Guest User


a guest
Jan 16th, 2017
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text 19.56 KB | None | 0 0
  1. {
  2. "Message - Bought": "You've successfully bought {0}x {1}",
  3. "Message - Error - Building Blocked": "You cannot shop while in building blocked area.",
  4. "Message - Error - Command Multiple": "Can't buy multiple",
  5. "Message - Error - Cooldown": "This item has a cooldown of {0} seconds.",
  6. "Message - Error - Cooldown Amount": "This item has a cooldown and amount is limited to 1.",
  7. "Message - Error - Invetory Full": "Your inventory is full.",
  8. "Message - Error - Invetory Slots": "Your inventory needs {0} free slots.",
  9. "Message - Error - Item Doesnt Exist": "WARNING: The item you are trying to buy doesn't seem to exist",
  10. "Message - Error - Item Not Set Properly": "WARNING: The admin didn't set this item properly! (item)",
  11. "Message - Error - Item Not Valid": "WARNING: It seems like it's not a valid item",
  12. "Message - Error - No Action In Shop": "You are not allowed to {0} in this shop",
  13. "Message - Error - No Action Item": "You are not allowed to {0} this item here",
  14. "Message - Error - No Buy Price": "WARNING: No buy price was given by the admin, you can't buy this item",
  15. "Message - Error - No Chat Shop": "You may not use the chat shop. You might need to find the NPC Shops.",
  16. "Message - Error - No Econonomics": "Couldn't get informations out of Economics. Is it installed?",
  17. "Message - Error - No NPC": "The NPC owning this shop was not found around you",
  18. "Message - Error - No Sell Price": "WARNING: No sell price was given by the admin, you can't sell this item",
  19. "Message - Error - No Shop": "This shop doesn't seem to exist.",
  20. "Message - Error - Not Enough Items": "You don't have enough of this item.",
  21. "Message - Error - Not Enough Money": "You need {0} coins to buy {1} of {2}",
  22. "Message - Error - Not Nothing": "You cannot buy nothing of this item.",
  23. "Message - Error - Redeem Kit": "WARNING: There was an error while giving you this kit",
  24. "Message - Sold": "You've successfully sold {0}x {1}",
  25. "Shop - Balance": false,
  26. "Shop - Shop Categories": {
  27. "Apple": {
  28. "buy": "1",
  29. "img": "",
  30. "item": "apple",
  31. "sell": "1"
  32. },
  33. "Blueberries": {
  34. "buy": "1000",
  35. "img": "",
  36. "item": "blueberries",
  37. "sell": "1"
  38. },
  39. "Bed": {
  40. "buy": "300",
  41. "img": "",
  42. "item": "bed",
  43. "sell": "1"
  44. },
  45. "Mace": {
  46. "buy": "200",
  47. "img": "",
  48. "item": "mace",
  49. "sell": "1"
  50. },
  51. "Rope": {
  52. "buy": "300",
  53. "img": "",
  54. "item": "rope",
  55. "sell": "1"
  56. },
  57. "Tarp": {
  58. "buy": "100",
  59. "img": "",
  60. "item": "tarp",
  61. "sell": "1"
  62. },
  63. "Gears": {
  64. "buy": "200",
  65. "img": "",
  66. "item": "gears",
  67. "sell": "1"
  68. },
  69. "Wooden ladder": {
  70. "buy": "500",
  71. "img": "",
  72. "item": "ladder.wooden.wall",
  73. "sell": "1"
  74. },
  75. "Custom SMG": {
  76. "buy": "700",
  77. "img": "",
  78. "item": "smg.2",
  79. "sell": "1"
  80. },
  81. "Torch": {
  82. "buy": "100",
  83. "img": "",
  84. "item": "torch",
  85. "sell": "1"
  86. },
  87. "Large planter box": {
  88. "buy": "500",
  89. "img": "",
  90. "item": "planter.large",
  91. "sell": "1"
  92. },
  93. "Longsword": {
  94. "buy": "500",
  95. "img": "",
  96. "item": "longsword",
  97. "sell": "1"
  98. },
  99. "Small planter box": {
  100. "buy": "200",
  101. "img": "",
  102. "item": "planter.small",
  103. "sell": "1"
  104. },
  105. "Double barrel shotgun": {
  106. "buy": "800",
  107. "img": "",
  108. "item": "shotgun.double",
  109. "sell": "1"
  110. },
  111. "M249": {
  112. "buy": "100000",
  113. "img": "",
  114. "item": "lmg.m249",
  115. "sell": "1"
  116. },
  117. "Land mine": {
  118. "buy": "300",
  119. "img": "",
  120. "item": "trap.landmine",
  121. "sell": "1"
  122. },
  123. "Large wood box": {
  124. "buy": "100",
  125. "img": "",
  126. "item": "box.wooden.large",
  127. "sell": "1"
  128. },
  129. "Wind turbine": {
  130. "buy": "100000",
  131. "img": "",
  132. "item": "generator.wind.scrap",
  133. "sell": "1"
  134. },
  135. "M92 pistol": {
  136. "buy": "1200",
  137. "img": "",
  138. "item": "pistol.m92",
  139. "sell": "1"
  140. },
  141. "Beancan grenade": {
  142. "buy": "200",
  143. "img": "",
  144. "item": "grenade.beancan",
  145. "sell": "1"
  146. },
  147. "Thompson": {
  148. "buy": "900",
  149. "img": "",
  150. "item": "smg.thompson",
  151. "sell": "1"
  152. },
  153. "Small oil refinery": {
  154. "buy": "300",
  155. "img": "",
  156. "item": "small.oil.refinery",
  157. "sell": "1"
  158. },
  159. "Timed explosive charge": {
  160. "buy": "33333",
  161. "img": "",
  162. "item": "explosive.timed",
  163. "sell": "1"
  164. },
  165. "Semi-automatic pistol": {
  166. "buy": "700",
  167. "img": "",
  168. "item": "pistol.semiauto",
  169. "sell": "1"
  170. },
  171. "Auto turret": {
  172. "buy": "2400",
  173. "img": "",
  174. "item": "autoturret",
  175. "sell": "1"
  176. },
  177. "Medical syringe": {
  178. "buy": "100",
  179. "img": "",
  180. "item": "syringe.medical",
  181. "sell": "1"
  182. },
  183. "Rocket launcher": {
  184. "buy": "50000",
  185. "img": "",
  186. "item": "rocket.launcher",
  187. "sell": "1"
  188. },
  189. "Hatchet": {
  190. "buy": "300",
  191. "img": "",
  192. "item": "hatchet",
  193. "sell": "1"
  194. },
  195. "Granola bar": {
  196. "buy": "100",
  197. "img": "",
  198. "item": "granolabar",
  199. "sell": "1"
  200. },
  201. "Bone knife": {
  202. "buy": "100",
  203. "img": "",
  204. "item": "knife.bone",
  205. "sell": "1"
  206. },
  207. "Salvaged axe": {
  208. "buy": "1200",
  209. "img": "",
  210. "item": "axe.salvaged",
  211. "sell": "1"
  212. },
  213. "Machete": {
  214. "buy": "300",
  215. "img": "",
  216. "item": "machete",
  217. "sell": "1"
  218. },
  219. "Small water bottle": {
  220. "buy": "100",
  221. "img": "",
  222. "item": "smallwaterbottle",
  223. "sell": "1"
  224. },
  225. "Cooked pork": {
  226. "buy": "100",
  227. "img": "",
  228. "item": "meat.pork.cooked",
  229. "sell": "1"
  230. },
  231. "Flame thrower": {
  232. "buy": "2500",
  233. "img": "",
  234. "item": "flamethrower",
  235. "sell": "1"
  236. },
  237. "Snap trap": {
  238. "buy": "200",
  239. "img": "",
  240. "item": "trap.bear",
  241. "sell": "1"
  242. },
  243. "Silencer": {
  244. "buy": "200",
  245. "img": "",
  246. "item": "weapon.mod.silencer",
  247. "sell": "1"
  248. },
  249. "Weapon flashlight": {
  250. "buy": "100",
  251. "img": "",
  252. "item": "weapon.mod.flashlight",
  253. "sell": "1"
  254. },
  255. "Sleeping bag": {
  256. "buy": "100",
  257. "img": "",
  258. "item": "sleepingbag",
  259. "sell": "1"
  260. },
  261. "Tool cupboard": {
  262. "buy": "100",
  263. "img": "",
  264. "item": "cupboard.tool",
  265. "sell": "1"
  266. },
  267. "Metal chest plate": {
  268. "buy": "800",
  269. "img": "",
  270. "item": "metal.plate.torso",
  271. "sell": "1"
  272. },
  273. "Survey charge": {
  274. "buy": "100",
  275. "img": "",
  276. "item": "surveycharge",
  277. "sell": "1"
  278. },
  279. "Satchel charge": {
  280. "buy": "7500",
  281. "img": "",
  282. "item": "explosive.satchel",
  283. "sell": "1"
  284. },
  285. "CCTV camera": {
  286. "buy": "1200",
  287. "img": "",
  288. "item": "",
  289. "sell": "1"
  290. },
  291. "Incediary rocket": {
  292. "buy": "2000",
  293. "img": "",
  294. "item": "",
  295. "sell": "1"
  296. },
  297. "Tech trash": {
  298. "buy": "1000",
  299. "img": "",
  300. "item": "techparts",
  301. "sell": "1"
  302. },
  303. "Targeting comptuter": {
  304. "buy": "1000",
  305. "img": "",
  306. "item": "",
  307. "sell": "1"
  308. },
  309. "Wood chestplate": {
  310. "buy": "300",
  311. "img": "",
  312. "item": "wood.armor.jacket",
  313. "sell": "1"
  314. },
  315. "Metal Blade": {
  316. "buy": "200",
  317. "img": "",
  318. "item": "metalblade",
  319. "sell": "1"
  320. },
  321. "Rocket": {
  322. "buy": "3000",
  323. "img": "",
  324. "item": "ammo.rocket.basic",
  325. "sell": "1"
  326. },
  327. "Smoke rocket": {
  328. "buy": "300",
  329. "img": "",
  330. "item": "ammo.rocket.smoke",
  331. "sell": "1"
  332. },
  333. "Large Furnace": {
  334. "buy": "500",
  335. "img": "",
  336. "item": "furnace.large",
  337. "sell": "1"
  338. },
  339. "Anti radiation pills": {
  340. "buy": "100",
  341. "img": "",
  342. "item": "antiradpills",
  343. "sell": "1"
  344. },
  345. "Large water catcher": {
  346. "buy": "300",
  347. "img": "",
  348. "item": "water.catcher.large",
  349. "sell": "1"
  350. },
  351. "Metal spring": {
  352. "buy": "300",
  353. "img": "",
  354. "item": "metalspring",
  355. "sell": "1"
  356. },
  357. "Water purifier": {
  358. "buy": "100",
  359. "img": "",
  360. "item": "water.purifier",
  361. "sell": "1"
  362. },
  363. "Ladder hatch": {
  364. "buy": "1200",
  365. "img": "",
  366. "item": "floor.ladder.hatch",
  367. "sell": "1"
  368. },
  369. "Reactive target": {
  370. "buy": "500",
  371. "img": "",
  372. "item": "target.reactive",
  373. "sell": "1"
  374. },
  375. "Waterpipe shotgun": {
  376. "buy": "300",
  377. "img": "",
  378. "item": "shotgun.waterpipe",
  379. "sell": "1"
  380. },
  381. "Crossbow": {
  382. "buy": "300",
  383. "img": "",
  384. "item": "crossbow",
  385. "sell": "1"
  386. },
  387. "Assault rifle": {
  388. "buy": "2000",
  389. "img": "",
  390. "item": "rifle.ak",
  391. "sell": "1"
  392. },
  393. "Bolt action rifle": {
  394. "buy": "3000",
  395. "img": "",
  396. "item": "rifle.bolt",
  397. "sell": "1"
  398. },
  399. "Water bucket": {
  400. "buy": "100",
  401. "img": "",
  402. "item": "bucket.water",
  403. "sell": "1"
  404. },
  405. "Camp fire": {
  406. "buy": "100",
  407. "img": "",
  408. "item": "campfire",
  409. "sell": "1"
  410. },
  411. "Ceiling light": {
  412. "buy": "100",
  413. "img": "",
  414. "item": "ceilinglight",
  415. "sell": "1"
  416. },
  417. "Chocolate bar": {
  418. "buy": "100",
  419. "img": "",
  420. "item": "chocolate",
  421. "sell": "1"
  422. },
  423. "Armored double door": {
  424. "buy": "700",
  425. "img": "",
  426. "item": "door.double.hinged.toptier",
  427. "sell": "1"
  428. },
  429. "Scheet metal door": {
  430. "buy": "200",
  431. "img": "",
  432. "item": "door.double.hinged.metal",
  433. "sell": "1"
  434. },
  435. "Armored door": {
  436. "buy": "500",
  437. "img": "",
  438. "item": "door.hinged.toptier",
  439. "sell": "1"
  440. }
  441. },
  442. "Shop - Shop Icon Url": "",
  443. "Shop - Shop List": {
  444. "chat": {
  445. "buy": [
  446. "Apple",
  447. "Blueberries",
  448. "Granola bar",
  449. "Chocolate bar",
  450. "Cooked pork",
  451. "Small water bottle",
  452. "Anti radiation pills",
  453. "Medical syringe",
  454. "Tarp",
  455. "Rope",
  456. "Gears",
  457. "Metal blade",
  458. "Metal spring",
  459. "CCTV camera",
  460. "Targeting computer",
  461. "Tech trash",
  462. "Torch",
  463. "Hatchet",
  464. "Salvaged axe",
  465. "Water bucket",
  466. "Survey charge",
  467. "Wood chestplate",
  468. "Metal chest plate",
  469. "Bone knife",
  470. "Machete",
  471. "Mace",
  472. "Longsword",
  473. "Crossbow",
  474. "Waterpipe shotgun",
  475. "Semi-automatic pistol",
  476. "Double barrel shotgun",
  477. "Thompson",
  478. "Custom SMG",
  479. "M92 pistol",
  480. "Assault rifle",
  481. "Bolt action rifle",
  482. "Flame thrower",
  483. "Rocket launcher",
  484. "M249",
  485. "Rocket",
  486. "Incediary rocket",
  487. "Smoke rocket",
  488. "Weapon flashlight",
  489. "Silencer",
  490. "Beancan grenade",
  491. "Satchel charge",
  492. "Timed explosive charge",
  493. "Snap trap",
  494. "Land mine",
  495. "Auto turret",
  496. "Camp fire",
  497. "Sleeping bag",
  498. "Bed",
  499. "Tool cupboard",
  500. "Large wood box",
  501. "Ceiling light",
  502. "Large furnace",
  503. "Water purifier",
  504. "Large water catcher",
  505. "Sheet metal door",
  506. "Armored door",
  507. "Armored double door",
  508. "Ladder hatch",
  509. "Wooden ladder",
  510. "Small oil refinery",
  511. "Small planter box",
  512. "Large planter box",
  513. "Reactive target",
  514. "Wind turbine"
  515. ],
  516. "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this shop",
  517. "name": "Shop"
  518. }
  519. }
  520. }
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