
monotype roomintro

May 22nd, 2016
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  1. /roomintro <div class="infobox"><div style="background-image: url(&quot;https://images7.alphacoders.com/326/326060.jpg&quot;) ; background-size: 100%"><center><img src="http://images.cooltext.com/4461863.png" width="320" height="90"></center><center><button name="send" value="/roomshop" style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #fff ; padding: 5px ; color: #FFFF00 ; text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000; background: rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.8)"><b>Mono Boutique</b></button></center><br><center><a href="http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/monotype-viability-rankings.3565113/" target="_blank"><button style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #fff ; padding: 5px ; color: blue ; background: rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.8)"><b>Viability Rankings</b></button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<button name="receive" value="|html|<div class = &quot;infobox&quot;><center><font size = 2><u><b>Monotype Room Rules</b></u></font></center><br><li>Do not misbehave in this room, this includes flaming, spamming and abusing.<li>Tournament participants may change teams, but are not allowed to scout other battles unless otherwise mentioned.<li>Do not advertise any other room(s) in the room.<li>For any inquiries, questions or complaints, please PM a staff.<br><br><center><i>In the room we encourage fair play.<br>We also allow shit talk but you really shouldn't push your luck. ;)</i></center></div>" style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #fff ; padding: 5px ; color: red ; background: rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.8)"><b>Rules</b></button>&nbsp;&nbsp;<button name="send" value="/poll Next Tournament! (All tiers below are to be played in the Monotype Format), Regular, Type-bans, XY, UU, LC, Random, Doubles, 1v1, Almost Any Ability, STABmons, BW, TURBO, C&amp;E, Ubers" style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #fff ; padding: 5px ; color: ##04D916; background: rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.8)"><b>Tour Poll</b></button></center><br><center><img src="//i.imgur.com/mx9D9KH.gif" width="50" height="50"><button name="receive" value='|html|<div class = &quot;infobox&quot;><center><font size = 2><u><b>Advertisement Board</b></u></font></center><br><center><b>None ATM</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<button name="send" value="/join insertleaguehere">~</button></center><br><br><center><li></center><br><br></div>' style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #000 ; padding: 5px ; color: cyan ; box-shadow: 0px 0px 22px 5px rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.5) ; background: rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.6)"><b>Advertisements</b></button>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="http://pokemonshowdown.com/interstice?uri=http%3A%2F%2Forigin-forums.com%2Findex.php%3F%2Fforum%2F11-monotype%2F" title="Feel free to submit or use sample teams, rate or get rated." target="_blank"><button style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #000 ; padding: 5px ; color: lime ; box-shadow: 0px 0px 22px 5px rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.5) ; background: rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.6)"><b>Forums</b></button></a><img src="//i.imgur.com/mx9D9KH.gif" width="50" height="50"><br><br><button name="receive" value='|html|<div class = &quot;infobox&quot;><center><font size = 2><u><b>Origin Ladder Competition</b></u></font></center><br><center><b>Details</b></center><br><center><li>From May 1st to May 31st<li>Work your way up the Monotype Ladder<li>Participant names must start with OL</center><br><center><b>Prizes</b></center><br><center><li>First Place - 90 Bucks, Custom Avatar and Trainer Card<li>Second Place - 40 Bucks<li>Third, Fourth and Fifth Place - 30 Bucks</center><br></div>' style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #000 ; padding: 5px ; color: #FF00FF ; box-shadow: 0px 0px 22px 5px rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.5) ; background: rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.6)"><b>Origin Ladder Competition</b></button><br><br><a href="http://pokemonshowdown.com/interstice?uri=http%3A%2F%2Forigin-forums.com%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F8-monotype-oms-championship%2F" target="_blank"><button style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #000 ; padding: 5px ; color: orange ; box-shadow: 0px 0px 22px 5px rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.5) ; background: rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.6)"><b>OM Championship</b></button></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<button name="receive" value='|html|<div class = &quot;infobox&quot;><center><font size = 3><u><b>Origin Monthly Monothreats</b></u></font></center><h3 align="right"><i>May/June Season</i></h3><br><a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q7FoXOon8_MOLfJ2fuojY9tu1QA582FgWhSGrrxWoWU/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0">Point Table and Brackets</a><br><center><b>Details</b></center><br><center><li>Monothreats are held every weekend throughout the two months<li>Points are awarded to participants in separate tournaments to calculate their stance<li>Win battles and display your elegance!</center><br><center><b>Prizes</b></center><br><center><li>First Place in a Single Tournament - 40 Bucks and 5 Points<li>Second Place in a Single Tournament - 15 Bucks and 3 Points<li>Third and Fourth Places in a Single Tournament - 1 Point each</center><br><br><center><li>First Place in the whole event - 150 Bucks<li>Second Place in the whole event - 100 Bucks</center><br></div>' style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 1px solid #000 ; padding: 5px ; color: yellow ; box-shadow: 0px 0px 22px 5px rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0.5) ; background: rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.6)"><b>May-June Monothreats</b></button></center><br><div style="padding: 5px ; border: 2px solid aqua ; background: rgba(0 , 0 , 255 , 0.3) ; border-radius: 5px ; margin: 3px"><a style="color: aqua" target="_blank"><marquee direction="left"><font color="silver"><i><b>Battle of the types season 2 WINNERS: Eien, Wanka, Zap with the FIGHTING TYPE! Congratulations to the winners! U.L.C 4 COMING SOON!</b></i></font></marquee></a></div></div><center><audio src="https://dl2.pushbulletusercontent.com/IGb8fXjOKv2btimoQayNhfcsXAE005wd/Bring%20Tha%20Noize%20%28DMX%29.mp4" controls="" style="width: 100% ; border: 2px solid #00FFFF ; background-color: #000000" target="_blank"></audio></center></div>
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