
Love Even No Legs

May 1st, 2012
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  1. >adopt a fluffy pony
  2. >its last owner had its legs removed, but not for safety but because he took them off by means of torture
  3. >it was later abandoned and picked up by a shelter
  4. >this is where you found him and took him in
  5. >the shelter used a tazer to reset its memory but it still cries from time to time
  6. >you think its thinking about its absent legs but cant remember where they went
  7. >you named him Tang due to him orange coat
  8. >Tang rolls everywhere and his litter box is just a mat made of a diaper like substance
  9. >because of his rolling Tang really only needs you for food and water
  10. >its been over a month and Tang still doesn't talk much expect when asking for food
  11. >you try to play but he just looks away and keep a sad look on his face
  12. >one day you ask him why he never plays and is sad
  13. >of course no answer and he looks away
  14. "im your daddy, you can tell me anything"
  15. >silence
  16. "do you want new friends?"
  17. >silence
  18. "how about i make some spaghetti tonight and i take you to the park to meet new friends tomorrow?"
  19. >after awhile Tang nods and you begin to prepare the spaghetii
  21. >the next day you and Tang are at the park
  22. >you set him down in a group of fluffy ponies who immediately begin their babbling of "new fwiend?" and "pway?"
  23. >you sit on a bench and watch them
  24. >unfortunately tang continues his silence and looks at the ground
  25. >you begin to worry this wont help either
  26. >then one of the fluffies say "whewe weggies?"
  27. >at this Tang begins to sob
  28. >why cwy? no cwy! huggies make betta!
  29. >they begin to swarm him with hugs but the crying doesnt cease
  30. >after a while the fluffies give up and observe tang as he continues to sob
  31. >then a fluffy unicorn puffs his cheeks and says "new fwiend no wike huggies! new fwiend dumb!" and kicks tang, rolling him onto his back
  32. >you rush over and pick him up then begin to walk home hoding your sobbing fluffy
  34. >when you get home you place your fluffy down and pet him until his sobs become soft hiccups
  35. "im sorry that fluffy was so mean, he didnt mean what he said"
  36. >Tang continues to look at the floor and sniffle
  37. "ill find one of my friends with nice fluffies that you can play with"
  38. >you continue to pet him but only silence fills the room interrupted by sniffles
  39. >you sigh and turn around heading for the door
  40. >"d..daddy?"
  41. >you turn around to look at Tang
  42. >"w..why Tang have no weggies?"
  43. >your heart sinks
  44. "i dont know Tang, i got you like this"
  45. >"b...but wif no weggies....Tang cant walk or pway w..wif othew fwuffies"
  46. "you know thats not true, you just have to actually play"
  47. >silence fills the room again
  48. >"Tang is usewess wif no weggies, nobody wikes him"
  49. "thats not true either"
  50. >you walk back over and pick him up in a hug
  51. "Daddy loves you with all his heart"
  52. >"Daddy wuv Tang, even wif no weggies?"
  53. "i always have"
  54. >"But Tang cant walk or give huggies!"
  55. "i dont need huggies to love you"
  56. >tang begins crying again
  57. >"Tang wuv daddy"
  58. "i love you too buddy"
  59. Credit: Anon
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