
sigil stuff

Jan 4th, 2016
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  1. Magdalene “Midnight” Vargas was a curious specimen of a Hunter, who didn't even have a username on HunterNet due to her own blindness from an extremely early age. She roamed the streets of Seattle, and rather than killing monsters, found other, non-violent ways to deal with them.
  3. Among her most cherished supernatural comrades were one young Kindred woman of Clan Tremere and one young man of Clan Salubri. She had met the Warlock while she was still mortal, years ago, and met the Cyclops one odd night after a dispute that one would expect to end in bloodshed, but instead ended with a mutual understanding, a friendship, and finally a romance.
  5. Midnight, with her burning love of these two vampires whom were unlike any she had ever met, sought to protect them, both from the Sabbat attacking the city, and from other Hunters who might think them monsters. To her, rationing with the supernatural came before attacking them without rhyme or reason; for the most part, many were still people, in the end. Sentient people, with feelings, opinions and loved ones.
  7. Then a terrible event struck on a winter solstice night. A horrible criminal of a creature, a Sabbat Warlock called Abraxas, stole away her lady lover to leave to a Fury and a torture specialist, and destroyed Midnight's blind eyes out of spite.
  9. However, where a normal mortal might choose to lay down and die right on the spot, Midnight refused. With no vision to guide her hand, and in too much pain to channel her Sight, she trailed the beast's path regardless, and with the aid of her fellow Hunters, her three-eyed companion, a trio of Gauru and a Mage, they recovered the Warlock and drove the Sabbat incursion out of Seattle.
  11. In the quiet after the battle, she finally allowed herself to be healed by her two compatriots. Neither they nor she expected it, but in the healing process, because her eyes were so thoroughly destroyed, he was able to restore the sight she had lost to disease as a young child. With the restoration, came a childlike wonderment at all the things she had never been able to see before... but also came a burning desire. The need, the urge to convey the message of her ideals, and all she had been through that terrible night. To lead the band of Hunters she belonged to to peace.
  13. And so, as soon as she learned how to hold a pen, it began. They started as mere doodles in the margins as she learned to write far later than one should. Soon, those doodles began to take a more solid form, and after many nights, she finally felt it. She had finally designed the sigil that spoke her ideals in volumes.
  15. To Midnight, the sigil represents unity between the menage-a-trois of which she is a part, where no one expected there to be. And indeed, the sign looks like a fusing of Clan symbology and Hunter creed.
  17. The Sigil's meaning is a simple one: Coexistence. To seek out ways to protect mortal kind, without seeking to destroy those 'monsters' who are just trying to get by. However, it also represents no tolerance for those who have abandoned their humanity – those are the true monsters that Hunters should defend against.
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