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a guest
Jul 12th, 2010
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  1. @@[AHack] FilurenIBureN(STEAM_0:0:28355393) detected 06/22/10 10:34:10
  2. [Other] Ismael(STEAM_0:1:19556962) detected 06/22/10 12:16:40
  3. @@[Other] ByB@ | OMG It's Karma Charger(STEAM_0:0:24874395) detected 06/22/10 12:29:45
  4. [FapHack] huigovno (STEAM_0:1:20814738) detected 06/22/10 13:22:06
  5. [FapHack] McReary(STEAM_0:1:21373543) detected 06/22/10 13:23:29
  6. [AHack] McReary(STEAM_0:1:21373543) detected 06/22/10 13:23:29
  7. [KeyCrack] Nik3(STEAM_0:0:20251192) detected 06/22/10 15:39:34
  8. [Falco XRay] (FPtje) Falco(STEAM_0:0:8944068) detected 06/22/10 15:56:48
  9. [Other] Kent Andersson(STEAM_0:0:14526891) detected 06/22/10 16:52:37
  10. [Other] Kent Andersson(STEAM_0:0:14526891) detected 06/22/10 16:53:32
  11. [KeyCrack] ivkos :D(STEAM_0:0:27793563) detected 06/22/10 17:13:43
  12. [Falco XRay] ivkos :D(STEAM_0:0:27793563) detected 06/22/10 17:32:50
  13. [Other] Kent Andersson(STEAM_0:0:14526891) detected 06/22/10 17:39:06
  14. [Other] Emty-Marius ಠ_ಠ [nor](STEAM_0:0:20674488) detected 06/22/10 19:21:24
  15. [Other] Emty-Marius ಠ_ಠ [nor](STEAM_0:0:20674488) detected 06/22/10 19:49:46
  16. [Other] Emty-Marius ಠ_ಠ [nor](STEAM_0:0:20674488) detected 06/22/10 19:51:25
  17. [Other] Emty-Marius ಠ_ಠ [nor](STEAM_0:0:20674488) detected 06/22/10 20:02:47
  18. [Other] Emty-Marius ಠ_ಠ [nor](STEAM_0:0:20674488) detected 06/22/10 20:28:06
  19. @@[Other] $Nasty$(STEAM_0:0:27084376) detected 06/22/10 21:10:13
  20. @@[Other] $Nasty$(STEAM_0:0:27084376) detected 06/23/10 01:26:43
  21. @@[Other] $Nasty$(STEAM_0:0:27084376) detected 06/23/10 01:36:31
  22. @@[Other] $Nasty$(STEAM_0:0:27084376) detected 06/23/10 01:41:07
  23. [KeyCrack] NOT Rascuttle(STEAM_0:1:23430296) detected 06/23/10 03:45:23
  24. [KeyCrack] Jαck(STEAM_0:0:21093009) detected 06/23/10 04:31:23
  25. [Other] GreyFox(STEAM_0:0:9510797) detected 06/23/10 08:29:08
  26. [AHack] PeQe(STEAM_0:0:23400846) detected 06/23/10 11:43:18
  27. [AHack] Crap Man I Hate You(STEAM_0:0:27013237) detected 06/23/10 16:36:57
  28. [AHack] Crap Man I Hate You(STEAM_0:0:27013237) detected 06/23/10 16:38:57
  29. [Other] ^8Dugehong(STEAM_0:1:5932499) detected 06/23/10 17:26:49
  30. [AHack] RightousRocker(STEAM_0:0:19728420) detected 06/23/10 18:57:31
  31. @@[FapHack] $Nasty$(STEAM_0:0:27084376) detected 06/24/10 02:43:31
  32. [KeyCrack] -{An}-dockedobject-{LDR}-(STEAM_0:1:24513861) detected 06/24/10 02:59:44
  33. [Other] Ego(STEAM_0:0:24637012) detected 06/24/10 05:24:10
  34. [Falco XRay] [KawT]Goxid(STEAM_0:0:12128205) detected 06/24/10 07:50:40
  35. [FapHack] Hello, /b/rothers.(STEAM_0:0:18813879) detected 06/24/10 09:46:12
  36. [FapHack] NSgrif(STEAM_0:1:12887391) detected 06/24/10 09:48:16
  37. [AHack] Crap Man I Hate You(STEAM_0:0:27013237) detected 06/24/10 13:43:27
  38. [FapHack] Effigy(STEAM_0:0:19228490) detected 06/24/10 16:17:13
  39. [KeyCrack] PinGish aka-steadle(STEAM_0:1:22837182) detected 06/24/10 18:39:05
  40. [Other] PinGish aka-steadle(STEAM_0:1:22837182) detected 06/24/10 18:42:20
  41. [FapHack] [sc(+)pe] SPALEX 94(STEAM_0:1:19233515) detected 06/24/10 21:37:56
  42. [KeyCrack] NOT Rascuttle(STEAM_0:1:23430296) detected 06/24/10 22:51:49
  43. [KeyCrack] NOT Rascuttle(STEAM_0:1:23430296) detected 06/24/10 22:59:30
  44. [Other] the mayor(STEAM_0:0:22230124) detected 06/25/10 00:56:44
  45. [FapHack] Crane(STEAM_0:0:1753064) detected 06/25/10 04:20:29
  46. [KeyCrack] Crane(STEAM_0:0:1753064) detected 06/25/10 04:20:29
  47. [AHack] Crane(STEAM_0:0:1753064) detected 06/25/10 04:20:29
  48. [Falco XRay] I AM L(STEAM_0:1:20876365) detected 06/25/10 05:56:38
  49. [FapHack] (<-Zook-Overheating Laptop(STEAM_0:1:24584075) detected 06/25/10 06:09:13
  50. [Other] Rorschach(STEAM_0:1:28916454) detected 06/25/10 09:53:40
  51. [Other] | ThE| - mattHkorn(STEAM_0:0:14661803) detected 06/25/10 11:38:41
  52. [Other] SaKeuS (NOR)(STEAM_0:1:16769810) detected 06/25/10 12:40:35
  53. [AHack] Dark0ne(STEAM_0:1:11163954) detected 06/25/10 13:38:08
  54. [AHack] Dark0ne(STEAM_0:1:11163954) detected 06/25/10 13:42:26
  55. [AHack] Dark0ne(STEAM_0:1:11163954) detected 06/25/10 13:53:16
  56. [AHack] Dark0ne(STEAM_0:1:11163954) detected 06/25/10 13:55:10
  57. [FapHack] Johnny Masełko(STEAM_0:0:20897346) detected 06/25/10 17:14:35
  58. [Other] Kent Andersson(STEAM_0:0:14526891) detected 06/25/10 20:03:16
  59. [Other] Cisco2(STEAM_0:1:17119595) detected 06/25/10 22:14:46
  60. [Other] Cisco2(STEAM_0:1:17119595) detected 06/26/10 01:04:52
  61. [Other] Cisco2(STEAM_0:1:17119595) detected 06/26/10 04:51:18
  62. [Other] Mr Kalashnikov(STEAM_0:0:17010881) detected 06/26/10 06:20:07
  63. [Other] Mr Kalashnikov(STEAM_0:0:17010881) detected 06/26/10 06:57:34
  64. [KeyCrack] Burrito Butcher(STEAM_0:1:26915862) detected 06/26/10 08:02:44
  65. [FapHack] .::TSD::. | Owner | Delta(STEAM_0:1:25429463) detected 06/26/10 13:30:57
  66. [FapHack] NSgrif(STEAM_0:1:12887391) detected 06/26/10 14:00:17
  67. [Other] Spizz(STEAM_0:0:15973580) detected 06/26/10 16:32:38
  68. [Other] Spizz(STEAM_0:0:15973580) detected 06/26/10 17:03:36
  69. [Other] Spizz(STEAM_0:0:15973580) detected 06/26/10 17:32:39
  70. [Other] Spizz(STEAM_0:0:15973580) detected 06/26/10 17:37:56
  71. [Other] Kent Andersson(STEAM_0:0:14526891) detected 06/26/10 18:01:00
  72. [Other] SniperWolf(STEAM_0:0:14526891) detected 06/26/10 18:02:19
  73. [Other] SniperWolf(STEAM_0:0:14526891) detected 06/26/10 18:04:04
  74. [Other] [RP-GOD] Proz0r.(STEAM_0:0:27154950) detected 06/26/10 23:02:01
  75. [AHack] [RP-GOD] Proz0r.(STEAM_0:0:27154950) detected 06/26/10 23:07:36
  76. [Other] SniperWolf(STEAM_0:0:14526891) detected 06/27/10 01:57:12
  77. [Other] California(STEAM_0:1:17119595) detected 06/27/10 01:59:34
  78. [KeyCrack] C.B.S.-SPYNeox(STEAM_0:1:16508401) detected 06/27/10 02:24:33
  79. [KeyCrack] .:Codels:.(STEAM_0:1:13719498) detected 06/27/10 05:20:35
  80. [FapHack] Crane(STEAM_0:0:1753064) detected 06/27/10 08:08:45
  81. [KeyCrack] Crane(STEAM_0:0:1753064) detected 06/27/10 08:08:45
  82. [AHack] Crane(STEAM_0:0:1753064) detected 06/27/10 08:08:45
  83. [AHack] =SG= Dark Wolf(STEAM_0:0:26766927) detected 06/27/10 09:50:04
  84. [AHack] =SG= Dark Wolf(STEAM_0:0:26766927) detected 06/27/10 09:50:04
  85. [FapHack] {CG}[BC] Pudding :P(STEAM_0:1:27313128) detected 06/27/10 16:12:06
  86. [Other] Ego(STEAM_0:0:24637012) detected 06/27/10 16:47:26
  87. [FapHack] {CG}[BC] Pudding :P(STEAM_0:1:27313128) detected 06/27/10 17:03:36
  88. [FapHack] {CG}[BC] Pudding :P(STEAM_0:1:27313128) detected 06/27/10 19:42:25
  89. [FapHack] {CG}[BC] Pudding :P(STEAM_0:1:27313128) detected 06/27/10 19:44:50
  90. [FapHack] {CG}[BC] Pudding :P(STEAM_0:1:27313128) detected 06/27/10 19:46:59
  91. [Other] Divi Flink(STEAM_0:1:26153484) detected 06/27/10 19:51:03
  92. [AHack] Dani DJ(STEAM_0:1:15348644) detected 06/27/10 20:38:18
  93. [Other] Rorschach(STEAM_0:1:28916454) detected 06/28/10 00:56:09
  94. [KeyCrack] Cap em(STEAM_0:0:27034597) detected 06/28/10 04:32:09
  95. [KeyCrack] Cap em(STEAM_0:0:27034597) detected 06/28/10 04:32:38
  96. [AHack] [MM]Sycoslicer -Half Insane-(STEAM_0:1:17756390) detected 06/28/10 06:27:45
  97. [AHack] [MM]Sycoslicer -Half Insane-(STEAM_0:1:17756390) detected 06/28/10 06:33:21
  98. [KeyCrack] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 06/28/10 12:45:39
  99. [AHack] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 06/28/10 12:45:39
  100. [KeyCrack] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 06/28/10 12:47:23
  101. [AHack] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 06/28/10 12:47:23
  102. [FapHack] Johnny Masełko(STEAM_0:0:20897346) detected 06/28/10 13:12:16
  103. [Other] SniperWolf(STEAM_0:0:14526891) detected 06/28/10 20:12:04
  104. [Other] Mr Moriarty Burke(STEAM_0:1:18812158) detected 06/29/10 15:51:12
  105. [Other] Bartholomew(STEAM_0:0:22244513) detected 06/29/10 15:53:42
  106. [Other] FiLuR ^(STEAM_0:0:22805310) detected 06/29/10 15:57:06
  107. [FapHack] Effigy(STEAM_0:0:19228490) detected 06/29/10 16:09:35
  108. [FapHack] SkullBoy(STEAM_0:0:27923110) detected 06/30/10 00:54:23
  109. [KeyCrack] Ciara(STEAM_0:1:16410932) detected 06/30/10 02:41:01
  110. [AHack] Ciara(STEAM_0:1:16410932) detected 06/30/10 02:41:01
  111. [FapHack] victormeriqui(STEAM_0:1:20327511) detected 06/30/10 05:02:31
  112. [Falco XRay] Bonneville(STEAM_0:1:15618543) detected 06/30/10 14:13:13
  113. [Other] Mr Moriarty Burke(STEAM_0:1:18812158) detected 06/30/10 15:29:55
  114. [Other] S€V€N(STEAM_0:0:20485837) detected 06/30/10 17:25:25
  115. [FapHack] [RM] яυввєя ∂υ¢ку(STEAM_0:1:31845461) detected 06/30/10 18:55:04
  116. [KeyCrack] Cap em(STEAM_0:0:27034597) detected 06/30/10 19:10:41
  117. [FapHack] cRaZy(STEAM_0:0:18367819) detected 07/01/10 00:59:27
  118. [KeyCrack] cRaZy(STEAM_0:0:18367819) detected 07/01/10 00:59:27
  119. [AHack] Nikolai - [TP] Web Design(STEAM_0:0:10249451) detected 07/01/10 02:37:46
  120. [KeyCrack] Unicron(STEAM_0:0:19561634) detected 07/01/10 04:49:03
  121. [Other] TdT|ABYSS|US(STEAM_0:0:20272942) detected 07/01/10 06:34:31
  122. [Other] Teh Ice Cream Man(STEAM_0:0:29129303) detected 07/01/10 12:16:20
  123. [FapHack] ^0[B^1p^3B]^0 XxFighterxX(STEAM_0:1:31311264) detected 07/01/10 16:12:32
  124. [KeyCrack] ^0[B^1p^3B]^0 XxFighterxX(STEAM_0:1:31311264) detected 07/01/10 16:12:32
  125. [FapHack] ^0[B^1p^3B]^0 XxFighterxX(STEAM_0:1:31311264) detected 07/01/10 16:13:24
  126. [KeyCrack] ^0[B^1p^3B]^0 XxFighterxX(STEAM_0:1:31311264) detected 07/01/10 16:13:24
  127. [FapHack] Crane(STEAM_0:0:1753064) detected 07/02/10 01:51:41
  128. [KeyCrack] Crane(STEAM_0:0:1753064) detected 07/02/10 01:51:41
  129. [AHack] Crane(STEAM_0:0:1753064) detected 07/02/10 01:51:41
  130. [Other] AMS|Marat(rus)(STEAM_0:0:31051715) detected 07/02/10 10:54:02
  131. [Other] Litch(STEAM_0:0:10527859) detected 07/02/10 14:12:42
  132. [Other] Litch(STEAM_0:0:10527859) detected 07/02/10 15:07:43
  133. [KeyCrack] TRÅÑŒ(STEAM_0:1:6428933) detected 07/02/10 17:52:01
  134. [KeyCrack] TRÅÑŒ(STEAM_0:1:6428933) detected 07/02/10 19:41:28
  135. [KeyCrack] TRÅÑŒ(STEAM_0:1:6428933) detected 07/02/10 19:42:19
  136. [KeyCrack] {CG}[BC] Pudding :P(STEAM_0:1:27313128) detected 07/02/10 22:09:32
  137. [Other] Drax(STEAM_0:1:23388786) detected 07/02/10 22:20:03
  138. [KeyCrack] {CG}[BC] Pudding :P(STEAM_0:1:27313128) detected 07/02/10 23:42:06
  139. [Other] Matt (STEAM_0:0:14661803) detected 07/03/10 03:30:52
  140. [AHack] CrazyHenry(STEAM_0:0:33150473) detected 07/03/10 10:46:32
  141. [AHack] CrazyHenry(STEAM_0:0:33150473) detected 07/03/10 10:48:18
  142. [Other] TRÅÑŒ(STEAM_0:1:6428933) detected 07/03/10 16:22:47
  143. [Other] TRÅÑŒ(STEAM_0:1:6428933) detected 07/03/10 16:46:59
  144. [Other] TRÅÑŒ(STEAM_0:1:6428933) detected 07/03/10 19:12:09
  145. [Other] Jaymee(STEAM_0:1:6428933) detected 07/03/10 19:43:33
  146. [KeyCrack] Roflwaffles(STEAM_0:0:19440499) detected 07/03/10 23:56:50
  147. [Falco XRay] Kittens(STEAM_0:0:20323914) detected 07/03/10 23:58:05
  148. [AHack] CrazyHenry(STEAM_0:0:33150473) detected 07/04/10 08:45:25
  149. [FapHack] Delta(STEAM_0:1:25429463) detected 07/04/10 10:51:11
  150. [KeyCrack] ife. NERV(STEAM_0:1:13212577) detected 07/04/10 12:10:37
  151. [Falco XRay] vetle(STEAM_0:1:25739249) detected 07/04/10 19:14:42
  152. [Falco XRay] vetle(STEAM_0:1:25739249) detected 07/04/10 19:28:36
  153. [KeyCrack] {CG}[BC] Pudding :P(STEAM_0:1:27313128) detected 07/04/10 22:32:56
  154. [Other]| Matik-OH GOD NOT HINATA(STEAM_0:1:15264051) detected 07/05/10 01:58:30
  155. [AHack] SharukenNaomi(STEAM_0:0:3592017) detected 07/05/10 15:35:14
  156. [KeyCrack] PinGish aka-steadle(STEAM_0:1:22837182) detected 07/05/10 22:32:34
  157. [FapHack] Crazychris902(STEAM_0:0:15672028) detected 07/06/10 07:23:58
  158. [AHack] iNf Mr.Statetheobvious(STEAM_0:0:31802884) detected 07/06/10 08:22:00
  159. [Other] *V.éRmetel<3(STEAM_0:1:30877787) detected 07/06/10 09:46:01
  160. [KeyCrack] ife. NERV(STEAM_0:1:13212577) detected 07/06/10 10:09:55
  161. [Other] BattlerNL(STEAM_0:0:26328634) detected 07/06/10 15:49:44
  162. [Other] Kontakt444 Rec. Fox [1st CPB](STEAM_0:0:21941064) detected 07/06/10 20:58:55
  163. [FapHack] Mark.(STEAM_0:1:21597064) detected 07/07/10 01:07:40
  164. [KeyCrack] Mark.(STEAM_0:1:21597064) detected 07/07/10 01:07:40
  165. [AHack] Lanterns Oil(STEAM_0:1:17756390) detected 07/07/10 03:47:55
  166. [Other] Kontakt444 Rec. Fox [1st CPB](STEAM_0:0:21941064) detected 07/07/10 04:54:59
  167. [FapHack] )Snake((STEAM_0:1:12011109) detected 07/07/10 05:31:22
  168. [KeyCrack] Mark.(STEAM_0:1:21597064) detected 07/07/10 13:33:56
  169. [Other] randomness(STEAM_0:1:21804568) detected 07/07/10 13:51:00
  170. [KeyCrack] [CF]jevb"2"Ciprioni(STEAM_0:0:20384637) detected 07/07/10 14:56:30
  171. [KeyCrack] [CF]jevb"2"Ciprioni(STEAM_0:0:20384637) detected 07/07/10 14:57:27
  172. [Other] Adam savage(STEAM_0:1:18648075) detected 07/08/10 01:21:12
  173. [FapHack] Rusty 9k™(STEAM_0:1:25272720) detected 07/08/10 01:44:20
  174. [FapHack] Rusty 9k™(STEAM_0:1:25272720) detected 07/08/10 01:56:27
  175. [Other] Kontakt444 Rec. Fox [1st CPB](STEAM_0:0:21941064) detected 07/08/10 05:50:22
  176. [KeyCrack] [RP-GOD] Proz0r.(STEAM_0:0:27154950) detected 07/08/10 21:03:38
  177. [FapHack] Rusty 9k™(STEAM_0:1:25272720) detected 07/08/10 21:03:56
  178. [Other] BattlerNL(STEAM_0:0:26328634) detected 07/08/10 21:21:14
  179. [AHack] Luke Turnip(STEAM_0:1:27123947) detected 07/08/10 22:01:03
  180. [FapHack] moffe(STEAM_0:1:20222069) detected 07/08/10 22:08:15
  181. [KeyCrack] mMxp:: Cereal killer(STEAM_0:1:13368493) detected 07/09/10 00:21:06
  182. [KeyCrack] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 07/09/10 01:28:20
  183. [AHack] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 07/09/10 01:28:20
  184. [KeyCrack] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 07/09/10 01:28:20
  185. [AHack] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 07/09/10 01:28:20
  186. [AHack] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 07/09/10 01:32:41
  187. [Falco XRay] HJacenty(STEAM_0:0:16842092) detected 07/09/10 01:39:01
  188. [Other] BattlerNL(STEAM_0:0:26328634) detected 07/09/10 17:07:07
  189. [Other] BattlerNL(STEAM_0:0:26328634) detected 07/09/10 18:14:07
  190. [Other] BattlerNL(STEAM_0:0:26328634) detected 07/09/10 20:38:57
  191. [Falco XRay] H4X0R(STEAM_0:0:22030570) detected 07/09/10 21:16:59
  192. [Falco XRay] WDW:S Propsareawesome(STEAM_0:1:18596245) detected 07/09/10 23:24:59
  193. [AHack] Luke Turnip(STEAM_0:1:27123947) detected 07/10/10 01:45:34
  194. [Falco XRay] TheDahl(STEAM_0:0:16982650) detected 07/10/10 01:55:43
  195. [AHack] Nighthawk(STEAM_0:0:14781131) detected 07/10/10 02:59:17
  196. [AHack] Nighthawk(STEAM_0:0:14781131) detected 07/10/10 03:05:33
  197. [Falco XRay] Darkdoom2(STEAM_0:1:28883557) detected 07/10/10 12:57:29
  198. [Other] Adam savage(STEAM_0:1:18648075) detected 07/11/10 04:14:29
  199. [Falco XRay] |EG| Cookie Monster(STEAM_0:1:16376163) detected 07/11/10 05:25:59
  200. [Falco XRay] |EG| Cookie Monster(STEAM_0:1:16376163) detected 07/11/10 05:54:37
  201. [Other] HairyDingo(STEAM_0:0:17362921) detected 07/11/10 07:55:22
  202. [FapHack] mr.whisky(STEAM_0:0:18132785) detected 07/11/10 12:52:51
  203. [KeyCrack] im legit(STEAM_0:0:15553670) detected 07/11/10 19:02:06
  204. [KeyCrack] {ƒ†Η}MCmoney5050(STEAM_0:0:25199245) detected 07/11/10 20:09:53
  205. [KeyCrack] im legit(STEAM_0:0:15553670) detected 07/11/10 23:17:12
  206. [AHack] Luke Turnip(STEAM_0:1:27123947) detected 07/12/10 01:19:47
  207. [FapHack] HotLeadDiet(STEAM_0:1:13401104) detected 07/12/10 05:40:49
  208. [AHack] HotLeadDiet(STEAM_0:1:13401104) detected 07/12/10 05:40:49
  209. [FapHack] HotLeadDiet(STEAM_0:1:13401104) detected 07/12/10 05:43:05
  210. [AHack] HotLeadDiet(STEAM_0:1:13401104) detected 07/12/10 05:43:05
  211. [KeyCrack] LyRiCz(STEAM_0:1:20296264) detected 07/12/10 07:00:41
  212. [AHack] LyRiCz(STEAM_0:1:20296264) detected 07/12/10 07:00:42
  213. [Other] Mad Clown(STEAM_0:0:18434768) detected 07/12/10 07:09:59
  214. [Other] Chriss Ride(STEAM_0:0:18434768) detected 07/12/10 07:33:21
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