
Speak (SFW)

May 29th, 2014
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  1. >"And that, citizens, is precisely why we must love them! Because they desire love above all else!"
  2. >You stifle a yawn
  3. >Jesus Christ, Celestia gave long speeches
  4. >You supposed it was for the best
  5. >Gave you less to do, anyway
  6. >Celestia hadn't actually told them about their possible impending doom
  7. >Well, she hadn't told them yet
  8. >She'd have to eventually
  9. >Maybe a few weeks from now, after the army was already sizable
  10. >"And... To prove to you that am I speaking the truth-"
  11. >SHIT
  12. >You scramble upwards, knocking over your chair
  13. >That was your cue
  14. >"I present to you, the one I learned all this from: Anonymous!"
  15. >You jump out on stage, standing there
  16. >Shock ripples through the crowd when they see your new form
  17. >You flash your teeth, taking the microphone
  18. >"Thank you, Princess Celestia. Yes, it is true. I'm a changeling now. Sorta."
  19. >You shrug
  20. >"I don't actually know what to call myself. Some kind of hybrid. Chrysalis did this to me after her recent invasion. Of course, at first, I was angry, horrified."
  21. >The lie flows smoothly from your lips
  22. >"But I soon realized that she converted me for a reason: she converted me so I might bridge the gap between your world and hers. All she really wants, after all, is love. She may try to take it, but that's because she doesn't know any better."
  23. >Well, they haven't started throwing tomatoes at you yet
  24. >So things were going better than you expected
  25. >"I conversed with her. Got inside her head. Helped her to see that she doesn't need to take it, because you're loving creatures, and you will give it freely."
  26. >Understanding, yes
  27. >They understood in concept
  28. >But you needed them to feel it
  29. >"I mean, after all, remember how friendship has saved your world, countless times?"
  30. >Silence
  31. >"Remember all the times you were feeling down, and a friend picked you back up? You know that feeling in your chest you get with a special somepony?"
  32. >They were thinking of it
  33. >You can feel it
  34. >They don't, however, feel love towards the Changelings
  35. >And you need to change that
  36. >"They haven't felt that. Imagine how alone they are?"
  37. >You let the question linger
  38. >"How cold and lost they are in the dark, without friendship. Without love."
  39. >You're doing your best to imitate those televangelists you occasionally caught a glimpse of when you actually used your TV
  40. >As far as you can tell, it's working
  41. >"I know how they felt. Not first-hand, but their queen told me of the horrors. Please. You're good ponies. Good ponies wouldn't let this happen."
  42. >You lean into the mic a bit
  43. >"Please. Love them. They need it, desperately."
  44. >"Thank you."
  45. >You pull back, hoping that you said enough
  46. >The crowd is silent as you walk back and behind the curtain
  47. >You did your bit
  48. >Now-
  49. >Suddenly, you double over
  50. >It's as if somebody set off a fucking firebomb in your head
  51. >In your entire body
  52. >What-
  53. >Oh, shit
  54. >They loved you
  55. >Well, it was really more like 'pity,' but pity was a type of love
  56. >Empathy, at least
  57. >And...
  58. >Jesus Christ
  59. >You turn to Chrysalis
  60. >"You-- You feel it?"
  61. >"Yes."
  62. >Her voice is quiet, breathy
  63. >"I feel it, Anonymous. It's... Mmmmm."
  64. >A little shudder goes through her body
  65. >"I haven't... Oh, my god, Anonymous. I feel like-- Like--"
  66. >"Like you could lay a shitload of eggs?"
  67. >She rolls her eyes
  68. >"Yes. I suppose I could."
  69. >"Awesome."
  70. >You grasp her hooves
  71. >All this power was, in truth, making you horny as fuck
  72. >You hoped that Celestia would be done soon
  73. >Because you had eggs to make
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