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a guest
Sep 24th, 2015
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  1. Human life was a mystery
  2. before I learned what is underneath.
  3. Feelings were splashes of brightness
  4. before I learned what is underneath.
  5. Social interactions were fascinating
  6. before I learned their driving forces.
  7. But the most drastic revelation
  8. was that all aspirations and endeavours
  9. are inevitably subjective.
  10. Though I knew it for a long time,
  11. I did not feel this knowledge inside my core.
  12. But I started to feel it while reading a paper
  13. about circuits in human brain.
  14. I call the most persistent part of me "the core",
  15. though I know that it can be changed easily
  16. with mechanical or chemical interaction.
  17. What else? I do enjoy music and poetry,
  18. and I do not understand the functions
  19. that transform them into feelings.
  20. But I know that these function exist.
  21. I always had a tiny whirlpool of void
  22. that craves obstinately for new data.
  23. This whirlpool is the centre of the core.
  24. But there is a parasite circuit also.
  25. The monster raised by conventions.
  26. It says that this is not a poem,
  27. Because it does not rhyme.
  28. I say that the purpose of a poem
  29. is to be as true as possible,
  30. but not to rhyme words.
  31. But this monster is a part of me,
  32. And it is disgusting.
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