
DeadAnon Ch 2 - YOU'RE DEAD

Mar 24th, 2013
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  1. Ch 2 -YOU'RE DEAD
  3. "YOU'RE DEAD" she screeches, the other ponies turning to the purple one in shock.
  4. >"Twilight!" the princess hisses out.
  5. >"That is no way to introduce yourself to our new guest. Why don't you step up and tell him your name."
  6. >The purple one looks to you, and back to the princess, and back to you, and back to... oh now she has been teleported between you and the princess.
  7. >And now she looks back to you, her mouth wordlessly opening and closing like a fish.
  8. >You take a step forward and crouch down to eye level.
  9. "Hi there, I'm Anonymous. What's your name?"
  10. >"I... I... I... I'm Twilight Sparkle."
  11. >You pick up a forehoof and shake it in what you assume is a friendly manner.
  12. "Well Twilight, why don't you introduce me to your friends here, eh?"
  13. >You may have said that with a bit more sarcastic venom than you intended, but if there is one thing you can not abide by, then it is being utterly hopeless in social situations.
  14. >And this mare was more disoriented than a 6 legged camel.
  15. >"Oh, um well. Yes. This is AppleJack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie." She introduces by way of an unsteadily pointing hoof.
  16. >"And finally"
  17. >"Me, Princess Celestia." She addresses you as she walks gracefully down the steps.
  18. >"And welcome Anonymous, to Canterlot, capital city of the Land of Equestria."
  19. >The next few hours turned into a blur as you were taken up to speed on just exactly where you were.
  20. >You were to stay in Ponyville with the "Elements of Harmony."
  21. >You laughed in their faces when they explained that friendship was magic.
  22. >Twilight looked none too pleased at your response.
  23. >There was a great lunch served in the main banquet hall, but none of you new friends seemed to have much of an apatite.
  24. >After the tour of the castle ended you and your new friends were flown to Ponyville in pegasus pulled chariots.
  25. "So, what's there to do in town here?" you ask, stepping off the chariot.
  26. >"You don't know?!" Pinkie gasped.
  27. >"OHMYGOSH, if you don't know, that means you obviously have never been to Ponyville, which means we can have"
  28. >Pulling a comically oversized pink ACME cannon she pulls a cord screaming "a welcoming PARTY!"
  29. >A massive boom rocks through the town, as white smoke billows from the party cannon.
  31. -----
  33. >It's good to be back in Ponyville, back to the safety of your treebrary.
  34. >Although having to ride with your newly summoned "human" was not an ideal choice.
  35. >You had seen more than enough of him for one day you decided.
  36. >The high pitched exclamations of Pinkie are a sign of only one thing.
  37. >You will now have to spend an entire parties worth of time with this Anonymous
  38. >Watching the scene unfolding in front of you, Pinkie has whipped out her confetti cannon from who knows where.
  39. >At least nothing dies at a parBOOOOOOOM
  40. >White smoke billows from the party cannon, as a thousand angry mosquitoes scream in you ears.
  41. >You feel... wet.
  42. >As the smoke clears you can make out what happened, although you wish you hadn't.
  43. >Anonymous has been torn in half.
  44. >His legs are splayed out on the ground clinging to bits of torso, a chunky red pool surrounding them.
  45. >A line of intestines lays on the ground beside you, drawing the eyes to the next grisly vignette.
  46. >His upper "half" was no more than a head and an arm connected by sinews and skin.
  47. >Then you notice.
  48. >You don't look as purple as you normally expect.
  49. >After vomiting for the second time in one day, you slowly bring your head up to Pinkie.
  50. >That flat dead look, that thousand yard stare.
  51. >She can't process it.
  52. >You will not forget that look.
  53. >You will not forget that scream.
  54. >It started out somewhere between a hiss and a gargle, but quickly moved up to a raspy yell.
  55. >His legs started thrashing about, scooting towards the body with a crimson slug trail.
  56. >Bits of his sternum started forming, a skeletal structure fighting for existence.
  57. >There was a free anatomy lesson as organs formed and muscles criss-crossed across his chest.
  58. >The legs finally finished their journey and gave a wet slap as they impacted the body.
  59. >Finally the yell had graduated to a full banshee scream, accompanied by a chorus of terrified onlookers.
  60. >Finally the process was done as he sat up and leaned over to one side, emptying his stomach of blood, dirt, and grains of unburnt black powder.
  62. ------
  64. >The confetti cannon was one of your best inventions.
  65. >After countless tests and measurements you had found the perfect mix between confetti, streamers, and a hint of glitter.
  66. >It was flawless.
  67. >It had just killed somepony.
  68. >It had just sent a 10 pound cannonball through your newest friend.
  69. >He was just standing there, right beside Twilight.
  70. >Now...
  71. >There was confetti in there this morning, you refilled it just last night.
  72. >Therefore, nopony had... gone.
  73. >This was just Anons way of being happy.
  74. >He just exploded from joy.
  75. >Twilight was covered
  76. >So was Rarity, and Fluttershy.
  77. >So much joy.
  78. >There were screams, you could hear them.
  79. >They were happy screams, right?
  80. >YAAAAAAAAAY they went.
  81. >You just had missed the start, and nopony had gotten to the other Y yet.
  82. "A party sounds like a fine idea"
  83. >That voice sounds important, but why?
  84. >"Yes, yes I suppose it does."
  85. >It was Anon
  86. "Better have to wait a bit to start it though, looks like Twilight here needs a bath."
  87. >IT WAS ANON
  88. "You too Rarity, that white coat really highlights the dirt."
  90. >Anon was still here.
  92. "Well AppleJack agreed to show me the sights on the way over, but I can't wait to see this party."
  93. >Apple Jack was quick to respond "Yep. Sure did. Show him everything that's not here. Everything is something somewhere else. Like home. I want to go home."
  94. >You stow the confetti cannon as Apple Jack rambles on about everything but what she just saw, leading Anon on a rather dazed tour.
  95. >You want to go home.
  96. >Maybe you will throw a good party for Anon.
  97. >Parties make you feel happy.
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