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Jan 29th, 2015
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  1. * terraforce45 ( has joined
  2. * thepeterafro ( has left
  3. <weforgot> hey Pvt, good luck OneHand b
  4. * weforgot ( has joined
  5. * fiercekyo ( has left
  6. * terraforce45 ( has left
  7. * supersanic_ ( has left
  8. * someflow ( has left
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  10. * swizzdizzle ( has left
  11. * cheffybro ( has left
  12. * cheffybro ( has joined
  13. * jtv removes channel operator status from pvtcb
  14. * jtv gives channel operator status to pvtcb
  15. <devil_killsome93> hey
  16. * devil_killsome93 ( has joined
  17. <devil_killsome93> its just debil p
  18. <devil_killsome93> *its just devil please
  19. * cryptichail060 ( has joined
  20. <devil_killsome93> thanks you and im srry for all the mistakes. the send button is right next to the "L"
  21. <devil_killsome93> okay. do u remeber me? from a couple of months ago?
  22. <devil_killsome93> okay. yeah, i love DMC!
  23. <devil_killsome93> everything i own is DMC! like EVERYTHING
  24. <devil_killsome93> i have a DMC water bottle but i dont drink a lot of water
  25. <devil_killsome93> i live with my mommy but my room is DMC
  26. * cryptichail060 ( has left
  27. <devil_killsome93> so no my house is not DMC
  28. <devil_killsome93> roommate?
  29. <devil_killsome93> oh. okay. i just live with my parents and bro.
  30. <devil_killsome93> medical? what wrong with u?
  31. <devil_killsome93> ohhh. personal. okay
  32. * trterror ( has joined
  33. <devil_killsome93> idk if girls have a prostate. but........ yeah idk
  34. * trterror ( has left
  35. <devil_killsome93> okay. now i know. & i didnt think so
  36. * tack7800 ( has joined
  37. <devil_killsome93> lol, i can here u drinking water
  38. <devil_killsome93> idk why thts funny
  39. <devil_killsome93> sooooooooo.
  40. <devil_killsome93> ik this is bad but whats the overall point of the first 4 DMC's
  41. <mimicchest> morning private cinnamon butt
  42. <devil_killsome93> yeah but i mean the REAL game point. i think the first one is Dante trying to find Mundus & destroy him. Idk with the 2nd one becuz im only on mission 5 & dont even get me started on #3
  43. * mimicchest ( has joined
  44. <devil_killsome93> :0
  45. <devil_killsome93> explain evil corporation and evil cult
  46. <devil_killsome93> & why arent there other ppl in the tower\castel? like in #1 he was all alone
  47. <devil_killsome93> okay and evil cult?
  48. * lsaime94 ( has joined
  49. <mimicchest> if you want the "story" of DMC to be even more of a mess add in the manga and anime
  50. <devil_killsome93> who the fuck is Nero?
  51. <lsaime94> the main character
  52. <lsaime94> hi everyone
  53. <devil_killsome93> whats the castel gotta do with it?
  54. <devil_killsome93> i thoufht
  55. <devil_killsome93> i thought the main character was dante
  56. <lsaime94> it is but not on this one
  57. <lsaime94> he is*
  58. * cirqueforge ( has joined
  59. <cirqueforge> I hate tis board game
  60. <devil_killsome93> okay. im gonna stop asking uestions
  61. <cirqueforge> This is human?
  62. <devil_killsome93> questions*
  63. <lsaime94> lol everyone hates it
  64. <lsaime94> and it's L Same
  65. <devil_killsome93> Isamie94, ur a girl or women?
  66. <devil_killsome93> like younge or older?
  67. <cirqueforge> Can you do the table hopper stylish floor dance in that fight
  68. <lsaime94> I'm a young lady. 20 years old
  69. <cirqueforge> Only did it 4 times playing the game
  70. <cirqueforge> For me
  71. <devil_killsome93> okay. im a girl. 14 years old
  72. * mimicchest ( has left
  73. <cirqueforge> I meant playing normally
  74. <lsaime94> oh yeah i forgot. forgive me
  75. <cirqueforge> Not during runs
  76. * 32bitwonder ( has joined
  77. <lsaime94> you played this didn't you devil?
  78. * 32bitwonder ( has left
  79. <devil_killsome93> not yet im on DMC 2 mission 5
  80. <lsaime94> ha! why would you torture yourself like that!!!!??
  81. <cirqueforge> It's worst than the revamp but it at least had more stylish influences on the series
  82. <lsaime94> i played one mission and never went back
  83. <devil_killsome93> wym tourte myself
  84. <devil_killsome93> i cant skip it and go on to #3 but yeah it kinda sucks
  85. <devil_killsome93> the graphics r hori
  86. <devil_killsome93> horribl
  87. <devil_killsome93> horrible
  88. <lsaime94> DMC2 almost ended the series....
  89. <devil_killsome93> im soo glad it didn't!!
  90. <devil_killsome93> gamers need DMC
  91. <lsaime94> me too!
  92. <cirqueforge> Guns being OP
  93. <lsaime94> you mean Dante being op
  94. <lsaime94> the game is too ez
  95. <devil_killsome93> no, the graphics suck, the water on mission 2(or maybe it was 3) was moving all flat. no waves.
  96. <tack7800> Isn't it more difficult playing as Lucia?
  97. <lsaime94> though i cannot speak from experience.....
  98. <devil_killsome93> no one wants to play Lucia! everyone loves Dante
  99. <devil_killsome93> or virgil
  100. <lsaime94> Lucia don't exist
  101. <lsaime94> jj
  102. <devil_killsome93> right!!!
  103. <lsaime94> jk*
  104. <devil_killsome93> fuck her. no offense
  105. <lsaime94> ugh....
  106. <lsaime94> immature language.....
  107. <devil_killsome93> Exactly, u cant just intorduce a ne character with no background
  108. <devil_killsome93> whatever.
  109. <cirqueforge> Are all of Nero's QTE moves not worth the time to damage ratio?
  110. <devil_killsome93> OMG with this stupid plant!
  111. <lsaime94> they aren't qte in this game
  112. <devil_killsome93> ?
  113. <cirqueforge> No, devil bringer moves on bosses more specifically
  114. <cirqueforge> Showdown and maximum bet isn't worth it unless the strat is solid
  115. <cirqueforge> Buster
  116. <cirqueforge> The thirty second or a bit less WR for Berial with Nero
  117. <devil_killsome93> i have to play DMC more often, ive been playing Assassins creed lately
  118. <cirqueforge> Uses maximum bet until flames, down, maximum bet and then
  119. <cirqueforge> Ah right
  120. <cirqueforge> buster until dead
  121. <lsaime94> qte's are events that require button prompts
  122. <cirqueforge> Dunn0o if that's still the record
  123. <cirqueforge> Probably the DMD WR then I'm remembering
  124. <lsaime94> is this all you do? speedruns?
  125. <devil_killsome93> dumb question, is this game based off of Dantes inferno?
  126. <lsaime94> loosely
  127. <cirqueforge> Not as of the remake DmC:Devil May Cry
  128. <cirqueforge> It used to be loosely based
  129. <lsaime94> used to..... that make me depressed
  130. <devil_killsome93> okayyyyy! thank you & ik about the roman emporer Nero
  131. <cirqueforge> I mean 3 had some basis from the book, descending to hell and all that
  132. <devil_killsome93> depressed? awww
  133. <lsaime94> there is actually more references than just the characters names..... but i would have to look them up. i don't remember
  134. <devil_killsome93> im writing a book about heaven and hell!
  135. <lsaime94> you are?
  136. <devil_killsome93> yep :)
  137. <devil_killsome93> its my 2nd one
  138. <devil_killsome93> 2nd book
  139. <lsaime94> that is gonna take work
  140. <cirqueforge> You did I thought
  141. <devil_killsome93> im actually almost done
  142. <lsaime94> OK
  143. <devil_killsome93> yeah.
  144. <devil_killsome93> i just gotta wrap it all up
  145. <lsaime94> i used to write original fiction too
  146. <devil_killsome93> cool
  147. <lsaime94> writing is fun
  148. <devil_killsome93> i have 2 more books to write after im done with this 1
  149. <devil_killsome93> yeah, so is reading. i love to do both
  150. <lsaime94> it doesn't get I'm the way of your school work?
  151. <lsaime94> i read too nothing good though
  152. <devil_killsome93> no. im a highschool freshman, not much work to do.
  153. <lsaime94> in the way*
  154. * armoredninjacat ( has joined
  155. <lsaime94> what? freshman year was work work work
  156. <lsaime94> every year except for senior year
  157. <devil_killsome93> well, lets just say if there is work i dont do it
  158. <devil_killsome93> i mean i do but my writing comes first
  159. <lsaime94> that's sad
  160. <devil_killsome93> how?
  161. <lsaime94> kids don't take school seriously
  162. * armoredninjacat ( has left
  163. <devil_killsome93> yeah. i mean im passing all my classes but i do the work @ home and write @ school
  164. <devil_killsome93> im on break too
  165. <lsaime94> don't patents idk BTA if you get a bad mid term report or something?
  166. * papertigre ( has joined
  167. <lsaime94> passing what does that mean?
  168. <devil_killsome93> my parents only see my report card, never graded work.
  169. <cirqueforge> I haven't seen a genuine duel fight against Dante with Nero
  170. <cirqueforge> Has potential to be really stylish
  171. <devil_killsome93> im passing with 75% or higher
  172. <cirqueforge> Parents these days don't give a shit and by extension, kids don't have to.
  173. <devil_killsome93> thts what it means
  174. <lsaime94> 75 ha!
  175. <devil_killsome93> i said or higher!!!
  176. <lsaime94> i hate anything below 85
  177. <devil_killsome93> well excuse me miss perfect.
  178. <lsaime94> i strive for the A
  179. <cirqueforge> I had the same attitude until I started taking electromagnetism for my electrical engineering degree
  180. <devil_killsome93> i strive for surviving the day
  181. <cirqueforge> That and analog circuits broke that policy
  182. <devil_killsome93> Emos are the victims @ my school. i just stay low and keep my mouth shut
  183. <lsaime94> wheres your motivation? see what i did there? huh.
  184. <lsaime94> ?*
  185. <devil_killsome93> my motivation!
  186. <devil_killsome93> *?
  187. <cirqueforge> She hasn't played 3
  188. <lsaime94> to do better
  189. <cirqueforge> She wouldn't understand the reference
  190. <lsaime94> i meant everyone else
  191. <devil_killsome93> my motivation? never rlly thought about it
  192. * reutan ( has joined
  193. * jtv gives channel operator status to reutan
  194. <cirqueforge> Too far away with that taunt
  195. <lsaime94> do you know what you want to do with your life yet?
  196. <devil_killsome93> yes. i e
  197. <cirqueforge> Most kids don't think about it that early.
  198. <devil_killsome93> yes i wanna jump of a cliff when im 18
  199. <devil_killsome93> jk jk jk
  200. <lsaime94> Nero Chan your potty mouth.....
  201. <devil_killsome93> i wanna study animal behavior
  202. <paperdinosaur> Nero isn't a human toilet, please don't push your fetishes onto DMC
  203. <lsaime94> i hate animals. .. . sort of
  204. <devil_killsome93> what?!?!?!?!?!?!
  205. * paperdinosaur ( has joined
  206. <devil_killsome93> i LOVE animals!!!!!!!
  207. <lsaime94> i like demodulated animals not that much though
  208. <devil_killsome93> almost as much as i love the dark arts
  209. <lsaime94> i had a friend like you. always talked about her stupid rats that i don't care about.....
  210. <devil_killsome93> rats? i said dark arts
  211. <lsaime94> dark arts....uhhhlll
  212. <devil_killsome93> damn
  213. * oscarmic_ ( has joined
  214. <cirqueforge> Wait, what happened?
  215. <lsaime94> i know what you said. i meant she likes animals
  216. <devil_killsome93> oh.
  217. <cirqueforge> Why did he restart?
  218. <devil_killsome93> we arent paying attention
  219. * oscarmic_ ( has left
  220. <lsaime94> dark arts you mean black magic?
  221. <devil_killsome93> no. well.............. no
  222. <lsaime94> i don't understand
  223. <cirqueforge> Oh you fucked up the Dante elevator skip?
  224. <cirqueforge> With the trickster and triple jump
  225. <devil_killsome93> i mean, vampires and worshipping the devil and stuff like tht and demons
  226. * sarutos089 ( has joined
  227. <lsaime94> OK that's what i kind of meant
  228. <devil_killsome93> okay.
  229. * dorfdungood ( has joined
  230. * allinonduke ( has joined
  231. * jtv gives channel operator status to allinonduke
  232. <devil_killsome93> what the hell?!?
  233. <lsaime94> not anything I'm interested in in the slightest
  234. <spiderfacev> sup cb, chat
  235. <cirqueforge> Dark ajkmli,m ,jhnbmol;k./,liouykjthgfnbdcvxzSA`21QAZp;l/.opl;.]=[-polkm ,-p[;l./90oilk,m ty6hgfbvtygfbv yghnbv vbg n q2wertyuiop[]\tgfryhjukilop;[']]
  236. <lsaime94> hello
  237. <cirqueforge> Keyboard took a tumble
  238. <lsaime94> lol!
  239. <devil_killsome93> lol
  240. * spiderfacev ( has joined
  241. <devil_killsome93> i fist thought it was a link
  242. <lsaime94> is it a family thing?
  243. <devil_killsome93> wym?
  244. <lsaime94> the dark arts your family does it?
  245. <devil_killsome93> noยก!!!!!!!!!!!! my parents are normal, my grandma's religious. its just me who does it
  246. <lsaime94> oh how did they raise a demon child? lol
  247. <allinonduke> Private what are the kids in your chat even talking about.
  248. <devil_killsome93> lol. i became one, they didnt raise me as one
  249. <spiderfacev> what the fuck even is this chat
  250. <devil_killsome93> pvtcb? whats tht stand for?
  251. <paperdinosaur> Looks like 12 year old goths.
  252. <allinonduke> The edgy kids cool club.
  253. <devil_killsome93> im 14 and I'm Emo, not goth!!!!!
  254. <lsaime94> why would one do this anyway? what is the appeal? hell? is it appealing? i really don't see it
  255. <allinonduke> I mean, Private is playing DMC, how could this not be forseen?
  256. <spiderfacev> this chat is making me lose brain cells
  257. <devil_killsome93> weed does tht to you, not this caht
  258. <allinonduke> To be fair, Emo is derivative of Goth.
  259. <devil_killsome93> *chat
  260. <cirqueforge> I'm pretty close to wanting to close it. Nothing really educational going on.
  261. <lsaime94> they call it inertia not momentum. but i suppose it is the same thing
  262. <devil_killsome93> okay, to be fair
  263. <paperdinosaur> Has the DMC fanbase really become annoying goths instead of dudes who loved high complexity combat?
  264. <cirqueforge> Inertia and momentum is different in a physics sense.
  265. <allinonduke> #burnt
  266. <devil_killsome93> omg, im offened
  267. <cirqueforge> Inertia is the right phase.
  268. <allinonduke> Then don't be pussy. Go full Gothic.
  269. <allinonduke> Read some gothic fantasy and shit.
  270. <devil_killsome93> fuck off!!!!!
  271. * checkmyretros ( has joined
  272. <devil_killsome93> & no!
  273. <allinonduke> Then tell your parents about it. They'll be proud of your appreciation for classic literature.
  274. <devil_killsome93> my parents dont care! duhhh!
  275. <allinonduke> Maybe...
  276. <allinonduke> Maybe they just want to find a way to connect with their son?
  277. <devil_killsome93> im a girl!
  278. <lsaime94> i meant the community calls it inertia. i see somebody knows physics
  279. <devil_killsome93> omigod!
  280. <spiderfacev> DMC4 slideshow%
  281. <allinonduke> Well sorry for assuming.
  282. <allinonduke> Ahem
  283. <devil_killsome93> mmmhhmmmmm
  284. <allinonduke> Maybe they just want to find a way to connect with their daughter?
  285. <devil_killsome93> they dont
  286. <reutan> Kinda a shame that Bill doesn't seem to have the greatest grasp on higher level stuff.
  287. <devil_killsome93> trust me, they could care less
  288. <allinonduke> You'll never know unless you try to meet them halfway with some common interests.
  289. <reutan> Well of course they care to some degree. Seems kinda redundant to state.
  290. <allinonduke> IF they could care less, that means they still care at least a small bit!
  291. <devil_killsome93> im good. and how i am has nothing to do with them
  292. * papertigre ( has left
  293. <devil_killsome93> its all with friends and stuff @ school
  294. <lsaime94> wow well..... i guess I'll be on my way.....
  295. <allinonduke> Private you seem to attract a lot of young teens to your channel. It's a talent.
  296. <devil_killsome93> my home life is GREAT. Its school tht sucks
  297. <devil_killsome93> lol
  298. <allinonduke> It's the right demographic, to be honest. You could be the next PewDiePie!
  299. <devil_killsome93> who?
  300. * spiderfacev ( has left
  301. <allinonduke> You don't know who PewDiePie is? Good for you.
  302. <lsaime94> don't sound like you have a good relationship with your parents from what I'm reading. or am i reading this wrong?
  303. <devil_killsome93> me? u were asking me! pvtcb?
  304. <reutan> I'll admit that I giggled before wincing, Duke.
  305. * sonic_turtle14 ( has joined
  306. <allinonduke> Seems like a position of mutual apathy.
  307. <devil_killsome93> no i do but i didnt knoe if u meant me or pvtcb and no i have a good relationship with my parents, i just never tell them anything
  308. <reutan> TopNotStuckInWall% hype!
  309. <devil_killsome93> im lost. :( if someone is gonna ask a question, plz be direct
  310. <lsaime94> OK how is that good exactly....
  311. <lsaime94> i man you devil
  312. <reutan> I spoke too soon! cirPls
  313. <lsaime94> what?
  314. <devil_killsome93> well, they never ask me anything, only if im having sex
  315. <devil_killsome93> which im not
  316. <lsaime94> wth i didn't ask you that
  317. <reutan> You did, actually.
  318. <lsaime94> I'm confused
  319. <devil_killsome93> tbh i wouldn't tell them stuff even if they did ask
  320. <devil_killsome93> i did? what?
  321. <lsaime94> children confuse me
  322. <devil_killsome93> okay, nvm
  323. <reutan> Which could probably be put in a textbook as a definition of "not a good relationship".
  324. <devil_killsome93> plz be direct ppl!!!!!
  325. <devil_killsome93> its killing me!
  326. <reutan> Not being willing to talk to your parents even if they did ask you stuff is not a good relationship, devil.
  327. <allinonduke> We should just rename the stream to Devil Killsome general.
  328. <devil_killsome93> okay. reutan
  329. <devil_killsome93> no, allionduke.
  330. <allinonduke> I was being sarcastic.
  331. <lsaime94> if you won't tell them anything..... it isn't a functional relationship sweet heart
  332. * sonic_turtle14 ( has left
  333. <devil_killsome93> i didnt ask u guys to care. u guys just do
  334. <devil_killsome93> ohh okay, allionduke
  335. <lsaime94> it is important to have a good family relationship
  336. <devil_killsome93> i rlly dont want them to know isaime
  337. <lsaime94> well then....
  338. <reutan> Why not? It's not like they haven't been a teenager, done stuff, and hopefully learned from it.
  339. <devil_killsome93> yeah but im not making a mistakr
  340. <lsaime94> i wish your parents luck......
  341. <devil_killsome93> ,reutan
  342. <allinonduke> No, I can't change the stream title. Just ban and timeout users, and put it into slow mode.
  343. * themogayest ( has joined
  344. <allinonduke> And clear the chat.
  345. <devil_killsome93> who brought pvtcb into this? just let him play
  346. * paperdinosaur ( has left
  347. * sarutos089 ( has left
  348. <reutan> Don't have to make a mistake to learn from things. and no worries Cinnamon. I've just run out of run-relevant questions these days.
  349. <devil_killsome93> 4, more years and i wont be my parents problem, Isaime
  350. <lsaime94> well bye everyone! goodnight. good luck.... good graces all that good jazz
  351. <devil_killsome93> gn
  352. <devil_killsome93> pvtcb?
  353. <allinonduke> grorious nippon steel
  354. <lsaime94> have fun pv
  355. <devil_killsome93> sorry pvtcb
  356. <reutan> Currently living at home, about to get me a full time job, and save me some money while at home.
  357. * lsaime94 ( has left
  358. <allinonduke> I didn't choose the NEET life.
  359. * joshkaz ( has joined
  360. <devil_killsome93> well, pvtcb, when im done with college ill live alone or with a friend. cant wait to move out
  361. <allinonduke> Good luck, sincerely.
  362. <devil_killsome93> wym?
  363. * cryptichail060 ( has joined
  364. <allinonduke> Does wym mean "What You Mean?"
  365. * cryptichail060 ( has left
  366. <devil_killsome93> yes
  367. <allinonduke> And you're asking me what I meant by good luck?
  368. <devil_killsome93> yea
  369. <reutan> cirGlod PogChamp
  370. <devil_killsome93> ?
  371. * cryptichail060 ( has joined
  372. <allinonduke> Well, I'm wishing you luck in your endeavors to move out and become your own person. And I said sincerely so you knew that I wasn't saying it as some sort of taunt.
  373. <devil_killsome93> oh.๐Ÿ˜‘
  374. * cryptichail060 ( has left
  375. <reutan> I will mention that that tends to be more expensive, difficult, or both, than it first appears.
  376. <devil_killsome93> ik. thts why im saving up
  377. * craigphil ( has joined
  378. <reutan> Well...yeah. It's been used occasionally as emphasis for many years, but it's reached oversaturation by this point it seems.
  379. <allinonduke> I'm going to start using "sincerely" in place of literally, and watch the word slowly become insincere.
  380. <devil_killsome93> man! i literraly just did this and now its fucked up
  381. * honoluluhotfudge ( has joined
  382. <allinonduke> I play word games?
  383. <devil_killsome93> can i say something?
  384. * honoluluhotfudge ( has left
  385. <allinonduke> Nobody's stopping you.
  386. <reutan> How many levels of word game is it if we talk about how Scrabble has somehow turned into Words With Friends?
  387. <allinonduke> This is Moot's favorite split.
  388. <devil_killsome93> u guys do realize tht im a 14 year old Emo girl who could care less about what you have to say? no offense
  389. <allinonduke> You say that like we're heavily invested in giving you advice.
  390. <devil_killsome93> ik u guys arent. im just saying
  391. <allinonduke> Well, I can only speak for myself. I was just confused as to why talk of demon children was here, and now here we are.
  392. <devil_killsome93> no comment
  393. <reutan> The expectation is that it doesn't have an impact, but it's presented on the off chance that I'm wrong.
  394. <devil_killsome93> u cant expect me to understand tht
  395. <allinonduke> He means he doesn't honestly expect you to care, but he's talking to you anyway in case it somehow does have some positive impact on your life.
  396. <devil_killsome93> ohhhhhhhhhh, thank you, i guess
  397. <reutan> Yerp. Thanks Duke. I talk in circles at times.
  398. <devil_killsome93> soooooo, what now?
  399. <tack7800> I'd like to see this fight done fairly sometime
  400. <allinonduke> Let's just watch the run.
  401. <devil_killsome93> k
  402. <reutan> We watch Dante decide to be resilient to cheese.
  403. <devil_killsome93> i was uncomfortable anyways. all this attention is scary
  404. <tack7800> Yeah looks pretty difficult normally
  405. <reutan> It's what happens when you're in a stream of under 20 people, 4 of which were talking, and you present something worth talking about.
  406. <devil_killsome93> cheese?
  407. <devil_killsome93> lol, thank you
  408. <devil_killsome93> i still dont like attention
  409. <reutan> A cheap trick, in this case abusing the way the AI reacts to his play.
  410. <devil_killsome93> o
  411. <devil_killsome93> omg. i JUST got speed runs
  412. <reutan> That... that was brutal.
  413. <devil_killsome93> like, JUST got it
  414. <reutan> What was not got?
  415. <devil_killsome93> i never tried to understand it, but it JUST clicked
  416. * tayconel ( has joined
  417. <reutan> I mean, what aspect? What a speedrun is, why someone would speedrun, how they speedrun?
  418. <devil_killsome93> its not tht i didnt get it, i just didnt rlly knoe what it was
  419. * teratism ( has joined
  420. <devil_killsome93> i never really read the description. i jsut see "pvtcp" and "decil may cry 4"
  421. <devil_killsome93> *pvtcb
  422. <reutan> Ah, well, this is an any% human run, so he's trying to beat the game as fast as possible with no specific requirements other than that, on Human difficulty.
  423. <devil_killsome93> yeah, i get tht now.
  424. <reutan> Other games have 100% or specific % completions, for example Super Mario 64 has multiple different Star categories based on which parts of the game they skip.
  425. <devil_killsome93> nvm pv
  426. * cirqueforge ( has left
  427. <devil_killsome93> do u like speed runs pv?
  428. * joshkaz ( has left
  429. <allinonduke> "Like" might not be the right word.
  430. <devil_killsome93> u dont gotta be an ass about it! it wws p
  431. <devil_killsome93> it was a question
  432. <devil_killsome93> wym duke?
  433. <allinonduke> The only other possibly is if he didn't actually like speed runs, but had some sort of crippling addiction to them. Or a love-hate relationship.
  434. <devil_killsome93> thts wht i meant.
  435. <reutan> I feel like that is what is happening for a good number of speedrunners. You beat the crap out of yourself to get good at it, but the runners tend to get a lot of satisfaction out of getting it right.
  436. <devil_killsome93> he could be obsessed to beating his top time.
  437. <allinonduke> lmao
  438. <devil_killsome93> like how i am with SS
  439. <allinonduke> Private has often commented that having this hobby makes him worry about where he is on the autism spectrum.
  440. <devil_killsome93> y do u call him private? i already asked what his user name stood for but got no answer
  441. <allinonduke> "Private Cinnamonbun"
  442. <devil_killsome93> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, cook
  443. <devil_killsome93> cool
  444. <devil_killsome93> im sure u guys can tell y my name is Devil
  445. <allinonduke> You think Devils are cool? You like DMC a lot?
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  448. <devil_killsome93> well. to be completly honest, the only person who calls me devil is my best friend. idk y he does but it kinda stuck so thts how it became my twitch name
  449. <allinonduke> Ah.
  450. <devil_killsome93> but, im called devil becuz of my book
  451. <reutan> I know that line, but I haven't heard it in ages.
  452. <devil_killsome93> u guys wouldnt know tht, im srry for b4
  453. <devil_killsome93> what line?
  454. <reutan> The timeline. Kappa
  455. <allinonduke> The one Private just said. I don't recognize it, myself.
  456. <devil_killsome93> but yes, the devil is cool, duke
  457. <devil_killsome93> o
  458. <reutan> OH GOD, I know what it is now.
  459. <allinonduke> What is what now?
  460. <devil_killsome93> hmmm!
  461. <devil_killsome93> ?
  462. <reutan> "Watch it count down to the end of the day, time ticks like a wave", or some such.
  463. <devil_killsome93> ooo
  464. <reutan> He quote Linkin Park at us. >_>
  465. <reutan> quoted*
  466. <devil_killsome93> linkin park !!!! i love them!!!!!!!
  467. <allinonduke> Well know I feel like a plebeian for not knowing that.
  468. * yoshipro101 ( has joined
  469. <allinonduke> I'm sure you do Kappa
  470. <yoshipro101> linkinpark for best meme 5 years in a row
  471. <devil_killsome93> wym duke?
  472. <reutan> It's fitting, given your tastes, though the LP we remember is about as old as you are.
  473. <allinonduke> You just seem like the sort of person who would be a Linkin Park fan.
  474. * skeletor97 ( has joined
  475. <devil_killsome93> oh. i love the fray too
  476. <allinonduke> That band I don't know.
  477. <devil_killsome93> oh. its okay
  478. * thecoolisgaming ( has joined
  479. * skeletor97 ( has left
  480. <reutan> How to Save A Life, Duke? Though you probably haven't seen them if you're not a radio listener.
  481. <allinonduke> I recall that song.
  482. <devil_killsome93> how to save a life and you found me is my carting music
  483. * thecoolisgaming ( has left
  484. <devil_killsome93> *crying
  485. <devil_killsome93> not carting, sorry
  486. <reutan> That room seemed pretty tolerable. Averageish? I've seen the fish go much worse.
  487. * themogayest ( has left
  488. <reutan> Yeah, they're laughable on a good day with the buster, but Dante goes "Uh...shotgun? High Time?"
  489. <devil_killsome93> ever heard of "a devils angel" ?
  490. <allinonduke> Nah.
  491. * themogayest ( has joined
  492. <devil_killsome93> the title of my book
  493. <allinonduke> Be sure to find a good editor.
  494. * supersanic_ ( has joined
  495. <devil_killsome93> ik. i gotta finish it 1st
  496. * patrick5888 ( has joined
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  498. <devil_killsome93> doesnt this game have an ending with Dante and some girl???
  499. <allinonduke> If I remember correctly, yes.
  500. <devil_killsome93> ever heard of Pandoras tower??
  501. * patrick5888 ( has left
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  503. <reutan> Get down from there assault. You're supposed to be getting stabbed.
  504. <allinonduke> Fraid not.
  505. <devil_killsome93> its the BEST game ever!!!!!!!!!
  506. <devil_killsome93> in my opinion
  507. * syfer22 ( has joined
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  509. <devil_killsome93> pvtcb? its tht mundus?
  510. <devil_killsome93> ok
  511. <devil_killsome93> in what dmc did he die in?
  512. <themogayest> 1 but it's implied he was supposed to return in a future dmc game
  513. <devil_killsome93> &who is this?
  514. <themogayest> He's currently fighting The Saviour
  515. <themogayest> which is just a giant robot statue
  516. <devil_killsome93> yea hes in dmc... 5 or 6? idk if there is a 6
  517. <reutan> Which is being used by the Pope.
  518. <reutan> DmC, the Reboot.
  519. <allinonduke> With Donte
  520. <devil_killsome93> okay so i already killed him
  521. <reutan> It's not tied to any of the other games, though there is a Mundus that appears in the other games.
  522. * thecoolisgaming ( has joined
  523. <devil_killsome93> ik becuz its Dante when he was younger
  524. <themogayest> Mundus appears in 3 for a short while but that's about it
  525. <devil_killsome93> but hes in 5
  526. <themogayest> DmC by Ninja theory is a different canon
  527. <reutan> DMC1-4 shares no ties to DmC, which is why it isn't DMC5.
  528. <themogayest> There is no DMC5 really
  529. <thecoolisgaming> the dante in DmC is someone completely different from DMC 1-4 Dante
  530. <devil_killsome93> damnnnnn
  531. <devil_killsome93> sorrry
  532. * parallax4 ( has joined
  533. <devil_killsome93> ohh?
  534. <devil_killsome93> a fag?
  535. <themogayest> I remember Ninja theory photoshopping Dante from DMC4 into Brokeback mountain promotional shots
  536. <themogayest> it was so fucking stupid
  537. * parallax4 ( has left
  538. <allinonduke> Explosive taunts.
  539. <reutan> Ninja Theory likes to take potshots at the older Dante during the course of DmC.
  540. <themogayest> "White hair? Not in a million years"
  541. <themogayest> And then DmC: Definitive edition comes out
  542. * adramis ( has left
  543. <themogayest> like two years later, with white hair costumes
  544. <syfer22> I still remembering seeing the DmC ending credits
  545. <devil_killsome93> this is making me feel high
  546. <syfer22> And all it is is a running shot of the Ninja Theory office
  547. <syfer22> And all I could think was "This is so amateur"
  548. <themogayest> Dante's voice actor did that shit? Wow how awful
  549. <reutan> Yeah. DmC is accessibly fluid, but it's not near as crazy as the mainline games can get. I just suck at the main games.
  550. <themogayest> DMC3 is still my favorite action game
  551. <themogayest> I replay it pretty much every year
  552. <themogayest> People are stil discovering shit in it
  553. <fabreezio> i just took a trans-dimensional dump
  554. <themogayest> Like Doppleganger tricks
  555. <devil_killsome93> ewwwww!
  556. * fabreezio ( has joined
  557. <reutan> Did you just take shit so big your pants fit better?
  558. <themogayest> Shouldn't have eaten those Trans-fats Fabreezio
  559. <thecoolisgaming> aw man have you all been checking that dmc3 style switcher mod?
  560. <themogayest> Have you run DMC3 here in the past Pvt?
  561. <fabreezio> the contents of my bowels cleaved the earth in twain
  562. <themogayest> I have but I wasn't referring to that
  563. <fabreezio> in an instant, millions cried out in agony
  564. <themogayest> Style switching in 3 makes it even cooler
  565. <fabreezio> and were left only as dust in the wind
  566. <themogayest> shame it's for the shitty pc port
  567. <thecoolisgaming> quicksilver > round trip > rainstorm, 2 stylish
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  570. <syfer22> @Themogayest What shit did Dante's voice actor do? I missed the comment
  571. <devil_killsome93> Dante's soo cute
  572. <devil_killsome93> ik thts weird
  573. <thecoolisgaming> so what are the problems with the pc port of dmc3?
  574. <themogayest> At the end of the credits he rides away on a skateboard after saying fuck you
  575. <themogayest> it's apparently in the DmC: Devil may cry ending credits
  576. <syfer22> Ewwww
  577. <themogayest> thanks for stream
  578. <reutan> So Cb, I'm going to try to get back into working my way through DMC. Should I keep trying to do 4 first, and any tips for getting smoother at combat?
  579. <syfer22> They really tried WAY to hard to make Dante edgy in that game
  580. * wowhowcool ( has left
  581. <devil_killsome93> what?
  582. <allinonduke> Night.
  583. <thecoolisgaming> hey, i'm gonna be streaming dmc4 soon, actually. relatively new to it, but hey
  584. <devil_killsome93> okay. bye everyone
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