
something fluttershy

Jun 5th, 2014
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  1. >You're on the balcony of the penthouse
  2. >It was brightly lit compared to the inside
  3. >Your arms are folded on top of a railing
  4. >Your head's resting on top of your arms
  5. >You're swishing the contents of your cup around while aimlessly looking into the city of San Franciscolt
  6. >You wish you can see the stars, but the light pollution deters the stars from shining
  7. >So you just count the number of windows on skyscrapers that have lights on
  8. >They're not stars, but they're good enough
  9. >Against the violet, night sky, they're as close to stars as you're going to get
  10. >Which you don't really mind, you love city life and everything about the city
  11. >Except this party
  12. >You're all for the scene, but it's just not your crowd
  13. >Especially how you're new to Fingerbang Co.
  14. >You're just a small time writer, along with a few others who got recognized for their articles
  15. >Fingerbang Co. is responsible for bringing news to the public, ranging from pop culture to politics that concerns Equestria
  16. >Although there are many other companies and sources of media that does the same, Fingerbang Co. is held to be one of the most prestigious news networks
  17. >And you're lucky you got to be picked to become one of the authors for the team, seeing as how hundreds upon thousands of authors submit pieces in hopes of getting in
  18. >You got accredited for your pieces on Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash from Equestria Girls
  19. >It's an amazing feat to accomplish when you're just in your junior year of Canterlot High
  20. >How exciting is it to work along your favorite authors, learning and joining the process of writing
  21. >This party is supposed to be a celebration for you and the other handful of writers that got hired
  22. >But you don't really know anyone, except your friend, Liger Storm, who's been an artist for the company for almost six months now
  23. >Speak of the devil, here he comes, sliding next to you
  24. >His back is against the railing, looking towards the party
  25. >It's like he's anticipating something
  26. >His head tilted your way, but he didn't advert his gaze
  27. >"Hey man, enjoying the party?"
  28. >You exhale, still looking out towards the city
  29. "Pfffft yeah, uhhh, I'm great. Food's good, yeah the uh, drinks are awesome. Yup, everything's cool."
  30. >"There's no food."
  31. "Really? There was a banquet table, by theee, uh, bar over there."
  32. >"Which bar?"
  33. "You know, the one with the drinks, by the uh, lounge chairs."
  34. >"That's the first right answer you got. Look man, you're one of the party animals at our other friend's parties, why can't you bring that guy out here?"
  35. "'Cause this ain't my crowd, man. I don't know anybody here."
  36. >"Sure you do, you know Glitch, Gamer Gai, Liquid Plasma - list goes on."
  37. "Yeah sure I know them, because I read their works. I don't know them personally unlike you. You've been here longer than I have, they know you, dude."
  38. >"And they know you, they picked you dude. Why don't you show yourself to them?"
  39. >You just bury your head into your arms
  40. >"Just mingle man, what's the worst that can happen?"
  41. >You think about the possibilities
  42. >You think of every worst case scenario
  43. >(Man, was I always this pessimistic?)
  44. >You turn your head towards your bud
  45. "Look man, I just -"
  46. >He's not there anymore
  47. >You grunt and dropped your head back into your arms
  48. >You sigh deeply and look up towards the sky in search for stars
  49. >You could see one or two, but mostly, it was filled with the light coming from the planes
  50. >All of a sudden this couple appears right next to you
  51. >They threw themselves against the railing
  52. >They're engaged in a fiery and rough kiss
  53. >The woman is digging her hands into the back of her partner's head
  54. >The man is running his hand up her thigh
  55. >They don't notice you
  56. >This is awkward
  57. >You look away pretending not to notice
  58. >Stepping to the side a little bit trying to get away from them
  59. >A few minutes pass
  60. >You look back at them
  61. >They're still shoving each other's tongue down the other one's throat
  62. >Then they part
  63. >The woman starts moaning
  64. >She's mixing a couple grunts and "Yes!"s
  65. >The man is nibbling at her neck while he puts a hand under her skirt
  66. >You clear your throat
  67. >Both of them stop right where they were and look at you
  68. >You give a weak smile and a small wave
  69. >The man gives you an icy stare of death
  70. >But the woman flattened her skirt and smiled and looked at the guy who's about ready to throw you off the edge
  71. >"Come on, let's take this upstairs where we disturb the other guests."
  72. >She caressed his groin, and nibbled his ear
  73. >He closed his eyes and quivered
  74. >Then she grabbed his hand and led him up the staircase next to you
  75. >(Man this penthouse is huge to have a second floor, are all penthouses like this?)
  76. >Then again you wouldn't really know since you don't go to these type of venues often
  77. >You were about to look back towards the city when you hear a loud uproar coming from the party room
  78. >The spotlights and laser lights were pointed at the entrance
  79. >There was an announcement being made on the mic, but you couldn't hear it due to the loud music, cheer of the crowd, and the glass walls separating the party room from the balcony
  80. >You step inside to see what was going on, but people and furniture blocked your sight
  81. >After stretching out your neck and tip toeing to see what was going on to no avail, you give up and return to your position on the balcony
  82. >But then something turns you around
  83. >Your eyes haven't adjusted to the dimness of the room, so you can't see
  84. >The person leading you is pushing you towards the entrance
  85. >You're at the entrance now, and only few people are obstructing your view
  86. >The hand that was pushing you is now on your right shoulder
  87. >The person brought them self near your head
  88. >He's yelling extremely loud just so you can hear him
  90. "LIGER?"
  92. >You look to the front and see it's the mane 6, posing for the paparazzi
  93. >Twilight's modestly waving and smiling
  94. >Rarity's bending slightly over, blowing kisses
  95. >Applejack's tipping her hat
  96. >Rainbow Dash is spreading her arms apart, flaunting
  97. >Pinky Pie is jumping around and doing eccentric actions
  98. >Fluttershy is awkwardly rubbing her arm, hiding behind Twilight, and giving a weak smile
  99. >As you were going closer, you then found yourself getting tossed about as waves of people came running by
  100. >And again, Liger is gone
  101. >Any path to try and get closer to the girls was now too congested
  102. >You were constantly being pushed back
  103. >You're now at the door to the balcony
  104. >Welp, back to your spot
  105. >Assume the position
  106. >Arms folded on the railing, with your head buried in it
  107. >You close your eyes, and dozed off a bit
  108. >Something brushed up against your arm
  109. >Startled, your head jolted up
  110. >"O-oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
  111. >A voice came from your right
  112. >(Oh man, please don't let this be the chick from earlier.)
  113. >No, it was soft and sweeter, and significantly less seductive
  114. >You look to your right, and a girl about your age was there
  115. >She had long, light pink hair, that was smooth and silky
  116. >Her eyes were a nice, cyan color
  117. >She wore a pink collared and sleeveless blouse that gave her chest some definition
  118. >And she had some skinny khakis on that outlined her slender thighs
  119. >She was drop dead gorgeous
  120. >(Who is this girl, why is she so familiar?)
  121. >Your mind has an instant flash back to the entrance of the party
  122. >Fluttershy
  123. >(Holy crap, Fluttershy is talking to me. THE Fluttershy, keep cool Anon, keep cool.)
  124. "Oh, h-hey! Nah you didn't scare me, I was just, heh, dozing off."
  125. >Not bad, still room for improvement
  126. >"Oh, how come you're out here and not in there, partying with all your friends?"
  127. "Uh yeah, they're not my friends, haha, I'm new here."
  128. >"Oh are you a new addition to the company? Nice to meet you, I'm Fluttershy."
  129. "Yeah I know, you're practically famous. I'm Anon, the pleasure's all mine."
  130. >You extend a hand towards her
  131. >She takes it and shakes it
  132. >Her hand was the most fragile thing you've ever held, but it was just so smooth and soft
  133. "To answer your previous question, I'm not good with new people, it takes time for me to warm up to them."
  134. >"Oh I know what you mean. I've been friends with the girls since we were small, and I'm still shy around them sometimes."
  135. >(She really lives up to her name.)
  136. >You chuckle a bit
  137. "So how come you're out here?"
  138. >"Well when I was in there with everybody, I looked outside the window to see you all by yourself. You looked lonely, so I wanted to see if you were okay."
  139. >You feel something warm and fuzzy coming from your chest
  140. "Haha, thanks. I appreciate it. Yeah I'm fine. Actually, I'm better than fine now that someone as beautiful as you came to see me."
  141. >Fucking smooth
  142. >You heard a squeak from her
  143. >She's blushing
  144. >She turned herself towards the city in order to hide her face
  145. >She muttered so quietly, you barely heard her
  146. >"Th-th-thank y-y-you..."
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