

May 22nd, 2013
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  1. >Nightime in Equestria
  2. >You're you slowly pull your tank out from the woods you've hidden it in.
  3. >You had gotten lucky, the mares hadn't bothered to give chase when you left them in the smoke, but you couldn't find the canisters you discharged either.
  4. >Perhaps they took it, thinking it to be 'part' of your tank, or as they called it, golem.
  5. "It is a nice night..." your driver said as your tank rumbles steadily back down the same road, coming towards the village you identified when you first arrived.
  6. >You had spent the better part of the afternoon trying to raise Army command, but you had been given nothing but static as no signal seemed to get through.
  7. >You were completely cut off.
  8. >What was weird was your fuel gauge, it hadn't dropped past the three quarters full mark since you last checked.
  9. >When you inspected your fuel and tried to fill it, you noticed that it hadn't even dropped past that mark.
  10. >Whatever the case, you had unlimited fuel.
  11. >Your loader also noticed that the round he had used was replaced in the container you kept them.
  12. >Another...puzzling thing.
  13. >Did resources negate their usage here, or was it some other magic that came over you and your crew.
  14. >It could explain the ballistics mishap, firing a single round that flew far enough to blow down a tower several miles away.
  15. >You were best not to dwell on it as you come to a halt not too far from the village.
  16. "Alright..." you begin as you slowly turn off your machine "Gunner, driver, v'ith me, v'ere going to inspect village.
  17. "Roger..." your gunner and driver said.
  18. "V'hat about me?" your loader asked.
  19. "You..." you begin, with a sigh, "you're going to stay here comrade, someone needs to v'atch the tank."
  20. Your loader huffed, crossing his arms "Ack, a'vays v'ith the tank yah, v'hen can I get tp go v'ith you?"
  21. "Maybe later, for now, anyv'one who vishes to see des...ponies...shot...I do not need lose trigger."
  22. >He grumbled, but nodded "roger comrade..."
  24. >You dismount, your carrying an AKSU74, your gunner and driver dismounted with you, drawing their Makarovs. You were keeping low profile as you sneak toward the village. It was eerily quiet for such a lovely night, no movement, no worrying about ambushes, not even a faint scent of explosive propellant.
  25. >Everything was at peace, everything was calm and everything was just...unsettling.
  26. >Having fought four years in a war torn desert wasteland, the fact you've arrived in such a peaceful place was unnerving, but you huffed as you slowly entered the village perimeter.
  27. >No barking, no dogs, nothing about this seem wrong as you crept through the village, eying the quaint little buildings.
  28. "Dis is nuts..." you mutter as you sneak about the village, gun pointing ahead as you eye the different buildings, noticing their design to be rather...western, if not vastly different from what you've seen back home.
  29. >Your gunner grumbles, suddenly pointing his pistol in the direction of another building, one that looked like a giant ginger-bread house.
  30. "Dah heck...?" he muttered "i must be seeing tings..."
  31. >He notions to the building as you look at it.
  32. "Hrmmm..." you rub your chin "perhaps dere is food dere, v'e can always use dat."
  33. >Your men nod in approval as you begin to approach the 'cookie house'
  34. "Let us hope dere is no v'one awake, do not v'ant to cause a scene."
  36. >Your words however bring about a rather uneasy feeling as a pair of Light blue eyes watch you from above.
  37. "Strange creatures these be...yet what fear has Celestia seen about them...I do not understand." the Lunar princess thought as she landed atop the bakery and watched these creatures go about their business.
  39. >You are Princess Luna
  40. >And you're concerned about your sister
  41. >She had returned home later in the afternoon, her mane a mess, her fur matted with splotches of dirt, and a strange...odor about her.
  42. >Earlier in the day you were awoken by a thunderous boom, only to look out and see Celestia's tower suddenly crumble beside yours.
  43. >It was...shocking...for what sort of destruction could be wrought so instantly against something without being seen.
  44. >When she explained how some "iron golem" of an unusual design was responsible, Luna was more than curious to investigate herself.
  45. >Now, with her night upon the citizens of Ponyville, the Lunar Princess had a moment to see that the golem had released its 'servants' about the village.
  46. >She had never seen such creatures, walking on two legs rather than four, and held their 'horns' in their forelegs....but...that was certainly odd enough to be interesting, and above all, fascinating.
  47. >She kept above them, sitting atop a black cloud as she watched over them as they approached the sweet shop of the pink mare.
  48. >She felt a pang of uncertainty as she watched them slowly enter, she would have to confront them soon, or they may never realize the crimes they have committed.
  49. "I shall not let these creatures pass by Sister..." Luna muttered "We shall confront and investigate them and if need be apprehend them for their crimes."
  50. >Luna huffed, slowly fluttering from the cloud as she eased down before the door, looking into the darken entrance way of the bakery, hearing the new creatures about the interior.
  51. >She could see you scrounging around the place, opening cupboards and things, taking out loafs of bread and sweets and the like, obviously knowing what you were looking for as she coughed.
  52. "Ahem..." she began as she trotted in, instantly beckoning attention as the men turned to look at her.
  53. "What tho beset upon our humble community of Ponyville?"
  55. >Your are Kaptian Anon
  56. >And this is the second Alicorn you've seen.
  57. >You're not dreaming, this certainly is real, being transported to a land of colourful ponies was one thing, but now dealing with them face-to-face was unsettling.
  58. >This one however wasn't as...demanding as the last one.
  59. >She was smaller for one, and her coat was dark like the night.
  60. >Something about her was more...calming, but you don't hesitate to kick up your AKSU74 and cock the chamber, loading a round as you hold it tight.
  61. "V'e mean no buisness v'ith your kind, v'e only need food and supplies for our golem..." you mutter, trying to keep the charade of them thinking its a 'living thing.'
  62. "It is not v'ise to hinder our progress"
  63. "Not wise? Tho has done more harm then good, what folly do you speak of nay wisdom to your actions against you, when tho has done more to us?"
  64. "She has you dere comrade..." your gunner whispered as he held a cookie jar in hand.
  65. "If you mean tower, dat v'as accident..." you huff "Golem set not to be taken by purple pony to study, golem found dat unsettling and reacted, shell not meant to hurt pony, but, didn't know it v;uld go dat far."
  66. >Luna looked at you for a moment before trotting further into the bakery, you can see out of the corner of your eye the driver making his way behind her in the shadows.
  67. "A misunderstanding? well, tho shall explain their actions thereafter against my sister Celestia?"
  68. "Dat her name?" you ask, keeping her focus on you.
  69. 'Yes...Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, I am her sister Princess Luna, and what you had done to my sister cannot be let go without punishment."
  70. "Punishment...." you repeat as you grin "if Princess Celestia so easy to best by tactics, den you out of league to best golem beast."
  71. >Luna seemed both shocked and hurt as she looked crossly at you.
  72. "Dare insult thy sisters might? She has the power of the SUN! Nay say your golem can handle that!"
  73. "But v'e can..." you say as your driver sneaks up behind and *WACK*
  75. "Out like light..." your driver said as he holsters his pistol.
  76. >you sigh, slowly safeing your rifle as you walk over to the mare. Your driver is already kneeling by her, checking her out.
  77. "Blow to head knocked her out cold comrade, v'hat v'e do with her?"
  78. >You ponder the situation, for the first part, you've just knocked out a Princess and SISTER to the ruler of this place, for the second part, you were caught stealing from a bakery, for the third part, you really didn't care too much as you gently ease down.
  79. "V'e take her, collateral, if dey try to take us, v'e use her as shield, but make sure she is not badly hurt, v'e are not monsters, just soldiers." you mutter as you gently brush her mane aside, seeing the bruse on the back of her head.
  80. "Better take care of dat." you point out to your driver as he pulls a feild kit forward "on it." he said, quickly bandaging her head as you look back to your gunner, still stuffing cookies into his face.
  81. "Magic or not, dey make good s'veets" he said as you roll your eyes.
  82. "Come, v'e got v'hat v'e need, lets go...v'ith her."
  84. >Your gunner, being the bigger of you three, heaves the mare over his shoulders with little difficulty, plopping her body around the shoulder blades as he kept her head steady.
  85. >You and your gunner kept close, all three moving slowly and carefully through the village, eventually making it to the outskirts and away without incident.
  86. >Upon returning to your tank, you can see your loader standing beside it, smoking drag as he turned to see, his eyes wide as he witness you carrying pony.
  87. "V-vhat is dat!?" he exclaims, nearly dropping his cig as you huff.
  88. "Pony Princess, she tried to stop us, got a tad heated so v'e knocked her out."
  89. >The loader smirked "Did not tink you had dat in you comrade."
  90. "Wasn't planning, but had little choice."
  91. "So den, v'hat v'e do with her?"
  92. >You smirk "tie her to barrel, v'e show des ponies v'e mean business."
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