
U Mad? II

Mar 31st, 2012
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  1. >later that day, you're playing with Troll when he suddenly stops and frowns
  2. >his frown changes to a look of concentration on his face, which in turn changes to a strained face of great effort
  3. >waht the heck?
  4. >Troll craps on your carpet
  5. >relieved of his burden, he looks at you and says the only thing he can. "U mad?"
  6. >you're annoyed, but do nothing since it's your fault you didn't potty-train him
  7. >Troll starts rubbing his fluffy little ass on the nearest corner he can find. There goes a carpet, and a sofa.
  8. >"U mad?"
  9. >the next morning, you wake up at see Troll had left his blanket pile in favour of your furry slippers
  10. >you move Troll aside with your foot and wear your slippers
  11. >they are wet and smell strange. Goddamn, the little retard wet them!
  12. >Troll approaches you oblivious to your rage and greets you with it's usual limited vocabulary
  13. >you're so mad, you want to kill him but decide not to, because again, it was your fault for not having set up a pen.
  14. >setting it up will be easier than removing blood stains
  15. >as a punishment, you decide to not feed the Troll
  16. >you shuffle your way towards the toilet for your morning routine, ignoring your fluffy
  17. >you step on a ball you could swear wasn't there a moment ago and fall flat on your ass.
  18. >Troll runs towards you
  19. >"U mad?"
  20. >"YES! Yes I fucking mad! Go away Troll!"
  21. >"Imagine listening to that all night"
  22. >you look at your fluffy, stupified by what you just heard
  23. >Troll paces away with it's trollface on.
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