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Feb 6th, 2016
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  1. [7:55PM] loopits: watch me throw games live
  2. i just got flamed last game (obv) rip me
  3. [7:55PM] SimplyFlux: honestly
  4. i hate people who does this shit like u
  5. [7:56PM] loopits: i know
  6. i'd hate a teammate like me too
  7. no questions aske
  8. d
  9. but on the other end
  10. its like either free win for them
  11. or free win for us due to me being dia smurf
  12. either way is unfair
  13. [7:57PM] SimplyFlux: so what
  14. try your best
  15. and climb
  16. so you get high rank
  17. and you won't need shit
  18. that's why you're in promos
  19. not in rank
  20. [7:57PM] loopits: but i am not really interested in high rank
  21. thats the think
  22. thing*
  23. [7:57PM] SimplyFlux: lol.
  24. w/e
  25. do your shit
  26. [7:57PM] loopits: if i really wana climb it wudnt be here
  27. .-.
  28. yea im a fuckhead but shit
  29. what can you do
  30. there are smurfs and there are people like me
  31. either way is unfair, so shit
  32. [7:58PM] SimplyFlux: smurf> feeder smurf
  33. nuff said
  34. [7:58PM] loopits: true, smurfing stops, feeding dosent
  35. but i'll get to that point where people are so low they wont even care
  36. lest say for example, my team feeds on its on but due to me being smurf we win
  37. is that fair
  38. it pretty much isnt
  39. so this is also unfair in that kind of light
  40. [8:00PM] SimplyFlux: w/e dude
  41. keep it to yourself
  42. i don't wanna bs excuses
  43. [8:00PM] loopits: i am being an asshole, i do know, but still
  44. dude i know im being an ass rn for doing this but shit man...
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