
Fall of Cleveland: And Thus, We Come Full Circle

Aug 2nd, 2012
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  1. >You are a soldier in A Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment.
  2. >And you are being overwhelmed by a swarm of fluffy ponies.
  3. >The fluffies in the airport's area have decided the humans here are a threat.
  4. >Of course, this thought only occurred to them after you'd killed several thousand of their friends.
  5. >They've poured over the piles of corpses clogging the barbed wire and surrounded your barracks, giving anyone who's outside 'big owwies'.
  6. >It's about as effective as tickling a skyscraper with a dove's feather, but the horde is beginning to cause real issues.
  7. >For one, there isn't nearly enough ammunition to deal with them all.
  8. >For another, even though you can stomp them to death easily, that gets very tiring after a while.
  9. >To save energy, your company commanders have decided to offload incoming supplies onto the fluffy ponies.
  10. >The soldiers kick and stomp their way through attacking fluffies to meet the helicopters.
  11. >Despite your dire situation, you've been asked to check on the status of 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment.
  12. >They're based at Cuyahoga County Airport, which is even closer to the theme park than you are.
  13. >Communication has been lost with them; helicopter flyovers have revealed only piles of fluffy ponies.
  14. >This poses a serious problem; other units are being evacuated because of the overwhelming amount of fluffies.
  15. >Before you can leave, you have to make sure there's no one to save at CCA.
  16. >To this end, the Chinooks are bringing you 120mm canister rounds for your tank company's use.
  17. >HEAT rounds get swallowed up by the fluffy goo, not that they don't do huge damage.
  18. >And kinetic energy penetrators just kill fluffies in a straight line for a klick and a half.
  19. >A Chinook is arriving, a crate suspended beneath its fuselage.
  20. >It just lowers the crate onto a swarm of suddenly terrified ponies, squashing them flat.
  21. >You rush to the crate while the horde is distracted, and pry it open.
  22. >It's full of glorious canisters.
  23. >The soldiers form a chain to the hangars, where the tanks are parked, and pass the shells to the crews that are with their vehicles.
  24. >Another crate is delivered, and within the hour all the tanks are loaded full.
  25. >At least fuel won't be a problem; after one day of trying to fight the fluffy ponies with the tanks, the Captain decided not to bother.
  26. >The company's three platoons – twelve Abrams in all – roll out of the hangars, parting the fluffy sea with no effort.
  27. >They crush a path to the vehicle pool.
  28. >One more Chinook, carrying extra shotgun shells and grenades, arrives. This one lands.
  29. >Once the cargo is out, the four remaining civilians, people from the neighborhood that helped during the evacuation, are put on.
  30. >They could have left earlier, but they've been killing fluffy ponies for days in an effort to reclaim their property.
  31. >Now, they have no choice but to go.
  32. >Once the helicopter is away, you mount up in Strykers and Humvees for the trip south.
  33. >Four tanks will go ahead, four will be behind, and four will be with you in the middle in case anyone gets stuck.
  34. >Because of the amount of fluffies waddling around, determining whether or not you're on a road is a crapshoot.
  35. >The Abrams just go where the buildings aren't, and you let the Strykers' navigation handle the rest.
  36. >In theory, you're going down State Route 2, the tanks clearing a path with canister shots.
  37. >In actuality, you're just flattening and shredding an endless, waddling flood of fluffy ponies.
  38. >After cutting a path south and ending up on what everyone hopes is Richmond Road, you weave through abandoned suburbia.
  39. >Finally, the airport is in sight.
  40. >Unlike Lost Nation, there are a lot more hangars here and only one runway.
  41. >Some of these hangars have collapsed.
  42. >You have to dismount and check the place on foot.
  43. >Fluffy ponies have filled some of the hangars so full, they blew out and fell, crushing their occupants.
  44. >Any pile of fluff less than human-sized gets a shotgun blast. Terrified fluffies waddle away, but there are few places for them to go.
  45. >As always, they never shut up. They beg for food and hugs, or to help find their babies.
  46. >If you found them, you'd just stomp them into paste.
  47. >Fuck these things.
  48. >You finally see some people waving out the windows of a building.
  49. >”Did you find anyone out there? We haven't been able to leave this structure,” a man says.
  50. >He's wearing Major's insignia; must be the battalion executive officer.
  51. “No sir, where were you all holed up?”
  52. >”In the hangars!”
  53. >You look around. Only two of them are still standing.
  54. “We'll check, sir. Just hang tight.”
  55. >With shotguns blazing, you make your way slowly to one of the two intact hangars.
  56. >After ten minutes of shooting at the ones blocking the door, you manage to clear enough space for you to open it.
  57. >”Hooman come fo' fwuffy?”
  58. >”Yay, no mo' dawk!”
  59. >”God damn, about time someone showed up!”
  60. >Inside are about fifty soldiers and five times as many fluffies.
  61. >Many of the ponies have wilted under the afternoon heat, and the humans don't look good either.
  62. “Come on, let's go.”
  63. >”Dawk pwace! No hawt in dere!”
  64. >You fight back a rush of fluffy ponies desperate for shade with your shotgun.
  65. “Hurry! Before they all come in!”
  66. >Other soldiers help them out of the hangar. The Staff Sergeant calls an Abrams and the Strykers around.
  67. >If you can't reclaim this airport, you'll have to carry them back to yours.
  68. >For now, they can get treatment from the medics riding inside.
  69. >When they arrive, the WO that was dropped off a couple of days ago is walking beside them.
  70. >”We should make this fast, almost all of these ponies are swollen...I wouldn't use grenades, either.”
  71. >It takes six Strykers to fit the men you've rescued.
  72. >Another company is helping the Major and those guys get out, so your squad goes to check the second hangar.
  73. >The door has been jammed open. Fluffies try to push in, but can't.
  74. >You see why as you get closer; the pile of ponies in there is at least five feet deep.
  75. >You also see the outstretched hands of soldiers reaching up out of the fluffy mass.
  76. >They're not moving.
  77. “...this one's a write off. We don't have time to dig them out.”
  78. >You hear one of the Abrams firing their gun nearby.
  79. >You don't think much of it until you hear yells of 'fire'.
  80. >The WO looks around the side of the hangar.
  81. >”I thought the power was out? That streetlight is sparking!”
  82. >Bloated fluffies waddle around in flames.
  83. “Time to go!”
  84. >Everyone mounts up again, punting away fluffy ponies as they run to their vehicles.
  85. >The Abrams take up point, snuffing out paths with their bulk.
  86. >You ended up in a Humvee, so you can see the flames spread.
  87. >You stand up out of the gunner's position, firing your shotgun at the ponies trying to follow you.
  88. >By the time your whole unit is clear of the airport, it's completely engulfed in flames.
  89. >You receive word that the officers have asked for immediate evacuation.
  90. >It's granted. You're the last personnel in the theme park area, so all the helos will be coming for you.
  91. >The equipment will have to be left, except for the tanks. They can drive out.
  92. >The biggest, flattest spot nearby is the space across from Euclid Square Mall on East 260th Street, so that's where you go.
  93. >A large herd is spread out there, so you all scare them off, or shoot at them if they refuse to leave.
  94. >A high amount of mothers defending their foals die this way.
  95. >When the Chinooks and Blackhawks come, corpses and living fluffies alike are swept aside.
  96. >The last fluffy pony you see before boarding is an orange and yellow one a distance away, crying as she hugs something blue and green.
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