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Oct 3rd, 2012
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  2. ** You have joined #lfggroup
  3. ** Shady_steps has joined #lfggroup
  4. ** Castile is now known as Warm_Smiles
  5. (~Vieral) The group is currently in Rustline, separated into three groups. tricks on her own, laini, warm, and arx at the Glowstaves, modd, shady, and ignis at Scribbles' workshop.
  6. * Warm_Smiles trots away from the Glowstaves, well aware of the growing feeling of hunger within him and of the surprisingly sleepy puppy in his saddlebags.
  7. * Laini looks around nervously. Her medical knowlegde didn't contain anything about starspawns "I hope he will be alright."
  8. * Shady_steps trots after Mad_Modd glancing around at all the nicknacks in the room
  9. * Ignis is still following the shop's owner into Scribbles' workshop.
  10. * Tricks , after managing her disappearing act with almost nopony seeing her begins to canter through Rustline. What kinda trouble, treasure, or pain could she get herself into today? Where else could she find that? At the bar! She smiles to herself gleefully and suddenly frowns, "Chems first..." She begins searching for a vendor for chems.
  11. * Laini approaches the door of the Glowstaves "Hello?"
  12. * Mad_Modd "By Lunas magnificent plot. This is a workshop!"
  13. (~Vieral) The medical ghoul looks up from her clipboard, "Yes, miss? can I help you?"
  14. * Shady_steps cracks a smile at Mad_Modd's coment "well ours back at the stable is bigger... but with less in it this place is a mess"
  15. (Mad_Modd) "You gotta take me to this stable of yours some day. I could teach em a thing or two about propper mekkin."
  16. (Laini) "Uhm, my friend has lies here and I have been wonderng. Would you have some work for me? I am educated in zebra medicine and basic alchemy. I could be of use."
  17. * Warm_Smiles trots over to the door of the tavern he pointed to when the group broke up, sitting against the wall and taking the pup out from his saddlebags, "Can at least give you fresh air, little one."
  18. (Laini) *my friend lies
  19. (~Vieral) Scribbles scrambles over his inventions, "I made all of these by myself! everything here used to be nothin but pieces all over the wastes!"
  20. * Mad_Modd "Oooo what dose it do?" pointing at the machine
  21. (~Vieral) the ghoul puts the clipboard down on her desk. "Look, miss. I'm not sure you understand the way these alicorns work. no real medicine is needed for radiation deficiency. they just need a good soak and a night's rest."
  22. * Shady_steps nods "do you have any schematics for things like this?" she lifts her new firearm with magic looking at Scribbles
  23. * Laini frowns "Do you have any other patients?"
  24. (~Vieral) The shopkeeper trots into the workshop, smiling softly as he goes. "Welp, 'ere we be, runt. 'snot much, bu' is home."
  25. ** Vieral has said your nick on #lfg_ooc
  26. * Ignis silently walks after the shopkeeper, glaring unimpressed at the multiple things at display... To him, it was just mounds and mounds of barely functional junk barely held togheter by duct tape and pony spit and that could blow up on your face if you did something wrong... The exactly kind of stuff that would make modd swoon.
  27. (~Vieral) scribbles grins wide at modd's pointing. "That's jus' a bit of tinkering. not sure what it'll do yet, but when it does, it'll be brilliant! ...if uncle Ratchet'll let me test it."
  28. * Warm_Smiles sighs at the dead weight of the sleeping pup, looking down at the sleeping form with the inkling of tears in his eyes. Memories begin resurface as he sits watching protectively over the pup, much like her mother did back in cave. Much like a father would.
  29. * Mad_Modd points "You wouldn't be willing to part with a copy of the scematics for that rifle you. Or per chance have another one you would be willing to part with?"
  30. (Mad_Modd) points at Shadys new rifle*
  31. (~Vieral) the ghoul mare gives a little smile to laini. "Name's Quick Recovery, miss. I tend to get a few other patients and patrons. mostly glow-obsessed colts who have nothing better to do than bother the other ghouls with their tricks." she then blinks a few times. "My apologies, miss, what would your name be?"
  32. (Laini) "Laini."
  33. (~Vieral) Scribbles looks to Shady's weapon, then, impossibly, grins even more, "Betsy! Oh, I knew that she'd find herself a home soon enough! Sorry t'say, though, I don't normally work with schematics when making anything like Betsy, but I'd LOVE to show you how to make my sneakygun!" he then scampers to a table covered in scattered papers, mostly undescipherable scrawl.
  34. * Shady_steps looks at the papers
  35. * Mad_Modd also looks at the papers
  36. * Arx_Sanare lies in one of the rooms of the Glowstaves, mumbling slightly in his sleep.
  37. (Mad_Modd) "This 'sneaky gun' of yours has my atention show me."
  38. (~Vieral) "Laini, such a beautiful name for a zebra," Quick stares off into space for a bit, "Oh, sorry about that. thinking of old times. no worries about your friend in either case, he'll wake up now he's on premesis, and once the headache fades, we'll flush him a bit, just to make sure his ley-lines don't dry out." She then nods and goes back to her seat.
  39. (Laini) "So you do not need my help? Oh, then I will leave you to your work."
  40. * Warm_Smiles stands up carefully, placing the pup back in his saddlebags. It wasn't ideal, but it would do for time being. He looks around and trots off into Rustline, gritting his teeth as the thought of bumping into the others drifted into his head, "Don't get attached."
  41. * Laini blinks and maintains a friendly smile "Then maybe do you know any other places for me where I could earn some caps?"
  42. * Shady_steps looks over the papers holding off a steadily building headache from the scrawls on the page before she starts to understand
  43. * Tricks continues her trot through Rustline. "I wonder what kind of chem I should go for first. Maybe Med-x? That'd certainly take the edge off and let me relax a bit if I find a client..." she comments to herself as she continues her search for a chem vendor.
  44. * Shady_steps "is... is this a crossbow... or a dart gun?"
  45. (~Vieral) Quick looks up from her recently retrieved clipboard, "Sorry, miss. I try not to keep up with those... 'establishments'. they're not good for a mare's health, y'know."
  46. * Laini blinks and tilts her head "What establishments?"
  47. (~Vieral) Scribbles snickers at shady's comment. "Silly, it's my sneakygun! it gets the nasty stuff from radscorpions, and dips darts in it, then shoots em out all 'pew pew'!" he then looks a bit solemn, "I has no glands tho, and traders never carry em, so I can't even make a prototype.."
  48. * Shady_steps nods and copies the files onto her pipbuck "well i think we have some glands... warm got some right?" she looks at Mad_Modd
  49. * Mad_Modd looking to Shady "Yea I think so. We should get a few for ol Scribbles here."
  50. * Shady_steps nods to Mad_Modd
  51. (Mad_Modd) "Hey Scribbles I got a deal for ya. We bring you a few rad scorpion glands and you show us how to make this here 'sneaky gun' of yours."
  52. (~Vieral) Scribbles glomps modd "REALLY?!" he's nothing but sunshine and rainbooms right now, prancing about, occasionally adjusting angles of a few things here and there constantly shouting, "Yesyesyesyesyes!" over and over again.
  53. (~Vieral) the shopkeeper looks at scribbles, then to modd. "Y'jus' off'rd him sum'in fer 'is 'nventions, didn' ya?"
  54. (Mad_Modd) "Yep"
  55. * Shady_steps nodnods
  56. * Ignis walks over to Modd and Shady. "You guys are done? This place gives me the heebiejeebies..."
  57. (Mad_Modd) "Well we'll be back then. Need to hit a few other places then we'll find our friend."
  58. (~Vieral) As warm goes along, a gryphon walks up to him, keeping pace, "Where you goin' big guy? mind if I come along?"
  59. * Shady_steps nods "good idea" and folows Mad_Modd
  60. * Ignis follows them and pokes the mare.
  61. * Mad_Modd looking back "We'll be Scribbles!" walks out the door "Hey Shady lets try to hit the armour shop before it closes."
  62. * Warm_Smiles glances at the gryphon, snorting a little, "Know where I can get food?"
  63. (~Vieral) the shopkeep sighs, "Jes' b'careful wit' th'lil mite, alrigh'?" he looks on as scribbles keeps bouncing about. "I love th'lil guy t'death, e'en tho he ain't really fam'ly."
  64. * Shady_steps looks down at Ignis "hay whats up?"
  65. (~Vieral) The gryffin smiles at him, "Come t'my place, I'll give you something nice an' big."
  66. * Ignis smiles at her. "You know, I think that you got some of my stuff by accident...mind if I have it back?"
  67. * Shady_steps thinks and pulls out the dash and hydra "oh this?" offers him the drugs
  68. * Ignis nods. "Yes, those." The dragon attempts to grab the drugs.
  69. * Warm_Smiles tsks and continues trotting. Great, first Tricks now a damn griffon, "That isn't happening."
  70. (~Vieral) Warm notices a redish tinge to the gryphon's fac, and a slight scent of alcohol. he's also walking a bit more close to him than before.
  71. * Shady_steps holds back "say what are you going to do with them?"
  72. (Mad_Modd) "Yes it is."
  73. * Ignis deadpans. "Sell them, didn't you heard me back at the guy's store?"
  74. (Ignis) *pony
  75. * Shady_steps nods "well i could use a sample of the drugs used in the wastes mind if i hold on to them?"
  76. * Ignis headtilts. "You know, you could have /asked/ for them, on the first place..."
  77. (~Vieral) the gryphon turns to him, a little upset. "aww, why not? 'm I not god enough for ya?" he then flicks his tail along warm's underside. "I can shows ya things ya never seen, handsome."
  78. (Shady_steps) /me looks at the dragon apologetically "sorry... sooo can I?"
  79. * Warm_Smiles blinks at the touch, freezing in place. He swallows a sudden flare of anger, and trots away from the griffon as quickly as he can.
  80. * Ignis studies her expression for a while. "What are you going to do with them?"
  81. (Mad_Modd) "I wouldn't use em I were you. That hydra would be handy in an emergency but the rest will just fuck a pony up."
  82. * Shady_steps smiles "keep them as samples for the RaD in my stable... why?"
  83. * Ignis sighs. "Fine, you can have them... Just promisse not to get my stuff while I'm not watching."
  84. (~Vieral) the gryphon takes flight a little, keeping up with warm, "Look, if yer not inta movin' that fast, we can take things a bit slow, but... I likes ya."
  85. * Shady_steps grins and hugs Ignis "oh thank you the more i get the better... well the better things get"
  86. * Warm_Smiles glances at the griffon, muttering, "Persistent..." He raises his voice just above speaking, "You're drunk, and I'm not interested."
  87. * Ignis just nods, not sure of what to think of the sudden outburst. The dragon turns to modd. "Hey modd..."
  88. (Mad_Modd) "Yea?"
  89. * Ignis gives a swift punch on modd's shoulder
  90. * Shady_steps drops the drugs back into her saddlebags with a slight grin
  91. (Mad_Modd) "What was that for?"
  92. (~Vieral) The gryphon pauses for a moment, then laughs a bit. "Actually, I'm jus' hungover, but... I dunno, there's something about you...that is just... really appealing."
  93. * Laini disappointed, Laini exits the Glowstoves and accidentaly walks into Warm_Smiles "Hello there."
  94. (Ignis) "That's for letting her get my stuff and not saying anything about it."
  95. (Mad_Modd) "Sorry I was a little distracted by the other crazy mechanic pony."
  96. * Tricks glances down an alleyway on her search for a chem vendor. She stops suddenly and backtrots to look down the alleyway again, recognizing Warm and a gryphon. She smiles and heads down towards Warm and the gryphon, trying to overhear their conversation.
  97. * Warm_Smiles bumps into Laini, secretly glad for the zebra's sudden appearance, "Mind giving me a hoof with this?"
  98. * Ignis shrugs. "Anyways, just don't let it happen again. I still have some shopping to do, I guess I see you guys back at the inn."
  99. (Laini) "A hoof with what?"
  100. (~Vieral) Scribbles pauses in his scampering, just long enough to shout, "Yep, still crazy!" then pops into one of the unfunctioning machines, mettalic clunks and light zapping noises coming from inside
  101. * Warm_Smiles nods to the griffon, turning to face him as a slightly angry tone is present in his voice, "I assure you, you don't want to get involved."
  102. * Laini looks back and forth between them "Is he bothering you?"
  103. * Shady_steps trots over to the market with Mad_Modd
  104. (~Vieral) The gryphon looks between Warm and Laini, puting two and two together, "...oh. I see, yer not like me, are ya?" he then thinks for a second. "Then what were you doing walking around the bi section of the pleasure district?"
  105. * Ignis walks around on his own, looking for a shop that dealt on general goods.
  106. (Mad_Modd) pointing to the armour shop "Lets check out that shop"
  107. * Laini looks at the griffon in confusion "Nini?" (What?)
  108. * Shady_steps nods and folows modd in
  109. ** Shady_steps- has joined #lfggroup
  110. * Tricks shouts down the street. "THERE you are! Honey I've been looking ALL OVER for you!" she comes up on the three, giving Warm a rather embellished kiss. She glances over at the gryffon, giving her best 'MINE!!' glare.
  111. * Warm_Smiles blinks at the kiss, his head sent into a spin as he stands in a daze.
  112. (~Vieral) the gryphon gets a little uncomfortable, looking away quickly, "I should... go. although things could have been better, nice to meet you... "
  113. * Laini is still confused "Who was he?"
  114. ** Shady_steps has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  115. ** Shady_steps- is now known as Shady_steps
  116. * Warm_Smiles brings a hoof to his face as he's flooded with emotion at the kiss, replying with gritted teeth, "Warm."
  117. (Laini) "Nini?"
  118. (~Vieral) the gryphon smiles at that. "Name's Icewing. anyways... gotta go. bye Warm." as he leaves, Tricks notices something. when he was uncomfortable around her it was almost like he... recognised her.
  119. * Tricks smiles at the stallion, giving him a wink. She looks back at the griffon flying away, and her smile fades. What was that just now? Did he...know me or something? Aftering putting it out of her head she glances back at Laini and Warm. "You done stuttering cutey?"
  120. (~Vieral) A large, bulky Ghoul steps into Arx's room and calls out "Alright, up an at em, mr Alicorn! your bath is ready." he then motions with a hoof to the room across the hall.
  121. (Laini) "huh?"
  122. * Warm_Smiles tsks, saying quietly, "Why did you kiss me?" He slowly brings his hoof down, rather apparent that at least one tear has been shed.
  123. * Arx_Sanare cranks open an eye, barely awake he murmurs: "Mmmmh, it's still too early stripey. Come back to bed, I'm cold." He starts snoring again.
  124. (~Vieral) Broadhoof blinks for a few seconds. "Sir. if you do not get some heavier radiation into you, you'l end up puking oyur innards out, so please. get up, or I'll get my assistant in the hall to drag you to the bath."
  125. (Tricks) "I know how to handle ponies encroaching on my clients." Tricks suddenly realizes what she just said and quickly corrects herself. "Not that your a client. But you certainly look rather...uncomfortable. Besides..." she glances at Laini and leans over to whisper in Warm's ear, "how am I supposed to help you with your problem if your a little too busy with a Griffon?"
  126. (~Vieral) A whisper comes from the hall, "is he resisting?" Broadhoof whispers back, "No, but I think he might be asleep..."
  127. (Laini) "So..."
  128. * Arx_Sanare 's eyes shoot open and he jolts up. "Huh? Where am I?"
  129. (Laini) "Any luck with whatever you were doing?"
  130. * Warm_Smiles turns his head from Tricks, the shame of him slightly enjoying the kiss burning harder than anything else. Another pang of guilt brings on another tear as he trots away from the mares, the urge to put as much distance as he can from them before he breaks over powering.
  131. (~Vieral) Broadhoof smiles at Arx. "Good morning sir. you are at the Glowstaves in Rustline. Your friends sent you here after you collapsed in the town gates."
  132. * Laini looks to Warm_Smiles and then to Tricks "What is going on?"
  133. * Tricks looks at the stripe for a moment. "Did you mean me? Umm. No actually. Not like I was...erm...doing anything in particular. Nope, not doing anything at all...well I suppose I was looking...for...some...???" She trails off as Warm starts to walk off. " not sure. I know he said had some rough times." she looks at the zebra.
  134. (Arx_Sanare) "Oh...oh my. I didn't really get that much RADS in me before, now did I?" chuckles awkwardly. "So what do you have planned?"
  135. (Laini) "I am said to hear that. Can I help?"
  136. (~Vieral) Broadhoof helps Arx to his hooves, "All oyu need now, before oyu can go is a soak in out radiation bath, sir. follow me."
  137. * Arx_Sanare follows the ghoul to what he hopes will refresh him and wake him up.
  138. ** Arx_Sanare has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 16.0/20120925201946])
  139. ** Laini has quit (Quit: )
  140. (~Vieral) The radiation bath is literally a hot tub filled with liquid radiation, ust standing in the room nets an extra 50 rads per second.
  141. ** Warm_Smiles has quit (Quit: Emmos snis riyi emmos snis andometi)
  142. ** Shady_steps has quit (Connection closed)
  143. ** Vieral has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
  144. ** Mad_Modd has quit (Connection closed)
  146. ------------------------------
  147. Logging started for Canternet:#lfggroup on terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2012 16h42min12s GMT+00:00
  148. ------------------------------
  150. ** You have joined #lfggroup
  151. ** Castile is now known as KendallKun
  153. ------------------------------
  154. Logging started for Canternet:#lfggroup on terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2012 18h55min25s GMT+00:00
  155. ------------------------------
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