
Anon the Valet III

Nov 6th, 2014
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  1. >You plan on sitting in your chair for a while.
  2. >You're not sure you could move if you tried, anyway.
  3. >Celestia sucked you dry. Literally.
  4. >She sits back on the floor, content.
  5. >She doesn't even bother with fixing her dress.
  6. >You approve of the view.
  7. >It's also pretty clear by now that Celestia's bronze tan is uniform over her entire body.
  8. >Tan lines wouldn't really fit with the Princess of the Sun, would they?
  9. >It suits her, though, and provides a nice contrast with the white dress.
  10. >Or what's left of it.
  11. >The way she sits there is a view you could get used to.
  12. >Hush, Anon, you just got done.
  13. >Not that you couldn't bridge the time returning the favor, so to speak.
  14. >"Celestia?"
  15. >"Hmm?" She looks up to you.
  16. >"Would you like me to, ah, return the favor?"
  17. >"Oh, I'd love nothing more." Celestia gets up and removes her dress entirely.
  18. >You have now had both royal sisters standing in front of you stark naked, beckoning you to service them.
  19. >You lucky dog, you.
  20. >Celestia settles down on the edge of her bed.
  21. >"Come here, Anon."
  22. >You oblige.
  23. >The moment you kneel down and Celestia opens her legs for you, someone knocks.
  24. >You bite back a curse.
  25. >"Your Highness?", a voice asks.
  26. >"I am getting dressed," Celestia shouts. "What is it?"
  27. >She's good. Her voice sounds only a little annoyed.
  28. >"Your sister sent a messenger. The delegation will arrive any moment!"
  29. >Right, there was that diplomacy thing.
  30. >"Thank you. I'll be in the courtyard as soon as I can," Celestia answers.
  31. >She sighs. "It looks like we'll have to postpone this, Anon."
  32. >"That's a shame," you say. "Weren't they supposed to arrive in the evening?"
  33. >"They were," she says. "Something must have come up."
  34. >She gets up and walks over to her closet.
  35. >You get up as well and recover your pants.
  36. >"I should probably get going," you say. "Might look strange if we walk out of here together.
  37. >Celestia giggles. "It might. Until later, Anon."
  38. >"See ya, Celestia."
  40. >You grumble to yourself all the way downstairs.
  41. >Stupid diplomats with their stupid timing.
  42. >It probably was Luna's idea, just to screw with everyone's plans.
  43. >Either that, or Shining Armor couldn't wait to see his old workplace again.
  44. >It would fit with what you know of him.
  45. >You'll probably hear about it after the guests have settled in.
  46. >Or during dinner, where you'll probably get to be the cupbearer or something.
  47. >You have a feeling the visit is going to be a busy week.
  48. >You'll have to look out for opportunities to /relax/.
  49. >You never know when the royal sisters might need some help with that, after all.
  51. >You find your place in the courtyard with the other servants, off to the side.
  52. >You ignore the gleeful whispers coming from your former comrades when they spot former Private Anon.
  53. >A few minutes later, Celestia appears.
  54. >She's wearing a different dress by now.
  55. >It really is slightly shorter, if still formal.
  56. >She takes her place in front of the honor guard just as the gates open.
  57. >The delegation pours in, headed by Shining Armor and his wife. Luna is riding right behind them.
  58. >Hey, you've seen her around. Never caught her name, but you remember the pretty face and the fancy hair.
  59. >You clasp your hands behind your back and silently enjoy not having to wear a cuirass in the early afternoon heat.
  60. >There is the usual protocol: Lots of bowing, shaking hands and saluting.
  61. >When the ceremony is complete, the rank and file trudges off towards their quarters, while the assorted royals lapse into a less formal conversation.
  62. >You're about to leave, but Luna waves you over.
  63. >"Your Majesties." You bow to the group of rulers. "How may I be of service?"
  64. >"We'll show our guests to their chambers, Anon," Luna says. "The road has been long and dry, we don't want to keep them waiting."
  65. >"If you would please ensure that their luggage arrives as well?"
  66. >"Gladly."
  67. >Two servants carrying a ton of trunks, suitcases and chests appear behind the visitors.
  68. >You wave them over.
  69. >The royals set off towards the palace doors, while you take the smaller doors intended for mere mortals.
  73. >The servants don't talk much, and neither do you.
  74. >It's mostly complaining about the princess and her propensity to pack what appears to be lead bricks.
  75. >You get the hint and take one of the suitcases.
  76. >It's the smallest one though, because do you outrank them after all.
  77. >Despite that, it'S rather heavy and something rattles inside it each time you set your foot down.
  78. >After a short hike up the stairs, you arrive at your destination.
  79. >Luna, Celestia and their visitors are already there, awaiting the luggage.
  80. >"See, Cadance?", Luna says. "I told you he's a hard worker."
  81. >Cadance. That's her name.
  82. >Well, you can't keep calling her Crystal Hottie the whole time.
  83. >She seems to be about Shining Armor's age, which places her somewhere between you and the sisters.
  84. >You set down the stupid case and open the door.
  85. >Cadence and her husband follow you inside.
  86. >"Pretty," she says. "You shouldn't have, Celestia."
  87. >"Oh, it was no trouble," she says. "Our guests deserve only the best."
  88. >The servants that followed you drop the luggage inside the room and disappear immediately.
  89. >Jackasses.
  90. >They even left the suitcase you carried outside.
  91. >You sigh and haul it inside.
  92. >"Please be careful with that," Cadance says. "There are some delicate pieces in there."
  93. >"Of course, your Highness," you say. "I'm sorry." Your back doesn't want you to apologize.
  94. >"You brought that?", Shining Armor says. He seems reserved about it. "Why?"
  95. >"We've had a stressful week, darling," his wife replies. "I just need to blow off some steam, that's all."
  96. >He sighs. "I understand."
  97. >"Oh, you'll have everything you need to relax," Luna says. "We'll see to that."
  99. >Is there anyone in this castle who isn't stressed?
  100. >You set down the suitcase and undo the latch.
  101. >Before you can open it wider than a crack, Cadance puts her hand on yours.
  102. >"Please don't," she says. "I'll take care of it."
  103. >You shrug. No skin off your back.
  104. >Maybe it's a /special/ suitcase.
  105. >"We'll let you settle in," Celestia says. "See you at dinner."
  106. >You leave the royal visitors to themselves.
  107. >You keep a respectful distance to Celestia and Luna while walking, by which you mean "enough to let you stare at both of their butts without effort."
  108. >"I can't wait for dinner," Celestia says. "I kind of forgot to have lunch."
  109. >"You shouldn't have checked on everything yourself, Tia," Luna says. "One of these days, you're going to starve yourself by accident."
  110. >"Oh, I had Anon prepare me a quick snack," Celestia says.
  111. >You do not gulp. At all.
  112. >"Had you, now." Luna sounds amused. "I didn't know you could cook, Anon."
  113. >"Home recipe," you say. "Not that complicated." Calm breaths, Anon.
  114. >"Oh, but very nutricious," Celestia says. "I think I'll have it again sometime."
  116. >"You're too kind, your Highness," you say. Dammit, who made your collar this tight?
  117. >"It sounds delicious." Luna smirks at you. "I think you'll have to make some for me sometime."
  118. >You choke out something like "Gladly" and focus on walking.
  119. >A few minutes later, you reach the corridor containing the sisters' respective rooms.
  120. >Celestia excuses herself, leaving you and Luna in the hallway.
  121. >You bow to her and turn to leave.
  122. >"Anon? A word."
  123. >Oh. Well, that would've been to easy, wouldn't it?
  124. >You follow Luna into her chambers.
  125. >She kicks off her shoes and sits down on the bed, rubbing her feet.
  126. >"These things are going to be the death of me someday."
  127. >You clear your throat. "I got your letter."
  128. >"Oh, did you? I was worried it wouldn't arrive in time."
  129. >"Well, from what Celestia told me, you seem to have followed my instructions."
  130. >"Of course, your Highness."
  131. >She giggles. "We're behind closed doors, Anon. Luna is fine."
  132. >"What exactly did she tell you, Luna?"
  133. >"Only that you were both capable and courteous." A twinkle is in her eyes. "Oh, and she told me about the banner accident."
  134. >"Oh," you say. "That."
  135. >"Yes, that." Luna leans back a little.
  136. >So there was no direct mention of your reward from Celestia. You wonder how Luna would react.
  137. >"Anon, could you do me a favor?"
  139. >"Uh, sure."
  140. >Luna pulls up her dress, revealing her lovely pale legs.
  141. >Oh, that kind of favor.
  142. >You open the first button of your shirt.
  143. >"The massage you gave me last night felt so good..."
  144. >Her voice does that husky thing again.
  145. >You step closer, licking your lips.
  146. >"Do you think you could massage my feet?"
  147. >The thrill you felt crumbles into dust.
  148. >You must have done something wrong in a past life to deserve this.
  149. >Like, a genocide at very least.
  150. >However, Luna is still looking at you with an expression somewhere between glee and wickedness.
  151. >You can't bring yourself to say no.
  152. >Kneeling down, you comfort yourself with the thought of starting with her foot and maybe, just maybe, continuing upwards.
  153. >You take one of her feet in your hands.
  154. >So far, it felt strange to you to describe a foot as "slender" or "graceful", but in Luna's case, it somehow fits.
  155. >You start with the toes, kneading each one slowly between thumb and forefinger.
  156. >Luna twitches occasionally.
  157. >You continue, and when you get to the edge of her sole, the twitches grow more intense.
  158. >You pause, grinning.
  159. >"You're ticklish."
  161. >"I am not," she huffs. "Continue."
  162. >Sure she isn't. You try again, brushing against the inside of her foot with your thumb.
  163. >She jerks away again.
  164. >"Do it properly, Anon!"
  165. >"I am doing that," you say. "Not my fault if you can't handle me."
  166. >Oh, her eyes light up at that.
  167. >"My, that sounds like a challenge, Anon. Bring it."
  168. >You continue, trying different spots.
  169. >Luna keeps up valiantly, but the occasional flinch betrays her.
  170. >Eventually, you decide to switch to her other foot.
  171. >It occurs to you that it's somewhere out of sight.
  172. >Oh.
  173. >Oooh.
  174. >That's where it is.
  175. >She uses the opening you have given her and pushes you to the ground.
  176. >You're lying on your back, but don't risk moving.
  177. >Luna definitely has the advantage right now.
  178. >She raises the pressure the tiniest bit, and against your expectations, it does pleasant things to you.
  179. >"Really, Anon. Torturing your princess like that."
  180. >A wolfish grin settles on her face.
  181. >"How rude. I think I'll have to remind you who's in charge here."
  182. >Her foot moves in a slow circle, making you draw in a sharp breath.
  183. >"See? You're mine."
  184. >She smacks her lips.
  185. >"To do with as I please..."
  187. >She takes her foot off of you, dragging it off to the side.
  188. >There's no time for you to sit up, however, as Luna drops on all fours.
  189. >Her knees are beside your hips, her hands beside your head.
  190. >She's hovering only inches above you.
  191. >If you lifted your head, you could probably pull down her dress with your teeth.
  192. >"Do you understand who's in control, Anon?", she says, voice low.
  193. >You nod.
  194. >"Say it, Anon. Tell me who's in charge."
  195. >She's lowering herself down further. You can see how flushed her face and chest are, feel her hot breath on you.
  196. >"You are," you croak.
  197. >"And what can I do with you?"
  198. >She punctuates that by grinding against you. You jerk involuntarily.
  199. >"W-whatever you want."
  200. >"Precisely."
  201. >"Now, as to what I am going to actually do...Do you have any ideas?"
  202. >You're this close to begging her. Anything for sweet, sweet release.
  203. >Luna jerks her head up, looking surprised.
  204. >"Good heavens, look at the time! I should be getting ready for tonight!"
  205. >She jumps up and leaves you groaning on the floor.
  206. >"Nobody likes a sore loser, Anon."
  207. >You're not sure if you ever had anything to lose, but something is definitely sore.
  208. >"Go on now, you need to be in formal attire at the feast tonight."
  209. >"I don't even have a room," you manage to say.
  210. >"Go down the hallway, last door on the left. They should have one ready for you. You can go, I'll take care of myself."
  211. >She literally walks over you, lengthwise. The hem of her dress drags across your face.
  212. >In the short moment when she's stepping over you, you realize Luna must have been enjoying herself very much.
  213. >No wonder she wears dark dresses.
  214. >You comfort yourself with that image as you head for your room, weak in the knees.
  216. >You enter your new home and flop down on the bed.
  217. >Its softness does little to calm you down.
  218. >You get up and walk through the door on the other end of the room, into a little bathroom.
  219. >You splash some cold water in your face and look in the mirror.
  220. >Nope, still not better.
  221. >Cold shower it is.
  222. >A few minutes later, you emerge shivering, but you can think straight again.
  223. >You kind of walked into that one, you think.
  224. >What you know of Luna so far should've told you what she had in mind.
  225. >There's no way she's going to let you live this down.
  226. >Payback it is.
  228. >You get dressed. There is in fact another uniform in your closet, with a slightly different, more elegant cut.
  229. >Nothing to do but twiddle thumbs until dinner, you guess.
  231. >After a short dinner in the servants' mess, you stand at attention next to the drink table in the Great Hall.
  232. >Said table is curving under the weight of what looks like every expensive drink under the sun.
  233. >The guests arrive. The platform you're waiting on is reserved for the royalty, while the lower tables are for the rest of the delegation.
  234. >Celestia enters first, in a stunning white gown, followed by Luna in dark blue.
  235. >Mmm, strapless.
  236. >After them, Shining Armor and Cadance arrive.
  237. >Your expensive tux feels a bit shabby next to his dress uniform.
  238. >You're not sure what is going on with Cadance's dress, except that it's pink and works wonders on her hips.
  239. >As soon as everyone is seated, the waiters start carrying in the first course.
  240. >You walk over to the table as well and bow.
  241. >"May I serve you a drink?"
  242. >Everyone agrees on some antique wine you can't pronounce.
  243. >You open the bottle and begin filling the glasses.
  244. >You start with Luna on the right, who apparently wants to tell you something, but changes her mind at the last second.
  245. >You walk over to Celestia - does she have any clothes without a plunging neckline? - and pour again.
  246. >Cadance is next. You tilt the bottle a little too quickly this time, staining the tablecloth.
  247. >"So sorry, your Highness," you say and start wiping up the accident.
  248. >"Oh, it's fine," Cadance says, smiling.
  249. >"Forgive Anon," Celestia says. "He's new at this job."
  250. >"Is that so?", Cadance says. "
  251. >"Wait a minute. Anon? I know that name."
  252. >Oh goody, Shining Armor is in the process of recognizing you.
  253. >Quick, distract him. Ask him to count to ten, or something.
  254. >"We've served together for half a year, Sir," you say.
  255. >"Right, right! Back in the guards," he says as you fill his glass. "Those were the times. Oh, and by the way, technically it's 'your Majesty' now."
  256. >"I'll keep that in mind. Sir."
  259. >You retreat back to your beverages before he can challenge you to a duel.
  260. >A quick peek around tells you noone is watching you.
  261. >You grab a glass and a bottle of something amber-colored, pour and drink.
  262. >Anon the outlaw, oh yeah.
  263. >It doesn't even burn going down. That's some good stuff.
  264. >Cadance waves you over. Has she already finished that glass of wine?
  265. >"Please, may I have some more?" She holds her glass out to you.
  266. >Quite the party girl, are we.
  267. >Oh well, this is probably like a vacation to her.
  268. >You pour dutifully and retreat again.
  269. >"Anon," Luna whispers as you pass.
  270. >"Yes?"
  271. >"We need to talk. After the party, my room."
  272. >You raise an eyebrow.
  273. >"Oh, don't be like that. I promise it'll be worth your time."
  275. >You're back at your table.
  276. >Should have brought a chair, Anon.
  277. >As it is, you can only shift your weight from one foot to the other and wait until someone needs another drink.
  278. >The meal is into its second course by now, something seafood-based.
  279. >You hope noone asks you what drink goes with that.
  280. >Celestia waves you over. "A glass of the sparkling wine for each of us, please."
  281. >You get the corresponding bottle and walk back to Celestia.
  282. >The stupid cork is stuck.
  283. >Oh no, you will not fail at opening a damned bottle in front of the entire hall and two very nubile princesses.
  284. >Well, three, technically.
  285. >You're already at Celestia's seat, but it's still stuck.
  286. >You keep pulling with all your might.
  287. >Thankfully, she doesn't notice your struggle.
  288. >Instead, she puts a hand on your arm.
  289. >"By the way, Anon? After we're done here, I'll need you in my room. For practice."
  290. >The moment she says it, the cork pops out and froth shoots out of the bottle.
  291. >Luna and Celestia try to hold their giggling back, but Cadance is just shaking with laughter.
  292. >"Did you see- Right when she touched him?"
  293. >After providing everyone with a drink, there's still a tiny bit left in the bottle.
  294. >You try to fix your wounded pride with that.
  295. >Why is it always you?
  298. >The rest of the meal goes relatively well.
  299. >Sometime between courses five and eight, an ensemble has started playing soft string music.
  300. >The waiters are cleaning away the last plates (cake, approximately ten layers).
  301. >Everyone seems content, if slightly tipsy.
  302. >Including you.
  303. >"One more round," you hear Cadance say. "For Twily. She deserves it."
  304. >"When's she supposed to arrive, anyway?" Shining Armor's crisp Academy pronunciation has suffered somewhat. "She wrote me she'd be here."
  305. >"She'll be here within a few days," Celestia says.
  306. >"Apparently something came up in Ponyville," Luna says. "Something always does."
  307. >"Too true," Cadance says. "Anon, one glass of Dragonsbreath for everyone!"
  308. >You oblige.
  309. >"Why don't you have one?", she asks. "Drink with us, I insist!"
  310. >"Your Highness, I shouldn't."
  311. >"Nonsense. Luna, tell him."
  312. >"Anon, pour yourself a glass and drink with us to the health of a good friend."
  313. >Well, how often do you get an order to drink?
  314. >Except after passing boot camp, that is.
  315. >You pour yourself a glass. Everyone raises theirs and mutters "to Twilight Sparkle", so you do the same.
  316. >Dragonsbreath, man. It's the good stuff.
  317. >Shining Armor coughs once. He looks very tired all of a sudden.
  318. >"You were one of the guards, Anon, right?", Cadance asks.
  319. >"Only a Private, your Majesty," you say.
  320. >"You're going to have to tell me about that sometime. I'm sure you have some stories to tell."
  321. >"Not more than your husband, I'm sure."
  322. >"Oh, but different ones. Shiny tends to go on a lot about his underlings and how incompetent some of them..." She looks at you. "Sorry."
  323. >You laugh. "No worries. Everybody complains about everbody else in the guard."
  324. >Except you're actually right when you do it.
  325. >"You're right, though. I mean, we non-officers actually have to work."
  326. >Why has no one invented a verbal backspace yet?
  327. >Thankfully, Cadance laughs. "I see. I can't wait to hear your stories, Anon."
  329. >Soon after, the four royals leave the hall.
  330. >At the top of the stairs, good nights are wished, and Cadance and Shining Armor leave in one direction while you and the princesses continue in the other.
  331. >"Good night, Anon!" They say it simultaneously.
  332. >You smile at them. "Good night, your majesties."
  333. >Before you turn to walk into your room, you get one conspiratory wink each.
  334. >Oh boy.
  336. >Inside your room, you lay down on the bed.
  337. >You've just gained new appreciation for the term "quandary".
  338. >You should probably figure out what to do.
  339. >Neither of them knows the other has plans with you.
  340. >Luna wants to do who-knows-what with - or more likely /to/ - you.
  341. >You know what Celestia wants.
  342. >Besides, if Luna wants you so bad, she can stand to wait a bit.
  343. >Maybe you'll get farther with Celestia this time.
  344. >Even if you won't, it's still going to be enjoyable.
  345. >Well, that settles it. Celestia's room it is.
  347. >You knock, she opens.
  348. >Celestia looks up and down the hall.
  349. >"Subtle, your Majesty."
  350. >"Hush. Get in here."
  351. >You're not used to that tone from her, but you like it.
  352. >Celestia pulls you inside and closes the door behind you.
  353. >She doesn't even let go, but pulls you in for a kiss.
  354. >And what a kiss it is. Fiery, voracious, hungry.
  355. >Someone needs it bad.
  356. >You kiss her back just as intensely.
  357. >She drags you over to her bed, ripping off your shirt, and throws you down on it.
  358. >Next, she practically jumps on top of you, tearing off her dress.
  359. >She's still nude beneath it.
  360. >You kiss her again, her on top, you below, keeping her squeezed against your chest.
  361. >Your tongues dance. Celestia's hand tears at your waistband.
  362. >You comply.
  363. >Reluctantly, you let her break the kiss, but she has her goals set.
  364. >"I've been thinking about this, you know," she says, growling.
  365. >"All day. Everytime you passed me during dinner."
  366. >"I want you, Anon."
  368. >What can you possibly say to that?
  369. >Celestia gives you the most wicked grin you've ever seen on her and slides down your body.
  370. >She eyes your length, with nothing but raw need this time.
  371. >"Oh yes," she says. "Exactly what's been on my mind all day."
  372. >There's no hesitation this time. She takes you in her mouth, all at once.
  373. >You can feel her tongue toying with you, exploring you.
  374. >She uses her hands as well, squeezing, stroking.
  375. >You revel in her warmth.
  376. >Celestia lets go with a wet sucking sound and a moan.
  377. >She uses just her hands for a few moments, fingers dancing up and down your shaft.
  378. >She adds tongue, slowly at first, then more eagerly.
  379. >And then she is all over you again.
  380. >In that moment, the door opens.
  381. >"Hey, Tia, have you seen..."
  382. >"ANON?"
  385. >You're dead. You are SO dead.
  386. >"Tia?"
  387. >"Luna?"
  388. >"This isn't what it looks like!"
  389. >That one was you.
  390. >Luna stands in the doorway wrapped in her nightgown, stunned.
  391. >Yeah, this isn't what it looks like, Luna.
  392. >You did not just witness your dear sister blowing the man you have been toying with the last two days.
  393. >The man you expected to show up at your doorstep right about now.
  394. >She walks into the room as if in a trance.
  395. >"You've been-"
  396. >"It just happened, sister!", Celestia says, gathering her cast-off dress around her. "It was just...Anon and I, we /clicked/ thing led to another and..."
  397. >"I can see, Celestia," Luna says. "Did you think you could hide this from me, Anon?"
  398. >"Hide it from you? What is she talking about, Anon?"
  399. >Uh oh.
  400. >"You see, Celestia, the thing is, uhm."
  401. >Luna interrupts you. "Yesterday night? Anon and I, we fucked. Like rabbits."
  402. >"I wanted to fuck him again right now."
  403. >You are SO dead. The murderer changed, though.
  405. >"Is that true, Anon?"
  406. >"Uhm," you say. That's about the best defense you can come up with.
  407. >"Why didn't you tell me?"
  408. >"What should I have said? 'Please don't, I've had a one-night stand with your sister'?"
  409. >"Why didn't you tell /me/? I was first!"
  410. >"You told me to take care of your sister!"
  411. >You give up. You just put your head in your hands and await your sentence.
  412. >Wait.
  413. >Are they...laughing?
  414. >"Let's stop torturing him, Tia. I think we gave him a heart attack."
  415. >"Well, your timing was unbelievable."
  416. >You look up into two faces that are not mad at all anymore.
  417. >"You told each other?"
  418. >They giggle.
  419. >"Well," Luna starts,"not at first."
  420. >"But today, after you went to your room..."
  421. >"I talked to Luna about it, and then it all came out," Celestia says. "We discussed it quite a while. 'What should we do with him? How do we tell him?' We came to an agreement."
  422. >"We both like you, Anon. It'd be a shame to not share you."
  424. >Share you?
  425. >"And you waited until now to tell me this because...?"
  426. >Celestia ruffles your hair. "Because you're so fun to mess with."
  427. >Luna kneels down next to her, an apologetic look in her eyes. "I hope you can forgive us, Anon. We'll make it up to you if you let us, I promise."
  428. >You're not used to such a soft, sincere tone from her.
  429. >Also, despite you not being a hundred percent fine with this, the caveman part of your brain goes "ugga ugga" again.
  430. >"Are you alright with this arrangement, Anon?"
  431. >"Both of you," you say. "want to be with me. Am I understanding you correctly?"
  432. >"You are."
  433. >"And you're okay with me not being exclusively with either one."
  434. >"Correct."
  435. >You take a deep breath.
  436. >"I think I can work with that."
  437. >You are smothered in a double-princess hug.
  438. >Good choice, Anon.
  439. >"Now, I believe I interrupted something?", Luna says.
  440. >"You did," Celestia says. "Step aside, sister, it's my turn."
  442. >"If you insist." Luna steps back and leans against the bedpost.
  443. >"So, you're going", you ask.
  444. >"For now," she says. "Have you never had someone watch before?"
  445. >She sound genuinely surprised.
  446. >The little devil.
  447. >Not that you can focus on that much longer, because Celestia is starting up again.
  448. >You need some time to get in the mood, though.
  449. >Hey, it's not like you've done this before.
  450. >As soon as you're hard again, Celestia clamps down.
  451. >DAMN.
  452. >"Go slower, Tia. You'll break him."
  453. >You wouldn't mind.
  454. >Celestia isn't holding back anymore. You should agree to be in three-way relationships more often.
  455. >She bobs up and down, slurping and gulping the entire time.
  456. >You wad the blanket in your fists.
  457. >You chance a quick glance over to Luna.
  458. >She seems to be enjoying herself, having opened her robe slightly and running her hands along her body.
  459. >Also nothing under the robe. Must be a family thing.
  462. >Celestia keeps going. Slower now, but deeper.
  463. >So much deeper.
  464. >You hear moaning at your side.
  465. >Luna's robe lies on the floor, forgotten. She leans against the bedpost, fingers buried inside her, drinking in the view before her.
  466. >"Let me," she begs. "I want him too."
  467. >Celestia releases you, wet around her mouth, but she keeps her hands on you. "You wait your turn. I'm not done yet."
  468. >And then, she crawls onto the bed and lowers herself over you.
  469. >She has to go slow at first, but she's wet enough that soon it doesn't matter.
  470. >You marvel at the beauty of her in the low candlelight, the way she arches her back, the little moans she makes.
  471. >"Yes, yes," she keeps muttering, breathless. "Yes, Anon, yes..."
  472. >You try to keep it together, but she's right there, on top of you, and the heat surrounding you and the steady pumping of her hips keep pushing you farther.
  473. >You match her movements, keep her pace.
  474. >In the midst of all this, it takes you a moment to notice Luna's participation.
  475. >She's hugging Celestia from behind, kneading her breasts.
  476. >Celestia's moans grow more urgent.
  477. >Luna's hand wanders down, massaging Celestia right where it matters.
  478. >You wish you could capture that voice.
  479. >The view, too: Celestia riding you with her eyes closed in bliss, hair flying around her.
  480. >"Keep going," she urges. "Don't stop..."
  481. >You never had any intention of doing so, and neither does Luna.
  482. >Celestia seems to like that.
  483. >Your hands are unoccupied. You decide to change that.
  484. >You grab Celestia' waist, feeling the fine sheet of sweat on her skin.
  485. >Apparently, that means "go faster" to her.
  486. >Not that you're complaining.
  487. >Then, Celestia tears open her eyes, gasping. Why have you never realized how beautiful she really is?
  488. >She curves her back, a silent, wordless cry on her lips, but she keeps riding you.
  489. >She slows down a little and grabs you by the shoulders.
  490. >Then, her pace picks up again, driving both of you closer to the edge.
  491. >"Now. Anon, please, inside me..."
  492. >That is all you can take.
  493. >Your body curves upwards as you empty yourself into Celestia.
  494. >You end up hugging again, and the three of you remain that way for a while.
  495. >Luna is the first to break the silence, not being in post-orgasmic bliss right now.
  496. >"So, what did I tell you, Tia? He's good."
  497. >Celestia just nods, a hand on her forehead, smiling.
  498. >Luna herself looks quite flushed. She eyes you with need in her expression.
  499. >"Can we-"
  500. >"I'm gonna need a minute," you say. "Besides, maybe we should, y'know, get cleaned up a bit first."
  501. >Celestia giggles. It feels good on you.
  502. >"There's a shower behind that door."
  503. >You grin.
  504. >"Looks like it's going to be a long night."
  505. >Everyone seems kind of sweaty (even Luna, bless her horny heart), so you agree on a shower break.
  506. >You move into the adjacent bath, which is still bigger than your entire room.
  507. >It's mostly marble, with the occasional gilded detail thrown in.
  508. >You step into the shower. The hot water feels heavenly.
  509. >You savor the feeling for a moment, until you hear someone entering behind you.
  510. >A pair of slender arms grasps you from behind.
  511. >Someone is hugging you from behind. You recognize the slender arms, the way her body presses against yours.
  512. >"Hello, Anon," Luna says. "Need some help?"
  513. >"Why, Princess," you say. "If anything, I should be helping you."
  514. >She giggles. "Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours?"
  515. >"And here I thought we'd be getting clean."
  516. >"Oh, there's that, too," she says. "But seeing you with Celestia...I just couldn't wait for you to return."
  517. >She tries to sound innocent. "I hope you're not mad?"
  518. >"Why would I be?"
  519. >You turn around. Luna stands there, water dripping down her body.
  520. >Her hair is long enough to cover her nipples, you notice.
  521. >"Well, the trick we played on you..."
  522. >You sigh. "Luna, listen. Yes, I felt like a fool at first, and you probably could've chosen a better way to tell me. But why wouldn't I get over that? I'm practically living the dream here. Even if it's only for one night."
  523. >That came out more like a question than intended.
  524. >"Oh, you're not getting off that easy, Anon."
  525. >"I hoped for that," you say, grinning.
  526. >"Besides. I couldn't let the princesses lose out on the Anon Experience, could I?"
  527. >That makes Luna laugh. She flicks you in the nose. "Sure of ourself, are we?"
  528. >"You seemed to like it."
  530. >"Oh, I did." She comes closer. "At least I think I did. Why don't you remind me?"
  531. >"I've been meaning to." You pull her in for a kiss.
  532. >A few breathless moments later, Luna comes away gasping.
  533. >"Right now, Anon?"
  534. >Why not. You've never done it in a shower before.
  535. >The logistics should be interesting.
  536. >Luna puts her hands against the wall, offering you a lovely view of the royal backside.
  537. >"Don't stare." She sounds more desperate than anything. "Just...take me. From behind."
  538. >Oh, this is /definitely/ going to be interesting.
  539. >You push against her. "Not so fast, Princess."
  540. >You squeeze her breasts. "Patience is a virtue." Your hands travel further down, but stop just short of her center.
  541. >She shivers, and it's not from the water. "Quit playing around-"
  542. >"Hush." You run your finger across her folds just once, just enough to get her a taste of what's to come.
  543. >"You know, Luna, I've been thinking." Your other hand joins the first from behind, exploring, teasing.
  544. >"Don't stop-"
  545. >You pinch her. Just a little.
  546. >Judging from what you can see from her expression, Luna likes it. A LOT.
  547. >Your fingers almost enter her, but not quite. You keep circling.
  548. >"Anon, what are you waiting for?"
  549. >"I want to hear you say it. What do you want?"
  550. >"What I -" another gasp,"-want?"
  551. >"I want you to tell me, Luna. What do you want me to do?"
  552. >Oh yes, two can play the teasing game.
  553. >"I want you to-" She can barely catch her breath. You must be good.
  555. >"To?"
  556. >You press with your finger the tiniest bit, allowing yourself a moment to feel the slick warmth.
  557. >"-just-put-it-in-"
  558. >"Full sentences, Princess."
  559. >You take hold of her right leg, pulling it to the horizontal.
  560. >Luna goes along with that immediately. She really is flexible.
  561. >This way, she's entirely exposed.
  562. >Bent over, swollen and wet, waiting for you to take her.
  563. >You almost give in, but there is something to do first.
  564. >"I-I want you to..." She's trying, she really is.
  565. >You push up against her a little more.
  566. >"I want you to /fuck/ me, Anon."
  567. >She barely manages to get the words out, but it's still enough to drive you wild.
  568. >Sometimes a straight answer is the best.
  569. >And yet...
  570. >You push against Luna's entrance, just enough for her to notice.
  571. >You pause a tiny moment.
  572. >Luna is positively quivering now.
  573. >And then you pull back, as slow as you can.
  574. >"Anon, what-"
  575. >"Remember this afternoon, Luna?"
  576. >"This afternoon?"
  577. >You let out a little chuckle. "I learned something about desire from you, you know."
  578. >"Consider us even." You step out of the shower and dry yourself off, leaving Luna to herself. "I'll be waiting for you."
  581. >You walk back into the main room.
  582. >Celestia gets up from the bed, arching an eyebrow.
  583. >She looks you up and down (lingering a little bit halfway down), but doesn't ask, instead proceeding into the bath.
  584. >You lie down on the bed, a little worried.
  585. >Were you too harsh to Luna?
  586. >She does toy with you all the time, but it seemed a bit much from where you were standing.
  587. >Not that it was all that unpleasant to stand precisely there, but still.
  588. >Well, either way, you're going to have to make it up to her later.
  589. >Which reminds you, she's still in there.
  590. >So is Celestia.
  591. >Your brain shuffles around that thought for a while.
  592. >They are both. Inside. The shower.
  593. >Doing god knows what with each other.
  594. >And you're outside.
  595. >Seconds tick by.
  596. >You're treated to the image of two very wet, very sudsy princesses.
  597. >Bodies rubbing against each other.
  598. >Slick, lustrous skin.
  599. >Tiny wet sounds.
  600. >Are you sure you want to be out here in the proverbial cold, Anon?
  602. >Keep it together, man. You have a plan, and you're sticking to it.
  603. >You wait. Not much else to do in here.
  604. >Well, you could poke around the room, but what's there to see?
  605. >Celestia's room looks much like Luna's. Gigantic bed, monolithic wardrobe, assorted furniture.
  606. >A few minutes later, the sisters come back in.
  607. >Still naked, but dry.
  608. >Mostly.
  609. >Luna is in front. She doesn't exactly look angry, but there is something smoldering in her eyes.
  610. >You just hope it's not your doom.
  611. >Celestia keeps behind her and rummages around in some drawer.
  612. >Luna pulls herself onto the bed with liquid grace, settling next to you propped up on one arm.
  613. >"Oh, Anon. I didn't know a little teasing annoyed you this much."
  614. >"I've come to like it," you say. "I just wanted to show you how much I've learned. From you."
  615. >"And you did," she says. "But I'm glad you're not mad at me."
  616. >She sighs. "I hoped you'd come back in the shower, to be honest."
  617. >Her hand settles on your stomach.
  618. >"Celestia had to help me instead of you."
  619. >Now that's an image.
  620. >Her hand glides down, grasping you. "You would've liked to see that, it seems?"
  621. >Apparently there is no "even" with Luna.
  622. >"Do you trust me, Anon?"
  623. >Where did that come from?
  624. >"Of course I do. With what?"
  625. >Luna swings herself onto you, settling across your hips.
  626. >You can feel the heat radiating from her body.
  627. >A wicked gleam settles in her eye.
  628. >She rocks back and forth once or twice.
  629. >"I have a few ideas."
  631. >Just as she says that, you feel someone - Celestia? - grabbing your hands and pulling them above your head.
  632. >A rope slips around it.
  633. >Uh-oh.
  634. >She ties it tight.
  635. >Luna's grin turns predatory.
  636. >"Such as this."
  637. >She leans down to you.
  638. >"Don't you think that's a /great/ idea we had, Anon?"
  639. >"I'm always open for new experiences," you say, grinning.
  640. >"Marvelous." Luna runs a finger along your jaw. "Let's see how long you can take me."
  641. >Celestia has let the rope slack, but pulls it tighter again.
  642. >"Why do you even have a piece of rope just lying around here?", you ask her.
  643. >Celestia's face enters your vision from above, hair cascading around it.
  644. >She's blushing even now. Cute.
  645. >"I may have...experimented once or twice."
  646. >"Is that so."
  647. >Luna does something with her hips. You snap back to her.
  648. >"Don't distract him, Tia."
  649. >She goes into a slow circling motion.
  650. >"I want his full attenion."
  651. >Oh, she has it now.
  652. >You couldn't ignore her if you tried.
  653. >And why would you?
  654. >Luna keeps moving. You twitch involuntarily when you feel how wet she is.
  655. >She grins at the little jerky motion.
  656. >"You'd like me to continue, wouldn't you, Anon?"
  658. >By God, you would.
  659. >But where's the fun in admitting that?
  660. >Luna doesn't give you the time to, anyway.
  661. >"I'll have to try something else, then," she says. "Maybe..."
  662. >She raises herself a little, positions herself over you and...
  663. >"No, we should have some fun first."
  664. >You let out your breath, which you held, apparently.
  665. >This woman is going to be the death of you.
  666. >She is on all fours now, inches from your face.
  667. >You can feel the heat of her breath.
  668. >Her hair tickles your skin. Is that cinnamon you smell?
  669. >She stops just short of your lips.
  670. >You strain, but you're still tied up.
  671. >The sisters have you at their mercy.
  672. >"So eager, Anon. That's what I like about you."
  673. >Luna sounds like a cat playing with her favourite toy.
  674. >She bites your lip, just a little.
  675. >You stay perfectly still.
  677. >Luna pulls back. Her eyes twinkle in the dim light.
  678. >Her hair frames her face beautifully.
  679. >The way she's looming over you, her breasts are right in front of you.
  680. >You just need to raise your head a little, and...
  681. >A hand holds you back. You almost forgot Celestia was still here.
  682. >"Oh, not so fast," Luna purrs. "You'll get to play, don't worry. But first-"
  683. >She lowers herself over your neck.
  684. >"-it's my turn."
  685. >She clamps down on the side of your throat.
  686. >At first, it's only her lips and tongue.
  687. >Then she uses her teeth.
  688. >You hiss, but it's not really in pain.
  689. >Luna's face comes back into your view.
  690. >She's flushed, more than she should be, her lips half-parted.
  691. >"That tastes good enough to eat." Luna licks her lips.
  692. >"I wonder if the rest of you does, too?"
  693. >Could she-?
  694. >As if to answer, Luna turns around, lifting one long, lean leg across your torso.
  695. >She sits astride you, giving you a smoldering look across the shoulder.
  696. >"I can't let Tia have all the fun, can I?"
  698. >You may have whimpered.
  699. >Nevermind that Luna starts using her tongue on you immediately.
  700. >You don't know how she does it, but your brain short-circuits for a moment.
  701. >She's giving you quite the view, as well.
  702. >She's spreading her legs wider than strictly necessary, but you won't complain.
  703. >So wet. She's probably waiting on you to act.
  704. >You try to reach her, but the way you are restrained prevents you from getting any leverage.
  705. >You feel Luna releasing you, and hear a bubbly laugh.
  706. >"I told you he was eager," she says. "Let him, Tia. Just a little."
  708. >Your ties relax, giving you enough wriggle room to reach Luna.
  709. >You practically bury yourself in her.
  710. >Finally you taste her again.
  711. >You didn't realize how much you missed it.
  712. >It's sweet, it's tangy, it's undeniably...Luna.
  713. >She gasps, half in surprise.
  714. >"Keep-" Another hiss. "Keep going."
  715. >As if you would ever stop.
  716. >Luna herself starts again as well, attacking you with vigor.
  717. >You barely can take it all in: Her taste, her scent, the feeling of her body atop yours.
  718. >Her licking, sucking, stroking.
  719. >The outside world stops existing for you.
  720. >There is only Luna, only this moment.
  721. >Somewhere along the way, your hands got free.
  722. >You accept that and use them to hold Luna down more.
  723. >She has to come up for air once, but you barely let her catch a breath.
  724. >Her gasps are coming quicker, her moans more desperate.
  726. >"A-Anon," she manages. "Stop..."
  727. >You don't want to. You keep going.
  728. >"Hold on, I can't keep..." Luna loses her voice to the pleasure.
  729. >You can feel her muscles tensing under your fingers.
  730. >"A-almost," she gasps. "Almost there...just..."
  731. >You keep going. Your tongue dances, your hands pull her farther apart.
  732. >Luna is quivering like a plucked string.
  733. >She has abandoned all attempts to keep herself together now.
  734. >She's just writhing on top of you, lost in passion.
  735. >All she can do is grab onto you like she's drowning.
  736. >She pushes herself farther towards you, and you don't let up.
  737. >You've reduced her to a shaking, moaning mess.
  738. >"Please," you hear her breathe, "Please, Anon..." And then she's lost again.
  739. >You slow down, just enough for her to notice.
  740. >"Nooo," she moans. "More...I want more."
  741. >You wish you could get to hear that voice more often.
  742. >You doubt Luna even realizes she's gibbering.
  743. >She thrusts herself against your face again.
  744. >You slow down more. Luna moans something, but she's barely uttering words by now.
  745. >She's entirely rigid, holding onto you for dear life.
  746. >"Now," you hear. "Now, please, Anon, for the love of..."
  747. >You've toyed enough with her, so you strengthen your efforts again.
  748. >All Luna needs is one more moment to reach the edge.
  749. >She does, and it's the first time you've actually made her scream.
  750. >She hits a high note, but it doesn't sound shrill. It's music to your ears.
  751. >A few blissful seconds tick by.
  752. >Luna mostly tries to catch her breath, twitching occasionally.
  753. >You dimly notice that you're covered in her juices.
  754. >She rolls off of you shortly after.
  755. >You get yourself into position to check on her.
  756. >She doesn't really notice you.
  757. >Her eyes are half closed, a wide, absent smile on her face.
  758. >She's still breathing hard.
  759. >"Luna? You alright?"
  760. >Now she notices, although her expression doesn't change too much.
  761. >"Alright?" She giggles. "I'm more than alright. How did you do that?"
  762. >You smile. "Somebody once told me I have talent."
  764. >Luna keeps basking in the afterglow for a bit. You don't blame her.
  765. >"How did your hands get free, Anon?", she asks. "In the middle there."
  766. >You shrug. "Dunno, I thought you'd planned that."
  767. >Luna and you look at each other for a moment, and then turn your heads simultaneously.
  768. >Celestia stands by the bed, the rope forgotten on a pillow.
  769. >She's staring at you, slack-jawed.
  770. >"Sister? Is something wrong?", Luna asks.
  771. >"C-can you do that to me, too?"
  772. >You can't help but laugh.
  773. >"I can try." You stretch a little, and catch Celestia ogling. "Ready when you are."
  774. >You hear Luna harrumphing at your side.
  775. >"And leave me lying here? Not fair."
  776. >Celestia cocks her head in thought. "We agreed to share him, Luna. You've had your fun."
  777. >"At least let me get myself back together," Luna says. "God, I don't think I can /walk/."
  778. >You feel a bit proud of yourself, to be honest.
  779. >"You'll have to wait anyway," Celestia protests. "And Anon seems up for more."
  780. >You do, don't you. Heh.
  781. >You hold up your hands. "Please, ladies."
  782. >"As much as I like you lining up for me, it seems...inefficient."
  783. >"It is," Celestia says.
  784. >"Well, I think there is a way to avoid that problem."
  785. >Luna perks up. "Oh, I've always wanted to try that."
  786. >Celestia blushes. "I...I've been thinking about it."
  787. >"Well, there's our solution," you say. "We'll give Luna a few minutes, and then..."
  788. >"Think you can handle us both?"
  789. >You grin. "I've been up to the challenge so far. I don't intend on stopping now."
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