

Jun 23rd, 2015
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  1. on script load:
  2. message "Skrypt na efekty by ShiZzeR - WLACZONY" to console
  4. on script unload:
  5. message "Skrypt na efekty by ShiZzeR - WYLACZONY" to console
  8. command /efekty:
  9. executable by: players
  10. trigger:
  11. execute console command "gui 1 %player%"
  13. command /gui [<integer>] [<player>]:
  14. executable by: console
  15. trigger:
  16. if arg 1 is 1:
  17. wait 2 ticks
  18. open chest with 1 rows named "&4My&fGame" to player-arg
  19. wait 2 ticks
  20. format slot 0 of player-arg with 1 of gold block of power 1 named "&aBloki Zlota" with lore "&aPosiadasz &2%number of gold block in player-arg's inventory% &ablokow zlota" to be unstealable
  21. format slot 3 of player-arg with 1 of diamond sword of sharpness 10 named "&3Efekt sily" &2Koszt: 64 Bloki zlota||&4Czas: 3 minuty" to close then run "dajefekt %player-arg% zabojca"
  22. format slot 4 of player-arg with 1 of diamond pickaxe of efficiency 10 named "&3Efekt Haste 2"&2Koszt: 64 Bloki zlota||&4Czas: 5 minut" to close then run "dajefekt %player-arg% tank"
  23. format slot 5 of player-arg with 1 of feather of infinity 10 named "&3Efekt Niewidzialnosci"||&2Koszt: 16 Blokow zlota||&4Czas: 3 minut" to close then run "dajefekt %player-arg% lucznik"
  24. format slot 8 of player-arg with 1 of emerald of power 1 named "&aEmeraldy" with lore "&aPosiadasz &2%number of emeralds in player-arg's inventory% &aemeraldow" to be unstealable
  27. command /dajefekt [<player>] [<text>]:
  28. trigger:
  29. if arg 2 is "zabojca":
  30. if {zabojca.%player-arg%} is true:
  31. message "&4Juz masz ten efekt!" to player-arg
  32. else:
  33. if number of gold block in the player-arg's inventory is more or equal to 64:
  34. set {zabojca.%player-arg%} to true
  35. message "&cEfekt sily!" to player-arg
  36. remove 64 of gold block from player-arg's inventory
  37. wait 180 seconds
  38. apply strength to player-arg for 180 seconds
  39. wait 120 seconds
  40. message "&4Za 2 minuty &3Efekt sily &4wygasnie!" to player-arg
  41. wait 10 seconds
  42. message "&3Efekt sily &4wygasl" to player-arg
  43. delete {zabojca.%player-arg%}
  44. else:
  45. message "&4Nie masz tyle blokow zlota!" to player-arg
  47. else if arg 2 is "tank":
  48. if {tank.%player-arg%} is true:
  49. message "&4Juz masz ten efekt!" to player-arg
  50. else:
  51. if number of gold block in the player-arg's inventory is more or equal to 64:
  52. set {tank.%player-arg%} to true
  53. message "&3Efekt Haste zostal zakupiony!" to player-arg
  54. remove 64 of gold block from player-arg's inventory
  55. apply fast digging to player-arg for 300 seconds
  56. wait 300 seconds
  57. message "&4Za 5 minut sekund &3Efekt Haste 2 &4wygasnie!" to player-arg
  58. wait 10 seconds
  59. message "&3Efekt Haste 2 &4wygasl" to player-arg
  60. delete {tank.%player-arg%}
  61. else:
  62. message "&4Nie masz tyle blokow zlota!" to player-arg
  64. else if arg 2 is "lucznik":
  65. if {lucznik.%player-arg%} is true:
  66. message "&4Juz masz ten efekt!" to player-arg
  67. else:
  68. if number of gold block in the player-arg's inventory is more or equal to 64:
  69. message "&3Efekt Niewidzialnosci zostal zakupiony!" to player-arg
  70. set {lucznik.%player-arg%} to true
  71. wait 180 seconds
  72. message "&4Za 3 minuty &3Efekt Niewidzialnosci &4wygasnie!" to player-arg
  73. wait 10 seconds
  74. message "&3Efekt Niewidzialnosci &4wygasl" to player-arg
  75. delete {lucznik.%player-arg%}
  76. else:
  77. message "&4Nie masz tyle blokow zlota!" to player-arg
  79. on damage:
  80. victim is a player:
  81. if damage cause is fall:
  82. {redukcja.obrazen.upadku.gracza.%victim%} is true:
  83. cancel event
  84. attacker is a player:
  85. if damage cause is arrow:
  86. {trucie.atakujacych.przez.gracza.%attacker%} is true:
  87. apply poison to victim for 5 seconds
  88. {spowalnianie.atakujacych.przez.gracza.%attacker%} is true:
  89. apply slowness to victim for 2 seconds
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