
Cherche/Tiki C-S

Jan 7th, 2017
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  1. C-Support
  3. Tiki: Hello, Cherche.
  4. Cherche: Ah, good afternoon, Tiki. How may I help you?
  5. Tiki: Oh, I don't need anything. I just wanted to see what everyone was up to.
  6. Cherche: Well, I suppose what I'm doing isn't too interesting, then.
  7. Tiki: It looks like...sharpening axes?
  8. Cherche: Indeed. We all need to be in top form for the battles ahead, and that includes keeping our arms at their best. I must be able to protect our allies when the time comes.
  9. Tiki: How reliable. It would seem Minerva's trust in you isn't misplaced.
  10. Cherche: Oh? You spoke to Minerva?
  11. Tiki: Oh, yes. Your partner is quite the conversationalist.
  12. Cherche: My, my—you can understand her?
  13. Tiki: Certainly. Dragonkin and wyverns aren't so different, after all.
  14. Tiki: I...hope you don't mind.
  15. Cherche: Gods, not at all! Truthfully, I'm relieved she has someone else to chat with; most of the army seems to keep their distance around her.
  16. Cherche: Not that you need my permission; Minerva IS a free wyvern, after all.
  17. Tiki: Thank you, Cherche. She's a delight to speak to.
  18. Cherche: And I'm sure she thinks the same of you.
  20. B Support
  22. Cherche: My, that took longer than I expected. I certainly hope Minerva hasn’t missed me too much. ...Hm? Is that...another voice I hear...?
  23. Tiki: Oh, no, it’s quite possible. Manaketes and wyverns are more close than you think. When I was a child, manaketes were even able to become wyverns. ... You needn’t look so skeptical, Minerva, I wouldn’t lie about something like this. There were many tribes of dragonkin in those days—
  24. [Minerva roars]
  25. Tiki: Minerva, interrupting is rude, you know. Unless...?
  26. Cherche: I may be the cause of that.
  27. Tiki: Oh, Cherche! I’m sorry, I didn’t even hear you approaching.
  28. Cherche: My apologizes, I should have said something sooner. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.
  29. Tiki: No, no, that’s quite alright. Minerva and I were just discussing possibility of us being very distant relatives.
  30. Cherche: ...beg pardon?
  31. Tiki: Of course, I do mean VERY distant. But it is possible. As I mentioned to Minerva, manaketes were members of the wyvern tribes as well.
  32. Cherche: What do you mean by ‘were’?
  33. Tiki: ...
  34. Cherche: Oh. I didn’t mean to dredge up any dark memories—
  35. Tiki: No, it’s fine. The manakete of the wyvern tribe have long since been lost to the sands to time.
  36. Cherche: May I ask what happened?
  37. Tiki: Eons ago, the manakete tribes slowly lost themselves, their minds becoming more animalistic. The elders of the tribes came together and decided that, in order for our race to live on, we should split our being into two. This is why we wield our Dragonstones—they house our dragon forms and allow us to use them, while letting us maintain some semblance of humanity.
  38. Cherche: ...I see.
  39. Tiki: The wyverns were a proud tribe. But that proudness was their undoing. Many of them refused to give up their dragon forms, and over time they became feral, losing their human forms entirely.
  40. Cherche: Is that why you say you and Minerva may be distantly related? That these manaketes became the race of wyverns we know today?
  41. Tiki: It’s quite likely. Just because they can no longer take a human form doesn’t mean that their descendants is any less dragonkin. Feral or not, Minerva’s quite wise for a dragon of any tribe.
  42. [Minerva roars]
  43. Cherche: My, I haven’t seen Minerva this happy in quite some time. I would say she’s grown to really enjoy your company.
  44. Tiki: And I, hers. Isn’t that right, Minerva?
  45. [Minerva roars]
  46. Tiki: Ahh, your tongue’s too rough! I know you’re happy, but not my cheek…!
  47. Cherche: Hee hee.
  49. A Support
  51. Cherche: Minerva, I’ve brought your breakfast! I do hope you’re in the mood for—oh. Tiki, good morning.
  52. Tiki: Hello, Cherche. I hope I didn’t startle you.
  53. Cherche: I must admit, I didn’t expect to see another soul in the stable so early. But you’re certainly welcome.
  54. Cherche: Though I am curious, why are you here so early?
  55. Tiki: Er. Well, I.
  56. Tiki: I may have spent the night.
  57. Cherche: Spent the night?
  58. Tiki: Minerva and I got so caught up in our conversation that I didn’t even realize how late it was. I must have dozed off, but Minerva didn’t seem to mind.
  59. Cherche: I’m sure she didn’t. You seem to have taken quite a shine to each other.
  60. Tiki: Hee hee. She’s like a little sister of sorts.
  61. Cherche: A little sister...? Oh, that's right.
  62. Tiki: Hm?
  63. Cherche: Somehow it always slips my mind that you’re not as young as you appear. Compared to you, Minerva is but a mere babe.
  64. Tiki: Are you calling me an old maid, Cherche?
  65. Cherche: No, of course not! I would never be so rude—
  66. Tiki: No need to get flustered, I was only kidding.
  67. Tiki: But you’re right. The lifespan of manaketes far extends those of humans and wyverns.
  68. Tiki: ...
  69. Cherche: Tiki? Are you alright?
  70. Tiki: Yes, I-i... I’m fine. Just ruminating on the past.
  71. Cherche: To live as long as you... You’ve lost people you were close to, haven’t you? Humans, I mean.
  72. Tiki: Of course.
  73. Cherche: And yet you join us. You form friendships with us. Knowing how limited our time together is.
  74. Tiki: ...
  75. Cherche: Why? Would it not be easier to distance yourself? Our lives are only a drop in a bucket compared to your own.
  76. Tiki: It almost sounds as if you WANT me to stay away from you.
  77. Cherche: Heavens, no, not at all. I just find it... I suppose it’s just difficult for me to wrap my head around, that’s all.
  78. Tiki: I won’t deny the disparity between our lifespans. But to avoid humans entirely... That’s something I simply cannot do.
  79. Cherche: But doesn't it hurt?
  80. Tiki: Of course it does. To no longer feel the touch of a warm hand, to no longer see a familiar smile...
  81. Tiki: But I suppose that's not exactly true. Lives are fleeting, but the memories made live on.
  82. Cherche: ...
  83. Tiki: Even if one's physical form is gone, the memories I've made with them never disappear. And I treasure them greatly. So, in a way, they've never truly left me.
  84. Cherche: I...I see.
  85. Tiki: Ah... I suppose our conversation took a grim turn.
  86. Cherche: I apologize, Tiki, it wasn't my intention—
  87. Tiki: No need, it's quite alright.
  88. Tiki: Though I suppose I must ask now.
  89. Cherche: Ask what?
  90. Tiki: Would you permit me to make some memories with you?
  91. Cherche: ...Memories?
  92. Tiki: I’ve come to consider both you and Minerva as friends. I've spent quite a bit of time with Minerva, but not with you. I want to make sure that I have something of you to hold onto. Maybe not something tangible, but...something.
  93. Tiki: I suppose what I'm asking is, may I spend some time with you?
  94. Cherche: Tiki. You don't need to ask for something like that. I would be more than happy to spend time with you.
  95. Tiki: Wonderful! There's a lovely spot I found a few days back that I'm sure you and Minerva would love.
  96. Tiki: Oh, I have an idea. You've seen the world astride Minerva, but I doubt you've seen it from the back of a manakete. Perhaps we can remedy that!
  97. Cherche: Riding on...your back?
  98. Tiki: Mm-hmm!
  99. Cherche: Are you...quite sure?
  100. Tiki: Certainly! Oh, you needn’t worry—I’ll be sure to keep you safe. We’ll keep any daredevil stunts to a minimum. And I’m sure Minerva wouldn't mind sharing you, would she?
  101. [Minerva roars]
  102. Cherche: It DOES sound like she's alright with the arrangement...
  103. Tiki: Then it's settled! Let’s go make some memories!
  105. S Support
  107. Cherche: I honestly don’t know if I could go through with it.
  108. [Minerva cries out]
  109. Cherche: This is quite serious, Minerva. This isn’t something to be taken lightly, you know.
  110. Tiki: What isn't to be taken lightly?
  111. Cherche: O-oh! Tiki! When did you arrive?
  112. Tiki: Only a moment ago.
  113. Tiki: My, what an expression. I don't think I've ever seen you flustered before. I wonder what's gotten you all pink in the cheeks.
  114. Cherche: I-i—!
  115. Tiki: Hee hee, I'm only joking, Cherche. Ah, good day, Minerva.
  116. [Minerva roars]
  117. Tiki: Have you done something to poor Cherche? Naughty girl, you shouldn’t mess with your friend so.
  118. Cherche: She... She hasn’t done anything.
  119. Tiki: Your expression would say otherwise.
  120. Cherche: I... I suppose you’re right.
  121. Cherche: A bit of lighthearted...teasing.
  122. Tiki: Teasing? Over what?
  123. Cherche: Nothing serious.
  124. Tiki: You just said it was QUITE serious.
  125. Cherche: ...!
  126. Tiki: Goodness, now I’M doing the teasing. I’m sorry, Cherche. But I couldn’t resist.
  127. Tiki: Though, if there’s something you’d like to discuss, I’m happy to lend an ear. If it’s something I can help with—
  128. Cherche: Actually, it is.
  129. Tiki: Oh? Well, how may I help?
  130. Cherche: I...I need advice.
  131. Tiki: Go on.
  132. Cherche: There is someone I’m...quite fond of.
  133. Cherche: They are wise, strong, and braver than anyone I’ve ever known. Whenever I’m around them, I feel...something. Something warm and bright. And I feel at peace. Completely at peace.
  134. Cherche: And I fear that this feeling may be love.
  135. Tiki: Why do you fear it?
  136. Cherche: Because I do not know if they feel the same as I.
  137. Tiki: Cherche. You needn’t worry.
  138. Cherche: What do you mean?
  139. Tiki: I assure you, she feels the same way.
  140. Cherche: Beg pardon? I—
  141. Cherche: I never specified a gender.
  142. Tiki: Oh... I-i suppose you didn’t.
  143. Cherche: How are you so sure it’s a she?
  144. Tiki: Ah... A, um, little birdy told me.
  145. [Minerva roars]
  146. Tiki: ...little wyvern.
  147. Cherche: Minerva! I told you that in confidence!
  148. Tiki: If it’s any consolation, it slipped out on accident. She meant no harm.
  149. Cherche: Even so...!
  150. Tiki: Didn’t you hear me? I said she feels the same.
  151. Cherche: ...she, ah. She does?
  152. Tiki: Indeed.
  153. Cherche: Even if I’m fated to leave her far earlier than I would like?
  154. Tiki: She would cherish every memory you shared with her.
  155. Cherche: You know what you’re agreeing to, yes?
  156. Tiki: Do not think me a fool, Cherche. I know exactly what i’m doing. And I do not regret it.
  157. Cherche: I was hoping for a better time to do this, but perhaps this IS the right time.
  158. Cherche: I...I’ve fallen in love with you, Tiki. And if you would have me, I would gladly spend every moment of the rest of my life with you.
  159. Tiki: There is nothing that I would want more.
  160. Cherche: Then, if you’d accept this...
  161. Tiki: Oh, my. What...a beautiful ring.
  162. Cherche: A symbol of my promise to you. My heart is yours for all of my days.
  163. Tiki: And I vow to love you for all of MY days.
  164. Tiki: Now, let us make some new memories. wives.
  165. Cherche: I could think of nothing I’d love more!
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