
Session 12 so far

Apr 13th, 2013
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  1. <SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #12 starts now
  2. <SpiritOfFate> ============================================
  3. <SpiritOfFate> The train is gone, as well as the carriage. The group still hides in the musty ruins. For a while, everything is silence, but eventually Ignis and Sotho hear a number of pony voices outside.
  4.  Sotho quickly try and listen to the voices
  5.  Ignis looks at Sotho, gesturing at the outside...he perks his ears to hear...
  6.  Firefly has her carrots and munches on them contently. Om nom nom.
  7. <SpiritOfFate> "...and why do we have to go all the way to the river? We already done our job wrecking those damn Sirens." A grumpy mare voice can be heard outside.
  8.  Sotho is already curious, what did they mean wrecking Sirens?"
  9.  Ignis believes that's most likely a monster or a particular group of hostile ponies named after those due to context...but keeps silent and hearing.
  10.  Firefly has tasty carrots. They are soooo good. Om nom nom!
  11. <SpiritOfFate> The voices seem to be approaching. "Argh! Shut the fuck up Clam Trap! I'm tired of your whining." A brattish filly voice says.
  12.  Ignis readies his gun and holds a finger by his lip, as to call the others to keep silent.
  13.  Sotho looks around, getting ready incase they attack
  14.  Firefly perks her ears up, finally hearing the voices. She looks over at Ignis and Sotho, unsure what's going on.
  15.  Royal-Lace has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  16.  Royal_Lace ( has joined #FoEG0
  17.  Sotho takes a peak
  18. <SpiritOfFate> Sotho sees three fillies wearing hoofball gear and chains with blunt weapons on their backs, dragging a mare by her tail.
  19.  Sotho tries to look at the mare their dragging
  20.  Ignis pops his head a bit to spy as well...
  21. <Hawkeye> The dark grey mare's crimson mane is currently tangled, with a bunch of dirt and sticks in it from being dragged. She wears a black Desperado hat and an eyepatch over her right eye. Her cutie mark is an odd red glyph that resembles an arcane eye. Dried blood clots on a wound on the side of her head as she's dragged along.
  22. * Notify: Wirepony is online (Canternet).
  23.  Firefly gets curious and peeks over the window sill, taking a look. Upon seeing the three fillies she grins and hops down, giving a small tug on Sotho's tail. "Mr. Sotho, can I make some friends?"
  24.  Sotho shakes his head. "Wait a bit Firefly, we need to see if they're good fillies and won't try to hurt us." He looks to Ignis. "What's the plan?"
  25.  Firefly nods up at the zebra, and resumes watching out the window, trying to be very sneaky about it.
  26.  Ignis mulls over. "I guess they are raiders, can't say for sure..." He spies to the fillies again. "Well...they are three...even if we KO them, what will we do next? We should talk to them..."
  27.  Royal_Lace has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  28.  Hawkeye has quit (Connection closed)
  29.  Hawkeye (chatzilla@Pony-ti5.82m.178.76.IP) has joined #FoEG0
  30.  Sotho nods. "It helps we have a filly with us too." He says.
  31.  Firefly peeks out the window at the fillies, wings twitching in anticipation. Huzzah for new friends!
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