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Nov 4th, 2014
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  1. >88 pages
  2. Don't you people have better things to do with your time? Just a side note, I find 15k-ish words is like the best length for a chapter. Something you might want to think about.
  3. Establish the gender of the Enclave soldier earlier.
  4. Just a logistics question, were the Griffins going after the enclave/rangers originally? Why was one carrying around an AMR? That hardly seems standard issue.
  5. >pool tables
  6. The ultimate sticky hooves game! Or at least Unicorn only.
  7. You use ellipses too much...
  8. You have a couple of sections where you say the same thing twice. It's a bit redundant. For example: "My new… acquaintance... was being quiet for once, the pegasus mare keeping her mouth shut as we moved."
  9. I think Stable should be capitalized, but I'm not positive.
  10. >Thundersnow
  11. She doesn't ever tell him her last name when she introduces herself, he shouldn't be referring to her by her last name.
  12. >some of left open to reveal they were empty.
  13. You a word.
  14. >it was dark down here
  15. Do Vault and Stable hallways ever actually get dark? I thought their batteries and lights lasted forever?
  16. >(oddly intact)
  17. I'm very meh on this bit.
  18. Very good tension in the diner and the blood hallway.
  19. >A bottle fell over and then nothing was there, so what’s the problem?”
  20. I'm not really sure I'd buy this coming from her. She just got hypnotized by a puddle of blood, I'd think that she'd get more creeped out by a ghost bottle.
  21. >and absolutely soul-crushing to listen to.
  22. I'd axe this. The reader should be the judge on what is soul-crushing and what isn't. Being told that it is is lazy writing. Use your words to make it sounds soul-crushing
  23. >caked in brown sludge
  24. I'd unitalicize caked
  25. I think you should get rid of all the parenthesis, and just reword them into normal sentences.
  26. >I spun up my minigun, waiting for the ghouls to come surging around the corner at the end of the hallway. They would have quite a lot of distance to cover before they reached us, and I had quite a lot of firepower. In a stampede, the pack of ghouls came scrambling around the corner, the hallway instantly filling with the sounds of their shrieks. I poured on the fire with my minigun, the orange stream of tracer rounds tearing the ghouls apart.
  27. Little repetitive there. could use a little TLC.
  28. >"As you wish"
  29. This line should be at the top of the next page. I have no idea how you'd format that to be the case, but being bold in the middle of the page draws to much attention to the eye and probably spoils the surprise of the response. You might even want to consider removing the bold all together, and just put in adjectives after it saying how it is loud. Just a thought.
  30. So it's just a super edgy dragon? That's certainly surprising. Not sure if it's a good surprising, though. I probably just make it a regular dragon and not wear armor or whatever.
  31. Also, Knight vs Dragon? I literally rolled my eyes.
  32. Wait, they're the same size? How is it making all of those dents in the floor and stomping around? I thought they were super heavy?
  33. >Hulking
  34. Which is it? Is it the size of a an Earth Pony, or is it a big monster?
  35. And no fire in their first fight? That seems like it would have been really handy to use.
  36. Of course they're both attractive under their armor. Why wouldn't they. Hell, I half expected him to turn out to be a mare inside the armor.
  37. Griffins. Oh. Well then. Huh.
  38. >I would’ve have figured out
  39. You know what you did.
  40. I'm not sure how I feel about her flirting with him. They've only known each other for like two hours tops. Just a little cliche if you ask me.
  41. Goddammit, how can there be 44 more pages!?
  42. >Much to Flurry amusement,
  43. Fix it up.
  44. The PoV shifts that start on pg50 could use those three lines that you've used before.
  45. >Battledress
  46. Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh. I dunno. I really don't. Good intention, I don't know how well it works, though.
  47. Wait, so you write all about the pizza making experience, and cut off after she hugs him and is crying? Seems odd to me. That whole scene is a weird break in tension. Like, they're in deep shit, and they need to get out, but they're eating ice cream and telling stories. And how do they know that they don't have anything that can get through the door? That seems like a really risky assumption to just be making.
  48. >and effectively splitting it half.
  49. in half
  50. These two make a lot of frustratingly dumb assumptions
  51. This Griffin dialogue feels weird. The one sounds like a robot throwing around those two, irrelevants, and the other one sounds like a raider.
  52. So the one griffin is raider-tier insane, and the other is bored and looking for a challenge? Why not just take the armor off if he wants a fair fight?
  53. >The revolver kicked hard, I wasn’t used to using mouth-fired weapons, but I managed to hit my mark perfectly.
  54. >The flamethrower nozzle on the right side of the griffon’s helmet.
  55. I'd change that to:
  56. The revolver kicked hard, I wasn’t used to using mouth-fired weapons, but I managed to hit my mark perfectly: the flamethrower nozzle on the right side of the griffon’s helmet.
  57. Also, that sounds like an incredibly hard shot to make for someone who doesn't regularly use those weapons.
  58. There's not much reason for some of these sections to be this long. It's just a chore to read at this point.
  59. >“Go ahead. Make my day.”
  60. Might be the cheesiest line ever. You should avoid using familiar phrases like this in any literature.
  61. Shooting the control panel is a lame gimmick.
  62. The two birds doing a 180 while dying seems odd considering all the shit they've done lately.
  63. Again, more dumb assumptions about the Talons leaving.
  65. Overall, the story and the arcs were fine, they were just bloated and would have read easier in multiple chapters.
  66. I liked it more before the reveal of the griffons to be honest. It was really spooky, and you wrote those parts well.
  67. Like, I didn't get the one that was chasing Cookie. He seemed to be a really by the books Griff, but he toyed with him up until the end. And even in the end when he was 'beaten' and his suit was wrecked, he just walked away? I get that Nora hated Pegasi a ton, but why did she eviscerate everything down there? Hell, why were they still down there? Did those tribals from the Holotape JUST get killed or something? What about that medical room with the dried blood? How long have they been killing things down here? If they have been there for a while, why are there still ghouls wandering around? Why would those Talons outside leave if their two allies were still inside?
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