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May 22nd, 2012
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  1. [2012-03-23 16:46:43] <FireEevee> hey Smasher
  2. [2012-03-23 16:46:44] <FireEevee>
  3. [2012-03-23 16:46:51] * ralphfan spontaneously combusts
  4. [2012-03-23 16:47:07] * Brother_Love summons a Weedle that uses Earthquake
  5. [2012-03-23 16:47:22] <Smasher> i accidentally threw flaming bricks at you ralph
  6. [2012-03-23 16:47:43] <ralphfan> Yeah
  7. [2012-03-23 16:47:46] <ralphfan> Well I godmod
  8. [2012-03-23 16:47:49] <ralphfan> So I don't give a fuck
  9. [2012-03-23 16:47:50] <Magus> It's so fun to watch Smasher and Shoey go back and forth.
  10. [2012-03-23 16:47:51] <Smasher> weedles can't learn earthquake
  11. [2012-03-23 16:47:59] <Brother_Love> Smasher this one can
  12. [2012-03-23 16:48:04] * Smasher throws more flaming bricks at ralph
  13. [2012-03-23 16:48:08] * Smasher throws knives
  14. [2012-03-23 16:48:22] * Smasher removes ralphs head and feeds it to FireEevee
  15. [2012-03-23 16:48:25] <Brother_Love> Me and Ralphfan are cousins Smasher that is why we succeed
  16. [2012-03-23 16:48:36] <Smasher> that's stupid
  17. [2012-03-23 16:48:45] * FireEevee eats the head
  18. [2012-03-23 16:48:51] <FireEevee> IT'S
  19. [2012-03-23 16:48:53] <Brother_Love> Your just jealous
  20. [2012-03-23 16:48:54] <FireEevee> RALPH-TASTIC!
  21. [2012-03-23 16:49:05] <ralphfan> It's craptacular.
  22. [2012-03-23 16:49:30] <Smasher> my just jealous?
  23. [2012-03-23 16:49:40] <Brother_Love> Yes
  24. [2012-03-23 16:49:53] <Magus> Who gave Smasher a just jealous?
  25. [2012-03-23 16:49:58] <Brother_Love> Zeus
  26. [2012-03-23 16:50:30] <FireEevee> `bottle is jealous of Smasher's fighting power and his fight style which is "ignore weaknesses and just kill it"
  27. [2012-03-23 16:50:30] * GameServ spins the bottle for FireEevee and it lands on...
  28. [2012-03-23 16:50:30] <GameServ> Brother_Love!
  29. [2012-03-23 16:50:40] <Brother_Love> It's true
  30. [2012-03-23 16:50:57] <Brother_Love> Although Smasher is jealous of my genius
  31. [2012-03-23 16:51:04] <Magus> That was a textbook example of bottle picking exactly the correct person.
  32. [2012-03-23 16:51:12] <Smasher> it's ok shoey you can always dream
  33. [2012-03-23 16:51:21] <MrConcreteDonkey> no he can't
  34. [2012-03-23 16:51:33] <FireEevee> `bottle is always sleeping
  35. [2012-03-23 16:51:33] * GameServ spins the bottle for FireEevee and it lands on...
  36. [2012-03-23 16:51:33] <GameServ> tb!
  37. [2012-03-23 16:51:35] <Brother_Love> See MCD this is why people hate the British
  38. [2012-03-23 16:51:38] <FireEevee> well yeah
  39. [2012-03-23 16:51:40] <FireEevee> I retract
  40. [2012-03-23 16:51:41] <Smasher> derpy_hooves jealous of Brother_Love's genius
  41. [2012-03-23 16:51:43] <FireEevee> from the bottle
  42. [2012-03-23 16:51:43] <Smasher> ....
  43. [2012-03-23 16:51:44] <Smasher> wait
  44. [2012-03-23 16:51:49] <Smasher> why did i say derpy
  45. [2012-03-23 16:51:53] <FireEevee> because
  46. [2012-03-23 16:51:56] <FireEevee> you love her
  47. [2012-03-23 16:51:58] <ralphfan> Smasher
  48. [2012-03-23 16:52:00] <Smasher> `bottle jealous of Brother_Love's genius
  49. [2012-03-23 16:52:00] * GameServ spins the bottle for Smasher and it lands on...
  50. [2012-03-23 16:52:00] <GameServ> Crocodile_Dippy!
  51. [2012-03-23 16:52:01] <ralphfan> Let me put this nicely
  52. [2012-03-23 16:52:05] <ralphfan> You're not very samrt.
  53. [2012-03-23 16:52:06] <ralphfan> *smart
  54. [2012-03-23 16:52:07] <ralphfan> Wow
  55. [2012-03-23 16:52:12] <MrConcreteDonkey> shoey i'm kidding
  56. [2012-03-23 16:52:19] <MrConcreteDonkey> you know i know you can dre4am
  57. [2012-03-23 16:52:31] <Brother_Love> MCD my dream is to devour your flesh
  58. [2012-03-23 16:52:38] <FireEevee> Hey ralphfan
  59. [2012-03-23 16:52:39] <Smasher> i don't think i can take that very seriously ralph
  60. [2012-03-23 16:52:41] <ralphfan> What
  61. [2012-03-23 16:52:57] <FireEevee> if money is the root of all evil, why do they ask for it in church?
  62. [2012-03-23 16:53:06] <Brother_Love> God likes nice things
  63. [2012-03-23 16:53:11] <ralphfan> Dunno
  64. [2012-03-23 16:53:32] <Brother_Love> \
  65. [2012-03-23 16:53:48] -->| Fassad ( has joined #mwikiawards
  66. [2012-03-23 16:54:03] <FireEevee> ralphfan
  67. [2012-03-23 16:54:06] <FireEevee> I have another one
  68. [2012-03-23 16:54:16] =-= Mode #mwikiawards +o Fassad by ralphfan
  69. [2012-03-23 16:54:25] <FireEevee> Orange. is the fruit named after the color or is the color named after the fruit?
  70. [2012-03-23 16:54:45] <Youmu_Chaopaku> they were named at the exact same time
  71. [2012-03-23 16:55:38] |<-- Fassad has left (Client Quit)
  72. [2012-03-23 16:55:40] <Youmu_Chaopaku> also fireeeveee
  73. [2012-03-23 16:55:46] <Youmu_Chaopaku> it's not "money is the root of all evil"
  74. [2012-03-23 16:55:53] <Youmu_Chaopaku> It's "the love of money is the root of all evil"
  75. [2012-03-23 16:56:01] <FireEevee> if actions speak louder than words, why is the pen mightier than the word?
  76. [2012-03-23 16:56:02] -->| Fassad ( has joined #mwikiawards
  77. [2012-03-23 16:56:05] =-= Mode #mwikiawards +o Fassad by ralphfan
  78. [2012-03-23 16:56:06] <Youmu_Chaopaku> basically a statement against greed
  79. [2012-03-23 16:56:34] <Crocodile_Dippy> some people just don't understand philosophy, blocky
  80. [2012-03-23 16:56:41] <Crocodile_Dippy> it's not worth trying to educate them
  81. [2012-03-23 16:56:53] <Youmu_Chaopaku> alright
  82. [2012-03-23 16:57:26] <FireEevee> I want to say one more question
  83. [2012-03-23 16:57:46] <Youmu_Chaopaku> oh right
  84. [2012-03-23 16:57:58] <Youmu_Chaopaku> i had forgotten that we got a bunch of absence notices in the topic
  85. [2012-03-23 16:59:18] <FireEevee> SonicMario: if the events of Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 were erased. Then why do Silver the Hedgehog and Crisis City appear in generations?
  86. [2012-03-23 16:59:22] -->| MST3K ( has joined #mwikiawards
  87. [2012-03-23 16:59:34] <Crocodile_Dippy> g'day mst3k
  88. [2012-03-23 16:59:38] <Smasher> hi
  89. [2012-03-23 16:59:39] =-= Mode #mwikiawards +o MST3K by ralphfan
  90. [2012-03-23 16:59:40] <Youmu_Chaopaku> Hi 3K!
  91. [2012-03-23 16:59:40] <MST3K> yo
  92. [2012-03-23 16:59:49] <FireEevee> hey 3K
  93. [2012-03-23 17:00:04] <Youmu_Chaopaku> FE: Considering time is all thrown out of whack, it's not entirely implausible that parts of it were unerased somehow.
  94. [2012-03-23 17:00:05] <FireEevee> I was philosophying
  95. [2012-03-23 17:00:17] <FireEevee> @3K
  96. [2012-03-23 17:00:21] <Salsa> do you want to finish your questions or should we start
  97. [2012-03-23 17:00:30] <Youmu_Chaopaku> he said he had only the one more
  98. [2012-03-23 17:00:35] <Youmu_Chaopaku> so we should start now
  99. [2012-03-23 17:00:38] <Salsa> alright
  100. [2012-03-23 17:00:43] -->| NSM ( has joined #mwikiawards
  101. [2012-03-23 17:00:43] =-= Mode #mwikiawards +o NSM by ChanServ
  102. [2012-03-23 17:00:48] <MrConcreteDonkey> hi nsm, '3k
  103. [2012-03-23 17:00:48] <NSM> Right on time
  104. [2012-03-23 17:00:50] <Salsa> well
  105. [2012-03-23 17:00:56] <Youmu_Chaopaku> hi NSM!
  106. [2012-03-23 17:00:57] <Salsa> welcome to the 3rd meeting of the year and all that
  107. [2012-03-23 17:00:59] -->| Shyguy27 ( has joined #mwikiawards
  108. [2012-03-23 17:01:00] =-= Mode #mwikiawards +o Shyguy27 by ChanServ
  109. [2012-03-23 17:01:04] <Crocodile_Dippy> there he is
  110. [2012-03-23 17:01:09] -->| N64Dude ( has joined #mwikiawards
  111. [2012-03-23 17:01:11] <Salsa> tonight we will be dealing with the awards that we missed last meeting
  112. [2012-03-23 17:01:12] <Youmu_Chaopaku> hiya shyguy
  113. [2012-03-23 17:01:13] <N64Dude> IM HEREE
  114. [2012-03-23 17:01:18] <Youmu_Chaopaku> oh joy.
  115. [2012-03-23 17:01:22] <MrConcreteDonkey> and there /he/ is :|
  116. [2012-03-23 17:01:25] <Salsa> and doing nominees for the new ones
  117. [2012-03-23 17:01:26] <Youmu_Chaopaku> i am overflowing with happiness.
  118. [2012-03-23 17:01:40] <Youmu_Chaopaku> Uh, should we address the questions raised in the topic?
  119. [2012-03-23 17:01:42] -->| StealthRock[Pyro] ( has joined #mwikiawards
  120. [2012-03-23 17:01:42] <Smasher> hi shyguy, nsm
  121. [2012-03-23 17:01:43] <FireEevee> If the earth is the third planet from the sun. Then isn't every country a third world country?
  122. [2012-03-23 17:01:46] <StealthRock[Pyro]> gwah
  123. [2012-03-23 17:01:48] <N64Dude> Turb what awards are you gonna do todAY?
  124. [2012-03-23 17:01:48] <NSM> Hello guys
  125. [2012-03-23 17:01:52] <Youmu_Chaopaku> hi Pyro!
  126. [2012-03-23 17:01:56] <FireEevee> hey pyro
  127. [2012-03-23 17:02:01] <FireEevee> and hey people who came
  128. [2012-03-23 17:02:05] <Salsa> n64dude, we will get to that
  129. [2012-03-23 17:02:07] -->| Fassad_ ( has joined #mwikiawards
  130. [2012-03-23 17:02:08] <StealthRock[Pyro]> Arrived exactly on time.
  131. [2012-03-23 17:02:14] <Salsa> also blocky, do you mean ralph's questions?
  132. [2012-03-23 17:02:17] <StealthRock[Pyro]> I had to update my Paper Mario VTW ;_:
  133. [2012-03-23 17:02:18] <Youmu_Chaopaku> yes, yes i do.
  134. [2012-03-23 17:02:23] <N64Dude> Ok Turb
  135. [2012-03-23 17:02:30] <Salsa> well
  136. [2012-03-23 17:02:35] <Youmu_Chaopaku> also ralph's questions made me realize that i have one question of my own, related to them :I
  137. [2012-03-23 17:02:37] =-= Mode #mwikiawards +o Fassad_ by ralphfan
  138. [2012-03-23 17:02:40] =-= Mode #mwikiawards +o StealthRock[Pyro] by ralphfan
  139. [2012-03-23 17:02:45] <Salsa> i'm thinking we should do a quick once-over of the awards after we do the nominees for the new ones
  140. [2012-03-23 17:02:47] <Youmu_Chaopaku> ops, ops everywhere
  141. [2012-03-23 17:02:51] <Youmu_Chaopaku> Sounds good to me.
  142. [2012-03-23 17:02:52] <Salsa> and answer all the questions we might have
  143. [2012-03-23 17:02:53] <N64Dude> yeag
  144. [2012-03-23 17:02:54] <Salsa> anyway
  145. [2012-03-23 17:02:57] <Salsa> Favorite Mini-Boss (Fawful, Kamek, Rawk Hawk, Mr. L, Jr. Troopa, Bowser Jr., Midbus, Reznor)
  146. [2012-03-23 17:03:08] <Salsa> any changes?
  147. [2012-03-23 17:03:09] <Youmu_Chaopaku> I see no issues, personally.
  148. [2012-03-23 17:03:11] <ralphfan> Well
  149. [2012-03-23 17:03:14] <N64Dude> cool
  150. [2012-03-23 17:03:17] <MST3K> none at all
  151. [2012-03-23 17:03:18] <ralphfan> Let's check the vote counts from last year
  152. [2012-03-23 17:03:19] <FireEevee> no issues
  153. [2012-03-23 17:03:30] <ralphfan> As much as I love Reznors
  154. [2012-03-23 17:03:35] <ralphfan> And as much as I pushed to add them
  155. [2012-03-23 17:03:37] <ralphfan> They did really poorly
  156. [2012-03-23 17:03:58] <Brother_Love> Would Boom Boom be a mini boss
  157. [2012-03-23 17:03:59] <ralphfan> 15 votes
  158. [2012-03-23 17:04:05] <ralphfan> Yeah
  159. [2012-03-23 17:04:08] <ralphfan> Boom Boom got 5 as a write in
  160. [2012-03-23 17:04:15] <MST3K> add him
  161. [2012-03-23 17:04:17] <MrConcreteDonkey> but wasn't this before sm3dl?
  162. [2012-03-23 17:04:19] <Brother_Love> Could we make it Boom Boom and Pom Pom
  163. [2012-03-23 17:04:21] <ralphfan> Well
  164. [2012-03-23 17:04:26] <ralphfan> What mini-bosses were SM3DL
  165. [2012-03-23 17:04:27] <StealthRock[Pyro]> Per Boom Boom, add Pom Pom
  166. [2012-03-23 17:04:28] <Smasher> i would be fine for adding boom boom
  167. [2012-03-23 17:04:32] <ralphfan> Boom Boom was in other games
  168. [2012-03-23 17:04:38] <MrConcreteDonkey> yeah, add boom boom
  169. [2012-03-23 17:04:42] <StealthRock[Pyro]> uh, Boom Boom and Pom Pom were the only minibosses in SM3DL
  170. [2012-03-23 17:04:43] |<-- Fassad has left (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  171. [2012-03-23 17:04:47] <Youmu_Chaopaku> makes sense to me
  172. [2012-03-23 17:04:48] =-= Fassad_ is now known as Fassad
  173. [2012-03-23 17:05:00] <Brother_Love> I think it should be Boom Boom and Pom Pom after all they teamed up together and are pretty much male and female versions of each other
  174. [2012-03-23 17:05:02] -->| Stooben ( has joined #mwikiawards
  175. [2012-03-23 17:05:03] =-= Mode #mwikiawards +o Stooben by ChanServ
  176. [2012-03-23 17:05:07] <Youmu_Chaopaku> STOOB
  177. [2012-03-23 17:05:08] <Youmu_Chaopaku> :D
  178. [2012-03-23 17:05:14] <Stooben> sorry i'm a bit late
  179. [2012-03-23 17:05:16] <Salsa> hi stoob
  180. [2012-03-23 17:05:17] <FireEevee> I agree whatever you guys are saying
  181. [2012-03-23 17:05:17] <Stooben> ohi
  182. [2012-03-23 17:05:19] <FireEevee> and hi Stoob
  183. [2012-03-23 17:05:23] <MrConcreteDonkey> hey
  184. [2012-03-23 17:05:25] <Salsa> we're on favorite mini-boss right now
  185. [2012-03-23 17:05:40] <Magus> I agree with adding Boom Boom.
  186. [2012-03-23 17:05:49] <ralphfan> HI
  187. [2012-03-23 17:05:52] <Youmu_Chaopaku> let's put it to a vote
  188. [2012-03-23 17:06:03] <Salsa> alright
  189. [2012-03-23 17:06:04] <ralphfan> Remove Reznors
  190. [2012-03-23 17:06:04] <Youmu_Chaopaku> we're a bureaucracy, we must put everything to a vote
  191. [2012-03-23 17:06:06] <ralphfan> Although I love them
  192. [2012-03-23 17:06:16] <Brother_Love> I support Boom Boom
  193. [2012-03-23 17:06:18] <Salsa> i actually forgot to ask this
  194. [2012-03-23 17:06:27] <Salsa> Smasher
  195. [2012-03-23 17:06:31] <Salsa> will you be doing the tallying?
  196. [2012-03-23 17:06:42] <FireEevee> I support boom boom
  197. [2012-03-23 17:06:43] <Youmu_Chaopaku> smasher smasher smasher, i made him out of clay
  198. [2012-03-23 17:06:47] <Smasher> tallies, right?
  199. [2012-03-23 17:06:50] <Salsa> yeah
  200. [2012-03-23 17:06:52] <Youmu_Chaopaku> Tallies.
  201. [2012-03-23 17:06:56] <Smasher> sure
  202. [2012-03-23 17:06:57] |<-- NSM has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  203. [2012-03-23 17:07:02] <Salsa> ok
  204. [2012-03-23 17:07:06] <FireEevee>
  205. [2012-03-23 17:07:07] <Youmu_Chaopaku> well there's another thing simplified
  206. [2012-03-23 17:07:10] <FireEevee> oh my god what
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