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a guest
Sep 18th, 2011
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text 23.26 KB | None | 0 0
  1. -----------------------------------------------
  3. _____ ___. .__ .__
  4. / _ \ _____\_ |__ _____ _______ ____ | | | | _____
  5. / /_\ \ / \| __ \\__ \\_ __ \_/ __ \| | | | \__ \
  6. / | \ Y Y \ \_\ \/ __ \| | \/\ ___/| |_| |__/ __ \_
  7. \____|__ /__|_| /___ (____ /__| \___ >____/____(____ /
  8. \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
  9. Ambarella System Software Running on PrKERNELv4
  10. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Ambarella(R) Copyright (C) 2004-2007
  13. Built: Administrator@Develop Tue Jun 29 11:48:10 2010
  15. Memory Usage:
  16. fios/dma: 0xc0000000 - 0xc007ffff [0x00080000]
  17. rtos + app: 0xc0100000 - 0xc05df927 [0x004df928]
  18. cached heap: 0xc05e0000 - 0xc3f9ffff [0x039c0000]
  19. non-cached heap: 0xc3fa0000 - 0xc3ffffff [0x00060000]
  20. dsp: 0xc4000000 - 0xc7ffffff [0x04000000]
  21. total memory: 0x08000000
  22. cache id trademark: 0x41
  23. cache id architecture: 0x6
  24. Architecture (ARMv5TEJ)
  25. cache id part number: 0x926
  26. cache id revision: 0x5
  27. cache type: write back
  28. separate i-cache and d-cache
  29. cache type d-cache size: 16 KB
  30. cache type d-cache associativities: 0x4
  31. cache type d-cache multiplier: 0x0
  32. cache type d-cache line size: 32 byte
  33. cache type i-cache size: 16 KB
  34. cache type i-cache associativities: 0x4
  35. cache type i-cache multiplier: 0x0
  36. cache type i-cache line size: 32 byte
  37. Initialize Host Port Tx Module
  38. rtc in pwc mode
  39. HDMI request irq success
  40. reg(0x6000b508) = 0x03b5030c
  41. reg(0x6000b50c) = 0x01fa013c
  42. reg(0x6000b510) = 0x01fa007e
  43. reg(0x6000b514) = 0x00000400
  44. reg(0x6000b53c) = 0x002f004f
  45. reg(0x6000b540) = 0x032902c4
  46. reg(0x6000b544) = 0x002f004f
  47. Set Menu Language to chi
  48. CEC Flag ID = 0xc
  49. HDMI request irq success
  50. CEC Message Handler task ready
  51. Initialize SCM
  52. Initialize STK task
  53. Initialize debou task
  54. Initialize FL1 block driver ...
  55. fl1prf2 - fat pages:32, dat pages:32, fat buf:4, data buf:8
  56. Initialize SD0 block driver ...
  57. sdprf2 - fat pages:32, dat pages:32, fat buf:4, data buf:8
  58. Initialize SD2 block driver ...
  59. sdprf2 - fat pages:32, dat pages:32, fat buf:4, data buf:8
  60. Initialize AMB flash host controller
  61. SAMSUNG K9F5608_32MB_PG512 with (id: 0xec750000) (banks: 1)
  62. Initialize AMB SD host controller 0
  63. ROMFS: initialized
  64. usb cable is inserted
  65. TLV320AIC31 ADC flag (0x44)
  66. tlv320aic31_volume_control: value=0x40
  67. TLV320AIC31 DAC flag (0xde)
  68. Global audio cachable heap is created successfully......
  69. Global audio cachable heap is created successfully(10)......
  70. Global audio non-cache heap is allocated successfully......
  71. Global audio non-cache heap is created successfully (11)......
  72. audio tasks init done
  73. DRAM_DSP_BASE register setting is 0x7E007F
  74. ucode load from NAND
  75. Load CODED ucode successful, size = 572124
  76. Load MEMD ucode successful, size = 824772
  77. Load dsp binary data successful, size = 262144
  78. ===============================
  79. u_code version = 2009/4/23 15.0
  80. ===============================
  81. Initialize cavlc task
  82. Format cache 254992 704 772
  83. bits buffer addr = 0xC3ED8AC0
  84. desc buffer is zero or negative
  85. AMBA_YUVMON: the YUV device didn't support auto detect
  86. AMBA tsmux was inited before, maybe avchd already init
  87. register illegal video signal id
  88. Recoder module init OK
  89. ========== cavlc encode init ===========
  90. ========== cavlc encode init ===========
  91. State transition manager ready, mbx_id = 5
  92. CAVLC Boot.........
  93. Recorder Mux Manager ready, mbxid = 6
  94. amba_editor_task is ready
  95. Player state transition manager ready
  96. Player video pipeline controller ready
  97. Playback video manager ready
  98. ========== cavlc decode init ===========
  99. DeMux manager ready
  100. Player photo pipeline controller ready
  101. Playback photo manager ready
  102. DeMux manager ready
  103. Player sound pipeline controller ready
  104. Playback sound manager ready
  105. DeMux manager ready
  106. Player thumb pipeline controller ready
  107. Playback thumb manager ready
  108. DeMux manager ready
  109. Host control manager ready
  110. Player DeMux manager ready
  111. tlv320aic31_volume_control: value=0x10
  112. @@@@@@ (VOUT-0 SW. Scalar) Remain HEAP_MPLID: 42126892 @@@@@@
  113. @@@@@@ (VOUT-0 OSD Buffer) Remain HEAP_MPLID: 40283656 @@@@@@
  114. @@@@@@ (G-Blending Buffer) Remain HEAP_MPLID: 39095504 @@@@@@
  115. audio beep flow mem had been released
  116. td025theea1 init 0x1443 0x481D
  117. ================ Booting DSP start to decode
  118. DSP boot done in DECODE_MODE
  119. *** Chip ID: 0 ***
  120. ================ Booting DSP end
  121. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 16 tmp=B
  122. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 1 tmp=FA
  123. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 17 tmp=B
  124. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 16 tmp=B
  125. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 1 tmp=FA
  126. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 17 tmp=B
  127. bits buffer addr = 0xC301B4E0
  128. desc buffer addr = 0xC3FFD140
  129. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##################
  130. [App=USB_MENU] - stop
  131. usb_menu_app.on_stop
  132. >>>>> usb_menu.screen_on_paint()
  133. pop app[App=MAIN] from stack
  134. [App=REC] - init
  135. rec_app.on_init
  136. [App=REC] - start
  137. rec_app.on_start
  138. Chip Version = 6145
  139. Chip Version = 6145
  140. ###Binning mode:1
  141. === This is Micron MT9P001 ver#8 ===
  142. ----- Enering img_init_slowshutter TIME:7075 -----
  143. ----- Leaving img_init_slow_shutter TIME:7088 -----
  144. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  145. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  146. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  147. default cmd buffer has created
  148. ON : dsp default configuration
  149. app_rc_qmode_selector ==> CBR 5.0 Mbps
  150. audio frame size: 1536
  151. Video bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 214
  152. Video descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 512
  153. Audio bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 210
  154. Audio descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 600
  155. ###################################3 usb_record=1
  157. -----------Flicker rate : 50Hz.-----------
  158. -------------Frame rate : 50.------------
  161. ------Set wb gain zero!!-------
  163. default cmd buffer has created
  164. OFF : dsp default configuration
  165. DSP change mode done in ENCODE_MODE
  166. unpacked badpixel mask: page:3 count:17 size:5864 byte
  167. build bad pixel maps
  168. rec_app, paint screen
  169. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 0
  170. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 0
  171. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 1
  172. [App=REC] - on_preview
  173. rec_app.on_preview
  174. @@@@ rct loss, reset date & time
  175. NO Cal.txt EXISTS !!!
  176. rec_app, paint screen
  177. application receives user command 0xFFFE0005
  178. [App=REC] - on_record
  179. rec_app.on_record
  180. app_rc_qmode_selector ==> CBR 5.0 Mbps
  181. audio frame size: 1536
  182. Video bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 214
  183. Video descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 512
  184. Audio bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 210
  185. Audio descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 600
  186. bits buffer addr = 0xC30AB4E0
  187. desc buffer addr = 0xC3FF6900
  188. bits buffer addr = 0xC2F314C0
  189. desc buffer addr = 0xC3FEB4A0
  190. start recording... AV...
  191. rec_app, paint screen
  193. recycle_start 12
  194. audio encode flow mem had been released
  195. audio_enc_info->encoder_type=32
  196. start_enc_time = 8654
  197. dsp encoded frame reset, time = 8654
  198. prev mw = 1, curr mw = 5
  199. AMBA ASYNC IO stream buffer mem size =38869492 and need_size =524288 size_check=38345204
  200. AMBA ASYNC IO stream buffer mem allocate size = 524288
  201. fmt_isomux_open(): sizeof p_movie 704, sizeof ctx_fmt_isomux_t 456
  202. ISO muxer[0] takes 1 ms to open the index file (size=33256 duration=9127) 3840000 273386 storage_freespace= 12802 vdelta 3003.000000
  203. fmt_isomux_open done
  204. G_storagemon.reservspace 3082
  205. Press: REC
  206. application receives user command 0xFFFE0005
  207. [App=REC] - on_record
  208. rec_app.on_record
  209. %%%%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^222222222222
  210. msg =0xfffe0005, stop recording...
  211. AMBA_FRMON_AVSYNC: Stop recording. encoding frate: 29.970030frm/sec
  212. total encoded frm: 84frm, expected encoded frm: 83.999999frm
  213. dropped audio smp: 0smp, audio smp freq: 48000smp/sec
  214. rec_app, paint screen
  215. [AIN] FadeOut done
  216. Release: REC
  218. recycle_start 13
  219. application receives user command 0xFFFEA005
  220. Isomux met EOS 4 ffffff 0 stream_id=0
  221. closing mp4..
  222. Before insert, p_movie->end_pos=2376611
  223. ISO muxer takes 383 ms to close the ISO file
  224. isomux close done
  225. No produce thumbnail picture
  226. prev mw = 5, curr mw = 1
  227. [App=REC] - on_preview
  228. rec_app.on_preview
  229. recapp, on_calc_freespace, freespace = 10478
  230. recapp, on_calc_freespace, sys_status.rec_bitrate = 5
  231. total time = 16
  232. recording stoped...
  233. rec_app, paint screen
  234. Press: DEL
  235. application receives user command 0xFFFE0008
  236. [App=REC] - on_menu
  237. [App=REC] - stop
  238. rec_app.on_stop
  239. rec_app, paint screen
  240. push app[App=REC] to stack
  241. [App=MENU] - init
  242. menu_app.on_init
  243. >>>>> menu.init_screen()
  244. [App=MENU] - start
  245. menu_app.on_start
  247. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  250. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  252. audio encode flow mem had been released
  253. wait for entering timer mode
  254. entering timer mode successfully
  255. Release: DEL
  256. DSP change mode done in DECODE_MODE
  257. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 16 tmp=B
  258. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 1 tmp=FA
  259. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 17 tmp=B
  260. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 16 tmp=B
  261. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 1 tmp=FA
  262. Exifdemux: [Done] type = 17 tmp=B
  263. bits buffer addr = 0xC301B4E0
  264. desc buffer addr = 0xC3FFC500
  265. application receives user command 0xFFFEABCD
  266. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 0
  267. application receives user command 0xFFFEA008
  268. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 7
  269. Press: UP
  270. application receives user command 0xFFFE0000
  271. [App=MENU] - on_up
  272. menu_app.on_up
  274. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  277. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  279. Release: UP
  280. application receives user command 0xFFFEA000
  281. Press: R
  282. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  283. [App=MENU] - on_right
  284. menu_app.on_right
  286. wiley get_DV_state_id is: REC
  289. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  292. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  294. Release: R
  295. prev mw = 7, curr mw = 7
  296. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  297. Press: DOWN
  298. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  299. [App=MENU] - on_down
  300. menu_app.on_down
  302. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  305. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  307. Release: DOWN
  308. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  309. Press: DOWN
  310. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  311. [App=MENU] - on_down
  312. menu_app.on_down
  314. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  317. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  319. Release: DOWN
  320. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  321. Press: DOWN
  322. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  323. [App=MENU] - on_down
  324. menu_app.on_down
  326. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  329. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  331. Release: DOWN
  332. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  333. Press: DOWN
  334. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  335. [App=MENU] - on_down
  336. menu_app.on_down
  338. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  341. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  343. Release: DOWN
  344. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  345. Press: DOWN
  346. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  347. [App=MENU] - on_down
  348. menu_app.on_down
  350. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  353. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  355. Release: DOWN
  356. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  357. Press: DOWN
  358. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  359. [App=MENU] - on_down
  360. menu_app.on_down
  362. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  365. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  367. Release: DOWN
  368. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  369. Press: DOWN
  370. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  371. [App=MENU] - on_down
  372. menu_app.on_down
  374. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  377. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  379. Release: DOWN
  380. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  381. Press: UP
  382. application receives user command 0xFFFE0000
  383. [App=MENU] - on_up
  384. menu_app.on_up
  386. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  389. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  391. Release: UP
  392. application receives user command 0xFFFEA000
  393. Press: UP
  394. application receives user command 0xFFFE0000
  395. [App=MENU] - on_up
  396. menu_app.on_up
  398. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  401. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  403. Release: UP
  404. application receives user command 0xFFFEA000
  405. Press: DOWN
  406. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  407. [App=MENU] - on_down
  408. menu_app.on_down
  410. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  413. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  415. Release: DOWN
  416. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  417. Press: DOWN
  418. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  419. [App=MENU] - on_down
  420. menu_app.on_down
  422. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  425. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  427. Release: DOWN
  428. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  429. Press: DOWN
  430. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  431. [App=MENU] - on_down
  432. menu_app.on_down
  434. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  437. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  439. Release: DOWN
  440. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  441. Press: DOWN
  442. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  443. [App=MENU] - on_down
  444. menu_app.on_down
  446. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  449. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  451. Release: DOWN
  452. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  453. Press: DOWN
  454. application receives user command 0xFFFE0001
  455. [App=MENU] - on_down
  456. menu_app.on_down
  458. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  461. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  463. Release: DOWN
  464. application receives user command 0xFFFEA001
  465. Press: SET
  466. application receives user command 0xFFFE0007
  467. [App=MENU] - on_set
  468. menu_app.on_set
  469. [App=MENU] - stop
  470. menu_app.on_stop
  472. sys_status.menu_tab is: 4
  475. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  477. Exifdemux: EOS, no FFDA?! Z:\ModeSelect_clean.jpg
  478. Exifdemux: TMB Unsupported -1
  479. Exifdemux: !DHT found@ 0x0 1a1c 0
  480. pop app[App=REC] from stack
  481. [App=REC] - start
  482. rec_app.on_start
  483. Chip Version = 6145
  484. Chip Version = 6145
  485. ###Binning mode:1
  486. === This is Micron MT9P001 ver#8 ===
  487. ----- Enering img_init_slowshutter TIME:81337 -----
  488. ----- Leaving img_init_slow_shutter TIME:81350 -----
  489. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  490. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  491. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  492. default cmd buffer has created
  493. ON : dsp default configuration
  494. app_rc_qmode_selector ==> CBR 5.0 Mbps
  495. audio frame size: 1536
  496. Video bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 214
  497. Video descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 512
  498. Audio bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 210
  499. Audio descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 600
  500. ###################################3 usb_record=0
  501. rec_app, paint screen
  502. default cmd buffer has created
  503. OFF : dsp default configuration
  504. prev mw = 1, curr mw = 0
  505. DSP change mode done in ENCODE_MODE
  506. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 1
  507. [App=REC] - on_preview
  508. rec_app.on_preview
  509. NO Cal.txt EXISTS !!!
  510. rec_app, paint screen
  511. Release: SET
  512. application receives user command 0xFFFEA007
  513. Press: DEL
  514. application receives user command 0xFFFE0008
  515. [App=REC] - on_menu
  516. [App=REC] - stop
  517. rec_app.on_stop
  518. rec_app, paint screen
  519. push app[App=REC] to stack
  520. [App=MENU] - init
  521. menu_app.on_init
  522. >>>>> menu.init_screen()
  523. [App=MENU] - start
  524. menu_app.on_start
  526. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  529. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  531. audio encode flow mem had been released
  532. Release: DEL
  533. wait for entering timer mode
  534. entering timer mode successfully
  535. DSP change mode done in DECODE_MODE
  536. bits buffer addr = 0xC301B4E0
  537. desc buffer addr = 0xC3FFC500
  538. application receives user command 0xFFFEABCD
  539. application receives user command 0xFFFEA008
  540. prev mw = 7, curr mw = 0
  541. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 7
  542. Press: R
  543. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  544. [App=MENU] - on_right
  545. menu_app.on_right
  547. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  550. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  552. Release: R
  553. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  554. Press: R
  555. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  556. [App=MENU] - on_right
  557. menu_app.on_right
  559. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  562. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  564. Release: R
  565. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  566. Press: R
  567. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  568. [App=MENU] - on_right
  569. menu_app.on_right
  571. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  574. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  576. Release: R
  577. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  578. Press: R
  579. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  580. [App=MENU] - on_right
  581. menu_app.on_right
  583. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  586. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  588. Release: R
  589. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  590. Press: R
  591. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  592. [App=MENU] - on_right
  593. menu_app.on_right
  595. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  598. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  600. Release: R
  601. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  602. Press: R
  603. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  604. [App=MENU] - on_right
  605. menu_app.on_right
  607. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  610. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  612. Release: R
  613. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  614. Press: SET
  615. application receives user command 0xFFFE0007
  616. [App=MENU] - on_set
  617. menu_app.on_set
  618. [App=MENU] - stop
  619. menu_app.on_stop
  621. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  624. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  626. pop app[App=REC] from stack
  627. [App=REC] - start
  628. rec_app.on_start
  629. Chip Version = 6145
  630. Chip Version = 6145
  631. ###Binning mode:0
  632. === This is Micron MT9P001 ver#8 ===
  633. ----- Enering img_init_slowshutter TIME:105539 -----
  634. ----- Leaving img_init_slow_shutter TIME:105552 -----
  635. unpacked badpixel mask: page:1 count:584 size:21772 byte
  636. build bad pixel maps
  637. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  638. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  639. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  640. default cmd buffer has created
  641. ON : dsp default configuration
  643. -----------Flicker rate : 50Hz.-----------
  644. -------------Frame rate : 50.------------
  646. app_rc_qmode_selector ==> CBR 8.0 Mbps
  647. SET_VIDEO_ENCODE_SIZE over IAV buffer
  648. audio frame size: 1536
  649. Video bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 134
  650. Video descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 512
  651. Audio bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 140
  652. Audio descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 600
  653. ###################################3 usb_record=0
  654. rec_app, paint screen
  655. default cmd buffer has created
  656. OFF : dsp default configuration
  657. prev mw = 1, curr mw = 0
  658. DSP change mode done in ENCODE_MODE
  659. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 1
  660. [App=REC] - on_preview
  661. rec_app.on_preview
  662. NO Cal.txt EXISTS !!!
  663. rec_app, paint screen
  664. Release: SET
  665. application receives user command 0xFFFEA007
  666. Press: SET
  667. application receives user command 0xFFFE0007
  668. Release: SET
  669. application receives user command 0xFFFEA007
  670. Press: L
  671. application receives user command 0xFFFE0002
  672. [App=REC] - on_lcd_onoff
  673. Release: L
  674. application receives user command 0xFFFEA002
  675. Press: L
  676. application receives user command 0xFFFE0002
  677. [App=REC] - on_lcd_onoff
  678. Release: L
  679. application receives user command 0xFFFEA002
  680. Press: L
  681. application receives user command 0xFFFE0002
  682. [App=REC] - on_lcd_onoff
  683. Release: L
  684. application receives user command 0xFFFEA002
  685. Press: L
  686. application receives user command 0xFFFE0002
  687. [App=REC] - on_lcd_onoff
  688. Release: L
  689. application receives user command 0xFFFEA002
  690. Press: R
  691. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  692. [App=REC] - on_right
  693. Release: R
  694. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  695. Press: R
  696. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  697. [App=REC] - on_right
  698. Release: R
  699. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  700. Press: R
  701. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  702. [App=REC] - on_right
  703. Release: R
  704. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  705. Press: MODE
  706. application receives user command 0xFFFE0006
  707. main_app.on_mode (curapp=REC)
  708. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##################
  709. [App=REC] - stop
  710. rec_app.on_stop
  711. rec_app, paint screen
  712. [App=PREC] - init
  713. prec_app.on_init
  714. >>>>> prec.init_screen()
  715. [App=PREC] - start
  716. prec_app.on_start
  717. wait for entering timer mode
  718. entering timer mode successfully
  719. Chip Version = 6145
  720. Chip Version = 6145
  721. ###Binning mode:1
  722. === This is Micron MT9P001 ver#8 ===
  723. ----- Enering img_init_slowshutter TIME:126978 -----
  724. ----- Leaving img_init_slow_shutter TIME:126991 -----
  726. -----------Flicker rate : 50Hz.-----------
  727. -------------Frame rate : 50.------------
  729. audio encode flow mem had been released
  730. DSP is in ENCODE_MODE
  731. bits buffer addr = 0xC2EDB4E0
  732. desc buffer addr = 0xC3FFC100
  733. >>>>> prec.screen_on_paint()
  734. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 0
  735. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 1
  736. [App=PREC] - on_preview
  737. prec_app.on_preview
  738. >>>>> prec.screen_on_paint()
  739. remain shots: 1
  740. Release: MODE
  741. application receives user command 0xFFFEA006
  742. Press: MODE
  743. application receives user command 0xFFFE0006
  744. main_app.on_mode (curapp=PREC)
  745. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##################
  746. [App=PREC] - stop
  747. prec_app.on_stop
  748. >>>>> prec.screen_on_paint()
  749. [App=REC] - init
  750. rec_app.on_init
  751. [App=REC] - start
  752. rec_app.on_start
  753. wait for entering timer mode
  754. entering timer mode successfully
  755. Chip Version = 6145
  756. Chip Version = 6145
  757. ###Binning mode:0
  758. === This is Micron MT9P001 ver#8 ===
  759. ----- Enering img_init_slowshutter TIME:139787 -----
  760. ----- Leaving img_init_slow_shutter TIME:139800 -----
  761. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  762. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  764. -----------Flicker rate : 50Hz.-----------
  765. -------------Frame rate : 50.------------
  767. vout device_h=240 display_h=180 video_h =240
  768. audio encode flow mem had been released
  769. app_rc_qmode_selector ==> CBR 8.0 Mbps
  770. audio frame size: 1536
  771. Video bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 139
  772. Video descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 512
  773. Audio bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 140
  774. Audio descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 600
  775. ###################################3 usb_record=0
  776. rec_app, paint screen
  777. DSP is in ENCODE_MODE
  778. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 0
  779. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 1
  780. [App=REC] - on_preview
  781. rec_app.on_preview
  782. NO Cal.txt EXISTS !!!
  783. rec_app, paint screen
  784. Release: MODE
  785. application receives user command 0xFFFEA006
  786. Press: DEL
  787. application receives user command 0xFFFE0008
  788. [App=REC] - on_menu
  789. [App=REC] - stop
  790. rec_app.on_stop
  791. rec_app, paint screen
  792. push app[App=REC] to stack
  793. [App=MENU] - init
  794. menu_app.on_init
  795. >>>>> menu.init_screen()
  796. [App=MENU] - start
  797. menu_app.on_start
  799. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  802. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  804. audio encode flow mem had been released
  805. Release: DEL
  806. wait for entering timer mode
  807. entering timer mode successfully
  808. DSP change mode done in DECODE_MODE
  809. bits buffer addr = 0xC301B4E0
  810. desc buffer addr = 0xC3FFC500
  811. application receives user command 0xFFFEABCD
  812. application receives user command 0xFFFEA008
  813. prev mw = 7, curr mw = 0
  814. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 7
  815. Press: R
  816. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  817. [App=MENU] - on_right
  818. menu_app.on_right
  820. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  823. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  825. Release: R
  826. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  827. Press: R
  828. application receives user command 0xFFFE0003
  829. [App=MENU] - on_right
  830. menu_app.on_right
  832. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  835. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  837. Release: R
  838. application receives user command 0xFFFEA003
  839. Press: SET
  840. application receives user command 0xFFFE0007
  841. [App=MENU] - on_set
  842. menu_app.on_set
  843. [App=MENU] - stop
  844. menu_app.on_stop
  846. sys_status.menu_tab is: 1
  849. >>>>> menu.screen_on_paint()
  851. pop app[App=REC] from stack
  852. [App=REC] - start
  853. rec_app.on_start
  854. Chip Version = 6145
  855. Chip Version = 6145
  856. ###Binning mode:1
  857. === This is Micron MT9P001 ver#8 ===
  858. ----- Enering img_init_slowshutter TIME:146157 -----
  859. ----- Leaving img_init_slow_shutter TIME:146170 -----
  860. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  861. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  862. vout device_h=240 display_h=240 video_h =240
  863. default cmd buffer has created
  864. ON : dsp default configuration
  866. -----------Flicker rate : 50Hz.-----------
  867. -------------Frame rate : 50.------------
  869. app_rc_qmode_selector ==> CBR 5.0 Mbps
  870. audio frame size: 1536
  871. Video bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 214
  872. Video descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 512
  873. Audio bitstream buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 210
  874. Audio descriptor buffer Reserved time (100ms) = 600
  875. ###################################3 usb_record=0
  876. rec_app, paint screen
  877. default cmd buffer has created
  878. OFF : dsp default configuration
  879. prev mw = 1, curr mw = 0
  880. DSP change mode done in ENCODE_MODE
  881. prev mw = 0, curr mw = 1
  882. [App=REC] - on_preview
  883. rec_app.on_preview
  884. NO Cal.txt EXISTS !!!
  885. rec_app, paint screen
  886. Release: SET
  887. application receives user command 0xFFFEA007
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