
Canterlot Cocktail (WIP)

Aug 22nd, 2014
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  1. >You are Octavia.
  2. >And you are bored to tears.
  3. >At first, Canterlot seemed like a haven for the arts and intellectualism, high society and class.
  4. >Now you realize it's just full of ponies pretending to be cultured.
  5. >When you first arrived, you were living the dream.
  6. >People loved your work.
  7. >Your fame caught on quickly
  8. >Soon, you were constantly getting invitations to parties and gifts from gentlecolt callers.
  9. >It was exciting, for about a month.
  10. >Then things started to sour, like a neglected carton of milk.
  11. >Ponies would try to talk music with you at soirees.
  12. >You would politely nod and try to humor them at first.
  13. >Inside, you wanted to scream.
  14. >You played the same pieces night after night.
  15. >For the same crowds in the same high-brow restaurants and prestigious clubs.
  16. >And what did they do? They ate it up!
  17. >You could literally play Vivaldi's Winter drunk and they'd still applaud.
  18. >Tonight will be no different.
  19. >You're playing at Rumor, probably the douchiest bar in the entire city.
  20. >It's where 40-something stallions go to compare wallet sizes instead of dick length.
  21. >No, this was no college bar, it was the den of the affluent douche
  22. >And maybe the occasional cougar.
  23. >You trudge up the street with your cello case in tow.
  24. >Let's just get this over with, shall we?
  26. >You enter the club and get setup on stage rather quickly.
  27. >As you rosin up your bow, you take a minute to look around the establishment
  28. >The lounge reminds you of some kind of really, really ritzy furniture store
  29. >If a furniture store was setup inside a castle ballroom.
  30. >Clusters of armchairs and sofas dot the room, all weird shapes and sizes.
  31. >You don't understand who would be ready to drop a hundred bits on the cover and a watery martini.
  32. >It's the specimen of tackiness, but ponies call it "avant guard."
  33. >The crowd tonight is the typical faire.
  34. >Little black dresses everywhere.
  35. >You even spot Fleur de Lis, laughing a little too loudly at a stallion's joke.
  36. >Some stallion who isn't Fancy Pants.
  37. >The stink of perfume and cologne strings your nostrils.
  38. >When the chairs are semi full, the lights on the stage dim a little bit.
  39. >The chatter in the room dies down a little and faces are drawn toward you.
  40. >With a noticeable sigh, you begin to let your bow flirt with the strings.
  41. >You waver back and forth, rocking it in robotic fashion across your instrument
  42. >It's Buck's Cello Suite No. 1, Prelude.
  43. >It's not a bad piece, but it's nothing special.
  44. >Every single pony in the room has heard it countless times, they've just never put the name to the piece.
  45. >Immediately several heads in the crowd perk up.
  46. >You can only see their lips moves, but you can tell what they're saying.
  47. >"Oh, I studied this in college." or "This piece was composed on the morning it debuted!"
  49. >You continue to stroke the strings idly.
  50. >Your body knows the music, freeing your mind to wander.
  51. >You scan the room lazily, staring back at all the stupid faces watching you.
  52. >It may not be the same exact group of ponies, but you honestly can't tell tonight's audience from last weeks.
  53. >Everyone is puffed up in overpriced suits and necklaces that look like they could give you neck problems.
  54. >You're about to just close your eyes and wait for this to be over.
  55. >Wait.
  56. >In the crowd, way in the back, you see something
  57. >Something that isn't a pony.
  58. >He's a...
  59. >You aren't sure what he is exactly.
  60. >He's underdressed, technically.
  61. >His suit looks well-worn and his tie hangs clumsily around his neck.
  62. >You're not even sure how he got in like that.
  63. >The little white unicorn next to him seems to have him in the thick of a conversation.
  64. >In fact, they're the only two in the place not looking at you.
  65. >He has a beer in his hand and he takes an occasional sip.
  66. >You realize a few seconds too late that your timing on that last stanza was off.
  67. >Not that anyone in the room noticed.
  68. >You quickly recover and finish the suite, dragging on the strings as the hum from your cello exhausts itself.
  69. >Applause.
  71. >You smile politely, even though that was practically your warm up.
  72. >Any music student in their first year could probably pull that off.
  73. >But they clap their hooves giddily, someone even throws a rose onstage.
  74. >Oh, for fuck's sake.
  75. >You fight back the urge to gag.
  76. >You give a shallow curtsy, even though it pains you.
  77. >But your eyes begin wandering to the farthest seats again, curious.
  78. >In the back, you can see the monkey-man and the mare with him rise from their chairs.
  79. >No one really seems to notice him, or care.
  80. >You see him take a long draw on his beer and then toss a few bits on the table, before stumbling to the exit.
  81. >Wait.
  82. >They're leaving?
  83. >You try to get a better look at them, but the crowd is rising in a standing ovation.
  84. >Your view is totally blocked.
  85. >Damn.
  86. >Soon, the two of them are out the door and out of sight, leaving you in a room full of ponies you hate.
  87. >Your face sags a bit and you notice a frown tugging at the corners of your mouth.
  88. >Eh, he probably would have been the same anyway.
  89. >You're not sure why you're being so terribly curious.
  90. >You give your head a little shake, putting the thought out of mind.
  91. >The room has quieted now and the guests all seem to have nestled back into their chairs.
  92. >Reluctantly, you decide to start the next piece and begin to play again.
  95. >You pack up quickly once you finish your songs for the night.
  96. >A few stallions try to get your attention before you leave, but you manage to duck them by leaving through the backstage.
  97. >It empties out into an alley and you take in a breath of air
  98. >God even the smell of garbage is better than that cloud of obnoxious perfume
  99. >You decide that you could use a drink
  100. >But you weren't going to spend your money on an overpriced cosmopolitan back at Rumor
  101. >With your cello following loyally at your heels, you set off to your favorite bar in Canterlot.
  102. >For the first time that day, you notice a liveliness to your step.
  103. >After winding through a few alleys into the little-known underbelly of the city, you find it.
  104. >Whiskey Priest
  105. >The entrance isn't very flashy, it's just a board with the name and an arrow pointing down a musty staircase.
  106. >You awkwardly clamber down the stairs, careful not to drop your beloved cello.
  107. >The place is seedy, more of a dive bar than anything else.
  108. >But this was your reprieve.
  109. >A place you could hide from the high society ponies.
  110. >All of Canterlot's bullshit was drowned out in here.
  111. >The barstools are all torn, gummy leather.
  112. >And you can't tell if the smell is stale alcohol or dried urine.
  113. >Probably both.
  114. >But the drinks are cheap and that's what you really need right now.
  116. >The bar isn't too crowded. You can see a couple of shadowy figures sitting at a booth on the far side of the bar, obscured by the acrid cigarette smoke and the dim lighting.
  117. >Besides them, the only other pony in the bar is the guy who runs the place.
  118. >He's an old stallion, with a whiskery mustache and hair thick as straw.
  119. >Quiet, but you like that.
  120. >Everyone in Canterlot seems to say something when there's nothing to talk about.
  121. >You're glad someone speaks the language of subtlety in this town, even if it is in the armpit of everything.
  122. >He nods at you as you climb up onto a bar stool and lean your case against the varnished wooden countertop.
  123. >By the time you're finished getting comfortable, he's all ready placed a shot down in front of you.
  124. >You've been coming here a bit more frequently than you care to admit
  125. >In fact, you were drinking fairly often nowadays.
  126. >You slosh it down quickly, grimacing and bracing yourself against the counter
  127. >The liquor burns down your throat like gasoline and your nostrils flare at the musky aroma.
  128. >Fortunately, gives way to a calm, warming sensation, like you're sleeping on a beach.
  129. >Oh fuck yeah, that's the stuff.
  130. >Stingy, but better than that shitty clear stuff they keep serving at parties.
  131. >You untie your bowtie, letting it hang around your shoulders like a limp noodle.
  132. >You flick up your hoof to get the bartender's attention
  133. >He readies another shot for you and places it on the counter.
  134. >You're just about to gulp it down when
  135. >The serenity is shattered by a shrill voice from across the bar.
  136. >"Oh, Anonymous, why must you insist on frequenting such boooorish establishments?"
  139. >It sounds more like a whine than anything else.
  140. >You spin about on your barstool, eyes scanning the room for the source
  141. >Squinting, you peer across the bar to the furthest booth, where the two dark figures are sitting.
  142. >You can make out the outline of a white unicorn pony, with a mane of deep purple.
  143. >Not the sort of pony you'd expect to catch in a place like this.
  144. >She has her front hooves crossed in protest, her nose upturned.
  145. >"I see no reason why we had to depart from Rumor in such haste and end up in this…this…"
  146. >Your ears actually hurt listening to this mare.
  147. >Wait.
  148. >Rumor?
  149. >You recognize this mare.
  150. >She's the white unicorn from earlier, the one that was hiding out in the back with the monkey-thing.
  151. >Sure enough, he's sitting across from her, nursing his high ball glass.
  152. >He's still wearing that cheap suit.
  153. >She props her head up with her hooves, resting them on the table.
  154. >"Have you no taste, Anonymous? I take you on a lavish visit to the Canterlot and you spend it visiting vulgar places like this."
  155. >He doesn't answer his companion, only smiles and continues to sip his drink.
  156. >Her gaze flicks from her friend over to you.
  157. >You spin about on your barstool quickly and slouch over the bar, hoping you weren't caught staring.
  158. >Shit, shit, shit.
  160. >The clack of hooves on the concrete floor can be heard
  161. >They rapidly grow louder as you can sense them getting closer.
  162. >You try to make yourself look busy, but there's nothing on the counter but your shot.
  163. >You drink it, but it doesn't make you look occupied for very long.
  164. >The trotting noises grow a bit louder and then stop completely.
  165. >You hear the mare's voice, this time, just feet away.
  166. >"Excuse me, begging your pardon, but would you happen to be Miss Octavia Melody?"
  167. >Turning around again, you notice the white mare standing next to you, her face cocked sideways in curiosity.
  168. "Y-yes?"
  169. >The mare's face lights up and her lips are upturned into a huge, tooth smile
  170. >You know this smile. It's the smile you see every time you introduce yourself at a party.
  171. >It's the kind of smile ponies get when they realize they're about to rub shoulders with someone in Canterlot's high society.
  172. >You came here to drink and get away from this.
  173. >But even hear, the stink of Canterlot's upper class has found you.
  174. >She bows her head as if in reverence before feeding her hoof into yours.
  175. >"Oh, darling it is so lovely to meet a musician such as yourself."
  176. >"My associate," she nods toward the monkey at the booth, "and I heard your performance at Rumor tonight."
  177. >Your arm is growing tired from shaking her hoof and you do your best to summon a fake smile in return.
  178. "Oh? T-thank you."
  180. >"It seems you have me at a disadvantage. My name is Rarity."
  181. >Rarity.
  182. >You've heard of this pony before. Some kind of fashion designer.
  183. >Word travelled quickly at Canterlot's get-togethers.
  184. >Even though she came from Ponyville, she was the same exact thing
  185. >Trying to fake her way into the good graces of Canterlot's elite.
  186. >Were it not for her mysterious friend you'd probably be leaving
  187. >You grimace and muster a "Nice to meet you."
  188. >She turns to her side and calls back across the bar.
  189. > "Anonymous, be a dear and come over here, would you?"
  190. >Anonymous.
  191. >What a weird name.
  192. >The monkey dude looks over and rises from the table, slowly
  193. >You catch yourself using your hoof to tuck your hair behind your ears.
  194. >"Anonymous, you're familiar with Miss Melody, yes?"
  195. >He shakes your hoof with his weird-looking paw.
  196. >"'No, actually."
  197. >That one catches you off guard.
  198. >It almost knocks you off your barstool and you have to steady yourself.
  199. >"Anoynmous, she was the one we saw playing earlier, at Rumor."
  200. >The human shrugs. "Sorry, I wasn't really listening."
  201. >The mare quickly reaches and smacks him on the back of the head with her hoof.
  203. >"Anon! You're addressing one of the finest musicians in all of Canterlot! Please, for once, show some respect."
  204. >She looks at you and places both of her hooves around one of yours in earnest.
  205. >"Please excuse my human friend. He has a tendency to say things he doesn't mean. You understand."
  206. >Human. Is that what he was called? A human?
  207. >You take a moment to disarm the white mare.
  208. "No, no, it's quite all right. I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it."
  209. >You look over to Anonymous and smile
  210. >The human is rubbing the back of his head, but he smiles back at you.
  211. >You notice you've moved your hair behind your ear again.
  212. >You decide to hold you hooves in your lap and resolve to stop fidgeting
  213. "I hate to be rude, but would you mind if I finished my drink? It's been quite a long evening."
  214. >The mare once again breaks into her high-pitched, sophisticated whining.
  215. >"Oh! Of course, dear. Anonymous and I need to be going, anyway. Thank you so much for your time. We'll simply haaaaave to take in one of your concerts in the very near future."
  216. "I'd like that."
  217. >It's a lie. Well, at least kind of.
  218. >"Come along, Anonymous. Let us give Miss Melody some privacy."
  219. >The human smiles and nods at you as he follows Rarity out the door of the bar. "Later, Miss Octagon."
  220. >The bartender has busied himself by putting another shot in front of you. A double.
  221. >He was apparently listening in. And knew you needed it.
  223. >The walk home is spent deep in though.
  224. >The human didn't know who you were.
  225. >Nor was he listening to your music.
  226. >Hell, he didn't even get your fucking name right!
  227. >That was…definitely a first for you. You were unsure how to feel about it.
  228. >Angry? No, it would be sort of silly to think every single resident of Canterlot knew who you were.
  229. >Maybe a little disappointed? No, not everyone had an interest in music.
  230. >Or did it actually feel kind of good not to be fawned over for a change?
  231. >You give your head a shake.
  232. >Ridiculous.
  233. >Pfft. You should just ignore it. So some weird alien isn't interested in your music. Who cares?!
  234. >You climb the stairs of your apartment and get inside, stowing away your cello before taking of your white collar.
  235. >You crawl into your bed and try to get comfortable.
  236. >There's nothing on the schedule tomorrow, fortunately, so maybe you can try to get a few things done.
  237. >Your eyes begin to close, but try as you might, sleep doesn't come any easier.
  238. >The experience at the bar is still on your mind.
  239. >Mainly Anonymous.
  240. >Was he Rarity's coltfriend?
  241. >Well, seeing as how he lives Ponyville, your chances of running into them again are slim
  242. >You turn and toss, as if your bed was suddenly made of rocks.
  243. >But if you do run into them again, well, that could be interesting.
  245. >You are Octavia
  246. >And you feel like you've been hit by a train.
  247. >Maybe you had a few too many shots last night.
  248. >You're not sure how many you drank after Rarity and Anonymous left.
  249. >But it feels like a hundred.
  250. >Definitely a hundred.
  251. >You groan and put your head in your hooves.
  252. >At least you aren't playing today.
  253. >You roll over and fumble for the clock on your nightstand.
  254. >In your stupor, you drop it and it rolls onto the floor.
  255. >Fuck!
  256. >Leaning over the bed, you paw at it with your hoof
  257. >1 pm.
  258. >Shit.
  259. >The only thing preventing you from staying in bed for the rest of the day is your obvious appetite.
  260. >You haven't eating anything since last night.
  261. >As if on cue your stomach audibly growls.
  262. >And seeing as how you slept through breakfast, you might as well make yourself some lunch.
  263. >Climbing out of bed, you trot into your kitchen.
  264. >Opening up the fridge, you notice just how scarce the contents are.
  265. >Right now, it's only host to a few condiment bottles and a six pack of beer.
  266. >You close the door and fight the urge to vomit.
  267. >You don't even want to think about alcohol right now.
  268. >No matter, you'll just have to go out for some lunch.
  269. >Back in the bedroom, you decide to give yourself a once over before heading out.
  270. >Your normally pristine mane is a bit messy,
  271. >You brush your hair a bit and put on another collar and bowtie.
  272. >You don't really care enough to make yourself look prim and proper for Canterlot today.
  274. >The fresh air does you some good
  275. >The warm afternoon sun is pretty forgiving
  276. >And it's nice not to have to lug your cello around for the day.
  277. >Maybe if there's time after lunch, you'll run a few errands.
  278. >Occasionally you hear ponies whisper your name to their friends as you pass, but you try to ignore it
  279. >Your stomach growls again and you up your pace, hoping to get to where you're going quickly.
  280. >You decide to treat yourself to your favorite little bistro
  281. >You get seated right away, but whether it's because you just got lucky or your reputation did the heavy lifting, you're not sure.
  282. >The waiter pony brings you a glass of ice water, some bread and a menu, leaving you a few minutes to order.
  283. >As you read down the list of the menu's offerings, you lick your lips in anticipation
  284. >You decide upon a nice daisy sandwich and then try to relax while you wait for the waiter to get back.
  285. >The water is helping your hangover a bit and you find yourself buttering the bread, more out of boredom than actual hunger.
  286. >Looking out on the street, you can see ponies trotting to and fro, some like they're on daily errands
  287. >While others look like they're out just to be seen by other ponies.
  288. >You take another sip of water to get the bad taste out of your mouth.
  289. >But above the relative calm of the afternoon, you hear someone shouting from down the street.
  290. >"Anonymous, pleassssssse. The hat store on the other side of town is only open for six more hours!"
  291. >Oh no.
  292. >You recognize that whine.
  293. >You lean over in your chair, trying to get a good look of who is making such a commotion.
  294. >You find your answer pretty quickly.
  295. >Anonymous towers above other ponies, making him sort of easy to spot. He's carrying a few shopping bags in his arms, while Rarity trudges through the Canterlot street, like a guide on a jungle trek.
  296. >You pop your menu back up, covering your face and trying to hide behind it.
  298. >Oh god, oh god. Please don't let her see you.
  299. >You take a peak behind the menu, just enough to see what's going on.
  300. >As luck would have it, she and Anonymous stop right next to your table.
  301. >It would appear as if you've been found out, but Rarity doesn't see you.
  302. >She simply stops and pulls a map from her saddlebag, horn aglow in magic.
  303. >Anonymous stops right beside her.
  304. >Your heart feels like it's gained ten pounds.
  305. >You can hear your pulse in your ears.
  306. >Rarity studies the map, cocking her head like a pigeon in trying to decipher it.
  307. >She begins to look around, as if to confirm it's accuracy.
  308. >The menu is so close to your face you can't even read it anymore.
  309. >God, you wish she would just move!
  310. >Just then, your waiter returns to take your order.
  311. >"Have you thought about what you might like to order, Miss Melody?"
  312. >Rarity perks up at the mention of your name and turns around.
  313. >You look at your waiter and shoot him the biggest fucking daggers you possibly can.
  314. >His face twists into one of fear.
  315. >"I'll just give you a few more minutes to decide."
  316. >He scampers off back to the kitchen, cowed.
  317. >You feel someone's arms wrap around your neck, followed by that annoying shrill.
  318. >"OH Octavia darlinnnnnng! It's so good to seeeeee you on such short notice, dear."
  319. >You sigh.
  320. "Hello, Rarity."
  323. >The white unicorn unhands you and takes a step back.
  324. >Anonymous joins the pair of you a few seconds later, standing quietly.
  325. >From your seated position, you have to crane your head a bit to look him in the face.
  326. >He smiles politely, but says nothing.
  327. >You smile back.
  328. >But this time, it's genuine.
  329. >Probably the first time in weeks you can say that.
  330. >You put the menu down, realizing you have no other choice.
  331. >"Anonymous, aren't we lucky to have run into one of Canterlot's finest performers twice in one week?"
  332. >Other ponies begin to take notice of her enthusiasm.
  333. >You hunch over, as it to make yourself smaller.
  334. >God, why can't she just shut up!
  335. >Anonymous answers her question by shrugging. "I guess."
  336. >That one cut you a little deeper than it should.
  337. >You're sick of other ponies feigning interest in your music.
  338. >Or trying to be friends with you.
  339. >So why does it hurt so bad when now that someone isn't kissing your flank all the time?
  340. >The conversation stops dead in its tracks when you hear a strange sound.
  341. >You and Rarity look around, trying to locate it, but it seems like Anonymous all ready has.
  342. >One of his weird hands is holding his stomach.
  343. >He looks down at his pony companion and p
  344. >"Uh, Rarity, do you mind if we stop for lunch before we hit the next store? I'm hungry."
  345. >The unicorn rolls her eyes at him, revealing that this might be a theme with him.
  346. >Rarity hands him a stack of bits and points him over to a store across the street.
  347. >"If you must. Go get yourself a hayburger or some such. But be quick about it!"
  348. >She's sending him away?
  349. >No! God, can this mare get any worse?
  351. >You want to object, but that would look odd.
  352. >So you watch, helplessly, as the human jogs off, soon lost in the throng of pony passersby.
  353. >Turning back to you, Rarity begins to jaw at length.
  354. >You don't really register any of it.
  355. >The one thing that was keeping the conversation remotely interesting is now gone.
  356. >Shaking your head, you try to get it out of your mind
  357. >What was wrong with you?
  358. >What was with all of this sudden interest in someone you barely knew?
  359. >Someone who didn't even like your music?
  360. >Your inner monologue is cut off, however, by Rarity's persistent interrogation.
  361. >"I must say, Miss Melody, your taste are eclectic! I see you in that dump of a saloon last night and now at one of the more stylish restaurants in town. You certainly are a well-traveled mare."
  362. "Thanks."
  363. >Hmm, you do have something you'd like to ask, Rarity, despite the fact she's annoying you.
  364. >You need to go about it carefully, though, lest you invite suspicion to your doorstep.
  365. >You let Rarity drone on for a few more minutes, thinking of a way to extract the information.
  366. >Finally, you think of a subtle way to do it.
  367. "Well, it's good to have fans like you and your coltfriend."
  368. >You point with a hoof across the street, indicating the store Anon went into.
  369. >It almost makes you sick to say it, but you need to know.
  370. >You're not sure why you need to know, you just do.
  371. >Are they an item?
  372. >Going steady?
  373. >Just friends?
  374. >Fuck-buddies?
  375. >Rarity sputters, her face scrunching up in disbelief.
  377. >"Miss Melody, I'm flattered you think of me as a fan but Anonymous is NOT my coltfriend."
  378. >She spits out the words like a bad taste in her mouth.
  379. >You can feel your lips turn up ever so slightly in a smile.
  380. >Why does it relieve you so much to hear that?
  381. >Well, at least you know now.
  382. >You're not really even sure why you asked.
  383. >The information, though, could come in handy, you suppose.
  384. >But you continue to probe, making yourself sound as uninformed as possible.
  385. "Oh, sorry. I assumed you were together."
  386. >She shudders, as if you just suggested she roll in mud.
  387. >"Goodness, no. No, no, no."
  388. >Anonymous suddenly emerges from the crowd again, scarfing down a salted pretzel.
  389. >"Back, what did I miss?"
  390. >Rarity laughs, as if she's about to tell him a really funny joke.
  391. >"Miss Melody here was under the impression you were my coltfriend!"
  392. >Anonymous looks down at you, his eyebrows rising in surprise.
  393. >You fight the urge to grit your teeth.
  394. >She didn't have to call you out like that.
  395. >You're really beginning to hate this mare.
  396. >"No, Rarity's not my marefriend. If she was I'd be broke and probably in an insane asylum."
  397. >HA! But on the other hand, you're starting to like this Anon guy more and more.
  398. >You and Anon share a laugh for a moment.
  399. >But you keep it short, careful not to let it go on too long.
  400. >Rarity's face is beet red, huffing as she gives Anon a pretty harsh slap with her hoof.
  401. >It doesn't seem to hurt him so much as it's annoying.
  402. >"Well, I never! As if I would ever debase myself by courting with a ruffian like you, Anonymous!"
  403. >She turns to you, her smile is gone. It looks like you might have enjoyed that laugh a little too much.
  404. >She looks embarrassed.
  405. >"Well, Miss Melody, we must be going. Lots of shopping left to do today! To the hat store!"
  406. >Her hoof catches the sleeve of Anon's suit and pulls, dragging him off.
  407. >He gives you a little wave as he gets hauled off.
  408. >You wave back until they disappear into the crowd again.
  409. >You only stop waving after you notice your arm hurting.
  411. >Your waiter finally returns and you put in your order.
  412. >The poor guy is scared stiff, probably after that dirty look you gave him earlier.
  413. >You feel sort of bad, you'll leave him a nice tip to make up for it.
  414. >But as you eat your lunch, you catch yourself thinking about what just happened.
  415. >True, Anonymous didn't seem that thrilled to see you.
  416. >But on the bright side, he didn't get your name wrong again.
  417. >Seeing Rarity again sort of grated on your nerves unnecessarily.
  418. >But you did find out something kind of important.
  419. >So, there's that.
  420. >You enjoy your food and the nice weather, pondering.
  421. >And smiling.
  422. >For once, you're not feeling so jaded.
  423. >Maybe, with Anon in it, Canterlot isn't the boring place you thought it was.
  424. >Maybe.
  426. >Seeing Anonymous at lunch has done wonders for your attitude.
  427. >You woke up today hungover and a bit pissed off.
  428. >Now you feel sort of…optimistic?
  429. >It was only a couple of minutes, but it's enough to put you in a good mood for the rest of the day.
  430. >You set about your daily errands with gusto.
  431. >There's a slight jauntiness in your trot.
  432. >So Rarity and Anonymous weren't dating.
  433. >That was a good thing, right?
  434. >One thing is clear: you want to get to know Anonymous more
  435. >You make a silent note to temper your expectations, though.
  436. >Just because he doesn't hound you like other ponies doesn't mean he's instantly your best friend.
  437. >That doesn't bring your energetic mood down, however.
  438. >For the rest of the afternoon, things seem to click.
  439. >You pick up some rosin for your cello, as well as some groceries for the apartment.
  440. >The library got some new scores in, so you checked them out to study later.
  441. >And the dry cleaner's finished pressing your outfit for the orchestra.
  442. >Finally, you arrive at your last stop of the day.
  443. >Canterlot Symphony Hall
  444. >You'd be playing here in a few weeks.
  445. >Timidly, you approach the entrance.
  446. >There's a pony sitting behind the glass ticket window,
  448. >You smirk.
  449. "Hello, Quadrille."
  450. >The face looks up, glum eyes peer back at you through the glass.
  451. >Her eyes blink for a moment before she realizes who you are.
  452. >She slides the magazine closed and off to the side.
  453. >"Oh! Tavi! Sorry, I didn't know it was you."
  454. >You cringe.
  455. >Tavi.
  456. >You hate being called that.
  457. >But Quadrille is your friend, or the closest you have to one in Canterlot, so you let it slide.
  458. >"What brings you here?"
  459. >You paw at the pavement with your hoof, looking down.
  460. "Um, are there still some reserve tickets for performer's families?"
  461. >The mare cocks her head, looking at you quizzically for a moment.
  462. >"Yeah, there are. There are still two in your name. Want them?"
  463. >You nod and Quadrille disappears for a moment behind the glass.
  464. >The sound of a file cabinet opening and slamming shut is her before the mare returns to her seat.
  465. >She slides an envelope through the tray at the bottom of the window.
  466. >You open it to reveal two tickets for the concert you're playing at in two weeks.
  467. >Excellent.
  468. >You slide them carefully into your saddlebag.
  469. >Her voice, tinny and low, sounds through the glass again.
  470. >"Hey, Tavi, mind if I ask what's up? You never take the tickets that are put aside for you. I always hold onto them just in case, but, what the special occasion?"
  471. >You aren't entirely sure how to answer that, so your face does by blushing a bit.
  472. >It's difficult to conceal it on your grayish complexion and soon the color of your cheeks matches your bowtie.
  473. >Quadrille's lips turns up in a smirk.
  474. >"Ohhh. I get it."
  476. >You dread what girlish things she's cooking up in her brain.
  477. >Vainly, you try to save face.
  478. "I-it's not like that! They're just for a friend!"
  479. >Damn. Way to sound unconvincing, Octavia.
  480. >Quadrille rolls her eyes, propping herself up on her elbow.
  481. >"Uh huh. Sure. Well, I think it's nice that you're inviting a nice colt to your performance."
  482. "Well, the guest I'm inviting isn't exactly a colt, so…"
  483. >Quadrille's eyes snap open from their dreamy look into one of shock.
  484. >You grimace. You might have just made it worse.
  485. >"Octavia Melody, I had no idea you were into mares. Had I known I could have set you up with a fri-"
  486. >Emphatically, you shake your head.
  487. "No, no. That's not what I meant. This guy I'm inviting, he's…different."
  488. >The mare tilts her head in confusion, but motions for you to continue.
  489. >"Different how?"
  490. >You turn on your hooves, making sure the tickets are still safe in your bag.
  491. "You'll just have to wait and see!"
  492. >Quadrille shouts after you, but behind the glass, it doesn't carry more than a few feet.
  493. >It might have been a little mean to tease her, but it wouldn't do well to make out a cheque you can't cash.
  494. >Hell, Anonymous hasn't even agreed to come yet.
  495. >So you need to take things slow.
  496. >Eventually, you end up back at your apartment.
  497. >The day went by quickly, but considering you woke up so late, that was to be expected.
  498. >You still have a few things to do before you go back to bed, however.
  500. >It wasn't hard to get a hold of Rarity's address.
  501. >Word travels quickly in Canterlot.
  502. >One of her business cards was easy to come by.
  503. >The same could not be said of Anonymous.
  504. >Even with all the gossip that swirled about in the city, this Anonymous was a ghost.
  505. >No one seemed to know where he lived exactly, what he did for a living.
  506. >Or even his last name.
  507. >So you'll have to go through Rarity.
  508. >You carefully slide the two tickets into an envelope, seal it and write Rarity's address on it.
  509. >Unfortunately, inviting Rarity to your performance is a necessary gambit.
  510. >The thought of bringing her makes you cringe, but, she's the only shared connection you have with him.
  511. >You scribble a polite note, asking her to bring herself and Anon to Canterlot Symphony Hall on the date of the performance.
  512. >Suddenly, you notice that you're shaking as you write.
  513. >Were these feelings real?
  514. >Did you actually like Anonymous?
  515. >And were you really this desperate to get his attention?
  516. >You feel like a filly, back in high school
  517. >Dropping a note in someone's locker.
  518. >But when you are reminded of how boring Canterlot has become for you, well, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
  519. >You head downstairs and put the envelope into the mailbox outside your building.
  520. >Well, here goes nothing.
  522. >The two weeks pass quickly.
  523. >You got a letter from Rarity in the mail just a day after you sent her the tickets.
  524. >"Dear Miss Melody,
  525. >"Anonymous and I would be simply HONOURED to attend your prestigious event.
  526. >"Thank you kindly for such a generous offer!
  527. >"And such fine seats as well!
  528. >"We are truly touched that you would think of us, your fan-"
  529. >You can practically hear Rarity's voice ringing in your ears as you read it over.
  530. >Fortunately, it seems like Anonymous is coming with her.
  531. >Good.
  532. >That would have been a nightmare if you plan had backfired and only Rarity had decided to come.
  533. >The fact that Anonymous is interested is still at least a step forward.
  534. >Your music and your status as a musician didn't seem to impress him very much the last time he was in Canterlot.
  535. >So perhaps this is a good sign?
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