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- @echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion&title 2048&mode con: cols=32 lines=46&color F0
- :startgame
- if exist "2048JWinslow.dat" (for /f "delims=" %%g in (2048JWinslow.dat)do %%g) else set/ascore=0,winstate=0,bestscore=0&for /l %%g in (0,1,15)do set board[%%g]=0
- set/amoves=0,h=0&for /l %%g in (0,1,15)do if !board[%%g]!==0 set/ah+=1
- if %h%==16 call :tilespawn&call :tilespawn
- :startloop
- if %score% gtr %bestscore% set bestscore=%score%
- call :drawboard 0&call :savegame&choice /c wasdxn /n /m ""
- if %errorlevel%==1 call :rotateclockwise&call :rotateclockwise&call :rotateclockwise&call :compress&call :merge&call :compress&call :compress&call :rotateclockwise
- if %errorlevel%==2 call :compress&call :merge&call :compress&call :compress
- if %errorlevel%==3 call :rotateclockwise&call :compress&call :merge&call :compress&call :compress&call :rotateclockwise&call :rotateclockwise&call :rotateclockwise
- if %errorlevel%==4 call :rotateclockwise&call :rotateclockwise&call :compress&call :merge&call :compress&call :compress&call :rotateclockwise&call :rotateclockwise
- if %errorlevel%==5 goto end
- if %errorlevel%==6 (set/ascore=0,winstate=0&set moves=0&for /l %%g in (0,1,15)do set board[%%g]=0
- call :tilespawn&call :tilespawn&goto startloop)
- set/aboardchanged=0,tiles=0&for /l %%g in (0,1,15)do (if !board[%%g]! neq !tmpboard[%%g]! set boardchanged=1
- if !board[%%g]! neq 0 set /a tiles+=1
- if !board[%%g]!==2048 if %winstate%==0 set winstate=1)
- if %boardchanged%==1 call :tilespawn&set/amoves+=1
- if %winstate%==1 goto youwin
- set/ayoulost=0,v=0
- :1
- set/av+=1
- set/aw=%v%%%4,x=%v%/4,y=%v%-1,z=%v%-4
- if %tiles%==15 (if %w% neq 0 if !board[%v%]!==!board[%y%]! set youlost=1
- if %x% neq 0 if !board[%v%]!==!board[%z%]! set youlost=1)
- if %tiles%==15 if %v% neq 15 goto 1
- if %tiles%==15 if %boardchanged%==1 if %youlost%==0 goto youlost
- goto startloop
- :tilespawn
- set/arandtile=%random%%%16
- if !board[%randtile%]! gtr 0 goto tilespawn
- set/aboard[%randtile%]=%random%%%10/9*2+2&exit /b
- :compress
- set x=-1
- :2
- set/aw=0,x+=1,y=-1&for /l %%g in (0,1,3) do set tmparray[%%g]=0
- :3
- set/ay+=1&set/az=%x%*4+!y!
- if !board[%z%]! neq 0 set/atmparray[%w%]=!board[%z%]!&set/aw+=1
- if %y% neq 3 goto 3
- for /l %%g in (0,1,3)do set/az=%x%*4+%%g&set/aboard[!z!]=!tmparray[%%g]!
- if %x% neq 3 goto 2
- exit /b
- :merge
- set x=-1
- :4
- set/ax+=1,y=-1
- :5
- set/ay+=1&set/aw=%x%*4+!y!&set/az=!w!+1
- if !board[%w%]!==!board[%z%]! set/aboard[%w%]*=2,score+=!board[%w%]!*2&set board[%z%]=0
- if %y% neq 2 goto 5
- if %x% neq 3 goto 4
- exit /b
- :rotateclockwise
- set i=12
- for /l %%g in (0,1,15)do set/atmparray[%%g]=board[!i!],i-=4&if !i! lss 0 set/ai+=17
- for /l %%g in (0,1,15)do set/aboard[%%g]=!tmparray[%%g]!
- exit /b
- :youwin
- set winstate=2&call :drawboard 1&call :savegame&choice /c cnx /n /m ""
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto startloop
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto startgame
- if %errorlevel%==3 exit /b
- :youlost
- call :drawboard 2&for /l %%g in (0,1,15)do set board[%%g]=0
- set/ascore=0,winstate=0&call :savegame&choice /c nx /n /m ""
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto startgame
- if %errorlevel%==2 exit /b
- :drawboard
- for /l %%g in (0,1,15)do (set "board2[%%g]= !board[%%g]!"&if !board[%%g]!==0 set "board2[%%g]= "
- if %moves% gtr 0 if %%g==%randtile% set board2[%%g]= + !board[%%g]!
- set board2[%%g]=!board2[%%g]:~-6!)
- cls&echo ___ ___ _ _ ___&echo ^|__ \ / _ \ ^| ^|^| ^| / _ \&echo ) ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^|^| ^|_ ^| (_) ^|&echo / / ^| ^| ^| ^| ^|__ _^| ^> _ ^<&echo / /_ ^| ^|_^| ^| ^| ^| ^| (_) ^|&echo ^|____^| \___/ ^|_^| \___/&echo(&echo Join the numbers and get to the&echo 2048 tile^^!&echo(&if %1==0 echo (Press N for new game)&echo(
- if %1==1 echo You Win!&echo Press C to continue, N to reset
- if %1==2 echo Game Over&echo Press N to try again...
- echo Score: %score%&echo Best: %bestscore%&echo +------+------+------+------+&echo ^|%board2[0]%^|%board2[1]%^|%board2[2]%^|%board2[3]%^|&echo +------+------+------+------+&echo ^|%board2[4]%^|%board2[5]%^|%board2[6]%^|%board2[7]%^|&echo +------+------+------+------+&echo ^|%board2[8]%^|%board2[9]%^|%board2[10]%^|%board2[11]%^|&echo +------+------+------+------+&echo ^|%board2[12]%^|%board2[13]%^|%board2[14]%^|%board2[15]%^|&echo +------+------+------+------+&echo(&echo HOW TO PLAY: Use the WASD keys&echo to move the tiles. When two&echo tiles with the same number&echo touch, they merge into one^^!&echo -------------------------------&echo NOTE: This is only a port of&echo the original 2048, found at&echo . Official&echo apps for iOS and Android are&echo also available. Other versions&echo are derivatives or fakes, and&echo should be used with caution.&echo -------------------------------&echo Port coded by Josiah Winslow.&echo Tweaked and tested by the&echo community. 2048&echo created by Gabriele Cirulli.&echo Based on 1024 by Veewo Studio&echo and conceptually similar to&echo Threes by Asher Vollmer.&exit /b
- :savegame
- echo(>2048JWinslow.dat&for %%g in (score bestscore winstate)do echo set %%g=!%%g!>>2048JWinslow.dat
- for /l %%g in (0,1,15)do set tmpboard[%%g]=!board[%%g]!&echo set board[%%g]=!board[%%g]!>>2048JWinslow.dat
- exit /b
- :end
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