
Ana and Kirk chat

Sep 10th, 2015
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  1. [19:30] * bouncebackEschaton [BE] began pestering psionicPskateboard [PP]
  2. [19:30] <bouncebackEschaton> Hey Kirk!
  3. [19:30] <bouncebackEschaton> Can I talk to you about something?
  4. [19:30] <psionicPskateboard> Oh, hey.
  5. [19:30] <psionicPskateboard> Yeah, sure. What's on your mind?
  6. [19:31] <bouncebackEschaton> I don't remember if I brought this up to you, but a while ago these three guys were kind of stalking me and my uncle.
  7. [19:31] <bouncebackEschaton> Yesterday Callum, Kazuma, and I got one of them arrested.
  8. [19:31] <psionicPskateboard> Oh, you mean Jacob?
  9. [19:31] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah, actually.
  10. [19:31] <bouncebackEschaton> How did you... ?
  11. [19:32] <psionicPskateboard> He told me about it already.
  12. [19:32] <bouncebackEschaton> :O :O :O
  13. [19:32] <bouncebackEschaton> So you actually knew him!?
  14. [19:32] <psionicPskateboard> Well, not really.
  15. [19:33] <psionicPskateboard> I've spoken to him a bit. But that's it.
  16. [19:33] <bouncebackEschaton> :O
  17. [19:33] <psionicPskateboard> Kind of a weird guy.
  18. [19:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Definitely that, yeah
  19. [19:33] <bouncebackEschaton> But that's not really the big thing
  20. [19:33] <bouncebackEschaton> He and I got into a fight. And... I almost killed him.
  21. [19:33] <bouncebackEschaton> With psionics.
  22. [19:34] <psionicPskateboard> Yeah, he told me about that.
  23. [19:34] <bouncebackEschaton> :O
  24. [19:35] <bouncebackEschaton> Do I want to know what else he's been telling you?
  25. [19:35] <psionicPskateboard> He mad Halloween decorations out of some dead guy he found in the woods.
  26. [19:35] <psionicPskateboard> But that's about it.
  27. [19:35] <bouncebackEschaton> :O
  28. [19:36] <psionicPskateboard> I thought it was a bit odd, myself.
  29. [19:36] <bouncebackEschaton> Did he, uh, tell you what else he was doing?
  30. [19:36] <bouncebackEschaton> With the body?
  31. [19:37] <psionicPskateboard> I don't think so, no.
  32. [19:37] <bouncebackEschaton> Well.
  33. [19:37] <bouncebackEschaton> Um.
  34. [19:37] <bouncebackEschaton> The body was half, uh...
  35. [19:38] <bouncebackEschaton> eaten.
  36. [19:38] <psionicPskateboard> Oh.
  37. [19:38] <psionicPskateboard> Wow.
  38. [19:39] <psionicPskateboard> That's definitely... surprising? Jesus.
  39. [19:39] <psionicPskateboard> Do you think it was him?
  40. [19:39] <bouncebackEschaton> After what I've seen of him?
  41. [19:39] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah.
  42. [19:40] <bouncebackEschaton> He freaks me out.
  43. [19:40] <psionicPskateboard> That's quite an accusation. But I don't really know what else it would be.
  44. [19:41] <psionicPskateboard> Wait, where did you see the body?
  45. [19:41] <bouncebackEschaton> Kaz looted his sylladex
  46. [19:41] <bouncebackEschaton> Turned it in to the police
  47. [19:41] <psionicPskateboard> Oh.
  48. [19:42] <psionicPskateboard> I thought he was pretty odd.
  49. [19:42] <bouncebackEschaton> More than a little
  50. [19:42] <psionicPskateboard> And then he told me about the body.
  51. [19:42] <bouncebackEschaton> :O
  52. [19:42] <psionicPskateboard> And now there's this.
  53. [19:43] == Letaali [] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  54. [19:43] <bouncebackEschaton> I attacked him.
  55. [19:43] <psionicPskateboard> I know. He said he almost died.
  56. [19:43] <bouncebackEschaton> He did.
  57. [19:44] <bouncebackEschaton> I didn't realize how far I'd gone.
  58. [19:44] <bouncebackEschaton> Tried to help him.
  59. [19:44] <psionicPskateboard> Well, I guess that's something.
  60. [19:45] <psionicPskateboard> But you probably shouldn't have done it in the first place.
  61. [19:45] <bouncebackEschaton> I know.
  62. [19:45] <bouncebackEschaton> But he...
  63. [19:45] <bouncebackEschaton> I didn't want to kill him!
  64. [19:45] <bouncebackEschaton> I just wanted to make him stop talking!
  65. [19:46] <psionicPskateboard> But wasn't he in jail?
  66. [19:46] <psionicPskateboard> He said you had to pickpocket the guard and everything.
  67. [19:46] <bouncebackEschaton> ...
  68. [19:46] <bouncebackEschaton> I REALLY wanted to shut him up.
  69. [19:47] <psionicPskateboard> What was he saying that was so bad?
  70. [19:47] <bouncebackEschaton> Um.
  71. [19:48] <bouncebackEschaton> He was talking to himself
  72. [19:49] <bouncebackEschaton> But I'm certain he knew I was there
  73. [19:50] <bouncebackEschaton> Talking about... Like, pretending he had a kid.
  74. [19:50] <psionicPskateboard> What?
  75. [19:50] <bouncebackEschaton> With me.
  76. [19:50] <psionicPskateboard> He doesn't, does he?
  77. [19:50] <bouncebackEschaton> Heck no.
  78. [19:51] <psionicPskateboard> Huh.
  79. [19:51] <bouncebackEschaton> So I went after him.
  80. [19:51] <psionicPskateboard> Seems like a bit much to beat a guy up over.
  81. [19:51] <bouncebackEschaton> This is the guy who tried to convince me to let him into my apartment.
  82. [19:52] <bouncebackEschaton> Waited in the lobby for me and Kaz to come down, then followed us outside!
  83. [19:52] <bouncebackEschaton> He was carrying around a half-eaten BODY!
  84. [19:52] <psionicPskateboard> Well, leaving aside the whole body thing.
  85. [19:53] <psionicPskateboard> He said that the first time he was just trying to talk to your uncle.
  86. [19:53] <bouncebackEschaton> He came back after my uncle left.
  87. [19:53] <psionicPskateboard> To tell him about a friend of his who was a murderer/
  88. [19:53] <psionicPskateboard> Well he also thought your uncle was your dad.
  89. [19:54] <psionicPskateboard> Wait, he came back?
  90. [19:54] <bouncebackEschaton> Yes.
  91. [19:54] <psionicPskateboard> He never told me that.
  92. [19:54] <bouncebackEschaton> Of course he didn't, he's a psycho!
  93. [19:54] <psionicPskateboard> Hey.
  94. [19:55] <psionicPskateboard> He didn't sneak into a jail to beat someone up.
  95. [19:55] <psionicPskateboard> But yeah, that's pretty suspicious.
  96. [19:55] <bouncebackEschaton> I wasn't going to do that!
  97. [19:55] <bouncebackEschaton> I was going to make sure my uncle was okay!
  98. [19:56] <psionicPskateboard> In Jacob's cell?
  99. [19:56] <bouncebackEschaton> No!
  100. [19:57] <bouncebackEschaton> Just in general.
  101. [19:57] <psionicPskateboard> Why did you go to his cell in the first place?
  102. [19:57] <bouncebackEschaton> To make sure he was guarded. Which he somehow WASN'T.
  103. [19:57] <psionicPskateboard> He was locked up. That seems good enough to me.
  104. [19:58] <bouncebackEschaton> You're right.
  105. [19:58] <bouncebackEschaton> I know.
  106. [19:59] <bouncebackEschaton> But he kept on talking!
  107. [20:00] <psionicPskateboard> I'm not sure that talking counts as a crime.
  108. [20:00] <bouncebackEschaton> I know.
  109. [20:00] <bouncebackEschaton> I shouldn't have done what I did.
  110. [20:01] <psionicPskateboard> Well, if it makes you feel better, he's doing well enough now.
  111. [20:01] <psionicPskateboard> Well enough to contact me, at least.
  112. [20:01] <bouncebackEschaton> That doesn't make me feel better.
  113. [20:01] <bouncebackEschaton> But thank you for trying.
  114. [20:02] <psionicPskateboard> Yeah, I don't really know what to say.
  115. [20:02] <bouncebackEschaton> Me neither
  116. [20:02] <bouncebackEschaton> I just
  117. [20:02] <bouncebackEschaton> They LET HIM GO!
  118. [20:03] <psionicPskateboard> I don't think they're allowed to keep people for very long unless he's actually been arrested.
  119. [20:04] <bouncebackEschaton> :( :( :(
  120. [20:04] <bouncebackEschaton> Am I the bad guy here?
  121. [20:04] <psionicPskateboard> Well, I don't know if I'd say that.
  122. [20:05] <psionicPskateboard> I don't think you're a bad person.
  123. [20:05] <bouncebackEschaton> I used psionics to hurt someone.
  124. [20:05] <psionicPskateboard> You just messed up.
  125. [20:05] <psionicPskateboard> I mean yeah, it was a pretty big mess-up, but at least no one is seriously injured.
  126. [20:06] <bouncebackEschaton> Okay.
  127. [20:06] <bouncebackEschaton> You're right.
  128. [20:06] <bouncebackEschaton> At least everyone's alright.
  129. [20:07] <bouncebackEschaton> But if he comes after me again...
  130. [20:07] <psionicPskateboard> About that, he said that he wasn't stalking you.
  131. [20:08] <bouncebackEschaton> He tried to get into my apartment. He was waiting in the lobby, then followed me and Kaz outside.
  132. [20:08] <psionicPskateboard> I don't know if you'll believe this, but he said he just mixed up apartments because he was tired.
  133. [20:08] <bouncebackEschaton> What?
  134. [20:08] <psionicPskateboard> He said he was tired, so he thought your apartment building was his.
  135. [20:09] <bouncebackEschaton> And he followed us out because... ?
  136. [20:10] == nameRedacted has changed nick to Thingymabob
  137. [20:10] <psionicPskateboard> He said he took a nap in the chair, but he was "disturbing in his sleep", so he tried to get back to his apartment.
  138. [20:10] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah right.
  139. [20:11] <psionicPskateboard> Yeah, I get why you wouldn't really believe him.
  140. [20:12] <bouncebackEschaton> :(
  141. [20:13] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm scared.
  142. [20:13] <psionicPskateboard> Yeah, I don't blame you.
  143. [20:14] <psionicPskateboard> I'm kind of scared too, honestly.
  144. [20:14] <psionicPskateboard> But I think he kind of trusts me? Seeing as he told me all that stuff without me even asking.
  145. [20:14] <psionicPskateboard> I don't know.
  146. [20:14] <bouncebackEschaton> I looked it up a while ago
  147. [20:15] <bouncebackEschaton> He's ingraining himself into the social circle.
  148. [20:15] <psionicPskateboard> You mean ours?
  149. [20:15] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah.
  150. [20:16] <psionicPskateboard> Why would he do that?
  151. [20:16] <bouncebackEschaton> I don't know.
  152. [20:16] <bouncebackEschaton> It's apparently a thing stalkers do.
  153. [20:19] <psionicPskateboard> Well, I don't know what to say.
  154. [20:19] <psionicPskateboard> I really wish I could help more.
  155. [20:19] <bouncebackEschaton> You don't have to.
  156. [20:19] <bouncebackEschaton> I just wanted someone to talk to about the psionics thing.
  157. [20:19] <bouncebackEschaton> Can't exactly tell Kaz.
  158. [20:19] <psionicPskateboard> Yeah, I know.
  159. [20:20] <psionicPskateboard> Oh, I don't know if I mentioned, but Jacob knew that you were using psionics when you... met up with him.
  160. [20:20] <bouncebackEschaton> So he knows.
  161. [20:21] <psionicPskateboard> And he also asked me what I thought about psionics existing.
  162. [20:21] <bouncebackEschaton> :O
  163. [20:21] <psionicPskateboard> So I'm not sure what all he knows.
  164. [20:21] <psionicPskateboard> That's probably not what you wanted to hear, is it?
  165. [20:22] <bouncebackEschaton> Not quite.
  166. [20:22] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh man, I REALLY messed up, huh?
  167. [20:23] <bouncebackEschaton> So now he's got potential blackmail fuel.
  168. [20:23] <psionicPskateboard> Don't worry, I don't think anyone would believe him.
  169. [20:24] <psionicPskateboard> I mean, if I ran around saying Kazuma had random mind powers, would anyone believe me?
  170. [20:24] <bouncebackEschaton> Haha
  171. [20:24] <bouncebackEschaton> Probably not
  172. [20:24] <bouncebackEschaton> But still, the fact that HE knows.
  173. [20:24] <psionicPskateboard> It is a bit worrying, but I don't think anything will come of it.
  174. [20:25] <bouncebackEschaton> Maybe.
  175. [20:26] <bouncebackEschaton> I just can't get over the fact that I tried to kill someone.
  176. [20:26] == Thingymabob [Thingymabo@] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  177. [20:26] <psionicPskateboard> It's okay.
  178. [20:27] <psionicPskateboard> I mean, it's attempted murder, so it
  179. [20:27] <psionicPskateboard> it's pretty bad legally.
  180. [20:27] <psionicPskateboard> But I think you'll be fine.
  181. [20:27] <bouncebackEschaton> But I mean
  182. [20:27] <psionicPskateboard> I don't think you're the kind of person to normally go around murdering people.
  183. [20:28] <psionicPskateboard> So it's not like this just automatically makes you a monster.
  184. [20:28] <bouncebackEschaton> It's a slippery slope though. That's what they say, right?
  185. [20:28] <bouncebackEschaton> First I'm using psionics to hurt people like him. Then slightly less bad people.
  186. [20:29] <psionicPskateboard> But that's only if you let yourself.
  187. [20:29] <psionicPskateboard> Just don't make a habit of attacking people, and you'll be fine.
  188. [20:29] <bouncebackEschaton> Are you sure?
  189. [20:29] <bouncebackEschaton> I mean
  190. [20:29] <bouncebackEschaton> I've kind of already tainted the whole psionics thing, didn't I?
  191. [20:30] <psionicPskateboard> You're feeling so bad about this time, so I don't think you'll have a problem.
  192. [20:30] <bouncebackEschaton> It's supposed to be this awesome gift, and I used it to beat someone up.
  193. [20:30] <psionicPskateboard> I don't think so. It's like anything else, it's what you make it.
  194. [20:31] <bouncebackEschaton> I guess so.
  195. [20:31] <psionicPskateboard> And you can do so many awesome things, it'd be a shame to give it up just because you slipped up once.
  196. [20:31] <bouncebackEschaton> :)
  197. [20:31] <bouncebackEschaton> Thanks.
  198. [20:32] <psionicPskateboard> No problem.
  199. [20:32] <psionicPskateboard> After all, what are friends for?
  200. [20:32] <bouncebackEschaton> Right!
  201. [20:32] <bouncebackEschaton> I owe you one, Kirk!
  202. [20:32] <psionicPskateboard> Really, it's no problem.
  203. [20:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Me and Kaz need to fill out some restraining orders now.
  204. [20:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Talk to you soon?
  205. [20:35] <psionicPskateboard> Of course.
  206. [20:35] <bouncebackEschaton> :) :) :)
  207. [20:35] * bouncebackEschaton [BE] has ceased pestering psionicPskateboard [PP]
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