

Jul 25th, 2014
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  1. 06[16:45] * Laska is in the warehouse, chatting in rapid-fire russian on her commlink. She seems to be in a good mood. <Uncle Yuri! You get leads on things I ask about?>
  2. 06[16:46] * Ida is lounging on the couch nearby, still in her morning pajamas, listening to Laska talk on her commlink.
  3. 06[16:48] * Waterhouse is sitting at the desk in his room, working on his thesis.
  4. [16:48] <IterationDrive> <I do, little Laska!> Yuri says over Laska's link. <All nice and ready for you to pick up, yes?>
  5. 01[16:49] <Laska> <Great! Where we meet at? And how soon?>
  6. [17:01] <IterationDrive> <Ah, how about small island not to far away, perhaps three hours ride? I give coordinates.>
  7. 01[17:03] <Laska> <Okay, but give me time to get there. I have teammate who need to pick up reagents from boat in strait. I call you when we finish with that, okay?>
  8. [17:04] <IterationDrive> <Sounds like a plan, then! See you soon, yes?>
  9. 01[17:05] <Laska> <Yep! I call later> She hangs up. "
  10. 01[17:05] <Laska> "Waterhouse! You want reagents yes?"
  11. 06[17:06] * Waterhouse pokes his head out of his part of the warehouse. 1"Yes! Have you got a free day?"
  12. 01[17:06] <Laska> "How is right now sounding?"
  13. 01[17:07] <Laska> "I need to go pick up new boat for piracy so Ripley can get back in game, and I figure we get reagents before head out since we in boat."
  14. 01[17:08] <Laska> <Ida, I get Uncle Yuri to look into milspec too if you want come along.>
  15. [17:08] <Ida> <I'll get some clothes on!>
  16. 01[17:08] <Laska> "Alright. I call RIpley and Therese now and we make big day out of it then."
  17. 06[17:08] * Ida hops off the couch and heads into her room, getting changed into some casual clothes and bringing out a small bag, 1<I'm bringing extras, just in case.>
  18. 06[17:10] * Laska goes back into her own room, putting on her swimsuit and sarong, and getting a cooler out. She hooks her commlink to her ear and directs it to call Ripley.
  19. [17:10] <Waterhouse> "Now works for me. Which car are we taking?"
  20. [17:10] <Ida> <Ahhhh!>
  21. 06[17:11] * Ida disappears back into her room for a few minutes, changing into her swimsuit beneath her clothes, before coming back out again, 1<Okay. Definitely ready.>
  22. [17:12] <IterationDrive> Ripley answers after only a few moments. "Hello? What do you need?"
  23. 01[17:13] <Laska> "Ripley! I get Uncle Yuri to find us new boat for piracy, and I need you to drive it back."
  24. 01[17:13] <Laska> "You free right now?"
  25. [17:14] <IterationDrive> "More or less. Where should I meet you?"
  26. 01[17:15] <Laska> "I going to harbor near warehouse to get boat. You want me to pick you up or you meet me there?"
  27. 06[17:16] * Waterhouse comes out of his room wearing a large, hiking style backpack, a wetsuit hanging over one arm. 1"I'm gonna have to put some stuff in the trunk."
  28. [17:16] <IterationDrive> "I'll meet you there."
  29. 01[17:17] <Laska> "Okay." She steps out of her room, swapping her glasses tint to "dark" and slinging the soft cooler over her shoulder. "We pick up some beer and snacks and head out then? It going to be full day."
  30. 06[17:19] * Ida slips on her own sunglasses and hat, 1"Beach day, 2.0. Kinda. Maybe this time I get more than one beer."
  31. 01[17:22] <Laska> "I bring enough beer for everyone."
  32. [17:23] <Ida> "Teasing." 6Ida heads out to Laska's car and waits by the front seat.
  33. 06[17:23] * Waterhouse follows Ida. 1"Ah, that one." 6He stands by the trunk, waiting for Laska.
  34. 06[17:25] * Laska puts the soft cooler in the trunk and drives to the harbor, stopping at a stuffer shack on the way to get beer and snacks
  35. [17:27] <Ida> 6Before they left, Ida helped Waterhouse pack his stuff.
  36. [17:30] <IterationDrive> The harbor's not terribly far away, and it seems Ripley's nearby, ready and waiting.
  37. 06[17:31] * Laska waves to Ripley. "Hi Ripley! We going to get reagents for waterhouse, then boat. I bring beer and snacks, is going to be full day."
  38. 06[17:31] * Waterhouse nods. 1"For you."
  39. [17:33] <IterationDrive> Ripley nods. "Cool." She's hefting a bag herself. "I went and picked up some basic snorkeling gear. It's not diving, but it's what I could afford on short notice, eh?"
  40. 01[17:35] <Laska> "Great, I think everyone ready to go then?"
  41. [17:36] <Ida> <Wore my bathing suit underneath all this, I'm super ready.>
  42. 01[17:37] <Laska> <Good! We off then!>
  43. 06[17:37] * Laska is wearing her bathing suit just casually. This has the side effect of showing off all her vory tattoos.
  44. [17:39] <Waterhouse> "I didn't wear mine, cause it bunches up under the wetsuit and gets annoying."
  45. [17:42] <Ida> "Wait, what? But... What do you wear underneath?"
  46. [17:47] <Waterhouse> "Well, when I would go by myself, nothing. I suppose I could wear swim briefs, but as long as I change where I can't be spotted, it doesn't matter. Wetsuits are pretty comfy, at least mine is."
  47. [17:47] <Ida> "What about, like, chafing?"
  48. [17:50] <Waterhouse> "The inside is a really slick metamaterial, kind of like what professional swimmers use. I think it's based on the same properties dolphin's skin has."
  49. [17:51] <Ida> "Oh. That's cool, man."
  50. 01[17:52] <Laska> "That does sound cool. Ready to board?"
  51. [17:52] <Ida> "I hope you know I'm going to touch it, now."
  52. [17:52] <Waterhouse> "Feel free. And Aye-aye, Cap'n."
  53. 06[17:53] * Waterhouse gets out of the car and starts unloading stuff from the trunk. 1"I've been meaning to ask, Boss, what do al your tattoos mean? I assume they're not just aesthetic things."
  54. 01[17:55] <Laska> "Ah, they not, no. I get them in prison, they mean different things to vory."
  55. 06[17:55] * Laska points at the spider. "This mean I am criminal, face being up means I am active criminal. Retired criminal get them face down."
  56. 06[17:56] * Laska points to the letters on her hand. "This mean that I never be reeducated. Is only tattoo you have to get only if you been in prison or gulag."
  57. 06[17:56] * Laska points to the star. "And this one means I am Vor z Zakone, is sign of rank."
  58. [17:57] <Waterhouse> "What if you retire after getting one? Or come out of retirement for one last job, like in the trids? Or go up in rank? Or down, if that's a thing that can happen?" 6He sets his tanks and BCU on the ground as he talks.
  59. 01[17:57] <Laska> "Normally when retire you get it altered. Good tattoo artist can, or nanotattoo."
  60. 01[17:58] <Laska> "I not know what they do in old days with that tattoo."
  61. 01[17:59] <Laska> "I think I get new tattoo after this job. Is going to be big accomplishment."
  62. [18:01] <Ida> "For normal criminals, maybe. But we're the best, is cakewalk."
  63. 06[18:04] * Waterhouse moves his dive gear up onto the boat and gets his Assaying kit out of the trunk, shouldering the large backpack.
  64. 06[18:05] * Laska moves the cooler and bags of snacks onto the boat as well, a modified fishing trawler. She puts them belowdeck and moves back to the steering wheel, cracking open a beer.
  65. 06[18:07] * Ida goes below deck to grab a beer and take off her outer layer of clothes, coming back above deck in her bikini top and a pair of short-shorts. She cracks open the top and falls into a seat behind Laska, taking a long swig.
  66. [18:16] <IterationDrive> Ripley's gone up to the bridge to peer at it. The engine cranks up with ease, and there's the sound of talking from the top--she's starting to head out, piloting it to see. [What's the coord's we're looking for?] she comms to the group.
  67. 06[18:16] * Waterhouse sets the backpack down in the open stern along with his dive gear and joins the others.
  68. [18:18] <Waterhouse> "For me, or for Laska?"
  69. [18:20] <IterationDrive> [WHichever's first.]
  70. 01[18:21] <Laska> [Waterhouse thing. He send you coordinates.]
  71. 06[18:24] * Waterhouse pulls up some charts on his commlink, studying them for a bit. He tries to pick the least developed bit of coastline he can find, devoid of navigation aids, shipping lanes...not an easy task in this day and age.
  72. [18:28] <IterationDrive> Waterhouse manages to find a place that SHOULD work, after some searching.
  73. [18:29] <Waterhouse> [1 degree, 3 minutes, 44 seconds North. 103 degrees, 48 minutes, 19 seconds East.]
  74. [18:30] <IterationDrive> [Aye aye!] is the reply, and the boat starts a turn. It's not a terribly long trick to the area--an underdeveloped, mostly-wild coastline with little sign of human habitation.
  75. [18:33] <Waterhouse> "Yeah, this should work."
  76. 06[18:33] * Waterhouse gets his wetsuit and heads in to change in one of the cabins.
  77. [18:34] <IterationDrive> Ripley exits the cabin with a nod. [Want a diving partner?]
  78. [18:35] <Waterhouse> [Anyone's welcome to join me, for as long as they like. I don't expect they'll want to stick around for the whole time.]
  79. [18:35] <Ida> "I thought I'd go with for a bit."
  80. 06[18:37] * Waterhouse comes out in his wetsuit, hooking on the rest of his diving gear, then digs into his assaying kit, coming up with a mesh net bag, a small hammer and chisel, and a curved silver knife.
  81. 01[18:37] <Laska> "Anyone who want go can, I stay her and hold down fort."
  82. 06[18:41] * Ida finishes the rest of her beer and slips off her shorts to reveal a matching bikini bottom, a deep blue like her top, before diving over the edge of the boat and into the water.
  83. 06[18:42] * Waterhouse sits on the edge of the fishing trawler and puts in his regulator, pulls down his mask, and gives Laska a thumbs up, then goes over backwards into the water.
  84. 06[18:44] * Ida swims over to Waterhouse and wraps her arms around him, rubbing against the material of his wetsuit, 1"This is what dolphin skin feels like?"
  85. 06[18:46] * Waterhouse takes his regulator out, treading water. 1"Similiar, at least."
  86. 06[18:47] * Ida pushes away grins, diving down into the water.
  87. [18:52] <IterationDrive> Ripley dives in join, and has a fairly good time of things, though she stays near the surface, since she only has snorkeling gear with her.
  88. [18:53] <IterationDrive> Waterhouse spends some time searching, and finds a rather nice-looking rock with an obvious ammonite fossil (complete with imprints of hte tentacles in the surrounding rock) hidden under a small underwater overhang.
  89. 06[18:54] * Waterhouse takes his time carefully removing the fossil from the surrounding rock with his hammer and chisel.
  90. 06[18:57] * Waterhouse returns to the boat with his prize.
  91. 06[18:59] * Laska is snoozing on the deck, beer in hand.
  92. 06[18:59] * Ida kicks back to the surface and pulls herself over the lip of the boat, shaking and wringing her hair out into the water a bit. She rolls over into the boat and grabs her tower, wrapping it arouind her waist and taking a seat in the sun.
  93. 06[19:02] * Waterhouse starts divesting himself of diving and assaying equipment, hosing off the pieces with freshwater. 1"Job's finished, boss."
  94. 06[19:03] * Laska opens her eyes. "Okay, I call Uncle Yuri now."
  95. [19:08] <IterationDrive> Ripley's climbing back up to the boat, having enjoyed herself in the water a fair bit, from the look of hte smile on her face.
  96. 06[19:08] * Laska pulls up her commlink and sends a call.
  97. [19:12] <IterationDrive> Yuri answers after just a moment. "Ah, little Laska! Is good to meet now?"
  98. 01[19:12] <Laska> "Yes Uncle Yuri, we go to coordinates now. See you soon!"
  99. 06[19:14] * Ida scoots over to Ripley and leans a head on her shoulder, eyes closed.
  100. 01[19:14] <Laska> "Okay, I have coordinates for meet. We getting new ship and armor for Ida."
  101. [19:15] <IterationDrive> Ripley smiles lighlty at Ida. "Someone else want to pilot us? Looks like I'm a pillow for now."
  102. 01[19:15] <Laska> "I can pilot us no problem."
  103. 06[19:16] * Laska heads to the bridge to turn the boat to a new heading and go to the meet.
  104. 03[19:17] * Easymode ( has joined #ShadowSundaysIC
  105. 06[19:18] * Waterhouse changes out of his wetsuit, then joins Laska on the bridge.
  106. [19:54] <IterationDrive> It's another few hours drive to the meeting-place--a small, nameless island out in the ocean. A man is set up on the beach there, wearing bathing trunks, smoking a cigar and sipping what looks like vodka. There is a small rowboat on the beach near him.
  107. 01[19:54] <Laska> "Is Uncle Yuri! We get closer now to meet him."
  108. 06[19:55] * Laska drives the boat closer, to where they can hop out into the shallow water.
  109. [19:56] <IterationDrive> Uncle Yuri gives a wave. "Little Laska! Is good to see you again! Yuri has PRESENTS for you and yours!"
  110. 01[19:57] <Laska> "Presents? What kind of presents?" She hops out of the boat into the shallow water, and runs to give the man a hug.
  111. 06[19:57] * Waterhouse hops out of the boat and walks up onto the beach.
  112. [19:59] <IterationDrive> The man returns the hug with a laugh, offering a bottle of vodka to Laska. "First, bottle of vodka. Stole it off of EVO freighter a few days ago." He smirks. "Second," he says, motioning to a nearby box. "Power armor, formerly of ARES. I had tech fit it for your friend based on measurements you gave."
  113. 06[20:00] * Laska takes the bottle and takes a good drink, before handing it back. "Ida, try on power armor to make sure it fits, yes?"
  114. 06[20:01] * Ida has ended up snoozing in Ripley's lap but jerks awake when the boat comes to a stop and Laska calls her name. She sits up and looks around, stretching and yawning. 1"Huh?"
  115. 01[20:04] <Laska> "We are here Ida, I have your power armor on beach!"
  116. [20:05] <Ida> <Nice!>
  117. 06[20:05] * Ida hops out of the boat and rushes down to the beach, looking around, 1"Where?"
  118. 01[20:05] <Laska> <It is! I give him measurements, but check to see that it fits anyway. Over there.> She points to a box
  119. [20:05] <IterationDrive> Yuri taps a nearby box. The lid pops open, and inside... is every criminal's dream.
  120. 06[20:09] * Laska lets Yuri take a drink before handing the bottle to Waterhouse. "Take drink! Is important in meeting of criminals."
  121. 06[20:12] * Ida heads over to the box and crouches down, looking through it. She grins, pulling out the helmet and slipping it on. It's a plain gray, almost like matte steel, affair with no real adornments or customizations; just a simple faceplate and utilitarian design.
  122. 06[20:12] * Ida strikes a joke pose, 1"How I look?"
  123. 01[20:13] <Laska> "Like sexy god of war!"
  124. [20:13] <IterationDrive> Ripley gives Ida a thumbs up and a grin.
  125. 06[20:14] * Waterhouse takes a drink and passes the bottle to Ida, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
  126. [20:19] <IterationDrive> Yuri grins. "Wonderful, wonderful! Now, laska, I think you are wanting other purchase, yes? I get you good boat." He motions over to the rowboat. "Brand new, I get with a bit of help from friend in Cartels!"
  127. 06[20:19] * Laska rolls her eyes. "Ha ha is funny joke. I take new boat and leave you stranded on island then, yes?"
  128. 06[20:20] * Ida takes out the rest of the armor and slips it on, putting on each piece seperately and then sealing them when they have something to connect to. The rest of the armor is similar to the helmet, a matte grey with very little customization to it. Practical, sleek, and deadly. She takes the bottle from Waterhouse and clicks it against the faceplate of her helmet. She offers the
  129. 06[20:20] * Ida vodka to Ripley.
  130. [20:21] <IterationDrive> The older man chuckles as Ripley takes the vodka and swigs it, before passing it along. Yuri nods. "Of course, of course. If you really want to treat good Uncle Yuri like that." He tosses a key fob to Laska. "Here is keys."
  131. 01[20:21] <Laska> "Keys to what?"
  132. [20:21] <IterationDrive> "New boat!"
  133. 01[20:21] <Laska> "You make new boat invisible?"
  134. [20:22] <IterationDrive> "Better! Press call button."
  135. 06[20:22] * Laska looks confused, and pushes the button
  136. [20:23] <IterationDrive> The water off the coast starts to stir... and the conning tower of a submarine breaches the surface. "I got you SUBMARINE!" The old Vory has an utterly shit-eating grin on his face.
  137. 01[20:24] <Laska> "You got me submarine?" The woman looks shocked...then it turns into the biggest smile. "YOU GOT ME SUBMARINE FOR PIRATE EMPIRE!" She just about tackles the man in a hug.
  138. 06[20:25] * Waterhouse looks at the boat sitting offshore, then looks at Ida and Ripley.
  139. [20:25] <IterationDrive> Ripley quirks her head to the side... her mouth open in a gape. Yuri laughs and gives Laska a big, friendly hug. "Is least I could do for my favorite niece, eh, little laska?" He says with a grin. Ripley seems stunned.
  140. 06[20:26] * Ida starts to stretch her limbs within the armor as she starts getting used to the power assited joints. Without noticing anything going on around her, too distracted with her new toy, she starts to run along the beach, pushing the armor.
  141. [20:26] <Waterhouse> "We have a submarine now."
  142. 01[20:26] <Laska> "How you find submarine in my budget?"
  143. [20:27] <IterationDrive> "Ah, well... it was, shall we say, already in the business? Last owner was private man. Had yacht club. Accidentally hit Aztlan drone carrier with sub."
  144. [20:27] <IterationDrive> Ripley glances to waterhouse. "I've always wanted a submarine..."
  145. 01[20:28] <Laska> "Ah, so previous owner not need it anymore." She tosses the keys to Ripley. "You are captain of submarine now. Want to take it for spin?"
  146. [20:29] <IterationDrive> Ripley looks at the key fob, looks at Laska, looks at the key fob again. She makes a sound that can best be called a bright, loud SQUEEEEE and starts wading and swimming out for the submarine.
  147. 06[20:34] * Ida slows to a stop before turning around and running back to the group. She stops at the waterline of the beach, looking out at the submarine, and turns to face Waterhouse, 1<What?>
  148. [20:34] <Waterhouse> <We have a submarine now.>
  149. 06[20:36] * Ida looks back out to the submarine.
  150. 06[20:37] * Laska looks like a kid on christmas, just absolutely giddy
  151. [20:37] <Ida> <Wow. Uncle Yuri is the best.>
  152. 01[20:37] <Laska> <He is best uncle all years. I knew this all along but it even more sure now."
  153. 06[20:38] * Waterhouse nods. 1<Today is a good day.>
  154. [20:38] <IterationDrive> Yuri grins. <I try, I try. Am glad you are all enjoying it! Especially pretty girl swimming out there now.>
  155. 01[20:39] <Laska> <I have to make calls now to get everything set up to keep, but today is good day and tomorrow even better.>
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