

Jul 20th, 2015
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  1. As we cut into the arena, we cut to Goldust, sitting in the Actor's Studio, with a smile on his face. "Greetings and welcome to Inside The Actor's Studio. Today, I have a big beast of a man, one who has run roughshod over the WWF, and who, he assures me, will surely regain his dominance and run it over again. Please welcome Big Van Vader!"
  2. Vader came out, to loud boos, and proceeded to grab the microphone from Goldust's hands. "Who are you? Where's James Lipton?"
  3. Goldust just smiles, and produces a second microphone, "You are on Inside the Actor's Studio with Goldust. You agreed to come here. Now, take a seat."
  4. Vader glares at Goldust. "No, I agreed to a chance at fame, meeting up with the Host of Inside the Actor's Studio! I didn't agree to this!" He steps forward, threateningly. Goldust backs up a step.
  5. "Now now, we can't have that. Violence is for the ring, not the Actor's Studio. Take a seat, please."
  6. Vader growled "Alright." He sat down on his stool, that notably dipped with his weight.
  7. "Now, let me ask you, what is your favorite word?"
  8. "Champion."
  9. "What is your least favorite word?" Vader considers this a minute, and then smiles a predatory smile.
  10. "Goldust."
  11. "What turns you on?"
  12. "Victory"
  13. "What turns you off?"
  14. "Useless questions."
  15. "What sou--" a cracking noise, and Vader's stool breaks as he sits on it. He roars in anger, and grabs the broken stool, and chases Goldust with it. The two run to the back, and a graphic shows that Vader vs Goldust has been announced for tonight.
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