
Subzero | Append topicId PHP

Jul 17th, 2016
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  1. <?php
  2. if (!defined('SMF'))
  3. die('Hacking attempt...');
  4. @session_start();
  6. // This function shows the custom forms and submits them.
  7. function CustomForm()
  8. {
  9. global $smcFunc, $context, $txt, $scripturl, $sourcedir, $user_info, $modSettings;
  11. global $txt, $context, $sourcedir, $modSettings;
  13. global $_SESSION;
  15. // Generate a visual verification code to make sure the user is no bot.
  16. $context['require_verification'] = $user_info['is_guest'] || !$user_info['is_mod'] && !$user_info['is_admin'] && !empty($modSettings['posts_require_captcha']) && ($user_info['posts'] < $modSettings['posts_require_captcha']);
  17. if ($context['require_verification'])
  18. {
  19. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Editor.php');
  20. $verificationOptions = array(
  21. 'id' => 'register',
  22. );
  23. $context['visual_verification'] = create_control_verification($verificationOptions);
  24. $context['visual_verification_id'] = $verificationOptions['id'];
  25. }
  26. // Otherwise we have nothing to show.
  27. else
  28. $context['visual_verification'] = false;
  30. // Are we looking for the thank you page.
  31. if (isset($_REQUEST['thankyou']))
  32. {
  33. $context['sub_template'] = 'ThankYou';
  34. loadTemplate('CustomForm');
  35. }
  36. else
  37. // Do we have a valid form id?
  38. if(isset($_REQUEST['n'])
  39. && intval($_REQUEST['n']))
  40. {
  41. $form_id = intval($_REQUEST['n']);
  43. // Wait a second... Are you even allowed to use this form?
  44. if(!allowedTo('custom_forms_'.$form_id))
  45. redirectExit("action=form");
  47. // Get the data about the current form.
  48. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('','
  49. SELECT title, output, subject, id_board, icon, form_exit, template_function
  50. FROM {db_prefix}cf_forms
  51. WHERE id_form = {int:id}',
  52. array(
  53. 'id' => $form_id,
  54. )
  55. );
  57. // Did we get some form data? If not then redirect the user to the form view page.
  58. if(!($form_data = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)))
  59. redirectExit("action=form;");
  61. $output = $form_data['output'];
  62. $exit = $form_data['form_exit'];
  63. $subject = $form_data['subject'];
  64. $icon = $form_data['icon'];
  65. $board = $form_data['id_board'];
  66. $form_title = $form_data['title'];
  68. // Free the db request.
  69. $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
  71. // Get a list of the current fields attached to this form.
  72. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('','
  73. SELECT title, text, type, type_vars
  74. FROM {db_prefix}cf_fields
  75. WHERE id_form = {int:id}
  76. AND title != \'\'
  77. AND text != \'\'
  78. AND type != \'\'
  80. array(
  81. 'id' => $form_id,
  82. )
  83. );
  85. $data = array();
  86. // Get all of data from the db query.
  87. while($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
  88. $data[] = $row;
  90. // Free the db request.
  91. $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
  93. // Do we have fields attached to this form? If not then redirect the user to the form view page.
  94. if(empty($data))
  95. redirectExit("action=form;");
  97. $fail_submit = false;
  99. // Do we need to submit this form?
  100. if(isset($_GET['submit']))
  101. {
  102. $vars = array();
  103. $replace = array();
  104. $i = -1;
  106. // Check for valid post data from the forms fields.
  107. foreach($data as $field)
  108. {
  109. $i++;
  110. $value = '';
  111. $size = '';
  112. $default = '';
  114. $temp = ($field['type_vars'] != '') ? explode(',', $field['type_vars']) : array();
  115. $type_vars = array();
  117. // Remove whitespace from temp, to avoid unwanted issues.
  118. for($p=0; $p < count($temp); $p++)
  119. $temp[$p] = trim($temp[$p]);
  121. // Go through all of the type_vars to format them correctly.
  122. if(!empty($temp))
  123. foreach($temp as $var)
  124. {
  125. // Check for a size value.
  126. if(substr($var, 0, 5) == 'size=')
  127. $size = intval(substr($var, 5));
  129. // Check for a default value
  130. if(substr($var, 0, 8) == 'default=')
  131. $default = substr($var, 8);
  133. // Add them to the vars list.
  134. if($var != '')
  135. $type_vars[] = $var;
  136. }
  138. $required = in_array('required', $temp);
  140. // Go through each of the possible types of fields.
  141. switch ($field['type'])
  142. {
  143. case 'checkbox':
  144. $value = isset($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) ? $_REQUEST[$field['title']] : false;
  145. // Replace the normal true/false values if we have special type_var values.
  146. if(isset($type_vars[0]) && ($value))
  147. $value = $type_vars[0];
  148. elseif(isset($type_vars[1]) && !($value))
  149. $value = $type_vars[1];
  150. elseif($value)
  151. $value = $txt['yes'];
  152. else
  153. $value = $txt['no'];
  154. break;
  155. case 'selectbox':
  156. // Skip this field, if there are no select values.
  157. if(empty($type_vars))
  158. continue 2;
  159. $value = isset($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) ? $_REQUEST[$field['title']] : '';
  160. // Make sure that the selectbox value is in the array, otherwise stop those dodgy users from passing weird values. ;)
  161. if(!in_array($value, $type_vars))
  162. $value = '';
  163. break;
  164. case 'int':
  165. $value = isset($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) ? intval($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) : '';
  166. // If value is empty then set it to the default.
  167. if(($value == '')
  168. && !$required)
  169. $value = $default;
  170. // Restrict the length of value if necessary.
  171. if(($size != ''))
  172. $value = substr($value, 0, $size);
  173. break;
  174. case 'float':
  175. $value = isset($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) ? floatval($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) : '';
  176. // If value is empty then set it to the default.
  177. if(($value == '')
  178. && !$required)
  179. $value = $default;
  180. // Restrict the length of the float value if necessary.
  181. if(($size != ''))
  182. $value = rtrim(substr($value, 0, $size), '.');
  183. break;
  184. case 'radiobox':
  185. // Skip this field, if there are no radio select values.
  186. if(empty($type_vars))
  187. continue 2;
  188. $value = isset($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) ? $_REQUEST[$field['title']] : '';
  189. // Make sure that the radiobox value is in the array, otherwise stop those dodgy users from passing weird values. ;)
  190. if(!in_array($value, $type_vars))
  191. $value = '';
  192. break;
  193. // Do the formating for both large and normal textboxes.
  194. default:
  195. $value = isset($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) ? $_REQUEST[$field['title']] : '';
  196. // If value is empty then set it to the default.
  197. if(($value == '')
  198. && !$required)
  199. $value = $default;
  200. // Only bother with further formating if there is now some text. - This avoids huge errors with the parse_bbc() function returning all bbc.
  201. if(!($value == ''))
  202. {
  203. // Remove all bbc code if we don't need to parse it.
  204. if(!in_array('parse_bbc', $type_vars))
  205. $value = strip_tags(parse_bbc($value, false), '<br>');
  206. // Restrict the length of value if necessary, can stuff up html, but hey...
  207. if(($size != ''))
  208. $value = substr($value, 0, $size);
  209. }
  210. }
  212. // Do we have an invalid value? Is this field required?
  213. if(($required
  214. && (($value == '') || ($value == '0'))
  215. && ($field['type'] != 'checkbox'))
  216. // Failing for selectboxes is far more simple, If there is no valid value, it fails.
  217. || (($field['type'] == 'selectbox') && ($value == '')))
  218. {
  219. // Do the 'fail form/field' stuff.
  220. $data[$i]['failed'] = true;
  221. $fail_submit = true;
  222. continue;
  223. }
  225. // Add this fields value to the list of variables for the output post.
  226. $vars[] = '/\{'.$field['title'].'\}/';
  227. $replace[] = str_replace('$','\$',$value);
  229. // {{ }} Syntax: Setup REGEX for removing entire {{ }} string or just stripping the outermost { }, depending upon the replacement value being blank or not
  230. if($value == '')
  231. {
  232. $vars_blank[] = '/\{[^\{\}]*\{'.$field['title'].'\}[^\{\}]*\}/';
  233. $vars_non_blank[] = '//';
  234. }
  235. else
  236. {
  237. $vars_blank[] = '//';
  238. $vars_non_blank[] = '/\{[^\{\}]*\{'.$field['title'].'\}[^\{\}]*\}/';
  239. }
  241. // Also add this data back into the data array, just in case we can't actually submit the form.
  242. $data[$i]['value'] = $value;
  244. // Do a small fix for the last line, if this is a checkbox.
  245. if($field['type'] == 'checkbox')
  246. $data[$i]['value'] = isset($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) ? $_REQUEST[$field['title']] : false;
  248. if (($required) && (!$data[$i]['value']))
  249. {
  250. // Do the 'fail form/field' stuff.
  251. $data[$i]['failed'] = true;
  252. $fail_submit = true;
  253. continue;
  254. }
  256. // Do a small fix for the last line, if this is a largetextbox.
  257. if(($field['type'] == 'largetextbox'))
  258. $data[$i]['value'] = isset($_REQUEST[$field['title']]) ? $_REQUEST[$field['title']] : '';
  259. }
  261. // Check whether the visual verification code was entered correctly.
  262. $context['require_verification'] = $user_info['is_guest'] || !$user_info['is_mod'] && !$user_info['is_admin'] && !empty($modSettings['posts_require_captcha']) && ($user_info['posts'] < $modSettings['posts_require_captcha']);
  263. if ($context['require_verification'])
  264. {
  265. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Editor.php');
  266. $verificationOptions = array(
  267. 'id' => 'register',
  268. );
  269. $context['visual_verification'] = create_control_verification($verificationOptions, true);
  271. if (is_array($context['visual_verification']))
  272. {
  273. loadLanguage('Errors');
  274. foreach ($context['visual_verification'] as $error)
  275. fatal_error($txt['error_' . $error], false);
  276. }
  277. }
  279. // Do we have completly valid field data?
  280. if(!$fail_submit)
  281. {
  282. require_once($sourcedir.'/Subs-Post.php');
  284. // {{ }} Syntax: Strip out everything in {{ }} if value is blank
  285. $output = preg_replace($vars_blank, '', $output);
  286. $subject = preg_replace($vars_blank, '', $subject);
  288. // {{ }} Syntax: Remove outside brackets if value is not blank
  289. $output = preg_replace_callback($vars_non_blank, create_function('$matches','return substr($matches[0],1,-1);'), $output);
  290. $subject = preg_replace_callback($vars_non_blank, create_function('$matches','return substr($matches[0],1,-1);'), $subject);
  292. // Replace all vars with their correct value, for both the message and the subject.
  293. $output = preg_replace($vars, $replace, $output);
  294. $subject = preg_replace($vars, $replace, $subject);
  296. // Collect all necessary parameters for the creation of the post.
  297. $msgOptions = array(
  298. 'id' => 0,
  299. 'subject' => $subject,
  300. 'icon' => $icon,
  301. 'body' => $output,
  302. 'smileys_enabled' => true,
  303. );
  305. //Get topicId from GET
  306. $topicId = 0;
  307. If (isset($_SESSION['topic']))
  308. {
  309. $topicId = $_SESSION['topic'];
  310. }
  312. $topicOptions = array(
  313. 'id' => $topicId,
  314. 'board' => $board,
  315. 'mark_as_read' => true,
  316. );
  318. $posterOptions = array(
  319. 'id' => $user_info['id'],
  320. );
  322. // Finally create the post!!! :D
  323. $newTopicId = createPost($msgOptions, $topicOptions, $posterOptions);
  324. print_r($newTopicId);die;
  326. // Redirect this user as well.
  327. if ($exit == 'board' || $exit == '')
  328. redirectexit('board=' . $board . '.0');
  329. elseif ($exit == 'forum')
  330. redirectExit();
  331. elseif ($exit == 'form')
  332. redirectExit("action=form;");
  333. elseif ($exit == 'thanks')
  334. redirectExit("action=form;thankyou");
  335. else
  336. redirectexit("$exit");
  337. }
  338. }
  340. // Otherwise we shall show the submit form page.
  341. $context['fields'] = array();
  343. // Okay, lets format the field data.
  344. foreach($data as $field)
  345. {
  347. $size = false;
  348. $type_vars = ($field['type_vars'] != '') ? explode(',', $field['type_vars']) : array();
  349. $vars = array();
  350. $required = false;
  352. // Go through all of the type_vars to format them correctly.
  353. if(!empty($type_vars))
  354. foreach($type_vars as $var)
  355. {
  356. // Remove whitespace from vars, to avoid unwanted issues.
  357. $var = trim($var);
  358. // Add them to the vars list, in the correct format for the template.
  359. if($var != '')
  360. $vars[] = $var;
  361. // Check to see if this field is required.
  362. if($var == 'required')
  363. $required = true;
  364. }
  366. // Make sure that we have valid options, if this is a selectbox.
  367. if(($field['type'] == 'selectbox')
  368. && empty($vars))
  369. continue;
  371. // Make sure that we have valid options, if this is a radiobox.
  372. if(($field['type'] == 'radiobox')
  373. && empty($vars))
  374. continue;
  376. // Store any previous values for the template to look after.
  377. if(isset($field['value']))
  378. $modSettings[$field['title']] = $field['value'];
  380. // Finally put the data for this field into the $context['field'] array for the 'submit form' template functions.
  381. $context['fields'][$field['title']] = array(
  382. 'text' => $field['text'],
  383. 'type' => $field['type'],
  384. 'data' => $vars,
  385. 'value' => isset($field['value']) ? $field['value'] : '',
  386. 'required' => $required,
  387. 'failed' => isset($field['failed']),
  388. );
  389. }
  391. // Do we have fields data? If not then redirect the user to the form view page.
  392. if(empty($context['fields']))
  393. redirectExit("action=form;");
  395. // Load the language files.
  396. loadLanguage('Modifications');
  398. // Setup and load the necessary template related stuff.
  399. $context['settings_title'] = '<a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=form;">'.((isset($modSettings['CustomForm_view_title']) && ($modSettings['CustomForm_view_title'] != '')) ? $modSettings['CustomForm_view_title'] : $txt['CustomForm_tabheader']) . '</a> : ' . $form_title;
  400. $context['failed_form_submit'] = $fail_submit;
  401. $context['template_function'] = $form_data['template_function'];
  402. $context['post_url'] = $scripturl.'?action=form;n='.$form_id.';submit;';
  403. $context['sub_template'] = 'submit_form';
  404. loadTemplate('CustomForm');
  405. }
  406. // If not then fall to the default view form page, with the list of forms.
  407. else
  408. {
  409. // Wait a second... Are you even allowed to view the form list?
  410. if(!allowedTo('CustomForm_view_perms'))
  411. redirectExit();
  413. // Declare the array of data which we need to pass to the template.
  414. $context['custom_forms_list'] = array();
  416. // Firstly get a list of all the fields from the cf_fields table.
  417. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('','
  418. SELECT id_form
  419. FROM {db_prefix}cf_fields
  420. WHERE title != \'\'
  421. AND text != \'\'
  422. AND type != \'\''
  423. );
  425. $forms = array();
  427. while($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
  428. $forms[] = $row['id_form'];
  429. $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
  431. // Get the data from the cf_forms table.
  432. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('','
  433. SELECT f.id_form, f.title,, b.id_board
  434. FROM {db_prefix}cf_forms f, {db_prefix}boards b
  435. WHERE b.id_board = f.id_board
  436. AND b.redirect = \'\''
  437. );
  439. // Go through all of the forms and add them to the list.
  440. while($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
  441. {
  442. // Wait. Are you allowed to view/use this form?
  443. if(!allowedTo('custom_forms_'.$row['id_form']))
  444. continue;
  446. // Did we get some fields from this form?
  447. if(!in_array($row['id_form'], $forms))
  448. continue;
  450. // Add this forms data, for the template to show.
  451. $context['custom_forms_list'][] = array(
  452. 'id' => $row['id_form'],
  453. 'title' => $row['title'],
  454. 'id_board' => $row['id_board'],
  455. 'board' => $row['name'],
  456. );
  457. }
  459. // Free the db request.
  460. $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
  462. // Finally load the necessary template for this action.
  463. $context['sub_template'] = 'FormList';
  464. loadTemplate('CustomForm');
  466. }
  468. // Set the page title, just for lolz! :D
  469. $context['page_title'] = (isset($modSettings['CustomForm_view_title']) && ($modSettings['CustomForm_view_title'] != '')) ? $modSettings['CustomForm_view_title'] : $txt['CustomForm_tabheader'];
  470. }
  471. ?>
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