
zippy op???

Dec 11th, 2012
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  1. Session Start: Tue Dec 11 08:48:27 2012
  2. Session Ident: FathMajesty
  3. 04[08:48] <04gmolly> tell sprung to get off my back - he obviously wants to fight with *me* - i don't know other than he's another cheap punk not interested in anything but pissing contests with GIRLS
  4. [08:55] <FathMajesty> okay
  5. [08:55] <FathMajesty> I will do a sprung intervention
  6. 04[08:55] <04gmolly> LOL
  7. 04[08:55] <04gmolly> thank you you know i could really like you lol
  8. 04[08:56] <04gmolly> given HALF a fucking chance lol
  9. [09:09] <FathMajesty> Notice, I only paree
  10. [09:09] <FathMajesty> I never inititiate
  11. 04[09:09] <04gmolly> i'm happy
  12. [09:18] <FathMajesty> You made GmollyOP
  13. [09:19] <FathMajesty> WTF?
  14. [09:19] <FathMajesty> I mean you made TinaA OP
  15. 04[09:19] <04gmolly> we're thinking of giving her a chance to see how it goes
  16. [09:19] <FathMajesty> my god
  17. 04[09:19] <04gmolly> right now it's mostly just fun
  18. [09:19] <FathMajesty> You wont OP one conservative
  19. [09:19] <FathMajesty> Just amazing
  20. 04[09:19] <04gmolly> but - she's been a good regular, and a good friend
  21. [09:19] <FathMajesty> She stirs up shit all the time
  22. [09:19] <FathMajesty> She is racist
  23. [09:19] <FathMajesty> My goodness
  24. 04[09:19] <04gmolly> that's ok
  25. [09:19] <FathMajesty> Make me OP then
  26. 04[09:19] <04gmolly> she's not american
  27. [09:19] <FathMajesty> Because she will ban me
  28. 04[09:19] <04gmolly> that's ok too
  29. [09:19] <FathMajesty> And you know it
  30. [09:20] <FathMajesty> I think thats why you made her OP
  31. 04[09:20] <04gmolly> we'll see hunh? nah she's not itching to ban anybody
  32. [09:20] <FathMajesty> Oh please
  33. 04[09:20] <04gmolly> you'd KNOW that if you CARED to see what she really thinks
  34. [09:20] <FathMajesty> She is name calling all morning and you reward her
  35. [09:20] <FathMajesty> You know, I'm following the rules
  36. [09:20] <FathMajesty> I know what she thinks
  37. [09:20] <FathMajesty> 1. America is the cause of all world problems
  38. [09:20] <FathMajesty> 2. the Jew has to much power in America
  39. [09:21] <FathMajesty> just make me op to see how I DO
  40. 04[09:21] <04gmolly> maybe some other time - seriously zippy
  41. 04[09:21] <04gmolly> i WOULD consider it
  42. 04[09:21] <04gmolly> seriously
  43. [09:21] <FathMajesty> No you wont
  44. [09:21] <FathMajesty> I'm conservative
  45. 04[09:21] <04gmolly> really really really
  46. 04[09:21] <04gmolly> no i'm not come on
  47. 05[09:21] <FathMajesty> gmolly come on
  48. [09:21] <FathMajesty> Its Zippy--be honest
  49. 04[09:22] <04gmolly> after ALL this time you KEEP ON disbelieving what is in front of your own eyes
  50. [09:22] <FathMajesty> I mean, lets be honest
  51. [09:22] <FathMajesty> I just saw how you oped another America hater
  52. [09:22] <FathMajesty> Its sad
  53. [09:22] <FathMajesty> Op me, I wont ban anyone without your permission
  54. 04[09:22] <04gmolly> she won't either
  55. [09:22] <FathMajesty> or even devoice them
  56. [09:22] <FathMajesty> lol
  57. 04[09:22] <04gmolly> this is really a fun/test
  58. [09:22] <FathMajesty> So try the same test with me
  59. 04[09:22] <04gmolly> i AM thinking seriously of opping her, trial period of course
  60. [09:23] <FathMajesty> What about me?
  61. [09:23] <FathMajesty> I follow the damn guidelines
  62. 04[09:23] <04gmolly> the GUIDELINES and the very spirit of the room - the VISION - are the only things i op for
  63. [09:23] <FathMajesty> I know that
  64. [09:23] <FathMajesty> So how about a conservative OP
  65. 04[09:23] <04gmolly> you are more 'troublesome' to me zippy
  66. [09:23] <FathMajesty> WE only have one now
  67. [09:23] <FathMajesty> And you have like 5 leftists
  68. 04[09:23] <04gmolly> and YOU were a sincere opponent to me and the room in the beginning and for a little while
  69. 04[09:23] <04gmolly> and still troubling
  70. 05[09:23] <FathMajesty> Gmolly you put up with me because you know I'm honest and I'm right
  71. 04[09:23] <04gmolly> well - i can't HELP that if more lefties are agreeable to me and the room
  72. [09:23] <FathMajesty> And I touch your conscience
  73. 04[09:23] <04gmolly> and funny
  74. 04[09:23] <04gmolly> yeah
  75. [09:23] <FathMajesty> Because you are a conservative
  76. [09:24] <FathMajesty> And you hate America haters
  77. [09:24] <FathMajesty> And you hate anti-semities
  78. [09:24] <FathMajesty> Thats in your soul
  79. 04[09:26] <04gmolly> i don't hate 'people' sigh
  80. 04[09:27] <04gmolly> that's my POINT of the room - people CAN disagree profoundly withOUT being evil! come on
  81. 04[09:27] <04gmolly> tina has been a very good friend to me and the room i believe and so do the other ops she could be a good help
  82. 04[09:28] <04gmolly> we need more ops - NOT to control the discussion but to *promote* open discussion of all sides BY controlling the wild personal fighting that STOP real conversation
  83. 04[09:28] <04gmolly> tina is smart and professional and she CARES about the room
  84. 04[09:28] <04gmolly> when YOU show that understanding more maybe i will op you - seriously zippy
  85. [09:28] <FathMajesty> just answer one question
  86. [09:28] <FathMajesty> Why only one conservative OP and 5 american hating leftists
  87. [09:29] <FathMajesty> Thats the only question I have
  88. 04[09:30] <04gmolly> i tried tc1
  89. 04[09:30] <04gmolly> we couldn't get along
  90. 04[09:30] <04gmolly> i BEGGED viper way in the beginning
  91. 04[09:30] <04gmolly> nope
  92. 04[09:30] <04gmolly> indi? is it MY fault he's moved to the left lol
  93. 04[09:31] <04gmolly> we don't op ONLY for ideological position - come on - we need *people* regardless what they believe who are in line with the room vision
  94. 04[09:31] <04gmolly> the purpose of the room is to promote discussion among people who SERIOUSLY DISAGREE on things
  95. 04[09:31] <04gmolly> that's all - keeping the bickering/fighting/screaming down
  96. 04[09:31] <04gmolly> so people CAN talk
  97. 04[09:31] <04gmolly> we allow a LOT from everybody - some people DEMAND more leeway - if they can put up some real discussion then they DO Get more leeway
  98. 04[09:32] <04gmolly> you think that's 'unfair' and arbitrary - well maybe so - it's my way
  99. 04[09:32] <04gmolly> i have to go
  100. 04[09:32] <04gmolly> this is just a play-op for now, but yeah, i think we're going to op her once i quit dragging my feet
  101. 04[09:33] <04gmolly> give HER a good chance too zippy
  102. 04[09:33] <04gmolly> YOU be fair too
  103. [09:42] <FathMajesty> TC1 couldn't stand the attacks on conservatives
  104. [09:43] <FathMajesty> Indigoman is just a nice guy
  105. [09:43] <FathMajesty> He is neutral
  106. [09:43] <FathMajesty> Tell TC1 he will get respect and he will do it
  107. 04[09:44] <04gmolly> zippy
  108. 04[09:44] <04gmolly> listen to ME!
  109. 04[09:44] <04gmolly> i AM Thinking seriously of opping you too
  110. 04[09:44] <04gmolly> BUT - we disgree or seem to on the heart of the room vision
  111. [09:44] <FathMajesty> Excellent
  112. 04[09:44] <04gmolly> read the vision - SEE IF YOU CAN agree
  113. [09:44] <FathMajesty> And I promise, I wont ban for anything but guideline infractions
  114. 04[09:44] <04gmolly> we can taslk - i have to go
  115. [09:45] <FathMajesty> I have read it---I await your decision
  116. 04[09:45] <04gmolly> well that's what i Wasn'tonly from all the ops - but more - to promote real discussion and KEEP AS MANY different people in the room talking together as possible
  117. 04[09:45] <04gmolly> i take a LONG TIME making decisions - but i'm serious
  118. 04[09:45] <04gmolly> esp now i'm ready to move on tina - maybe would be good to have you too as a counterbalance
  119. 04[09:46] <04gmolly> we could have fun in this room too - i had ops and they left or i deopped them nothing is in stone
  120. 04[09:46] <04gmolly> don't tell anybody espe sprung
  121. 04[09:46] <04gmolly> please don't tell anybody i'm thinking of opping you maybe maybe maybe
  122. 04[09:46] <04gmolly> i have to go
  123. Session Close: Tue Dec 11 09:53:19 2012
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