
Character Sheet

Jul 16th, 2015
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  1. Vincent Esperanza
  3. Tier: Certified GEC Exterminator (can utilize 2 boosts on rolls)
  5. Stats:
  7. Health: [05/11]
  8. Awareness (helps detect threats): +2
  9. Intelligence: 0
  10. Speed: +1
  11. Charisma: 0
  12. Stamina/Strength (pool): 6/12
  13. Nerves (pool): 10/13
  14. Money: $21334
  15. >Current Loadout:
  18. Cars:
  20. >Toyota Elevon:
  21. >Top Speed:85
  22. >Acceleration:50
  23. >Cornering:85
  24. >Heart:90
  25. >Customizability:50 (requires specialty mechanic)
  27. Inventory:
  29. >F-75 Flamethrower
  30. >bottle of Insectodeath (extra death formula)
  31. >soldering iron
  32. >adhesive
  33. >screwdriver
  34. >3 molotovs
  35. >folding knife
  36. >16 antidote darts
  37. >18 tracking darts
  38. >hand-held taser
  39. >gas mask
  40. >12 pill bottles
  41. >cleaning supplies
  42. >brass knucks
  43. >fire axe
  44. >11 trank grenades
  45. >feather emblem
  46. >16 Taser Grids
  47. >communication device
  48. >Unidentified Jewelry
  49. >Bottle of homemade hotsauce
  50. >broken wrangling stick
  51. >50 trank darts
  52. >pepper spray
  53. >large bag of cocaine (running dangerously low)
  54. >condoms
  55. >trank gun
  56. >motion sensors
  57. >2 pounds of plastic explosive with motion sensor compatible detonators
  58. >poison sprayer
  59. >screecher box
  60. >lighter
  61. >laser pointer
  62. >thermal vision goggles
  63. >"mindreader" glasses
  64. >Gauss sniper rifle (16 bullets left)
  65. >2 silenced pistols, chinese design (boxes of bullets left, unlikely to run out unless OK Corral occurs)
  66. >Military issue body armor- Heavy but a good fit and not obvious beneath hazmat suit. May wear away at your STR/STA if you have to run with it on for an extended period of time.
  67. >Military Helmet- Has central air and fits neatly with your thermal goggles. Doesn't fit under hazmat suit.
  68. >3 frag grenades- USE WITH CAUTION
  69. >5 smoke bomb- Military issue smoke screen generator
  70. >4 cages (empty)
  71. >9+1/4 bags of tranquilizing bait
  73. Traits:
  75. STR/STA
  77. -Talented Tosser - You’re pretty ace at throwing stuff. +1 to tossing anything (stacks with spear chucker)
  78. -Climber: +1 to rolls involving climbing
  79. -Natural Spear Chucker: +1 to rolls where you throw your wrangling stick or any other spear like implement
  80. -Expert Wrangler: +2 to rolls involving using your wrangling stick
  82. Awareness
  84. -Amazing Wheelman: +3 to driving rolls, upgrade from Racer.
  85. -Speed Demon: +1 to Driving Rolls where you put it all on the line (failures become more severe)
  86. -Bullshit Detector - +1 to detecting lies using Awareness (you can now use this feature whenever you want and boost it with Nerves)
  87. -Fastidious- attention to detail drives you to be precise and look your best. +1 bonus to rolls in social situations where you've prepared yourself and +2 to rolls involving attention to detail.
  90. Speed
  92. -Minor weight loss: you have lost some weight, enabling you to fit into tighter spaces and a chance of an additional modifier on speed rolls.
  93. -Twitch reflexes - Continual exposure to fast moving threats has enhanced your response time, giving a +1 to dodge rolls
  95. Nerves
  97. -Quick draw (promotion from practiced draw) - +2 when using pistols
  98. -Talented shot- +3 when handling long guns (applies to tranquilizer gun)
  101. Intelligence
  103. >Imaginative: Desperation is the mother of intelligence. +1 Intelligence points
  104. >More of an idea man than an engineer...: +1 to slapping shit together and having it work
  106. Charisma
  108. >’Pede whisperer: Able to convey simple to moderate orders to your pet centipede.
  109. >Arthropod empathy: You are now more likely to gain insight into insect activity through behavioral observation.
  110. -Dealmaster- +1 to persuasion rolls
  111. -Ex-Pat- You are far from your country of origin and the locals look down on you. -1 to social rolls involving locals.
  112. -Animal Trainer- Complete. You now have a plus two on charisma rolls involving charming or luring animals.
  113. -Con-Man (replaces recovering con-man) - +2 to persuasion or deception
  114. -Verbally Abrasive- Vince is excellent at goading people into making foolish decisions if he knows just a little bit about them. +1 to antagonizing foes and irritating allies.
  115. -Cold Blooded – Your collected demeanor in the face of life threatening situations is impressive. People look to you for guidance when they feel endangered. +1 to Nerve Pool, +1 to Charisma in tense situations.
  116. -Missing a bit - Your mutilated ear startles some people. Maybe you can spin a good story about it that will make them feel more at ease... -1 to Charisma.
  117. >Ladykiller - +1 to Charisma rolls involving women
  118. >Cyrano - Your very expensive nosejob has given you a beak befitting a bird of prey but not your face. -1 to Charisma
  120. Other
  122. >Team player: Certain DCs are lowered when you work with a teammate
  123. >Sneaky - Upgrade from surreptitious, +2 to rolls involving subterfuge
  124. >Tracker - +1 to tracking people or animals
  126. -Good First Aid – You can react in an emergency (upgrade from basic)
  127. -Good in bed: When a woman opens a fortune cookie, you’re the one who makes it come true. Lowered seduction DCs.
  128. -Surveilled- You are being watched.
  129. -Repressed Anger- Your background has led you to be a very angry person, although you try not to show it. You have a chance of exploding into a rage. UPDATE: Vince has reached a new level of control over his anger. He can now restrain himself most of the time, see "Controlling your anger" below.
  130. -Controlling your anger - Complete. Vincent can now control his rage and use it to his advantage in desperate situations. This trait is destabilized by cocaine use.
  131. -Ex-con- You came here from prison. You are wily and willing to do what it takes to survive. +2 to nerves, +1 to awareness, +1 to speed
  132. -Trained Exterminator- You have a basic knowledge of most pests.
  133. -On a leash- Should you try to defy the wishes of GEC, you run the risk of them triggering a remote bomb in your neck.
  134. -Pyromaniac: Your eyes are drawn to anything that can be used to make explosives.
  135. -Landlubber's luck- You have an unnatural knack for fishing despite a lack of previous experience. Certain DCs are lowered when dealing with aquatic creatures.
  136. -Brings the heat: You gain +1 to rolls involving flamethrowers or making fires
  137. -Paternal Instinct (promotion from “Boy Lover”): Your strong desire to protect your surrogate son grants a +1 bonus to your actions when he is in danger. You’re starting to assume a position of fatherhood.
  138. -Soaring Eagle: Your flag waves longer than most.
  139. -Basic First Aid – You are getting better at patching yourself up
  140. -"Fuck Cats!" - You are not a cat person
  141. -Cocaine addiction (mild)- A bad habit from years ago is resurfacing..
  142. -Good diet- Whenever you eat a meal at home, gain +1 STR/STA for the next 5 hours. This trait will result in additional bonuses the longer it is sustained and helps you progress along the path of fitness.
  143. -Getting Fit: Progress [7/10], This trait represents the initial journey to fitness from Vince's initial state as a flabby ex-pat. Completing it will result in bonuses and several additional upgrade paths.
  144. -Pool shark- [1/3] You have started to develop a knack for pool.
  145. -In the employ of a higher cause: You are known to certain underworld elements, which may help or hinder you.
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