
Gibdo BA Timer

Mar 6th, 2015
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  1. 149 + 80n <= wrong warp <= 149 + 80n + 15 (secs)
  2. (i guess it's actually "80.x" not "80")
  3. (2:29, 3:49, 5:09?, 6:30?, 7:50?, 9:10?, 10:31?, 11:51?, 13:12, 14:32?...?)
  5. 0:34-0:35 1st day
  6. 0:36-0:52 2nd day
  7. 0:53-1:08 3rd day
  8. 1:09-1:24 4th day? infinite
  9. 1:25-1:40? moon crash
  10. 1:41-1:56? moon crash
  11. 1:57-2:12? moon crash
  12. 2:13-2:28? moon crash
  13. 2:29-2:44 wrong warp
  14. 2:45-3:00? moon crash?
  15. 3:01-3:16? moon crash?
  16. 3:17-3:32? moon crash?
  17. 3:33-3:48? moon crash?
  18. 3:49-4:04 wrong warp (3:49 and 4:04 worked. 3:48 and 4:05 didn't work.)
  19. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. 5:09-5:24? wrong warp (5:20 worked)
  21. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. 6:30-6:45? wrong warp (6:40 worked)
  23. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. 7:50-8:05? wrong warp (8:00 worked)
  25. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. 9:10-9:25? wrong warp
  27. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. 10:31-10:46? wrong warp (10:31 worked)
  29. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. 11:51-12:06? wrong warp
  31. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. 13:12-13:27 wrong warp (13:12 and JUST 13:27 worked. 13:11 and LITTLE LATE 13:27 didn't work.)
  33. .....
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