
MoaR Session 3

Jul 28th, 2010
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  1. <Cliven> [Last session! MoaR new maids! This session! We're en route to the plane its only a few minutes away but everyone seems bored out of their mind. There also seems to be ANOTHER new body in this car... Lets see who she is and if we will ever get to board the plan today in Maiders!]
  2. * [BNS]Mina is napping, with her head resting on her backpack
  3. * [Rut]Janie gapes at uninteresting things as they pass through the windows.
  4. * [Zem]Yumi has been in the van since before everyone else got in. She looks around at the new people.
  5. <Cliven> Ah... I didn't see you in here before Yumi... whene did you get here?
  6. * Cliven turns to this old acquainted friend.
  7. <[Zem]Yumi> "I got in while everone else was grabbing their luggage."
  8. <Cliven> Ah, right... there was alot more people than I had anticipated hahaha...
  9. <[Zem]Yumi> "Sorry about that. I should have told you beforehand."
  10. * Cliven scribbles down some more notes.
  11. <Cliven> Not a problem, the more the merrier.
  12. <Cliven> How are you faring now a days Yumi?
  13. <[Zem]Yumi> "Not bad, not bad. I think I managed to lose my mother's agents before coming here."
  14. * [par]Nafrit has been quietly reading one of her musty old books. She seems oblivious of the world around her.
  15. <Cliven> Ah, that again?
  16. <[Zem]Yumi> "Yeah. Something about how I'm not upholding the proper dignity of my office, and how I'm much more vulnerable out here..."
  17. <Cliven> Well, you don't to worry about them anymore.
  18. * Cliven shifts his glasses a glint catches on it.
  19. <[Zem]Yumi> "That's part of the reason I came to you."
  20. <Cliven> I see, but you realize what we're setting out to do here soon right?
  21. * Cliven looks at all the fellow recruits here, Mina, Janie, Chamomile, Nafrit, you.. yumi and some others.
  22. <[Zem]Yumi> "Yeah, I heard about it from my sources."
  23. <Cliven> Ah, that's good then.
  24. * Cliven nudges Mina.
  25. * [BNS]Mina grunts lightly and shoves Cliven's arm away
  26. * [par]Nafrit closes her book
  27. <[par]Nafrit> "Where are we exploring?"
  28. <[Zem]Yumi> "Anyways, it's good to meet you all. I'm Yumi, and as you may have guessed, I know Cliven here from a while back."
  29. <Cliven> I'll get to that as soon as Mina wakes up..
  30. * Cliven shakes Mina this time.
  31. <Cliven> Hey its time.
  32. <[BNS]Mina> Go away, it's Saturday~
  33. * [BNS]Mina mumbles gibberish
  34. * [par]Nafrit leans up to Mina's ear and whispers into it
  35. * Cliven makes a crawling motion similar to a certain arachnid on her shoulders.
  36. <Cliven> ...if this doesn't work then nothing will.
  37. <[BNS]Mina> ...?
  38. * [BNS]Mina wakes up groggily and feels something on her shoulder...
  39. <[BNS]Mina> A-a-AHHHHH!!!
  40. <[par]Nafrit> Ftnagh nivog Hotep Sylvnigh-
  41. <[par]Nafrit> "It worked. Hmm."
  42. * [BNS]Mina jumps up in the van and starts to panic
  44. <[BNS]Mina> HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
  45. <[Zem]Yumi> "Calm down. It wasn't a spider."
  46. * [BNS]Mina stumbles over herself in her haste to climb over the seat to escape
  47. <Cliven> !!!
  48. <Cliven> Whoa.. worked... too well.
  49. * Cliven cleans out his ear.
  50. <[par]Nafrit> Indeed, must be careful with invocations...
  51. * [BNS]Mina is shaking in the back back seat now...
  52. <[BNS]Mina> Where is it?!
  53. <Cliven> Now that I've gotten your attention Mina... I need to explain you our first mission.
  54. <[BNS]Mina> W-wha? What mission? Where's the spider?
  55. * Cliven smiles
  56. <Cliven> There never was any spider, I needed you to be awake.
  57. <[BNS]Mina> D-daaaaad! YOU KNOW I HATE SPIDERS!
  58. <[BNS]Mina> You're so mean!!
  59. * [BNS]Mina pounds on Cliven's chest ineffectively
  60. * Cliven pats Mina on the head.
  61. <Cliven> Now now...
  62. * [BNS]Mina pouts and crosses her arms
  63. * [Mrsu]Rachel seemed to have her head lost in the clouds with the way she stared out the window.
  64. <[par]Nafrit> "So, the mission? I'm eager to learn what we weill be exploring."
  65. * [Mrsu]Rachel looks away from the window, her pale blue eyes snapping away from a cloud of thoughts for a moment to focus on Cliven.
  66. <Cliven> We will be dropped into the heart of Peru and securing ourselves a place to stay.
  67. <[par]Nafrit> Peru? Hmm, I'm not very familar with...
  68. <[Mrsu]Rachel> I could help improve living conditions!
  69. <Cliven> And admirable ideal but that's not what were there for.
  70. <Lynette> Peru...
  71. <[Mrsu]Rachel> Oh, course... course.
  72. * Lynette is visibly relieved after hearing where they're going.
  73. * [Mrsu]Rachel rests back in her seat.
  74. * [par]Nafrit seems less then eager about the destination
  75. * Cliven rolls out a map and points to the very heart of Peru in South America and the mark on the map is nestled between a river and a mountain range.
  76. <Lynette> So... what's there?
  77. <Cliven> During my last visit to Peru there was a well hidden Ruins left by the the natives and it was a revered grounds where they used to live. And according to my reports they left a very valuable relic in there. Our job is to get it and determine its origins.
  78. * [BNS]Mina 's eyes suddenly brighten
  79. <[BNS]Mina> My first treasure hunt!
  80. * [BNS]Mina suddenly lunges forward and hugs Cliven
  81. <[BNS]Mina> And here I thought you were bringing me on some boring dinosaur bone dig or something...
  82. <Cliven> hmm! You sure changed your moods quick...
  83. * [BNS]Mina grins
  84. * [par]Nafrit starts digging through her tomes
  85. <[par]Nafrit> What tribe are these ruins of?
  86. <Cliven> They are, rather was an exiled tribe of Incas and Korubo.
  87. <[Zem]Yumi> "Why were they exiled?"
  88. <Cliven> The Kurubos who were exiled was due to the fact they refused to participate in infantcide and the Inca's... who knows but they were clearly.. different from the rest of the tribes.
  89. <Lynette> Hm...
  90. <Cliven> Rather brutal if you ask me but I'm not a person to judge.
  91. <Lynette> Is that even really much of our concern?
  92. <Cliven> Not at all, we're just here to take things.
  93. <Cliven> Though its nice to appreciate the macabre history behind this sort of thing.
  94. * Lynette considers.
  95. <Lynette> ...Perhaps.
  96. <[par]Nafrit> The region is rich in... bloody rites
  97. * Cliven nods.
  98. <Cliven> The incas pratice is heart removal, the Kurubo praticed in infantcide...
  99. <[par]Nafrit>
  100. <Cliven> I hope you're not squeamish Mina...
  101. <Lynette> I wouldn't expect such rites to continue these days, anyway...
  102. <Cliven> They still occur though much rarer than one would expect
  103. <[par]Nafrit> I wonder if it was just senseless brutality, or if such grim harvest bore fruit. I have wanted to learn the ritual Aztec oracles use.
  104. <Cliven> Who knows, we'll find out soon enough.
  105. * [Mrsu]Rachel seemed to have actually nodded off...
  106. * [BNS]Mina ponders, trying to remember her Social Studies class in school
  107. <Cliven> One good news is that they're not hostile to outsiders.. so we can rest a little.
  108. * Cliven sighs.
  109. <Lynette> Oh, the methods the old Aztecs used? That's easy. You have to cut through the linkages on the left side of the ribcage underneath the arm and reach through; there's little musclemass there and a weak point in the skeleton so reaching the heart is easy enough.
  110. <[par]Nafrit> I meant the possession... nevermind...
  111. <Lynette> ...Or is that the Mayan one? I don't remember if they were different...
  112. <[par]Nafrit> It is no matter
  113. <[Mrsu]Rachel> Zzz...
  114. <Cliven> I forget... but the methods of removal were similar.
  115. <[par]Nafrit> When do we arrive?
  116. <Cliven> We should be...right now.
  117. * [BNS]Mina looks out the window and sees the airfield with the plane idling on the runway
  118. <[BNS]Mina> Heee!
  119. * [BNS]Mina grabs her pack and gets ready to go!
  120. * [par]Nafrit starts gathering her tomes
  121. * Lynette stretches, getting ready to move.
  122. * [Zem]Yumi also grabs her bags. She's traveling light, it seems.
  123. * [Mrsu]Rachel snaps awake, rubbing at her eyes and yawning. "Mmm..."
  124. <Cliven> [You all arrive onto a strip, the plane looks rather odd, its not luxurious at all and there seems to be small packages being hauled onto the plane.]
  125. <[par]Nafrit> I suppose I will have plenty of time to read
  126. <[Mrsu]Rachel> Ohh... This is so far away from what I've signed up for.
  127. * [Mrsu]Rachel looks woefully at the plane as she gropes around her seat for her bag.
  128. * Lynette hoists her bag onto her shoulder again, rubbing it first. Sore...
  129. <Cliven> Anything needed for this expedition is provided in those crates, you may look at them when we board the plane.
  130. <Lynette> Understood, sir.
  131. <[Mrsu]Rachel> Yes, yes... Where do we place our bags?
  132. <Cliven> Bring it with you.
  133. * Cliven heaves the rifle and his bags over his shoulder.
  134. * [par]Nafrit walks to the plane
  135. * Lynette follows, looking around as she goes.
  136. * [Mrsu]Rachel sighs, lifting her bag and walking after the others.
  137. * [Zem]Yumi also follows, sticking close to Cliven.
  138. <Cliven> It'll be a long while before you see the states so take it in while you can.
  139. * Lynette nods.
  140. * [par]Nafrit gets on the plane as he says that
  141. <[Mrsu]Rachel> Goodbye, world.
  142. * [Mrsu]Rachel enters the plane!
  143. <Lynette> ...World? We aren't going that far.
  144. * Cliven takes a deep breath and climbs on board, he's clearly enjoyingh this.
  145. <[Zem]Yumi> I wonder if the air smells different in Peru.
  146. <Cliven> Probably.. now, get on board girls!
  147. * [BNS]Mina hurries on board and takes a seat
  148. * [par]Nafrit finds a seat and closes her eyes
  149. * [Mrsu]Rachel watches out a window once more.
  150. * Cliven is with his assistance Maryn as well as some other nameless maids who are on board.
  151. * [Zem]Yumi sits in a seat, wondering who will sit next to her.
  152. * Lynette does so, basically falling into her seat and leaning back.
  153. <[Zem]Yumi> "Hi there! I didn't get your name." she says to Lynette.
  155. <Lynette> Lynette Pinfield. Not sure I remember yours; care to help me get used to it?
  156. * Lynette doesn't turn as she speaks, shutting her eyes and putting her hands behind her head.
  157. <[Zem]Yumi> "I'm Yumi Sparfeld." Lynette may recognize that name as that of the runaway princess of Elbonia.
  158. * [par]Nafrit yawns and stretches
  159. <[par]Nafrit> How long is the flight?
  160. <Lynette> Yumi, is it...
  161. <Cliven> It's going to be... a...
  162. * Cliven thinks...
  163. <Cliven> at least a twelve to twenty hour flight.
  164. <Lynette> At least these seem comfortable enough to sleep in...
  165. <[par]Nafrit> Hrrn
  166. <[Zem]Yumi> "Yeah. I imagine we'll be going right into working when we land."
  167. <Cliven> [The plane, after the usual buckle up routine. Takes off with a roar. Moments later they are high above the air.]
  168. <Cliven> Oh yes, I forgot one important thing...
  169. <Cliven> We're jumping out of the plane.
  170. * [par]Nafrit stares at Cliven in disbelief
  171. <[Zem]Yumi> "Nice of you to tell us that when we're already on the plane."
  172. * Lynette opens her eyes and turns her head to look at him.
  173. * [BNS]Mina stands up and clenches her fist in anticipation
  174. * [Mrsu]Rachel gasps.
  175. <[BNS]Mina> Yes! This is gonna be AWESOME!
  176. <[Mrsu]Rachel> W-What? Master--... Aha!~
  177. <[Mrsu]Rachel> Oh, that was quite a good joke, sir~
  178. * Cliven points to the parachute next to you.
  179. <Cliven> I'm quite serious
  180. <[par]Nafrit> "I would like to recind my participation in this."
  181. <[Zem]Yumi> "Okay, I understand. Since I've jumped out of a plane before, who do you think will need the most help?"
  182. * Lynette points at Nafrit.
  183. <Cliven> Too late.
  184. * Cliven grins.
  185. <Lynette> I could probably use it, but maybe she's more nervous.
  186. * Lynette gets her hand back behind her head and resumes her earlier position.
  187. <Lynette> I'll need some good sleep for this...
  188. * [par]Nafrit buries her head in her palms
  189. <[par]Nafrit> I'm not going to get any sleep now
  190. <Cliven> I did warn you guys earlier about height problems...
  191. <[par]Nafrit> "This is an entirely different matter then heights!"
  192. <Cliven> Don't worry you just need to jump out the parachute will take care of the rest
  193. * [Mrsu]Rachel bits at a fingernail.
  194. <[par]Nafrit> "But countless things could go wrong. Even just landing in a tree is dangerous and we're going to a tropical enviroment."
  195. <[Mrsu]Rachel> This is... more than I expected...
  196. <Cliven> We're going to land in a small clearing nearby, so no worries about hitting trees.
  197. <[par]Nafrit> "What if its windy?"
  198. <Cliven> Then your skull will be impaled by a tree and your death will be quick.
  199. * [par]Nafrit is visibly upset
  200. * [Mrsu]Rachel rests her head against her chair and looks up at the ceiling, letting the words around her drown out.
  201. * [BNS]Mina giggles
  202. * [par]Nafrit starts going through her tomes at a fevered pace
  203. * [Mrsu]Rachel slowly closes her eyes, a peaceful smile slowly slipping across her features.
  204. <[Zem]Yumi> "It's okay. I've jumped from planes three times, and nothing's happened to me."
  205. * huh has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  206. <Cliven> Ah yes, please go cehck the crates for your supplies now, they'll help you ease a bit if anything.
  207. * [BNS]Mina hurries over to a crate and opens it
  208. * [par]Nafrit decides to check anyway but it better be heroine if its supposed to calm her down
  209. * [Zem]Yumi decides to check a crate herself, to make sure everything is in order.
  210. * [BNS]Mina finds a swiss pocket knife in one of the crates.
  211. <[BNS]Mina> Ooohh
  212. * [BNS]Mina snatches it
  213. <Cliven> Found everything you need girls~?
  214. <[Zem]Yumi> "I have." She's packed everything expertly into her backpack.
  215. <Cliven> There should be everything you need there, if not I apologize for poor planning.
  216. <[Zem]Yumi> I'm going to check to see if we have enough parachutes for everyone.
  217. * [BNS]Mina also finds a pair of goggles in the crate, useful for being able to keep her eyes open on the way down.
  218. <Cliven> There should be exactly ten extra parachutes in case of any failure.
  219. <Cliven> Do any of you not know how to wear a parachute?
  220. * Lynette pulls out her hand from behind her head again to raise it, then puts it back.
  221. <Cliven> ...well... just in case.. I'll show everyone again. This is vital.... if you want to live tat is.
  222. * Cliven goes through all the proper procedures, including how the chute works, the safety fail chute and anything else deemed worthy at the time.
  223. * Lynette pays close attention throughout.
  224. <[Mrsu]Rachel> Ahh... so that is how the parachute is deployed.
  225. <[Zem]Yumi> "Maybe Cliven and I should each tandem jump with someone.'
  226. <Cliven> hmm.. who wants to be with me then?
  227. <[Mrsu]Rachel> I would certainly feel better if somebody gave me a hand~
  228. <Cliven> Mina, are you ok by yourself?
  229. * [BNS]Mina nods affirmatively
  230. <[BNS]Mina> Sure! This'll be fun!
  231. <Cliven> Alright.
  232. * Cliven turns to Rachel.
  233. <Cliven> You'll be with me then.
  234. <[Zem]Yumi> I'll help you out, Rachel.
  235. <[BNS]Mina> After all, it's not like you've never taken me skydiving before...
  236. <[Zem]Yumi> Or not. So who needs my help?
  237. <[Mrsu]Rachel> Oh my, thank you sir.
  238. * Cliven pats Mina on the head and then turns to Rachel, with a seemingly reassuring thumbs up.
  239. * [Mrsu]Rachel returns the thumbs up!
  240. * [Mrsu]Rachel rests her head down, then, and lets her eyes close.
  241. <Cliven> Ok, so is everyone clear on how the chutes work/
  242. <[Zem]Yumi> I am.
  243. * Cliven lets out a relieved sigh.
  244. <Cliven> Good, now that the formalities taken care of. You can all relax until we need to jump.
  245. <[Zem]Yumi> "Very well." She lays down, covers her face with a sleep mask, and sleeps.
  246. <Lynette> Yes, sir. Let me know if you need anything.
  247. * Lynette resumes her relaxed position and works on getting some sleep.
  248. <Cliven> Any of you girls hungry?
  249. <[Mrsu]Rachel> No, that's quite fine~
  250. * Lynette thinks about it, but shakes her head after a moment.
  251. <Lynette> Not yet, although I should be later...
  252. <Cliven> Mina?
  253. * [BNS]Mina shakes her head
  254. <[Zem]Yumi> I'll probably be later as well.
  255. <Cliven> I guess its just me then.
  256. * Cliven goes off to room right of the plane and gets himself something to eat on the ride there.
  257. * Lynette drifts off into light sleep, as her breaths become slower and even.
  258. * [Zem]Yumi also goes to sleep, which is a lot easier with the person next to her also sleeping.
  259. * Lynette , gradually, begins to get agitated in her sleep. She begins to move around and looks uncomfortable, her breathing accelerating and growing exasperated; she lets out a whimper once every few moments.
  260. * [BNS]Mina settles into her chair and gradually nods off to sleep
  261. * [Zem]Yumi is awakened by Lynette stirring. "Are you okay?"
  262. * Lynette 's eyes pop open; she quickly looks around. She's obviously quite unsettled.
  263. <[Zem]Yumi> Are you okay, Lynette?
  264. <Lynette> Hahh... hah... sorry... sorry.
  265. * Lynette swallows.
  266. <[Zem]Yumi> It's okay. Are you nervous?
  267. <Lynette> Old memories came back. I guess I'll have to sleep better than this, huh? Heh... heh... ha...
  268. * Lynette leans back again.
  269. <Lynette> Go on, get some yourself... sorry for worrying you.
  270. * Lynette goes back to sleep, looking much more relaxed this time around.
  271. * [Zem]Yumi also goes back to sleep again.
  272. * Cliven comes back with some rather meager bowl of food.
  273. * Cliven saw his seat got stolen by some random helper so he sits next to Lynette.
  274. * Lynette stirs again, her light sleep broken by the new arrival. She looks over at Cliven for a few seconds, but then shakes her head to clear it.
  275. <Cliven> ...ah.. I apologize.. did I wake you?
  276. <Lynette> Oh, sorry... sir. It's alright; pay it no mind...
  277. <Lynette> My sleep's not very good these days anyway. Do you need anything?
  278. <Cliven> I give my fellow recruits equal attention and listen to their problem... and I should be asking you that. You seemd a but nervous when I was asking if anyone did not know how to put it on
  279. <Lynette> Well, that... I guess I was a little worried I wouldn't do it very well. Maybe...
  280. <Lynette> But that's not what's got me like this. Still... why do you ask?
  281. <Cliven> I guess I'm a bit worried about my fellow beings health?
  282. <Lynette> I guess that would explain it.
  283. * Cliven scratches his head in disbelief.
  284. <Cliven> So, is something bothering you?
  285. <Lynette> I think so... it's some old memories of mine, I know that much, but... they aren't very clear. They're clear as day when I sleep, but all I can usually remember is they're... not nice. So I don't sleep very well.
  286. * Lynette twiddles her thumbs.
  287. <Cliven> Is there anything I can do to help your problem?
  288. <Lynette> Huh? Um... I'm not sure... I've been thinking of taking some pills to help me sleep, but I'm not sure what the problem really is. Maybe if I remember, but... I can remember a little. I look at my hands and I'm laughing, but... there's no one else who's thrilled like that. I don't like it.
  289. * Lynette bunches her hands up just in front of her face. She looks a little smaller like this.
  290. <Cliven>
  291. * Cliven looks upwards to the cieling.
  292. <Cliven> You've done something in the past that's haunting you, isn't it?
  293. <Lynette> ...Maybe. I think that's what it is.
  294. * Cliven laughs softly.
  295. <Cliven> Hehe.. I'm not sure what I can do to fix that but offering words of encouragements.
  296. <Lynette> Hm? What do you mean, sir?
  297. <Cliven> What I'm saying is that... I may not be able to do anything physically to help you but I can at least figure out what the root of this problem may be.
  298. <Lynette> That... that might help. How?
  299. <Cliven> I would think there is still something present here that reminds you of such past.
  300. <Lynette> Hm...
  301. * Lynette puts her hands under her chin as she thinks.
  302. <Lynette> Maybe, I don't know. But it would be to find that?
  303. <Cliven> Who knows what will happen then but it will certainly shed light to new things we may have never considered.
  304. * Lynette nods.
  305. <Lynette> You know, sir... I'm glad I'm working for you. I don't think many people would do this.
  306. <Cliven> I don't think myself as a master but as a fellow friend amongst you girls. Its nicer that way isn't it?
  307. <Lynette> I suppose it is... that is part of it, I guess.
  308. <Cliven> Well, if I can help you with anything. Just ask.
  309. <Lynette> Certainly, sir. I'll make sure to do so.
  310. <Cliven> Get some sleep. I'll make sure to awaken anyone an hour prior to drop.
  311. * Lynette nods, getting back to sleep. She looks a bit better this time.
  312. <Cliven> [With that... only the faint hums of the plane are heard along with some gentle snores of the crew as Cliven silently eats amongst them. A peaceful session, but that's about all they get before being thrust into the wilderness! See you next time in Maiders!]
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