
RevoX Chapter #5090

Aug 20th, 2015
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  1. [Notice]villain successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  2. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  3. [Notice]Rooffy successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  4. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  5. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  6. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  7. [Notice]MrBushidø successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  8. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  9. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  10. [Notice]Urehana successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  11. [Notice]Poohtragiz successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  12. [Notice]Ifuccku successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  13. [Notice]BloodSwoRd successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  14. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  15. [Notice]HospitalPW successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  16. [Notice]BloodSwoRd successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  17. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  18. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  19. [Notice]Troy.s2 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  20. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  21. [Notice]MrBushidø successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  22. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  23. [Notice]ZKS successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  24. [Notice]Tigerman successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  25. [Notice]Needles successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  26. [Notice]SirMike successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  27. [Notice]MrBushidø successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  28. [Notice]BallSackz successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  29. [Notice]Troy.s2 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  30. [Notice]ANIKY successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  31. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  32. [Notice]VioleT™ successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  33. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  34. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  35. [Notice]ANIKY successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  36. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  37. [Notice]rcaramez successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  38. [Notice]CM_Punk successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  39. [Notice]rcaramez successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  40. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  41. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  42. [Notice]Exi successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  43. [Notice]Zelgo successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  44. [Notice]aekara21 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  45. [Notice]ANIKY successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  46. [Notice]Ifuccku successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  47. [Notice]Tigerman successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  48. [Notice]Needles successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  49. [Notice]Vert successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  50. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  51. [Notice]Troy.s2 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  52. [World]djsr1:como hago para tener a goku wn la tripulacion
  53. [World]ninjatori:esto no és dragonball mama huebos
  54. [World]djsr1:yo se imbe*** solo queria que un estudpido q lo creyera resp
  55. [World]djsr1:y ya lo hizo
  56. [World]ninjatori:i was kidding with you man relax, you are spanish?
  57. [World]ninjatori:that make us hermanos, im portuguese
  58. [Notice]Treasure hunters have appeared on the sea, kill them to obtain their treasure maps!
  59. [World]gunnerking:*Rene*
  60. [World]SniperUsop.s005:gratz
  61. [World]DeathKondR:*DeathKondR*
  62. [World]E.NatsuD.:*Luffy*
  63. [World]SniperUsop.s005:gratz
  64. [Notice]Puneethsam killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  65. [World]icehand:*goldroger*
  66. [World]SniperUsop.s005:gratz
  67. [World]SniperUsop.s005:*kaido*
  68. [World]E.NatsuD.:*Garp*
  69. [World]SniperUsop.s005:gratz
  70. [World]E.NatsuD.:thx
  71. [Notice]Magnus.s09 killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  72. [Notice]LoveKo killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  73. [World]icehand:damit iam in afight for more than 3 hours
  74. [World]icehand:ok fu_ck that this will tack for evar
  75. [World]FoX.s03_04:how to get full screen
  76. [World]FoX.s03_04:i don't right
  77. [World]icehand:ther is no full screen
  78. [World]FoX.s03_04:k ty
  79. [Notice]LoveKo killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  80. [World]Ogden:ctrl ans scroll, it's blurry though
  81. [World]JuanriD.:how many treasure maps can i obtain defeting a treasure seek
  82. [World]Ogden:1 to 4
  83. [World]Ogden:I once even thought to have gotten 5, but that might be fals
  84. [World]JuanriD.:is a low amount of maps
  85. [World]Ogden:yess
  86. [World]Ogden:if you manage to kill 3 ts a day, every day
  87. [World]Ogden:low loot is the concept of this game anyway
  88. [World]BloodSwoRd:hello Ogden
  89. [World]BloodSwoRd:can u login and kill 3 a day for me?
  90. [World]RolandRock:Hello BloodSwoRd.
  91. [World]BloodSwoRd:wut up rollyRocker
  92. [World]BloodSwoRd:did you change name to RollySwoRd yet?
  93. [World]RolandRock:not much, hbu
  94. [World]RolandRock:lol nope xD still got that name chage card
  95. [World]BloodSwoRd:sun.s62
  96. [World]BloodSwoRd:hav pilot acct, will protect your harbor okay?
  97. [World]RolandRock:lol thats my legion :D
  98. [World]BloodSwoRd:that is a Yes i can take your harbor their?
  99. [World]BloodSwoRd:i mean protect your harbor
  100. [World]RolandRock:yeah go ahead lol
  101. [World]BloodSwoRd:i give up. 2 much clicking i quit
  102. [World]RolandRock:lololol wtf
  103. [World]Ogden:nope, sorry BS, I can't kill them myself these days
  104. [World]Ogden:I got a horrible thing called "job"
  105. [World]BloodSwoRd:me 2, at work right now.
  106. [World]BloodSwoRd:gtg cya
  107. [World]RolandRock:*screams*
  108. [World]RolandRock:never say that J word.
  109. [World]RolandRock:Later BloodyBoy
  110. [Notice]Congrats to 1PunchMan for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  111. [World]Ogden:260k, woop woop
  112. [World]Muneeb™:Haxor
  113. [World]Ogden:said the man yho will hit 300k once his prot gets to lvl 140
  114. [World]Ogden:oi, btw. will you pilot me tomorrow?
  115. [World]Ogden:I get some tomorrow or this weekend, so I could pay...
  116. [World]Ogden:... your precious pph ;)
  117. [World]Muneeb™:sure haha
  118. [World]Muneeb™:im at 223k tp :P
  119. [World]Muneeb™:ONLY 37k behind haha
  120. [World]icehand:muneeb can i ask u how can i gather 30m silver in 1 day?
  121. [World]Muneeb™:easy
  122. [World]Muneeb™:daileis gladi wb :P
  123. [World]Muneeb™:oh and gl trading
  124. [World]icehand:ok
  125. [World]Muneeb™:ogden s the silver master though
  126. [World]icehand:sory idont speek english very will who is he?
  127. [World]Muneeb™:Ogden is the haxest lvl 140 in this server
  128. [World]Romero.s005:gl trade if you find a good trade you can earn easily 10M
  129. [World]Romero.s005:dailies and stuff, 20M
  130. [World]icehand:o
  131. [World]Romero.s005:others are bonus :D
  132. [World]icehand:intreting
  133. [World]Muneeb™:its possible to easily make 40m daily
  134. [World]Romero.s005:here 6500 for each fossil oil i have
  135. [World]Muneeb™:if you do wb
  136. [World]Romero.s005:i have 1327 of them :D
  137. [World]Muneeb™:romero showing off :P
  138. [World]Romero.s005:always when i hear something about trades :D
  139. [World]Muneeb™:i can show off ,see my prota star badge lol
  140. [World]Muneeb™:the dodge stat
  141. [World]Muneeb™:now thats showing off lol
  142. [World]Ogden:o,fg, how is that even!!!
  143. [World]Ogden:I thought it's a myth, a legend of PP
  144. [World]Muneeb™:It is VERY hard :3
  145. [World]Ogden:total dodge?
  146. [World]Muneeb™:max stat on any badge
  147. [Notice]cmslasher killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  148. [World]Muneeb™:but youre the pro :P you know all about it
  149. [World]Ogden:i dooooon't zhay
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