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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- #######################################################
- # generate a list of abbreviated journal names
- # based on your Mendeley library .bib file(s)
- #
- # created
- # [2012-02-09] Alex M. Chubaty (
- # Charles Stevens
- # updated
- # [2013-02-27] Filipe G. Vieira
- #######################################################
- # usage: masterlist.txt *.bib
- if($#ARGV <= 0) {
- print("ERROR: No files provided!\nUsage:\n\t./ master_abb.txt lib1.bib lib2.bib ... libN.bib\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- my $master_abbrev = shift(@ARGV);
- # read all files and store them
- my @allJournals;
- while(<>){
- my $line = substr($_, 0, 7);
- if ($line eq 'journal') {
- chomp;
- $_ = substr($_, 11, -2);
- push(@allJournals, $_);
- }
- }
- # remove duplicate journal entries and sort alphabetically
- @allJournals = sort { $a cmp $b } unique(@allJournals);
- # Create journal abbrev directory (LINUX only)
- unless ( -e $ENV{"HOME"}.'/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/journalAbbreviations') {
- mkdir($ENV{"HOME"}.'/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/journalAbbreviations') or die "$!";
- }
- open (OUTFILE, ">".$ENV{"HOME"}.'/.local/share/data/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/journalAbbreviations/default.txt') || die "$!";
- # read in the master list of journals
- # (this was taken from the ISI journal list at:
- #
- # accessed Feb 8, 2012)
- open (INFILE, "<".$master_abbrev) || die "$!";
- while (<INFILE>) {
- chomp;
- my ($jfull, $jabbrev) = split("\t", $_);
- foreach my $jtitle (@allJournals) {
- if (lc($jtitle) eq lc($jfull)) {
- print(OUTFILE $jtitle, "\t", title_case($jabbrev), "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- close(INFILE);
- close(OUTFILE);
- exit(0);
- # subroutines
- sub title_case {
- my @title;
- foreach my $word (split(/ /,shift)) {
- $word = lc($word);
- if($word eq '&') {
- $word = '\&';
- } elsif(
- $word eq 'i' ||
- $word eq 'ii' ||
- $word eq 'iii' ||
- $word eq 'iv' ||
- $word eq 'v' ||
- $word eq 'vi' ||
- $word eq 'vii' ||
- $word eq 'viii' ||
- $word eq 'ix' ||
- $word eq 'x' ||
- $word eq 'xi' ||
- $word eq 'xii' ||
- $word eq 'xiii' ||
- $word eq 'xiv' ||
- $word eq 'xv' ||
- $word eq 'xvi' ||
- $word eq 'xvii' ||
- $word eq 'xviii' ||
- $word eq 'xix' ||
- $word eq 'xx' ||
- $word eq 'xxi' ||
- $word eq 'xxii' ||
- $word eq 'xxiii' ||
- $word eq 'xxiv' ||
- $word eq 'xxv' ||
- $word eq 'xxvi' ||
- $word eq 'xxvii' ||
- $word eq 'xxviii' ||
- $word eq 'xxix' ||
- $word eq 'xxx' ||
- $word eq 'ieee' ||
- $word eq 'bmc'
- ) {
- $word = uc($word);
- } elsif (
- $word eq 'and' ||
- $word eq 'in' ||
- $word eq 'of' ||
- $word eq 'on' ||
- $word eq 'the' ||
- $word eq 'to'
- ) {
- $word = lc($word);
- } else {
- $word =~ s/(\w+)/\u\L$1/g;
- }
- push(@title,$word);
- }
- return join(" ", @title);
- }
- sub unique {
- return keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @_ }};
- }
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