
FoE RPG G0 - #036 Marching Jungle: Plucked Feathers

Nov 9th, 2013
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  1. [20:07]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #36 starts now
  2. [20:08]<SpiritOfFate> ================================
  3. [20:10]<SpiritOfFate> The heavy clouds gather over the Nnoto village. M'tat wears Ties' vest and Liberty seems lively again. The bright spirit flutters to Royal_Lace and boops her.
  4. [20:12]? Hawkeye checks her guns and waits for the others.
  5. [20:14]? Royal_Lace blinks, her once sad and dower face shifting to one of suprise and confusion after the boop. Looking at the spirit she smiles brightly, "Thank you...". Turning she faces the others, a surge of energy pooring into her. "Alright ponies, game plan time! We have allot to do and a short ammount of time to do it in"
  6. [20:15]? Ignis is packed and ready. "Well, nothing far from least we're on the road again." he laughs.
  7. [20:16]<Hawkeye> "Ah've been ready a while," Hawkeye says. "If we're ready, let's git. Ah don't want them slavers catchin' up with y'all, and them zebra say they're almost here, so..."
  8. [20:16]? Firefly looks over at Liberty Dream. "Are you sure you're going to be ok?"
  9. [20:17]? Royal_Lace smiles and points to the dragon, "Close, but we have one last thing to do here. But trust me were going to save ourselves a trip. We still havent spoken to the tribe about what we need but really we dont even have to, were going to get them on the radio with the mud ponies directly tonight at broadcast time. Save us a trip going to find them anway"
  10. [20:18]? Wintergreen leans against Ignis, nodding her head at Lace. She is ready!
  11. [20:18]? Royal_Lace looks out at the woods, "But to do that we need to deal with that problem that is coming our way..."
  12. [20:18]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty nodnods to Firefly. "I feel much better now!"
  13. [20:19]? Ignis shuffles slightly, drawing an arm over Wintergreen and nodding nonchalantly. "Take your time."
  14. [20:20]? Firefly nods to Liberty. "Ok... but you let me know if that scary spirit gets to nasty. We'll come and sing it away!" Firefly giggles before looking at Royal_Lace. "So... are we gonna beat up the slavers, or hide?"
  15. [20:20]<Hawkeye> "But not too much time," Hawkeye reminds. "We don't have a ton of it."
  16. [20:21]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Were getting bogged down with this spirit stuff, the answers are simple and may even deal with some of those same spirit issues. Fact is that all we have to do is stick to our original plan, and the fastest way to do that is to cut out the middle pony, which is us, and let the tribe talk the the mud ponies over our radio directly. After they work that out we cut a deal to get those slaves taken care of!"
  17. [20:22]? Hawkeye nods. "Good thinkin, miz Lace. They got mutual goals an' all, and we need both their help against them chucklenuts at the scrapyard."
  18. [20:22]? Firefly nods. "Ok. But... won't the storm be a problem? I mean, I could fiddle with the radio but..." Firefly scratches her head.
  19. [20:23]? Hawkeye pats Firefly's head. "Ah think we can handle a little bad weather, half-pint. And Ah don't think y'all can wrangle a storm that big all by your lonesome."
  20. [20:24]? Ignis smiles a bit. "At least, not until you're all grown up."
  21. [20:24]? Royal_Lace nods then looks to firefly, "I have faith in your ability to get the radio to work, but for any of this to work we have to deal with our issue. The slavers. We need to deal with them before they get here, keep it away from the village. We dont want the slavers coming down on them just yet"
  22. [20:24]? Firefly shakes her head. "Nah. I meant, have you ever tried to use a radio in a storm? It doesn't work so well." Firefly looks back toward the sky. "Hey... I wonder if I could make the storm go away..."
  23. [20:28]? Royal_Lace tilts her head, "Maybe i could try and teliport to town and get something to boost our signal? Heck, we could get the zebras there own radio while we are at it. Do you think that is a good idea Firefly, your sort of our official radio technician"
  24. [20:28]<Hawkeye> "Or y'all could try it right now before the storm gets worse," Hawkeye points out. "If it don't work, tell the zebra to try it tomorrow."
  25. [20:29]? Ignis shrugs. "Don't the zebras have other ways to communicate other than radios? Like...dunno, some magic thingey, or pidgeons, or smoke signs...?" He looks at the others hopefully.
  26. [20:29]? Royal_Lace tilts her head at Ignis, "do we really want to get more involved with zebra mysticisim?"
  27. [20:29]? Ignis deadpans and shakes his head vigorously. "That's a big cup of nope for me."
  28. [20:29]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat thinks. "The council talks in conches, but others need one too."
  29. [20:31]? Royal_Lace shrugs, "Sounds like it could work but that still requires getting a conche to the mud ponies. better to just make the radio work, heck we dont even know if the storm will be a real issue or not. Still dosent change the fact that we have very little time to plan on what to do with the slavers... you have any ideas Hawkeye?"
  30. [20:32]? Hawkeye rolls her eye. "Have we TRIED the radio yet?" she asks. "Storm might not be bad enough yet ta' interfere. And besides, we ain't equipped t'deal with armed an' dangerous slavers. Ah say we git while the gettin's good." She sighs. "The sooner we deal with them clowns, the better, but we need bigger guns first, and they need fewer mercs."
  31. [20:34]? Firefly looks between Hawkeye and Royal_Lace. "So... should I try the radio?"
  32. [20:34]? Royal_Lace looks to hawkeye, "Are you sure? I dont think we even have a read on there numbers, besides we have assets they do not posses. I belive that with a bit of knowlege we may have a shot to take them, possibly without casualty on even there side". turning she looks to Firefly, "Start working on it, get it set up and let me know about any issues. In the mean time lets ask the zebras if they know anything about this group of slavers"
  33. [20:36]<Hawkeye> "T'ain't likely to explode just fer' tryin," Hawkeye tells Firefly. She then turns to Royal_Lace. "Right. Get info quick. We only got a short span left afore they get here. We ask. If we're outgunned, we leave. They ain't gonna try an' take on a whole tribe o' spirit-powered pugilists, no matter HOW dumb they is."
  34. [20:37]? Royal_Lace turns to the little zebra filly, "M'tat who would know about this, are there scouts who would know?"
  35. [20:39]? Firefly nods up to Royal_Lace and pulls out the radio, starting to try and get it to work. She murmurs a bit as she starts getting things into position, only pausing long enough to look up at Hawkeye. "What's a pugilist?"
  36. [20:39]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat. "Flame bearer talks to scouts." She waves to the Flame bearer who watches from a hut's roof.
  37. [20:40]<Hawkeye> "Pony who's good at facepunchin'" Hawkeye explains. "Like you, sugarcube. Y'all are the mightiest lil' scrap o' pugilist Ah ever met." She ruffles Firefly's mane.
  38. [20:40]? Royal_Lace nods and looks at the zebra, "Any chance of a quick introduction, we have questions"
  39. [20:41]<SpiritOfFate> "Halafar." The flame bearer says simply, loking down to Royal_Lace
  40. [20:41]? Firefly smiles widely at Hawkeye and continues working on the radio.
  41. [20:42]? Royal_Lace nods, "Im Royal Lace, I, that is we, heard tell of slavers coming to the villiage. If you could can you relate any information the tribe may have of them, there number, and any other usefull information?"
  42. [20:51]? Sotho stands behind Royal_Lace, tall and strong
  43. [20:54]<SpiritOfFate> "Four griffin. Incinerator, LMG, Hunting and Magirifle. All armored. Hazard crossing merc group. A robot as well."
  44. [20:54]<SpiritOfFate> Halafar says
  45. [20:56]? Royal_Lace repeats the list back, "Four Griffin, mecenaries with a robot. Incinerator, LMG, huting rilfe and Magirifle. All armored. Got it, thanks. Do you know what dirrection they are coming from?"
  46. [20:57]<SpiritOfFate> The hiss of the radio sounds across the village
  47. [20:58]? Sotho whistles. "Wow that sounds like a good amount of firepower. But their numbers are low."
  48. [20:58]<SpiritOfFate> "West. The foal has been told" Halafar says. She turns to look to the forest.
  49. [20:58]? Firefly fiddles with the radio, trying to get the signal to come in clearer. "Yup. They are coming from the west."
  50. [20:58]? Wintergreen gulps. "Remember... I said I've got limited medical supplies..."
  51. [21:00]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat says. "I know zebra with potions."
  52. [21:00]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Them ain't odds Ah'd play. Ah say we get. The slavers shouldn't be dumb enough to attack the zebra, and besides, if they're mercs, their orders are prolly just t'catch us, not fight th'zebra."
  53. [21:00]? Royal_Lace looks to Halafar, "Do you know of any places that would be adventagious for a supprise attack?", glancing to Wintergreen she frowns, "Also Sotho", she turns, "Do you think you can creat any medicinal herbs to bolster our healing options?"
  54. [21:00]? Hawkeye hesitates. "Wouldn't mind takin' that huntin' rifle off them mercs though..."
  55. [21:01]? Royal_Lace looks to hawkeye, "If they see us with them then we may tip our hooves about the tribe and our negotiations, loose an advantage. I say we press the advantage"
  56. [21:01]? Ignis whistles. "They got a hunting rifle? I used to have one of those...I wouldn't mind one either, that thing can pack a punch."
  57. [21:02]? Sotho nods. "I do know several recipes
  58. [21:02]? Hawkeye takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. "Ah'm good with whatever y'all plan," she says. "Wish Ah had a silencer, but if we're fightin' then Ah'm gonna need a nice place to hide an' take potshots at the flyers."
  59. [21:02]<SpiritOfFate> Halafar turns to the group again. "There are caves under the trees. If you are fast, you won't raise their attention. Act like the icicle, leave no traces. If they are turned against the village, it would be... troublesome." You see a faint smile on her lips with the last word.
  60. [21:05]? Royal_Lace smiles and nods, "Ok, we dont have much time then. Sounds like the radio is in order, we still need to get sotho what he needs for his medicens. Then we move out to these caves and throw whatever we can at these mercinaries!". Turning she grins at the others, "What do you think, we can do this, right? I mean we can BUCKING do this!"
  61. [21:05]? Hawkeye shrugs. "If we do, great. If we don't, we die, an' then we won't exactly care anymore," she says.
  62. [21:06]? Sotho chuckles softly. "I firmly beileive we can do this as well." He smiles.
  63. [21:07]? Ignis grins amusedly, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Ain't you all my lovely rays of sunshine today? But alright, let us hunt some chicken butts."
  64. [21:07]? Royal_Lace grins sheepishly.
  65. [21:08]? Wintergreen nods hesitantly, not quite sure. At least she can stitch everyone back up if they -can't- do this...
  66. [21:09]? Firefly looks up from the radio at Royal_Lace, her expression shocked. She said a bad word! The filly looks around, taking the radio and edging away from Royal_Lace, waiting for the bolt of lightning to strike...
  67. [21:15]? Hawkeye loads her sniper rifle with armor piercing rounds. "Ah'm gonna go look for them caves, then. Firefly, do me a favor an' let me know when them slavers is on approach, would ya?"
  68. [21:15]? Firefly looks up at Hawkeye and nods. "You want me to stay listening to the radio?"
  69. [21:16]? Hawkeye looks at Royal_Lace. "Radio's kind of your bailiwick, innit?" she asks.
  70. [21:17]? Royal_Lace looks to ignis, "Incinertor, I ssume such a weapon uses fire? Do you think tht you can do something bout that?". Lace looks to hawkeye, "We need it for later, but its not terribly important right this instant"
  71. [21:17]? Hawkeye shrugs. "Jes keep it safe, Firefly. Maybe see if y'all can find the frequency the mercs are usin'."
  72. [21:18]<SpiritOfFate> Halafar leads Hawkeye to the caves, going towards the edge of the village and through the protective tiles
  73. [21:19]? Ignis shrugs very dispreocuppatedly. "Yeah, yeah...sure, its as harmful to me as a moist towlette, shouldn't be so much of a hassle, unless you allow the griffin to get won't work unless its on point-blank distance and you can see the white of their pupils"
  74. [21:19]? Sotho equips the cestus from what he got from the tribe. He looks on. "So we need places to hide
  75. [21:19]? Hawkeye begins scouting around for the best sniper nest. Preferably one whose accoustics will mask the precise location of a rifle report.
  76. [21:20]? Firefly nods to Hawkeye. "I can try. I'll leave the radio here... don't want someone shooting it on accident." Firefly starts fiddling with the radio, trying to find a frequency that is... griffiny.
  77. [21:20]? Ignis revs up his rifle and goes to scout a vantage point...
  78. [21:24]? Royal_Lace breaks out her book to study as she makes plans, "Great, they wont know what hit them... Wintergreen do you have a problem remaining in the caves unless we need you? You can hold position so we can pull back for medical treatment if needed, Buck and provide a decent guard, maybe".
  79. [21:26]? Wintergreen purses her lips, but nods. She sighs. "I... suppose. Though if someone needed medical attention, them having to run to me might be..." She shrugs. "It might not be the best option." She taps her hoof to her chest, clanging on her metal armor. "I can take a few shots in this, at least... I think it'd be better if I ran around helping as needed."
  80. [21:27]? Royal_Lace nods, "I understand, worst case scenario I start teleporting ponies to you, or out entirely if needed"
  81. [21:28]<SpiritOfFate> Buck found his way throught the caves along with the group. Through them you have seen a number of wooden ponies, though they didn't seem to take notice of you.
  82. [21:29]? Sotho felt a bit nervous around the wooden ponies, considering what happened last time he met with one.
  83. [21:29]? Wintergreen nods. "We'll see. I'll move around as needed, and if it gets hairy, I'll move back to the cave."
  84. [21:29]? Firefly looks over at the wooden ponies, then back to Sotho. "Why aren't they bugging us?"
  85. [21:30]<Sotho> He gives a small shrug. "I do not know, but as long as they don't."
  86. [21:30]? Sotho shrugs once more. "I don't care."
  87. [21:31]? Firefly nods to Sotho. "Ok." She keeps an eye on the wooden ponies, still not trusting them.
  88. [21:32]? Hawkeye nudges Sotho. "Hey. Jes to protect the entrance, Ah'm gonna put down some mines. Hey everypony listen up!" she says to the group. "Putting down some mines here, here, and here. In case them slavers come for the caves. Don't step on 'em, unless y'all want the worst case o' hot-hoof y'ever got."
  89. [21:32]? Royal_Lace closes her book, ready for her part. "I may be taking some risks during this fight but Im fairly Certain I can at least tilt the odds even more in our favor"
  90. [21:33]? Sotho nods. "Good idea." He says, cracking his neck a bit
  91. [21:34]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye quickly finds a crooked tree that she could climb easily. It seems strong and tall enough
  92. [21:34]? Hawkeye places the mines, then drops her last mine near the base of her sniper tree. She settles into the nest and puts another magazine of ammo and two of her grenades down next to her. Time to be prepared and dangerous.
  93. [21:35]? Wintergreen stands back, watching her other companions set up as she takes mental notes of their positions.
  94. [21:38]? Royal_Lace hides herself
  95. [21:40]? Sotho stays in the shadows, ready for conflict
  96. [21:40]? Wintergreen -attempts- to hide herself once she knows where everyone else is, for future reference if they need medical attention.
  97. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly hear the voice of a griffon through the radio. "We are closing in. Finally. Over."
  98. [21:44]? Firefly shuts off the radio, stashing it in the back of the cave and under some rocks to protect it. She finds a decent place to hide... no chance to grab a cloud, but this will do just fine. She gets the mask over her face... and waits.
  99. [21:51]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye's ears pick up a clanking noise, and flapping sounds approaching
  100. [21:52]? Hawkeye calms her breathing and looks through her scope. Here, Hawkeye is finally in her element. Murder from a distance. She scans the area, peering through the trees for the source of the sound.
  101. [21:55]<SpiritOfFate> She sees a formation of four griffin flying low, followed by a griffon shaped robot.
  102. [22:06]<SpiritOfFate> They griffon group approaches
  103. [22:23]<SpiritOfFate> The griffin are in light mercenary armor, similar to the Talon company but marked by an anchor. The one with the LMG has stronger mercenary armor
  104. [22:24]<SpiritOfFate> The incinerator griffin has the tank attached to his back.
  105. [22:37]? Firefly darts up from hiding, wingblades glimmering in the storm light. She swings in, blade cutting into the incinerator griffin's right wing as she shouts "Batmare says only YOU can stop Forest Fires!" She swings in toward the LMG griffin as well but misses with that attack, and dashes back into the trees, fleeing for the cave.
  106. [22:39]<SpiritOfFate> "Argh! What the fuck!?" The firegriffon tumbles headfirst into the dirt, his right wing shredded.
  107. [23:01]<SpiritOfFate> Buck charges headfirst into the LMG griffon, starting in an elegant flow that seems to decay into brutality. His horn rips through the armor, piercing deep into his chest. He turns around and bucks the griffon away with a nasty crunch.
  108. [23:03]<SpiritOfFate> He pants and grits his teeth, staring at the others with a bloodied horn
  109. [23:09]? Royal_Lace trots out of cover and moves in close to the griffins in the forfront of the merc group. Grimicaing she starts to flare arcane power from he horn, concentrating on casting her spell. "Buck try and take them alive if you can!". Lowering her horn she reshapes the phisical forms of the two griffins with her will!
  110. [23:11]<SpiritOfFate> The two griffin fall aslittle turtles, scrambling for their oversized weapons
  111. [23:13]<SpiritOfFate> Buck grunts a half hearted acknowledgement to Royal_Lace
  112. [23:17]<Hawkeye> "Hey little filly with your tail dragging on the ground," Hawkeye sings quietly to herself, lining up a shot at the robot's targeting assembly. "Don't you worry little girl, I will always be around." She takes a deep breath, then slowly lets it out. "If you run away from home, I will be there as you roam..." She pulls the trigger.
  113. [23:26]<SpiritOfFate> The bullet punches a deep dent into the module, but it doesn't pierce through
  114. [23:29]<SpiritOfFate> The second shot pierces into the firegriffon's armor, but he grunts and tries to scramble back up
  115. [23:29]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye and Firefly hear echoes of hoofsteps coming from the cave
  116. [23:39]? Hawkeye looks down from her slightly less secure perch. Hadn't Firefly just gone in there?
  117. [23:39]? Ignis sees the robot still standing and eyes it with annoyance, such a stupid robot grifin-lookalike, he was dying to wipe that metallic grin off that thing's face...he aims the rifle at the already battered combat inhibitor and fires a fatal shot at the circuit
  118. [23:41]<SpiritOfFate> The module pops into sparks, the faceglass of the robot flashing erratically.
  119. [23:47]? Ignis lands three more potshots at the wounded griffin with the incinerator...he said he was going to take care of that, and he meant to do so.
  120. [23:48]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon collapses, full of holes.
  121. [23:56]? Sotho rushes out towards the protectron, launching a flurry of three punches into the fiendish robot.
  122. [00:03]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho punches the griffbot's hull inwards, hurting his hoof as he pulls back. It sparks but keeps standign.
  123. [00:16]<SpiritOfFate> The Griffbot crackles, you hear distorted voice but can't tell what it says. The robot spreads out its wings and releases steam...
  124. [00:17]<SpiritOfFate> dispenses a sparkle cola
  125. [00:17]<SpiritOfFate> Then fires at Sotho
  126. [00:19]<SpiritOfFate> And it fires at Sotho again
  127. [00:25]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho is hit by a shower of burning plasma.
  128. [00:26]? Sotho cringes and gasps out in pain
  129. [00:33]? Firefly darts out from the cave, flying up to the storm cloud boiling above. She measures the position of the robot against her position... and unleashes a buck of lightning against the robot. The recoil, understandably, is not small. Firefly is considerably more fluffy than she was before.
  130. [00:35]<SpiritOfFate> The robot flashes and smokes, shutting down as its circuits fry.
  131. [00:38]? Hawkeye begins climbing down from her tree. "Everypony okay?" she shouts as the sounds of gunfire and plasma die down.
  132. [00:39]<SpiritOfFate> One of the griffin moans on the ground. The other two just turtle around confused.
  133. [00:40]? Firefly flies down out of the clouds. Though, the name Firefly isn't quite appropriate. Fwuff-fly? Firefwuff? "I'm ok... though storm clouds don't like me taking their lightning."
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