
Mind of Matter - Chapter 12

Dec 8th, 2012
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  1. Chapter 12
  2. It started as a quiet day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Bluebloods guards continued their diligence in searching for Anon.
  3. It had been a good week since the start of the martial law around Ponyville and the residents were getting weary of their stay.
  4. Blueblood however was enjoying himself as he lounge on the balcony of the penthouse suite, taking his princely time to enjoy the sunrise over the crest of thee mountains, letting the rays soak along the green fields up to the littloe huts of this serene village.
  5. He did so enjoy this place, even for its simplicity, it still had its on 'je ne seu quai' that made it ever so enjoyable.
  6. "Ah...such is the diligent of duty for the royal crown, tut tut anypony who may disagree."
  7. He tossed back a glass of the local cider brew as he sighed contently.
  8. That was until a sudden sound of armoured wingbeats caused the Unicorn to pause.
  9. "Your majesty..." it spoke, its monotone voice almost lifeless as it kneeled to its prince "we have found the one you seek."
  10. Blueblood paused mid sip, halting his glass with the magic from his horn to pass a quick glance to his guard.
  11. "Are you sure?"
  12. "Positive"
  13. "No trick?"
  14. "No sign of common magic detected, he was simply there."
  15. "Where?"
  16. The guardpony turned, pointing to Twilights library, and there, standing outside from it was Anon, his attire well pressed and his hat fitted firm.
  17. Blueblood's expression was priceless as he dropped his glass, leetting it shatter upon the floor.
  18. "After....Him....At....ONCE." he demanded.
  20. You are Anon
  21. "Are you ready yet?"
  22. You say that soft to yourself as your eyes meet, you can tell Blueblood was rather...suprised, quickly shouting to his guard as the metal pony lunged and flew back towards you.
  23. It was a menacing thing to see, large wings encased in armour flapping full wing as the pegasus made easy headway, slowly flying upwards then decending right towards you.
  24. Quick time event
  25. PASS
  26. You dive beneath it, hitting the deck as the beast flies over and past, only to quickly turn and head back.
  27. You blink, they were far...quicker...than Celestia's guards, and certaiinly quiet edgar to take off your head.
  28. "You got to be kidding me" you mutter, seeing this pony with hound like efficency go after you, turning quickly about, almost unaturally before dive bombing againg.
  29. You hit the deck in kind, narrowly avoid the second pass as you begin to get your footing in order and speed towards the buildings nearby, rushing quickly into an alleyway as the guard poiny follows from above; its heavy set armour making it almost impossible to follow in the tight space as you begin to take the back routes of ponyville...which weren't as extensive as Canterlot.
  30. You cursed, realizing that this wouldn't be easy, cover was not only limited, but you could be boxed in quiet a bit.
  31. You pass behind another store, avoiding the cart as you watch the guard pony from above, circling, it as though he hasn't seen you.
  32. You can't be sure, especially with THESE guards.
  33. Back at the castle you had seen them, armour clad, their eyes which bore no emotion.
  34. Set to their cause, their duty, and their master.
  35. Fitting for Blueblood, at least Celestia's and Luna's guards had personality and character, thewse just seemed like shock troopers without a care for anyone but their leader.
  36. Disgusting no matter how you slice it as you slowly clamber through another alleyway into the main street.
  37. Right into the path of two more guards.
  38. They seem complacent at first, staring at you before one of them rears up and chargesw you.
  39. "Apprehead the criminal!" it barked, almost in a robotic tone as you bound over it, almost subconsciously as you tumble between the legs of the other and are off again.
  40. Perhaps its the sheer fear of being caught, or the joy that these guys seemed to be as slow as tanks, the fact you were dodging them so well just seemed unreal.
  41. But hey...
  42. You're in a land of technicolor talking ponies, that's pretty unreal right there.
  43. You feel quite cool running away from those guards, their heavy armour giving you a very slight speed advantage.
  44. Was a shame you didn't remeber the first guard.
  45. He smashed right into you, head first, and he was a LOT stronger than Rainbow Dash.
  46. You got flying back, tumbling to the ground in a heap as you sit up
  47. "Son of a..." you mutter as the guard slowly approches you, eyes brilliant and nostrils flaring as heavy armoured hooflings trot across the dirt.
  48. "Surrender or-"
  49. ZAAP!
  50. A magical bolt seemed to jump out from nowhere, striking the guardpony directly in the flank and sending it careening off to smash into a nearby food-cart, causing its pony-tenant to dive away in fear.
  51. You look upwards to the housee nearby to see a cloaked figure, a vibrant glow from its horn as the guard rose and shook itself free of the fruity remains. It turned to Anon, but then to the figure, identifying a new threat.
  52. "Cease or be punished." it said as he lunged at its assailant, whizzing towards the unicorn just as she vanished in a flash of magical energy, appearing atop another building as the stallion guard turns and flares his nostrils, charging right towards her again just as Cermina lept from the roof of another building not too far off and slammed right into it, gripping hold of its center mass.
  53. The Pegasus whined, flapping its wings violently as it tried to shake Cermina, almost flailing lkike a mad bull, but the drakess held on tight and slowly brought him down.
  54. Once it was, she smashed its head with a back fist, causing the guard toi fwump into dream land as it laid there.
  55. "Dat is v'one...two more to go." Cermina says, seeing several more suddenly converge from mid altitude, every patrol around the village suddenly and systematically heading right towards you.
  56. The unicorn teleports again, this time right in front of you just as the other two stallions begin to approch.
  57. Metal wings flapping, nostrils flaring behind darken visors.
  58. Cermina quickly rushes beside the unicorn, both standing before you like two gaurdians.
  59. "Dis not be easy. comrade, I count nealry two dozen of dem."
  60. "Then lets try and even those odds." the unicorn said as she powered heer horn with magical brilliance.
  61. More zaps from the Unicorn at the guards, several going wide off their mark, but a few striking those armoured equines, striking dead on as they fell to the ground, but not making a clear difference to their numbers.
  62. Cermina hisses as they came closer, seeing that this would be one heck of a fight, sh pounds her fiisst together.
  63. "Let us die like v'arriors!" she barks.
  64. "I don't plan on dying just yet!" shouted the unicorn in dismay as she looked about and then eyed the everfree.
  65. "The forest!" she calls "we have to get away!"
  66. You don't hesitate as you run, Cermina notices and gives chase, following as planned; besides, you wanted Blueblood to KNOW where you're going.
  67. "AFTER HIM!" you can almost hear the Unicorn shouting as you make your way into the forest, you, Cermina and the mysterious mare all dart as deep as you can before you slowly come to a pause when you feel you've went as far as you could, eventually coming to a halt against a large tree.
  68. Cover just wait.
  70. A few moments later, Cermina tumbles over, hurring as she finds herself flat on the ground.
  71. "Sjot...dey are no ordinary guardponies." she muttered as she got up, dusting herseelf off "Dey do not give down easy, took...much strenght to bring bastard to hooves."
  72. "Yeah, I doubt these are run of the mill, their armour is tougher and their faces." you shake your head "i honestly don't like it."
  73. "Neither do I, but thats what we must deal with." Spoke a familiar female voice as the hooded mare seems to trot in from nowhere.
  74. "Yeah, well, no one figured BlueBlood would have some special units up his sleeve, but, we managed." you look at the mare "Thanks for the save by the way."
  75. The mare smiled, bowing slightly as a purple magic glow envelopes the hood and pulls it down, showing it to be Twilight Sparkle.
  77. --
  79. Blueblood of course wasn't to thrilled with your escape, not only did your sudden apperance catch him completelty off guard, but your escape from his perfect guards was a tarnish on their name just as much as his; he felt that you simply scoffed in his presence and now he looked nothing more than a fool.
  80. He didn't like being seen as a fool.
  81. No sooner had Anon escaped his grasp into the everfree that Blueblood gathered the mane six yet again to interrogate them in the Library.
  82. How Anon had avoided his searches till now and even eluded captuire by some mysterious unicorns aid was far more press than what he'd like.
  83. "Ah, and we all gather here yet again my dearies." Blueblood began as he stood across from the line of mares, two guards flanking him at the doorway, their expression unchaged as the mane six stood before the prince.
  84. "I did say I would pay extra attention to all of you, being the cloer ones to ANon, and yet, even after my past discussions, none of you talked as to where he was?"
  85. "Because we didn't know!' Rainbow blurts out "he kept himself away from us, we had no clue where he was."
  86. "i doubt that..." Blueblood interjected "but...without evidence, perhaps I should take your word yes?"
  87. The mane six blink as they look at one another.
  88. "Whatcha'll sayin? That you belive us?"
  89. "Not exactly, I still feel you all had a part to play, but seeing as none of you...least those I could see, were around when ANon made himself know...perhaps can let it slide...aside from the fact that a certian unicorn interjected..." he turned to Twilight as he trotted forward to her, coming...rather close as the mare took a slight step back.
  90. "Twilight Sparkle, ever since the start I figured you to challenge me every step of theway, even without your princess to aid you, you still show defiance. Only you have such a skill in offensive and defensive magic to create such abilites, yet, here you are, standing before me." he eyed her.
  91. "Where were you earlier today if I may ask."
  92. The mare blinked, opening her maw.
  93. "SHe was with me in the library." Spike interjected "She and I were busy with shelving books." he said, pointing to a large pile.
  94. Blueblood hrmmed, a hoof to his chin as he looks at Twi, the spike, the trots away.
  95. "I diligent with your duties as ever?" he chuckled "i guess it can't be helped." he shrugged a bit, turning back to all six.
  96. "Seeing as this mare in question escaped with ANon, I can only assume a seven memeber is to be considered, but who....hrm..."
  97. He trotted about, at some points he seemed to turn to them and start to speak, but paused and then went silent.
  98. It took twenty agonizing minutes before Blueblood sighed.
  99. "AH, dear me this is certainly a cunundrum..." HE HUFFED AS He looked at the ponies.
  100. "Certainly there is little else to be said I shall make my leave..." HE EYED Each one as he turned to the door BUT Paused.
  101. "I wish you all a pleasant day now." he said before he trotted out, leaving all six holding their breath as the door closed behind him.
  102. "Phew" WAS The collective sigh from everypony as AJ smirked, and then Rainbow and then everyone beganh to laugh...aside from Twilight.
  103. "I must admit, I had my doubts about this illusion trick, but, can't believe he fell for it. "
  104. Rarity said, trotting over to the illusion of Twilight as she waves a hoof through it, seeing it glitch like a bad reception on TV.
  105. "Yah gotta give credit ta Twi." Aj adds as she trots over "SHE TOok a might big risk fer us, but yah got ta admit I am impressed by it all."
  106. The others nod.
  107. "SO what now?" Rainbow asks
  108. "We keep doin what we do, act natural." AJ added "S'what ANon ssaid ta do."
  109. "Simple enough, how dreadful it must be for them to have to be on the lamb, more so for Twilight." Rarity said, saddness in her voice.
  110. "Twi said she'd do it herself, woulda not wanted ta put any of us in danger, s'ides, she knows more bout dem wilds en any of us would."
  111. The others nod "SHE CHOSE to go Rarity." Rainbow added "She's got guts, not as much as me, but guts none the less."
  112. Rarity chuckled "Well, I thank her for taking the burden off our shoulders, but I wish she let me fix that old cloak up for her."
  113. "Woulda been suspicious to see some of yhour craftsmanship on a random mares cloak." Aj adds "Woulda blow it."
  114. "Are you saying my work is noticable?"
  115. "With Blueblood? best not take that chance." Rainbow adds.
  116. Rarity huffs, but blushes a bit 'well, perhaps I should look into making my style a bit more...hidden "
  117. "I think its lovedly." spoke A soft Fluttershy>
  118. Rarity perked right up "WHY Thank you darling, that means the world to me."
  119. She hugged the yellow pegasus as Pinkie began to jump around.
  120. "Oohh this is so exciting. Anon, Twilight, Cermina all on an adventure! We better prepare a welcome back party!''
  121. After a few more shinanigans, and leaving SPike with a few goodies, the mares all break off to return to their homes.
  122. Unaware that the cold, unmoving eyes of one of Bluebloods guards, perched atop a tree, watching the library, its duty set to keep a creful eye on Twilight, Blueblood knew something was up, but he wasn't too sure about what.
  123. "You shall keep a watch, but do not be seen."
  125. --
  126. "I don't think Blublood will be any wiser to my dissaperance than we'd like to be IO made sure that 'I' would still be around to keep him off our trail."
  127. SHe trotted around a bit, smiling.
  128. "Its a simple duplication spell, its the same as me, image. As long as no one tries to dispell it, we should be fine, and will drive a certian prince bonkers when he can't figure it out." she giggled "Not my proudest moment, but it gives me a chance to try this new book out."
  129. SHe hovers a book from a saddle bag benath the cloak.
  130. "Landmarks of wild Equestria, a travel guide for the navigationally challenge." you read "Lovely thought we agreed no books."
  131. "But its Important!" Twilight confess as she flips through it, pulling out a map "see, we're here." She marked your position on the map "closest landmark is...the castle of the Celestial sisters."
  132. "Den we better get moving comrades...I sense does armoured stallions approching dis way, dere scent of steel..." she sniff "it reeks of corruption."
  133. You huff, standing up as Twi puts the book away and flips on her hood.
  134. 'Alright, so we're currently being chased by a prince's elite guard and you want us to slow down?" You ask as Twilight led the way for you and Cermina.
  135. "We have to be careful here, even without the worry of Nightmare Moons magical influenhce, we still have to be careful, there're a lot of wild animals and beast of horror we may have to face."
  136. "yah, v'e can vouch for dat." Cermina huffs, nudging you "V'e listen to unicorn yah?"
  137. "Fine fine..." you grumble.
  138. Hate slowing down, but...haters gonna hate as you creep through the wilderness.
  139. You've never been this far in before.
  140. You know thats what she would say for a thought like that, but this is legit, the deeper you went...the..realer the wilderness came.
  141. You could swear it reminded you of your childhood expeditions to your nearby natrue park and such.
  142. And yet the ponies all feared it.
  143. The spiders were one example, but, it was so beautiful.
  144. "I think we've arrived." Twilight muttered as she magicked a bush aside to show a vast expans beyond. A place where a bridge once had been was devoid of any means to cross, but beyonhd the other side, a sole turret of an ancient castle loomed in the glare of the mid day sun.
  145. "We're so close, but how do we cross it?"
  146. "Ahem, you do know I can do magic right?" Twilight boasts a bit, proud of it as she trotted forward "leave it to me...Anon, if I may ask you to..." she paused "uhhh, you'll need to be close to me to do this."
  147. "You...mean like ride you?"
  148. "Wh what?' Twilight says in suprise.
  149. "Err...well in our world, we have horses, and we ride atop them."
  150. Twilight seemed flabergasted " do?"
  151. "Course their'er bigger than you...maybe the size of Celestia..."
  152. Twilight fidgets "Aha...well, no need to be that close..but..." she looks away a bit "A hug would be good."
  153. You blink...was she trying to hit on you or something?
  154. You shake your head, brain aint flippin as you nod "Sure...i'll be gentle."
  155. You can almost here Cermina chuckle as you ease over to Twilight, her bashful expression trying to avoid yours as you kneel down and gently wrap you arms around her neck.
  156. She squeaks a bit, her tail perking up as she blinks, blushing as you can't help but smell...lilac?
  157. "Ah...ah hang on." she stutters as her horn begins to brillianhce.
  158. You close your eyes.
  159. You hear a flashing noise like a camera.
  160. Poof.
  161. You open your eyes to find yourself on the other side of the gorge, the castle slighntly closer now as you inhale and exhale, taking a big whiff of Twilights scent before realizing are to her.
  162. double take whammy release and stand straight, dusting off, keeping your cool as you smirk.
  163. "Good stuff Twi."
  164. Twilight blushed "thank you just need to get Cer-"
  165. Before either of you could turn about, Cermina landed hard behind you with a heavy thid, indenting into the dirt path as she hissed, grinning before rising slowly.
  166. "I do not need magicks v'hen I got strenght." She grinned "I can han dle anyting dat is thrown at me."
  167. SHe laughs a bit, patting Twilight on the head as she takes the lead.
  168. "Come now comrades v'e have castle to crash!"
  169. "Is she always this showvanistic?" Twilight asks, shaking her head to fix her mane.
  170. "Only when she knows she can show off."
  171. Twilight looks at you "really?" she said sarcastically "i never would have guessed.'
  172. You start walking, and she begins to trot alongside you.
  173. "I take it you've been here before?"
  174. "Yeah...long time ago, when I first came to Ponyville and met my friends. We had to go to this castle to summon the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon."
  175. You pause for a moment.
  176. "I never did hear the whole story of about beating Nightmare Moon and freeing Luna when I first arrived, mind filling me in?"
  177. Twilights eyed you quizzically, almost as if something important that was forgotten had just been remembered.
  178. "Oh, I'm suprise no one told you the tale."
  179. "Guess being so busy with saving Luna's rump and dealing with the shenanigans I guess I never asked."
  180. Twilight smirked "Touche...I guess...alright then."
  181. She inhaled and began to tell you the story of how Nightmare Moon came to be from Princess Luna, how she was banished to the moon and that a thousand years would pass before her escape. WHen that did happen, Twilight told Celestia but didn't take much notice of it, sending Twilight to Ponyville to help with the Summer Sunset festival. It was going rather well and Twilight had made her first real friends that night. However, when Nightmare Moon did come back, she made it etenal night, and thats when Twilight and the others had to venture out here.
  182. "Nightmare Moon tested us, showing me the true value of friendship wuth the elements within each of my close friends. WHen we finally did come together and faced her, I realize the final element, the spark, was magic, magic of friendship. With that strenght, we banished Nightmare Moon and brought back Luna. The rest..." she smiled "is as you see now, though, we never really expected such things with the Canterlot Court and Prince Blueblood to be so..difficult."
  183. You had listened well, and the story certainly was rivitng, explains why everypony was uneasy with Luna, that more or less mad everything better considering it was hyou who showed the cort Luna's value to her kingdom and her care for her subjects.
  184. "I'm rather glad you went and helped Luna to become accepted again through Canterlot and Ponyville, it means a lot to know she is willing and able to move on and do her duty."
  185. "Yeah, shame she still will be scrutinized, and with Bluelood holding most, if not all the cards to this game, the two princess are more or less at odds to him."
  186. "I wouldn't doubt them just yet." Twilight said with a chuckle "Celestia had a way of doing a lot of sneaky work."
  187. "Sneaky work?"
  188. SHe nods "consider my story, Celestia did indeed know of the danger, but she put it to me to hgandle it, whihc not only proved my own strenght, but gave me true values of friendhsip and wonderful firends."
  189. "yet she didn't do anything."
  190. "Exactly the point, especially when she can't, leaving it to those who can handle it has a way of working out."
  191. You blink a few more times running it through your head.
  192. Knowing how tough Celestia was, it was obvious she could handle anything so why dump it on her student.
  193. Perhaps the benevolence isn't her thing?
  194. Or was she afraid of failing infront of her subjects.
  195. Your thouths are stopped as you bump into Twilights behnind as she stood behind Cermina who was standing over a crest of a hill looking down at the castle of the Celestial Sisters.
  196. Despite it being a ruin, it was a rather impressive complex.
  197. Four turrets, connected by large, wide arched bridgbes around a massive center tower was all there was, three out of the four turrets were gone and the center comples was in woefull disrepair as you slowly trod down together towards the stone gate.
  198. "Dis is impressive, yet, vhy is it left here?"
  199. Twilight sighs a bit "Whenh Celestia banished her sister Nightmare Moon to the moon, the final battle took place within these walls." Twilight noted as you all passed the gate into the empty courtyard, it was overrin with shrubbery and only the sttone path remained.
  200. "It was here where the elements of harmony were kept and where my friends and I vanquished Nightmare Moon."
  201. "Explains v'hey dey not use it...bad history."
  202. "Not always, before Canterlot even existed, this was Luna's and Celestia's home, and it was here their seat of power was place...but you can imagine after such an event how they would wish to move on from it."
  203. You know "Seems Legi-"
  204. Cermina pauses instanlty, hissing as she begins to look around.
  205. "Comrades...v'e are not alone..."
  206. Suddely, the triumphant whine of a stallion ripped the silence as you all turn to see three og Bluebloods guards rushing down towards you.
  207. Everyone hits the deck as they buzz pass.
  208. "How dey find us?" Cermina hisses, covering heer head as she glared at Twilighr.
  209. "I I don't know!" Twilight exclaims "They must have not given up when we thought we lost them."
  210. "V'ell, we better do something quick before we end up caugth...make your way inside...NOW!
  211. You all get up and rush inside, darkness quickly overwhelming you.
  213. "TWILIGHT!" you call "CERMINA"
  214. no answer as you slowly feel your way forward, eventually finding yourself coming through what you can only guess as a tunnel.
  215. You're not sure how you ended up here, you remember running with your friends into the castle and expected to enter a foye, it wasn't late out so the sun would be shining through.
  216. You didn't expect a tunnel however, and now you found yourself in a pitch black enviornment.
  217. "Can anything ever make sense?" you mutter.
  218. This was getting annoying as hyou suddenly feel a slight drop in your step as you look out into a canvious room, massive in size as the glow from crystals seemed to enrich the room in a deep blue light.
  219. The room was a hollowed out cavern, deep underground as no natural light seemesd to be present. The question of when and why you were sent here came to mind, but all you could reallhy consider was some for of magic or some being living in thsis castle that must have taken a liking to you.
  220. Never the less you survey the room and notice several pathways from other ends of the cavern all running to one center spot where a faint glow from something you couldn't make out was there.
  221. floating above a stand in the center.
  222. You hesitate, a million different thoughts from film and games swim through your head.
  223. Traps
  224. There had to be some here.
  225. No one has a castle and not has some form of trap to keep would-be theives at bay.
  226. Canterlot Castle may not have had traps, but its hidden passagae network was enhought to rise the idea these ponies didn't squander their skills in construction.
  227. SLowly you bend down, easing a handfull of rocks from the floor as you risse and look at the pathway before you.
  228. You toss one, as far as you can as you watch it sail across the bridge....
  229. and then thunmp against what looked like some magical barrier, sparking energy and stopping its momwntum before landing right at the edgte, only a foot from the center platform.
  230. "Wiggy..." you mutter as you toss another, then another.
  231. You pogressivly toss rocks closer and closer to you as you eventually create a trail of them from the center back.
  232. As the last rock is simply dropped infront of you, you exhale.
  233. "Okay, no more chicken..." you mutter, slowly taking a step forward.
  234. Nothing
  235. No traps, not weak stones.
  236. You take ahnother...and then another, eventually walking right up to your first stone thrown, and the barrier wall.
  237. Its faint, but it almost looks like a bubble of sort surrounding what looks like a gauntlet or a slab of armour of sorts.
  238. You inhale, slowly exhaling as you place your palm on the bubble, feeling energy suddenly coarsing throughn it...then you...before subsiding and causing the barrier to fizzle and vanish with a flash.
  239. You step forward onto the platfomr, eyeing what could only be considered a wrist gauntlet.
  240. Which was not designed for a pony hoof.
  241. It was designed for a HUMAN WRIST.
  242. It floated there, suspended over a stone pillar, rather simple in design as you approch it.
  243. Trap
  244. Its a trap.
  245. That phrase keeps going off in your head as you slowly extend a fist towards the gauntelet and with one smooth motion.
  246. SWIPE
  247. You yank the gauntlet from the center pedistle and hold it tightly in your hand.
  248. Silence.
  249. You hold your breath as you grip the gauntlet tight, it feels durable like Armour but covered in parts with what you can only guess as a fabric 'covering.
  250. "This looks like the power glove..." You mutter, eyeing the 'gauntlet' like device.
  251. "How the heck does something designed like this even exist here?"
  252. Its design doesn't seem to fit human exactly, but the five holes, similar to a fingerless glove could consider a creature with a humanoid hand could use it.
  253. "But...who...certainly there're aren't any other humans around."
  254. "Perhaps thy not ask who, but why and how they tool you possess came to your grasp."
  255. It wasn't Twilight or Cermina who spoke, not Luna nor Celestia, even Blueblood didn't...sound that soft yet so...confident.
  256. "What do you mean, and who the heck are you?"
  257. The voice chuckled slightly "I am neither friend nor foe to your kind, but you, you hold a very special bond with the ones who had forged this tool, made this place."
  258. "What? You mean to tell me I'm related to ponies in some way?"
  259. The voice laughed "AH dear me, such foolary you speak, but iI must comfort you on such thoughts. Though the ponies had built upon this place with their castle, the temple you are within is not of such a relation."
  260. "Relation? SO, you're something else?"
  261. "Precisely."
  262. You think for a moment.
  263. The only other possibility of species yoiu think could do such a feat would have to be.
  264. "Dragons then?"
  265. The voice hurred "very perceptive My child, yes, the draconis kin had built this temple long before Equestria was founded, but during the years of struggle between us, it had been lost to them."
  266. "Platnium right?"
  267. "SHe is the witch princess we had sought to rid the peace of this land, when Equestria was merely a province towards the kingdoms of dragons. Her rule had brought muchs strife between us had we not intervene."
  268. "Wait, are you..." you pause "The dragons who stopped the final battle."
  269. Another hurr "You pick up swiftly younge one, such is the truth you have uncovored."
  270. 'So why can't i see you'
  271. The hurring subsided "There are reasons for that my child, as we have long since left that plane of existance, so has our bodies done the same. What you hold is the last vestiage of our race, a gauntlet designed to unlock the powers of magic for any creature carryin g even the slightest trace within their blood. You...human creature...may not belive in such things, but your blood holds many secrets and this tool... shall be passed to you."
  272. You chuckled 'you can't be Maybe some cheap parlour tricks but-'
  273. "IT IS IN YOUR BLOOD CHILD" the voice boomed, only, many voices "you carry the blood of our ancestors, and with it, the gift of this tool."
  274. 'Okay okay...geeze, don't have to yell.' you mutter easing the gauntlet from your grasp to study it.
  275. "Though there is much we wish to tell you, child of the dragon, there is little time for us to give. Your friends above may require your aid as the bastard prince...the son of the witch princess...continues to seek their demise with his brutes. You must go to aid them.
  276. 'Okay, hang on a sec, I can't fight those things, don't even have a weapon.'
  277. "The gauntlet you now posess shall aid with your plight, weild it with your heart and open your talent to it; from it you shall learn and with it, defeat those who set to harm you."
  278. You huff, not willing to try something you know zip about, but if these...voices...these dragon spirits, are right about whats going on, you'd be better off trusting the; and using this dumb thing.
  279. "Alright...fine...what do I do?"
  280. "put upon your arm the gauntlet, and from there it shall do the rest."
  281. You nod, slowly extending your right arm as you slip it into the creivice below the armour, watching it slip through the fabric holster and letting your hand glove the fabric within, popping out the other side covered in the black material.
  282. It suddenly began to glow, and with it, upon the wrist, a chamber opened or at least formed square.
  283. Your phone then begins to float from your pocket as you blink in sheer suprise at what you are seeing.
  284. "The device you carry radiates energy of a different...kind...of magic, yet, you may still seek its use for this gauntlet, it shall help channel your strenght into the gauntlet. Let them"
  285. And so they did...the phone fitting snuggly into the opening as oi screen went blank, leaving the time, battery and signal icons at the top, but showing nothing but a black screen within.
  286. "Your powers remain dormant, but they shall become avalibale when you call upon them. Perhpas what may transpire to naiding your friends be a good tume to see what can be forged."
  287. You fix the gauntlet on your wrist, clenching your fist as you observe the gloves grip on your wrist.
  288. " how do I get to my friends then?' You ask.
  289. The voice chuckles "leave that to us, a saviour requires an entrance does he not?"
  290. OF COurse, before you could interject, you feel a tingling sensation as a sudden flash of teleportation takes you from the room.
  291. "My the dragons guide your quest younge one." THE Voice said as the room suddenly puffed again into darkness.
  294. You are Celestia
  295. And you've had better days.
  296. Ever since Blueblood got the court to rally into a fickle of what to do about Anon, he had somehow moused his way to getting a majority support.
  297. It was...troublesome, consdering it origonally was Anon who had the majority, but ponies can change, especially when on...greases the right axel.
  298. Celestia and Luna could not get involved any further into the situation, their duty as royalty was to protect their kingdom, but Anon had done no harm, despite his flee from Canterlot and the rustle with you that one night, his crimees were easily forgivn.
  299. His companion not so much, but Blueblood didn't know that.
  300. It was easy for him, that sinister tongue of his to set about his own desires in motion, simpply putting aside all the work ANon had done to show his wicked hooves and yet the council simply upped and forgave him.
  301. "Well he IS A prince...not wise to sully relations with royalty." You mutter to yourself as you trot through the near vacant hallway of the medical ward
  302. You yourself were in no better state.
  303. Your mane was a mess, you hadn't been able to keep it properly groomd since ANon left.
  304. You were exhausted as well, many wanted to know what had become of the human, and your rest for the last few days had been dreadful.
  305. Ever since ANon left, the nightmares had returned, showing the same thing each time.
  306. Fears of something.....something evil rising.
  307. The same nightmare over and over.
  308. It was hard enough to just keep with your daily duty to the sun let alone the hissy fit of Blueblood and the court.
  309. "Princess Celestia?" spoke a rather calm voice as you look to see the professor unicorn from the first time you were here with ANon.
  310. "Ah, professor Sketch, it is a pleasure to see you again."
  311. "Likewise your highness." He replied with a bow "I am glad you could come on such short notice."
  312. You smile "as coy as it may seem, any excuse to leavee the cnfines of mhy study is much appreciated; what is it aht you wish for me to se?"
  313. The professor smiled as he led the princess into his study lab, shutting the door tightly behind him.
  314. "Must it be so secret?" You ask as the professor nods.
  315. "Science such as this should, would not want some unyielding prince to hear us."
  316. you relinquish a soft giggle as the professor grabs his note pad and trotsx towazrds the back end of the room.
  317. WHere you expect may be a fireplace, such as in your own room, you bnotice a rather elaborate table christened in stone of pure white, laden wth various instruments of unusal shape and kind.
  318. It was almost daunting to see their positioning as your head
  319. is drawn down
  320. towards a vile
  321. suspended | | between
  322. two arms that hold it
  323. Within an aura sphere
  324. of magic entombing it
  325. "Is that?"
  326. 'encasement spell you're majesty,
  327. I apologize before hand if this an inconvenience for you.'
  328. "Not at all" you respond kindly to
  329. had bending forward in kind to respect.
  330. "I am glad to appoint my subjects time accordingly."
  331. Of course you know of Blueblood,
  332. having to deal with that stalolions shenanigans.
  333. "It is the least I can do for treating ANon. It could never
  334. had been enough for me to leave you aside like that...'
  335. 'can say it was worth the risk, considering the reward.'
  336. You turn you gaze along with the stallions to the blood sample.
  337. The aura of magic perfectly surrounding the device
  338. protected from any number of harmfull means that become of it.
  339. 'this sample, something very strange has become of it.'
  340. ^3^
  341. 'your majesty, if I may say that this sample has unusal.
  342. properties.'
  343. He paused
  344. "Why thy sir show concern for something such as this."
  345. 'I guess you can say i wish to keep my head about this.'
  346. "You do not mean Blueblood?"
  347. The stallion nodded his head 'thats a good thing, to be mindful of what this is could be a rather...'
  348. "What of?"
  349. "dangerious to be exact, not in the destructive sense."
  350. You pause a bit, looking over the professor bfore eyeing back to the vil.
  351. "Is that why it is suspend?"
  352. 'Not exactly.' he reponded as the unicorn trotted over.
  353. 'Whatever is within this humans blood is something very strange.' he let his horn glow as the sphere slowly dissipated.
  354. 'I do not wish to bore you with facts and figures, rather I'll let you see for yourself your highness.'
  355. He eased away.
  356. 'Please, if you may, magick the vilee and try and pick it up.'
  357. "Try?" You respond somewhat perplex "that is merely the work of a telekenisis spell."
  358. You wave your horn, sskeeping your focus onto the vile as a golen colour of magic bgan to encase just the vile of red.
  359. Slowly, you start to put pressure on the hold.
  360. But, something odd happens.
  361. Your magic starts to lose its grip.
  362. Your spell
  363. dissipating instantly the moment you went to 'grab' the vile.
  364. You huff, trotting in place as you cast the spell again.
  365. Yet to no avail, it dissipates.
  366. You huff again, clearly perplexed, if not agitated by th sudden difficulty of this task.
  367. MAGICKIng it again.
  368. Easing it tight in your grip, slowly...very slowly raising it up.
  369. And again, yor magic dissipates, letting it sink back into place.
  370. 'Let me stop you there princess.'
  371. The professor spoke, clearly not one to have his royal highness flustered by this cunundrum nas you realize the folley of your agitation and sigh contently before trotting closer to the vile.
  372. "What...cuases such a descivse dispelling of even my magic?"
  373. 'His blood bears trace amounts of something that is quite immune to our magics.'
  374. "You...don't mean."
  375. There was only one creature in all of Equestria that had such a resistance to magic as powerful as yours.
  376. "Dragons?" You ask as he nods slowly.
  377. 'We've already run samples of dragons...the few we had...and found quite a few similarities between them." he flipped out his glasses as his note pad fluttered over.
  378. 'i'm not sure if all humans are like this, but clearly he is far more capable at dealing with magical creatures that you may think.'
  379. "It explains his... resiliance.... during out confrontation."
  380. 'Perhaps, but I wouldn't doubt he can use that ability far more effectivly if he kneew of it.'
  381. You look at the professor "What do you mean?"
  382. 'I mean your highness that I don't think he knows of it, considering how h simply assumed good fortunate in not dying against you. The colognes of dragon blood with his own made him resiliant. Imagine him almost twice as strong if he knew of this development.'
  383. "Be thankul he didn't, better yet, it should prove helpful in his dealings with Blueblood." YOU can't help but smIrk.
  384. ANon was already formidable without knowing of his bloodline, imagine how much so he will b to Blueblood should they met again.
  385. 'There is one last thing your highness that must be mentioned... there is a second property to this humans blood that is rather...perplexing.'
  386. "Perplexing?"
  387. 'Yes... had you ever notice an unusal...sensation of peace around ANon?'
  388. "WHy...yes professor, now that you mention it, anytime ANon and I conversed, always did feel at ease."
  389. 'that is because something else in his blood carries properties of the element of calmnss.'
  390. "Element of calmness? You are not jesting professor are you?"
  391. The stallion shakes his head 'im sorry if the term is unsiting, but it is the best way to describe it. Whatever is near or around ANon can be instantly calmed by the sheer presence of this human. It is not to say it some special property of his geenetic, but whatever gave him the dragons line also produced this element of serenity...'
  392. You were slightly dumbfounded, you had known little else nof elementals magic such as the elements of harmony, had this human, Anon, had his very blood create an entierly new element?
  393. "I do not follow professor, are you saying he posses the same elemental magic as the elements of harmony bearers do?"
  394. 'Yes...that is exactly what I am saying. We've even tested it in a room with other ponies. To our suprise, we've come across astounding results.' He flips a file before you.
  395. 'Each test subject underwent a series of distracting events, from simple annoyancs to Pinkie Pie's constant banter. Once we moved them into a room circulated witha small sample of ANon's blood, they all calmed down instantly, two even fell asleep.'
  397. You blink again, such an amazing discovery, or at least what hyou could gather.
  398. 'Never the less princess, Anon is very special, a creature such has him has never existed, yet holding ties with one of the most powerful species in Equestria? It just...' he sighed 'it makes no sense, but only increases the awe in finding out more.'
  399. "I would not have Anon turned into a test subject professor, it is unfitting to even consider such a thing."
  400. 'I...i am sorry princess.'
  401. You smile "It is alright professor, I just..." you sigh "Wish to know he is okay."
  402. There was a sudden knock at the door as both you and the professor share a glance.
  403. You turn, slowly letting the stallion trot over, and check the dor.
  404. 'Who is it?'
  406. Silencee for a moment as rhe professor huffs 'may I ask who si knocing?'
  407. "Is Celestia within? I was told she would be here."
  408. "luna?" YOu remark in surpise as you magic the door to see your sister.
  409. She smiled, trotting inside as she closed the door, and after a quick embrace, dangles a scroll before you.
  410. "I was looking all over sdear sister, some news had reached my ears."
  411. "Oh? what of."
  412. She smiled, easing the scroll at your nose.
  413. It...smelled like...ANon!
  414. "He had sent a message and I thought you would be interested in reading it sister."
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