that path. It's convenient and saves me grabbing a heavy inanimate object to beat some cunts up."
  559. >She frowns at your language
  560. >"Anonymous, you wouldn't really do that would you?"
  561. "Depends how pissed off I was. and how pissed I was."
  562. >"Stop swearing!"
  563. >'You cheeky lil' bitc--'
  564. "Fine."
  565. >"Alright, you know where they are?"
  566. "Yes. Well, I did; they might of left the pond by now."
  567. >"Good, okay. Names? Appearance?"
  568. >Awesome, now we're gettin' somewhere
  569. "Well, one of them looked like Stev-- Ah, sorry, erm, one of them was small, skinny, quite pale, kind of malnourished looking."
  570. "The other two were quite bulky, one with a clipped mane and tail, also a white coat. The other was considerably more bulky and dark grey."
  571. "The big grey one was called 'Brawn' or something like it."
  572. >Twilight recoils at the name
  573. >"Oh, oh dear. Big Brawn?"
  574. "Big Brawn? Yeah, that's probably it, one of the others mentioned him as Brawn."
  575. >"This is bad, Anonymous. Really bad!"
  576. "Uh... why?"
  577. >Big arsehole is a problem apparently
  578. >Twilight settles on her haunches, looking like she's in concentration
  579. >"He's a known thorn in the Princesses sides, uh, well, mine too considering. He's been arrested before for assault against mares."
  580. >Shit, not good
  581. "So he's likely not to care about another sentence I guess?"
  582. >"Well at most, assault is a rare occurrence, what with Celestia keeping Equestria peaceful for hundreds of years."
  583. >"And the laws are... laxer than they were."
  584. "What? Even for assault?"
  585. >"Yes. A few months at best, with rehabilitation and anger management."
  586. "That's bullshit."
  587. >"Language!"
  588. "Sorry, but it is."
  589. >"I... I know, I've read all there is on law and order within Equestrian borders and it's counties. Within the region of Canterlot, especially. Back when I was studying under Celestia."
  590. >"In any case, the longest sentence would be about 10 months, if that. Plus extended rehab and anger management."
  591. >Godammit, you need to help Spike
  592. "Well, he's a known offender, I can tie his mates to him, Spike can identify him, he's got the bruises to prove it most likely, I haven't seen any, but I'm sure he's got them."
  593. >"I thought you said you wanted this discreet?"
  594. "I do."
  595. >"Then let me handle this. It won't be that easy, but I promise I will sort this out, Anonymous. I know you care for Spike just as much as I do, in your own way."
  596. >Damn straight
  597. "Look... just, keep Spike out the loop. I'll stick around him, make note of if they come around again. They'll back off if he's not alone."
  598. >"O.K, good. I'll speak with Luna soon."
  599. "Luna? Not Celestia?"
  600. >"Luna's more... well, lets say Celestia is the peaceful one."
  601. "Ah. Gotcha."
  602. >"Well, thank-you for your time, Anonymous."
  603. "No problem, seeya la-- Oh! Wait!"
  604. >She stops leaving, turning her head, and then herself, about to face you
  605. >"Yes?"
  606. "I was going to ask questions about Spike, actually."
  607. >She instantly goes cheerful, egghead mode kicks in
  608. >"What do you want to know?"
  609. "Mainly, I'm curious as to why he's so... you know... feminine."
  610. >"Ah, well that can be explained easily. You see, when a dragon reaches a peak of their maturity cycle, like as within ponies--"
  611. "Twi, short, dumbed down version, please."
  612. >"Sorry. Um, basically? Spike being around so many mares and so few stallions affected his growth cycle, most likely."
  613. "Most likely?"
  614. >"Ponies have yet to breach certain fields of research. All we know of dragons has been documented by Celestia and myself."
  615. >"Beyond usual documentations from other scientists brave enough to get near dragons, of course. It's hard to get to their true homeland, which lies beyond Equestria. But in terms of their anatomy, how things work with their brains and bodies, a lot of it is theory. Celestia documented what she could from Spike when he was tiny, and when I grew old enough I started to take over. And from what I know of dragons, that's the most likely explanation."
  616. >"They hoard, we've all had evidence of that, but with a lot of dragons, it's their life. So I'd believe his growth has been affected because of course, he's grown in a stable, sure environment, instead of the wild. Dragons mature to their surroundings, from what's been seen by myself and other scientists. So it's not impossible to believe that instead of being surrounded by brutish male or female dragons, which would harden him, he's surrounded by friendly, caring ponies, mostly female, which has likely 'softened' him, as such."
  617. >Awesomely insightful
  618. "Thanks for the info. Is he staying like it?"
  619. >"From what I can gather of how dragons grow up? No doubt. Once they hit their peak in maturing, they change to suit the habitat they're in for good. It's a specific magic dragons have, I don't fully understand it so all I could do is speculate. He will possibly continue to grow, but only as needed by his surroundings."
  620. >So, even more feminine Spike, come the future
  621. "Thank-you."
  622. >"Not a problem. I'll keep you informed."
  623. >Now that's been cleared for the time being, you to-do list beckons the final task you've noted
  624. >Get Spike those gems
  625. >A stop to Rarity's should suffice, if she has any to spare
  626. >If not... well, she'd know where to get some
  627. >You get changed first though, swapping your soiled suit for a fresh one
  628. >You head out after and lock the door behind you this time
  629. >Today it was Twilight, tomorrow it could be a thief
  630. >It's a pleasant walk into Ponyville at least, you saw Fluttershy playing with some rabbits
  631. >Angel looked pissed off as usual
  632. >Rainbow Dash buggered about with the Clouds as you walked, she called out to you and you both shouted a conversation to one another
  633. >Before you know it, Carousel Boutique
  634. >You enter the building with a smile
  635. >Rarity was fiercely protective of her gems, even if she was generous, plus she was usually only generous if it benefited her in the long run
  636. >Giving you gems wouldn't do that, really
  637. >So you needed to make nice
  638. "Rarity! Is the lady in?"
  639. >"Oh darling! Hello, good afternoon~!"
  640. >Yep, she's in
  641. >"Are you wanting for something? Perhaps you'll let me fix you a new suit, hm? Something other than black, maybe a nice salmon-pink, or baby blue..."
  642. "Heh, er, no thanks, I like my suits the way they are. I was actually wondering if you had any spare gems."
  643. >"My, my, right to the point, are we? Hm, well I do apologise, Anonymous, but my stocks are dwindling."
  644. >Course they are
  645. "They'd be for Spike. Not me, don't eat gems. Terrible indigestion."
  646. >"Aha, very good. But I'm afraid I still have no gems to spare for my Spikey-Wikey. I need the last of what I have to ornament my summer line, and even then I don't believe I'll manage. I'll need to find more."
  647. >Alright, plan B
  648. "How about we go hunt now?"
  649. >"What? Now?"
  650. >Well I did just say that, yes, silly mare
  651. >She idly taps a hoof to her chin
  652. >"Hm... I suppose. It would set me straight for a few weeks to gather a new load of gemstones before the rain comes in."
  653. >"Oh, alright. Allow me to grab some warm clothing and we'll be off."
  654. >It benefited her, so she does it
  655. >Ugh, at least Spike's gonna eat well tonight
  656. >Thankfully she doesn't take 10 years to get ready
  657. >You both set out to the outskirts of Ponyville where the mountain range begins
  658. >"Usually I'll just pay somepony to bring in a few carts at a time, getting them myself can be so tiring. But at least this way I have you to help me carry more back."
  659. "True. I'm keeping the biggest ones we find though, for Spike."
  660. >"Hmph! I'll allow you 2 of the biggest, for him."
  661. "10."
  662. >"2."
  663. "/10./"
  664. >"Hm, 5."
  665. "...7."
  666. >"...Hm... agreed. Mother always said a good compromise usually leaves both parties pleased but annoyed."
  667. "I'm annoyed you're not living up to your element."
  668. >"Harsh, darling. A bearer of the element I am no longer, you might recall."
  669. "Whatever, lets find these gems."
  670. >"I've already found a cache, a few feet under us to our left."
  671. >As she says this, her magic scoops earth from the ground and deposits it
  672. >DOSH_HERE_LADS.mp4
  673. >In truth, it's not a lot
  674. >A small amount, but still gems
  675. >Rarity magics a bloody massive great big cart outta fucking nowhere
  676. >Fucking magic, man
  677. >"I would like to fill this."
  678. >Yeah, you're hoping, mate!
  679. "Well, if I'm helping you carry, at least give me a box to fill."
  680. >She magics you a decently sized holder that you can carry
  681. >"There, darling. It will grow quite heavy as you're going to carry the large, delicate ones. I know you like the big ones."
  682. >Cheeky
  683. >"The large cart is for all the smaller gems. More fit that way."
  684. >Makes sense
  685. >Your search for treasure goes into the hours, and bears fruit
  686. >Well, gemstones
  687. >Your holder is laden with gems from the size of your fist, to gems that are as big as an ostrich egg
  688. >Needless to say, it's quite fucking heavy
  689. >But you're managing, just
  690. >Rarity took a few of the larger ones into her own cart which was almost full to the brim
  691. "Thanks."
  692. >Pleased with your payload, Rarity heads back for home
  693. >When all is said and done, Rarity smiles as she hands you a heavy bag with numerous small gemstones and... 12 of the large ones
  694. "Hm, thank-you, a generous lady after all."
  695. >"You're welcome. You helped, so I should at least give you something for it."
  696. >Top cunt isn't so bad, insufferable dramatic bitch she may be, but at last she has a soft spot for friends
  697. >Next stop; The Purple Goddess
  698. >Gonna cheer a femdude up
  699. >You're in a very good mood now
  700. >Obviously there is the small dark cloud hanging over you
  701. >Spikes harassment
  702. >But it was getting smaller by the minute
  703. >It would be under the rug soon and he'd be safe
  704. >With that in mind; good mood
  705. >And then Pinkie drops by
  706. >You almost immediately hug her
  707. "What's up, Pinkie?"
  708. >She beams
  709. >"Nuttin', just wondering; who're the gems for, Anooon~?"
  710. >She gives you a sly stare
  711. >She knows
  712. >When does she not know anything?
  713. >You voice this
  714. "I do believe you know exactly who they're for."
  715. >She blows a raspberry in a rather cute fashion and boops your nose
  716. >"I know, yeah. But you know nothing~."
  717. >Erm, okay?
  718. >You laugh as she begins to giggle
  719. >"I think it's nice you're such bestie best friends with Spike."
  720. >Yeah, that is nice
  721. "I agree. Now, go on, you've got a store to attend to, no?"
  722. >She levels a coy grin
  723. >"You know nothiiiing~."
  724. "Oh, so, break time?"
  725. >"Nooothing~."
  726. "Day off?"
  727. >"There you go! Got there in the end, Jon Snow!"
  728. >She bounds off in her cute-weird hops before you come to realise what the hell she just did
  729. >Fucking Ponka
  730. >You continue on your current mission
  731. >That would be a delivery to your-- Er, /The/ Purple One
  732. >We Fallout now
  733. >You the motherfuckin' Courier
  734. >Strut past the guards
  735. >Nothing's gettin' you down
  736. >...
  737. >Except for the beautiful dragon that's running at you, crying
  738. >Shit, what's upset--
  739. >"YOU TOLD! YOU TOLD!!?"
  740. >Fuckdammit, Twilight
  741. >You now have to deal with femboy uselessly beating his fists against your chest
  742. >It's so adorable, you just want to hug him
  743. >That might upset him more, actually
  744. >"You promised me, Anon!"
  745. >You place your spare hand on his shoulder
  746. "I know. And I'm sorry for that. But it needed to be sorted."
  747. >"I-I know you care for me, but of all the ponies to tell?!"
  748. "She came to me, she wasn't buying your excuses."
  749. >"I j-just... ugghhhh... Anon..."
  750. "I really am sorry, alright? I just don't want to see you hurt, you're my close friend. I haven't seen what marks were left the last time they rounded on you, but you can be damn sure if I had I would of set off in a blind rage."
  751. "It was a pre-emptive strike so as it won't happen again. Your well-being and safety concerns me, Twilight, all of your friends and family. We do not want to see you broken and bleeding because you chose to live your own lifestyle and be who you are."
  752. >He seems like the anger is sapped and he's given up being mad
  753. >"I..."
  754. >He lowers his head and sighs
  755. >"Yeah, I-I guess keeping this a secret w-wasn't a good move."
  756. "Well the important thing is it's been brought to light."
  757. >"I don't feel I can trust you now, yet I also do. It's confusing."
  758. "Let me put it simply: Secrets that endanger your life? Shouldn't be secret, lil' dude."
  759. >He smirks slightly at the nickname
  760. "Anything else though? I'm your man."
  761. >He giggles, a light blush colouring his face
  762. >He makes a sort of cross between a gasp and a squeak when you pull him into a tight hug against your chest
  763. >He fits so well into your arms
  764. "I want you to be safe."
  765. >You meant it, obviously
  766. >You really did care for him
  767. >And this hug was bliss, he was sort of shocked, but returned it in due haste
  768. >Such an adorable bastard
  769. >"You know, good chance I will be now; considering Twilight told me I can't leave the castle for a few days as she's 'sorting things out'."
  770. >Oh, well that sucked
  771. >'Hm, maybe he has somethi--'
  772. >Do not even try, brain
  773. "I did bring a gift. I suppose it's more a peace offering now."
  774. >That alerts him, hell, his tail lashed about there
  775. >"W-what is it?"
  776. >He gazes up at you, you look down at him
  777. >HNNG, so...
  778. >Cute? Adorable?
  779. >No, dude, that's... sexy
  780. >Damn, you're crushing on him so bad
  781. "Heh, er, I got you gems."
  782. >Spike's head darts to the bag
  783. >His tail is going nuts
  784. >But he doesn't take them
  785. "Dude, they're yours, have them."
  786. >/Then/ he takes them, gently
  787. >Grace of a fucking ninja
  788. >He peers his snout into the bag
  789. >"Huah! Ooohhh, so many rubies, they're the tastiest ones!"
  790. >Make a mental note of that, Anon
  791. >"Ohhh, thank-you so much!"
  792. >You are practically glomped
  793. >And he's giggling like a schoolgirl
  794. >UNF
  795. >And you're speechless when he pecks you lightly on the cheek, you'd swear it didn't happen
  796. >But it did
  798. >He doesn't notice your blush thank god, he's too busy nomming on a rather sizeable ruby
  799. >This dragon
  800. >This fucking dragon right here
  801. >He does not know what he does to you
  802. >Your heart can't take his mixed cute-sexy
  803. "Hah... c'mon, let's get inside, huh?"
  804. >He nods happily
  805. >Wow... so that happened
  806. >Your thoughts turn... l-lewd senpai!
  807. >VAULT. NOW
  808. >But you do wonder, how could you go about planting a kiss on his cheek?
  809. >'Which chee--'
  811. >Damn, you're overloaded
  812. >Anon.exe has encountered an error and needs to close
  813. >Reboot
  814. >...
  815. >...
  816. >...And we're back
  817. "I'm glad you like the gems."
  818. >Spike nods enthusiastically
  819. >"It's so thoughtful of you! I haven't had gems in awhile. My dream have been full of rubies!"
  820. >Your dreams have been full of him...
  821. >Damn, you're sappy
  822. >But it's true
  823. >As your morning wood tells you, each morning
  824. "You're very welcome... H-hey, as you're penned up for a few days, what will you do to pass the time?"
  825. >He shrugs
  826. >"The usual, I guess. Clean and sort and be an awesome assistant."
  827. "But that's boring."
  828. >"Well, leaving the castle or not, I still have the job to do."
  829. >Oh right, he gets paid now for his work
  830. "I see."
  831. >"Just means you have to spend time with me in place of the time I'd usually go out. Considering you got me into this mess."
  832. >Well look at you, lil' dragon, being all cheeky when you've got your gems
  833. >Did they boost confidence or some shit?
  834. >He was looking way more... dragony?
  835. >He was happy, talking, and not so shy toward you
  836. >You assume it's the gems
  837. >The rest of the evening passes by very quickly, Spike made you make good on keeping him company
  838. >It's fun, spending time in the company of somepon-- dragon, that you like
  839. >You've been gaming on a MareBox
  840. >It was Luna's
  841. >You know she'd be rather peeved to discover you'd borrowed it
  842. >Spike's confidence is why you have it though
  843. >He wanted to play on it, and made you--
  844. >Well, he didn't /make/ you do anything, he asked, and you couldn't refuse him
  845. >Them bloody gems made him surer, though
  846. >He was more than happy to gloat when he kicked your arse...
  847. >"Yaaayy~! I'm actually good at this, wow!"
  848. >...In his own, adorable way
  849. >It's really late, actually
  850. >As if to prove it, you yawn automatically
  851. >Triggering Spike to yawn
  852. >You're not going home this late, crashing in the castle again is cool with Twilight anyday
  853. >Plus the beds are nicer
  854. "I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go to bed."
  855. >Spike looks at the MareBox, then back you
  856. >"Yeah, I guess it's kinda late. I'll go put this back in Luna's chambers."
  857. "Awesome. Night then, lil' dude."
  858. >You pull him into a hug, he smiles, his claws meeting around your lower back
  859. >"Ni-night to you too~."
  860. >Cute
  861. >You head out of Spikes room and just go down one, it's a empty one after all
  862. >You're in your bed like Flash, after the suit's off
  863. >You almost doze off, but you're woken by a claw
  864. >Spike
  865. >...
  866. >In... woman's nightwear
  867. >Sexy nightwear
  868. >Oh god, he's wearing lacy panties
  869. >His bulge!
  870. >Your dick! Sproing!
  871. >"H-hey Anon, c-can I share your bed tonight? It's really cold in my room, t-the radiator broke..."
  872. >He's back to shyness
  873. >But he's not wrong; it was cold in there, and it's warm in here
  874. >And you /do/ want him to snuggle with
  875. >Fuck it
  876. "S-sure."
  879. That's the end of the first thread
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