

Jan 13th, 2012
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  1. (Nota: las partes entre llaves ({}) son transcripciones que no tengo claras del todo.)
  3. Visualization is right at the heart of my all work world. I teach global health, and I know [that] having data is not enough.
  5. I have to show it in ways that people both enjoy and understand.
  7. Now I'm going to try something I have never done before: animating the data in real space
  9. with a bit of technical assistance from the crew.
  11. So, here we go, first an axis for health: life expectance, from twenty five years to seventy five years.
  13. And right here, an axis for wealth: income per person, four hundred, four thounsand and forty thousand dollars.
  15. So, down here is poor and sick, and up here is rich and healthy.
  17. Now I'm going to show you the world two hundred years ago, in eighteen ten.
  19. Here come all the countries: Europe's brown, Asia is red, middle East's green, Africa South of Sahara is blue, and America is yellow.
  21. And the size of the country bubble shows the size of the population.
  23. And in 1810 it was pretty crowded down there, wasn't it? Life expectancy were below forty in all countries. And only UK and the Netherlands were slightly better off, but not much. And now, {{we start the rode}}
  25. Industrial revolution makes countries in Europe and elsewhere move away from the rest.
  27. But the colonized countries in Asia and Africa are stuck down there. And eventually, the western countries get healthier and healthier, and now, we slow down, to show the impact of the First World War and the Spanish flu epidemic: What a catastrophe!
  29. And now I speed up through the ninteen twenties and thirties, and in spite of the Great Depression, western countries {forward jump} towards greater health and wealth. Japan and some other countries try to follow, but most countries stay down here.
  31. Now, after the tragedies of the Second World War, we stop a bit to look at the world in ninteen forty eight.
  33. Ninteen forty eight was a great year: the war was over, Sweden topped the medal table at the winter olimpics, and I was born. But the differences between the countries of the world was wider than ever. United States was in the front, Japan was catching up, Brazil was way behind, Iran was getting a little richer from oil, but still had short lives. And the Asian giants: China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia were still poor and sick down here, but look what is about to happen.
  35. Here we go again!
  37. In my lifetime, former colonies gained independence and then, finally, they started to get healthier and healthier and healthier, and in the nineteen seventies, then countries in Asia and Latin America started to catch up with the Western countries, they became the “enmerging economies”, some African follows, some Africans was stuck in civil war and others hit by HIV, and now we can see the world today, in the most up to date statistics.
  39. Most people today live in the middle, but there are huge differences at the same time between the best off countries and the worst off countries. And there are also huge inequalities within countries. This bubble show country averages, but I can split them. Take China! I can split it into provinces: there goes Shanghai! It has the same wealth and health as Italy today. And there is the {poor in land} province of Guizhou, it is like Pakistan. And if I split it farther, the rural parts are like Ghana inn Africa.
  41. And yet, despite the enormous {disparages} today, we have seen two hundred years of remarkable progress. That huge historical gap between the west and the rest is now closing. We have become an entirely new converging world. And I see a clearly trend into the future, with aid, trade, green technology and peace is fully possible that everyone can make it to the healthy-wealthy corner.
  43. Well, what you just see in the last few minutes, is a story of two hundred countries shown over two hundred years and beyond. It involved plotting of one hundreth and twenty thousand numbers. Pretty neat, eh?
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