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Aug 1st, 2015
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  1. On March 15th 1981, parents Leonardo and Gianna gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Rocco. Rocco's father, Leonardo, was a soldier in the Gambino crime family unde capo Salvatore Leonetti. Rocco always looked up to his father. The flashy suits, the give 'em hell attitude, the looks he got from the ladies and of course, the instant respect he received from everyone knowing he is a made man. his father had power over people even if he was just a soldier, plain and simple. Young Rocco craved that power, much like all the kids growing up in New York city at the time. At age 17, Rocco started getting serious with his father, telling him that he wanted in. Nothing would make Leonardo happier than to be able to induct his own son as a made man in the future, so Leonardo setup a few low profile jobs for his son to do.
  3. Rocco continued with these low profile jobs for seven long years, each job being harder than the one before. One day Rocco got a call from his father telling him that he needs to be present at a meeting. Rocco knew exactly what was about to happen, hew was about to become a made man. Rocco went through the ceremony with ease and afterwards was introduced to the capo that he'd be working under, a classy, grizzled hardened con by the name of Joey Leonetti. Joey Leonetti was a ruthless conman who would do anything to get his hands on money. Joey had everything a man could ever dream of. Multiple girlfriend, a ninety-thousand dollar Mercedes, and the power to have a dozen men killed with the simple act of picking up a phone and dialing a number. Rocco stayed loyal to Joey and Joey gained a lot of respect for Rocco and ultimately made him his right hand man. It's late July, 2015 and Rocco gets a phone call from Joey letting him know that Domenicu wants them to test out the waters on the west coast, specifically California.
  5. Have you got any past RP experience on SA-MP or another game? If past RP experience on SA-MP, what server(s) was it and what was your IG name(s)?
  6. Yes, I have. The server is called MTG, and my IG name was Peter_Lan.
  8. What is our policy on rape, robbing and scamming?
  9. The LS-RP policy on rape or anything of a disgusting nature is that you must have OOC consent from all parties participating in the roleplay. Meaning that you must discuss the roleplay with said party, ensuring they are okay with it, before executing the roleplay.
  11. The LS-RP policy on scamming consists of quite a few thing. First off, the scamming limit is set at 50'000 dollars unless an admin grants permission for it to be higher. Second, both players must be at a minimum level of 5. Weapon and drug scams are allowed. And last but certainly not least, scamming of vehicles, businesses, or houses is not acceptable.
  13. The LS-RP policy on robbing also consists of a few things. First off, you must not take more than 500 dollars off of a person during a robbery. Second, both parties must be respectively level 5 or higher. Third, there is no limit to how many drugs, guns, or packages you can take off of a single player. However, you are allowed to rob your goods back.
  15. Explain some roleplaying terms, like metagaming and powergaming, and give examples to each.
  16. Metagaming is the act of mixing IC and OOC information with each other.
  17. Example:
  18. *Player_1 sees Player_2 for the first time and looks at their nametag*
  19. Player_1:Hello, Player_2!!
  21. Powergaming can be defined as many things, much like forcing acts on a player without giving the a fair chance in the roleplay, it can also be executing inhuman-like acts, it can also be making up different things in different situations to give yourself an advantage in the situation.
  22. Example 1:
  23. Player_1: /me pulls out their Deagle aiming it at Player_2's head and shooting them twice causing them to die instantly.
  24. Example 2:
  25. Player_1: /me places both of his hands on the boot of the car-pushing it out of the way.
  27. Deathmatching is hitting or shooting another player without any RP reason, revenge killing, which is going back to kill a person IC after they have already killed, also falls under this category.
  28. Example: *Player_1 sees a group of people standing and talking, so he walks up and starts punching them*
  30. Abuse of GTA SA physics is executing acts that the physics of the game allow you to do but is not RPly correct, much like bunny hopping as it uses the game's physics to the player's advantage without being realistic.
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