
Inget nytt under solen (anteckningar)

Dec 4th, 2015
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  1. Gör en bedömning baserad på andra bedömningar
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  7. "Vad som har varit kommer att vara,
  8. vad som har skett skall ske igen.
  9. Det finns ingenting nytt under solen."
  10. Predikaren 1:9
  12. "Jag betraktade allt som sker under solen: allt var tomhet, ett jagande efter vind."
  13. Predikaren 1:14
  15. "Herren skall de följa,
  16. och han skall ryta som ett lejon.
  17. Ja, han skall ryta,
  18. och hans barn kommer ilande från väster,"
  19. Hosea 11:10
  21. "Var nyktra och vaksamma. Er fiende djävulen går omkring som ett rytande lejon och söker efter någon att sluka."
  22. 1 Petrusbrevet 5:8
  24. ***
  26. Thomasevangeliet:
  28. 7
  29. Jesus sade: Saligt är det lejon som människan äter, så att lejonet blir människa. Och förbannad den människa som lejonet äter, så att människan blir lejon.
  31. 11
  32. Jesus sade: Denna himmel skall förgås, och himlen ovanför den skall förgås. De döda lever inte, och de levande skall inte dö. När ni åt det som är dött, gjorde ni det levande, men när ni kommer i ljuset, vad skall ni då göra? När ni var ett, blev ni två. Men när ni har blivit två, vad skall ni då göra?
  34. 112
  35. Jesus sade: Ve den kropp som är beroende av själen, och ve den själ som är beroende av kroppen.
  37. ***
  39. The Gospel of Philip:
  42. "Fear not the flesh nor love it. If you fear it, it will gain mastery over you. If you love it, it will swallow and paralyze you."
  44. "And so he dwells either in this world or in the resurrection or in the middle place. God forbid that I be found in there! In this world, there is good and evil. Its good things are not good, and its evil things not evil. But there is evil after this world which is truly evil - what is called "the middle". It is death. While we are in this world, it is fitting for us to acquire the resurrection, so that when we strip off the flesh, we may be found in rest and not walk in the middle. For many go astray on the way. For it is good to come forth from the world before one has sinned."
  46. "It is from water and fire that the soul and the spirit came into being. It is from water and fire and light that the son of the bridal chamber (came into being). The fire is the chrism, the light is the fire. I am not referring to that fire which has no form, but to the other fire whose form is white, which is bright and beautiful, and which gives beauty."
  48. "Truth did not come into the world naked, but it came in types and images."
  50. "I came to make the things below like the things above, and the things outside like those inside. I came to unite them in the place."
  52. "Those who say, "There is a heavenly man and there is one above him" are wrong. For it is the first of these two heavenly men, the one who is revealed, that they call "the one who is below"; and he to whom the hidden belongs is that one who is above him. For it would be better for them to say, "The inner and outer, and what is outside the outer". Because of this, the Lord called destruction the "the outer darkness": there is not another outside of it. He said, "My Father who is in secret". He said, "Go into your chamber and shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father who is in secret" (Mt 6:6), the one who is within them all. But that which is within them all is the fullness. Beyond it, there is nothing else within it. This is that of which they say, "That which is above them"."
  54. "Through the Holy Spirit we are indeed begotten again, but we are begotten through Christ in the two. We are anointed through the Spirit. When we were begotten, we were united. None can see himself either in water or in a mirror without light. Nor again can you see in light without mirror or water. For this reason, it is fitting to baptize in the two, in the light and the water. Now the light is the chrism."
  56. "The powers do not see those who are clothed in the perfect light, and consequently are not able to detain them. One will clothe himself in this light sacramentally in the union."
  58. "If the woman had not separated from the man, she should not die with the man. His separation became the beginning of death. Because of this, Christ came to repair the separation, which was from the beginning, and again unite the two, and to give life to those who died as a result of the separation, and unite them. But the woman is united to her husband in the bridal chamber. Indeed, those who have united in the bridal chamber will no longer be separated. Thus Eve separated from Adam because it was not in the bridal chamber that she united with him."
  60. "There are two trees growing in Paradise. The one bears animals, the other bears men. Adam ate from the tree which bore animals. He became an animal and he brought forth animals. For this reason the children of Adam worship animals. The tree [...] fruit is [...] increased. [...] ate the [...] fruit of the [...] bears men, [...] man. [...] God created man. [...] men create God. That is the way it is in the world - men make gods and worship their creation. It would be fitting for the gods to worship men!"
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