
PC-98 Scarlet Ballet

May 12th, 2016
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  1. #Title Sakura Theatre ~ Scarlet Ballet
  2. #Composer MovieMovies1
  3. #Arranger pedipanol
  4. #Option /v/c
  5. #Filename .M2
  6. #Tempo 75
  7. #DT2Flag on
  9. ;This time I tried to code in a different way, since it's not a very complicated song [the original one was made in 1 hour, how amazing is that?]
  10. ;So you won't see it separated in sections of the song
  11. ;Also, I'll try to explain what goes on in each part
  13. ;Here, we've got all the channels that the song uses. We could have an F channel, but I'm not using because touhou limitations.
  14. ;DF DS and DR determine the volume balance of each section of the chip, DF = FM DS = SSG DR = RSS
  15. ;_{} transpose the notes automatically
  17. ABCDEGHK DF26 DS18 DR32 _{-beadg}
  18. ABCDEGH r4
  20. ;FM instruments
  22. @012 4 7 21 4 2 4 2 40 0 12 3 0 0 24 12 4 6 2 0 0 4 7 0 1 21 4 2 4 2 35 0 6 7 0 0 24 12 4 6 2 0 0 2 3 0 1 ;pp
  23. @023 4 7 31 0 0 2 0 30 3 4 3 0 0 31 2 0 7 3 0 0 4 3 0 0 31 0 0 2 0 31 3 2 7 0 0 31 2 0 7 3 0 0 4 7 0 0 ;pet
  24. @030 4 6 30 1 0 1 1 24 3 4 3 0 0 13 2 0 6 0 0 1 8 3 0 0 30 1 0 1 1 24 3 4 7 0 0 13 2 0 6 0 0 1 8 7 0 0 ;strings
  25. @043 5 7 31 0 0 0 0 28 0 2 0 0 0 31 14 3 15 3 0 0 8 0 0 0 31 14 3 15 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 31 14 3 15 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 ;arps
  26. @074 0 4 31 7 7 9 2 28 3 6 6 0 0 31 6 6 9 1 58 3 5 6 0 0 31 9 6 9 1 22 2 0 6 0 0 31 6 8 9 15 0 2 1 6 0 0 ;bass
  27. @250 5 7 31 2 6 8 6 29 0 4 0 0 0 31 2 6 8 6 0 0 4 4 0 0 31 0 6 8 6 0 0 4 4 0 0 31 6 6 8 6 0 0 2 4 0 0 ;saw
  30. ;Here are the chords for the intro
  31. CDE L @30 l1 V108
  32. C o1 [a&1 e+ g]4
  33. D o2 [e&1<b+>d]4
  34. E o2 [a&1 a b]4
  35. ;Here the C channel goes wild and starts to do the bass
  36. C @74 l8 V124 >>>[[a>e]7<g>d<[e+>e+]7<e>e<[d>d]8<<[b+>b+]4[e>e]3<g>e]2
  37. D [e..d4<b+..b4 >d&1ee ]2
  38. E [a..g4 a ..g4 a&1ag+]2
  39. ;Here the C channel goes back to the chords
  40. C o1 @30 l1 V108 [e+ gf&1 e+ g a &1]2
  41. D o1 [b+>dd&1<b+>d e &1]2
  42. E o2 [a ba&1 a b:b+&1]2>c&1<
  43. ;Here everything goes wild, C goes back to the bass, D and E starts doing the SSG part
  44. C @74 l8 V124 >>>[[[e+b+]4[g>d]4<:[f>d]8]2<[a>e]8]4
  45. D @43 l16 >>>[[[e+ b+>e+e+]4<[g>dgg]4<:[f>dff]8]2<[a>ea a ]8]4
  46. E @43 l16 >> [[[b+>e+ a a]4 [d gbb]4 :[d faa]8]2 :[e ab+b+]8]4 [e a>cc]8
  48. ;The SSG here has some echo, managed to do it with some delaya and volume changes
  49. G L @0 v13
  50. H L @0 r8r16 l8 v9 aebeb+eb [eaebeb+e:b]31b16
  51. G l8 [aebeb+ebe]32
  52. ;Now it plays with the CDE channels and then go back to the echo part
  53. G @7 v12 l1 edd&1ede&1 l8 v13 @0 [aebeb+ebe]6 [aebe>c<ebe]2
  54. H @7 v12 l1<agf&1aga&1 l8 r8r16 v8 @0>[aebeb+ebe]6 [aebe>c<e:be]2b16
  55. ;Here it goes crazy and plays along with the DE channels
  56. G @5 l16 v13[[[e+ b+>e+e+]4<[g>dgg]4<:[f>dff]8]2<[a>ea a ]8]2 [[[e+ b+>e+e+]4<[g>dgg]4<:[f>dff]8]2<[a>ea a ]8]2
  57. H @5 l16 v13<[[b+>e+ a a]4 [d gbb]4 :[d faa]8]2 [e ab+b+]8 [[b+>e+ a a]4 [d gbb]4 :[d faa]8]2 [e ab+b+]8 <[[b+>e+ a a]4 [d gbb]4 :[d faa]8]2 [e ab+b+]8 [[b+>e+ a a]4 [d gbb]4 :[d faa]8]2 <[e a>cc]8
  59. ;Percussion Line, idk what to say about it, to be honest, I just took some creativity freedom in some parts
  60. K R10 R0 R1 R2 L R3 [R4]15 R5 R6 R2 R7 R3 [R4]15 R5 [R4]15 R8 R9 R2 R7
  61. R0 @512c%192r%192
  62. R1 @128c1c1c2c2c2c4@1c4
  63. R2 [@1c4c4@257c@1c4]4
  64. R3 l4 [@1c@2c8@128c8@257c:@2c8@128c8]3 @2c8c8@1c@2c8 l16 @2cc@129c@130c@128c@130ccccc
  65. R4 l16 @129c@128c@130c@128c@129cc@258c@128c@129c@128c@130c@129c@128c@129c@258c@129c
  66. R5 l16 @129c@128c@130c@128c@129cc@258c@128c@129c@128c@130c@129c@128c@130c@258c@130c
  67. R6 l4 @512c2 @128c1c1c1c4.c8
  68. R7 l4 [@1c@2c8@128c8@257c@2c8@128c8]4
  69. R8 l16 @129c@128c@130c@128c l32 [@144c@16c]4[@132c@4c]4[@136c@8c]4
  70. R9 @513c4@1c4@257c4@1c4 [@1c4c4@257c4@1c4]3
  71. R10 r4
  73. ;And finally, the melody line
  74. ;The intro has some echo on it, so I'll do the same thing I did on the SSG
  75. AB L @12 l4 o3 *0
  76. A V120 [a.>e2.ed<>d<b+8b a.>e2.ed<b+8b8b+8>a.g.e+ee+8ed8<b+8b8]2
  77. B r8r16 l4 V110 p1 [a.>e2.ed<>d<b+8b a.>e2.ed<b+8b8b+8>a.g.e+ee+8ed8<:b+8b8]2b+16
  78. ;Now it changes to a saw and this time there's a second voice playing along, also, there's some vibrato
  79. AB V114 @250 > MWA0 MA12,1,4,2 *1 l8 _{-cf} p3
  80. A [a4.>e2.e d e dc<bga4.>e1&4e dcd4. a4.:f1efe4.e4 dc4<b 4>cd4c<b 4]2>>d1cdc4.<b4.a4b4ag+&2
  81. B [e4.>c2.c<b>c<ba gdf4.>c1&4c<baa4.>f4.:d1cdc4.c4<ba4 g+4 ab4a g+4]2> a1aaa4. g4.e4e4ed &2
  82. ;Back to the echo piano-ish
  83. AB @12 l4 o4 *0
  84. A V124 [a.a.ga8aag8a8b8>c<b8a&1<a8a8b8>c.<e.>c<b.>d.<bba8:ag.eg8a>c8d8e8]2<a&1>e8g8e8
  85. B r8r16 V110 p1 [a.a.ga8aag8a8b8>c<b8a&1<a8a8b8>c.<e.>c<b.>d.<bba8:ag.eg8a>c8d8e8]2<a&1>e8g16
  86. ;Chorus!
  87. A l8 V124 [a4a4aega4egagedef+4.d4&1dc<b>cc4c4<ba>c<bb4b4age:aa4a4gab>dcdegegb]2<a1.ra>ce V124 [a4a4aega4egagedef+4.d4&1dc<b>cc4c4<ba>c<bb4b4age:aa4a4gab>dcdegegb]2<a1>a1
  88. B r8r16 l8[a4a4aega4egagedef+4.d4&1dc<b>cc4c4<ba>c<bb4b4age:aa4a4gab>dcdegegb]2<a1r8r16r4
  89. B *1 p3 @23 V124 > a>cea&2<a>cea>c<b>c<bagde&2degedc<b>c4d4<aegabcded4e4g4b4aegaegab>c2cd<b>c<a4.r>e4.rd4c4<b4>c4d4g4e4d4e2edc<ba4>c4c.<b.ga4>c4c.<b.ga1> V120a1
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