

Oct 16th, 2013
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  1. # If you want to use your own messages, copy the Language.yml file, (Do not delete language file)
  2. # And rename it, then put the title of the renamed file in "UseLanguageFile:"
  3. UseLanguageFile: English.yml
  4. players-to-start: 2
  5. interval: 60
  6. lobby-time: 60
  7. starting-time: 300
  8. seeker-damage: 2
  9. time-reward: 30
  10. automatic: true
  11. dedicated: false
  12. blow-disguises-last-30-seconds: true
  13. seeker-delay-time: 0
  14. blind-seeker-in-delay: true
  15. seeker-lives: 1
  16. crouching-block-lock: true
  17. use-solid-block: true
  18. solid-block-time: 5
  19. using-custom-tab: false
  20. use-hitmarkers: true
  21. use-hitsounds: true
  22. auto-respawn: true
  23. use-side-scoreboard-stats: false
  24. choose-new-seeker-if-original-dies: true
  25. AutomationSettings:
  26. dispatch-commands-after-x-games: false
  27. number-of-games: 300
  28. commands:
  29. - say PropHunt Server resetting!
  30. - give tomskied 357 1
  31. - kickalltohub
  32. - stop
  33. ServerSettings:
  34. force-motd-prophunt: false
  35. block-access-whilst-in-game: false
  36. force-max-players: false
  37. force-max-players-size: 36
  38. BungeeSettings:
  39. using-bungee: false
  40. kick-back-to-hub: false
  41. hub-name: hub
  42. ping-interval-ticks: 20
  43. this-bungee-server-name: prophunt1
  44. ShopSettings:
  45. use-shop: false
  46. currency-name: Cookies
  47. use-vault-for-currency: false
  48. DatabaseSettings:
  49. type: mysql
  50. host: localhost
  51. port: 3306
  52. database: minecraft
  53. username: root
  54. password: minecraft
  55. HiderClass:
  56. Inventory: 268 19:2,320:8
  57. Effects: 13:20000:1
  58. Helmet: 298 4:1
  59. Chestplate: 299 0:1
  60. Leggings: 300 1:2
  61. Boots: 301 2:10
  62. SeekerClass:
  63. Inventory: 276 16:5,261 50:1,391:10,366:10,262:64
  64. Effects: 13:20000:1
  65. Helmet: 310 0:4
  66. Chestplate: 311 0:4
  67. Leggings: 312 1:4
  68. Boots: 313 2:1
  69. block-disguises:
  70. - 41
  71. - 17
  72. - 57
  73. - 79
  74. - 81
  75. - 86
  76. - 103
  77. - 58
  78. - 61
  79. CustomArenaConfigs:
  80. Forest:
  81. usingDefault: true
  82. Multi-Biome:
  83. usingDefault: false
  84. HiderClass:
  85. Inventory: 268 19:2,320:8
  86. Effects: 13:20000:1
  87. Helmet: 298 4:1
  88. Chestplate: 299 0:1
  89. Leggings: 300 1:2
  90. Boots: 301 2:10
  91. SeekerClass:
  92. Inventory: 276 16:5,261 50:1,391:10,366:10,262:64
  93. Effects: 13:20000:1
  94. Helmet: 310 0:4
  95. Chestplate: 311 0:4
  96. Leggings: 312 1:4
  97. Boots: 313 2:1
  98. block-disguises:
  99. - 41
  100. - 47
  101. - 17
  102. - 57
  103. - 58
  104. - 61
  105. - 81
  106. - 79
  107. - 86
  108. - 103
  109. - 170
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