
Faerzen & Nick Convo

Apr 19th, 2015
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  1. [15:47] <visceralVanguard> --visceralVanguard [VV] began conversing with alluringArtist [AA] --
  2. [15:47] <visceralVanguard> I wanted to inform you that was able to make some progress in constructing on your house!
  3. [15:48] <visceralVanguard> The last time you requested I try, I was unsucessful because you were out of grist and all I could build were some stairs.
  4. [15:48] <Nick_Varnegs> great! i suppose you did this when i was unconsious
  5. [15:48] <visceralVanguard> But there's another room on top of your roof now!
  6. [15:48] <visceralVanguard> Oh, no! You were unconscious? Are you okay now?
  7. [15:48] <Nick_Varnegs> yeah... im okay, i had a weird dream about talking crows and nest cities
  8. [15:49] <Nick_Varnegs> but i woke up and chatted with byron for a while
  9. [15:49] <visceralVanguard> ....
  10. [15:49] <visceralVanguard> That does sound very peculiar.
  11. [15:50] <visceralVanguard> Oh, you did? Did he seem at least somewhat more amenable to civilized conversation? I tried talking with him to calm him down somewhat.
  12. [15:50] <Nick_Varnegs> a giant crow asked me to destroy "arkmenton
  13. [15:50] <Nick_Varnegs> yes he does!
  14. [15:50] <visceralVanguard> Excellent!
  15. [15:50] <Nick_Varnegs> we have started to become real friendly
  16. [15:50] <visceralVanguard> ((RIP
  17. [15:50] <visceralVanguard> ((lol, maybe that's actually a good thing))
  18. [15:52] <Nick_Varnegs> but still.. i think he's a rude idiot
  19. [15:52] <Nick_Varnegs> anyway
  20. [15:52] <visceralVanguard> That's good to hear. My sprite and I have been talking, and it seems that building out houses up taller and taller will eventually allow us to meet in person!
  21. [15:52] <Nick_Varnegs> what are you up to?
  22. [15:52] <Nick_Varnegs> wait?
  23. [15:52] <Nick_Varnegs> really?!
  24. [15:52] <visceralVanguard> Yes, he can definitely be rude sometimes, but I think he means well which is what counts.
  25. [15:53] <visceralVanguard> Yes!
  26. [15:53] <visceralVanguard> When I was going to sleep last night, he regaled to me a quite long and exciting tale about the endless battles of light and dark that have been taking place in this realm.
  27. [15:53] <Nick_Varnegs> when you start knowing dorito-man you dont hate him that much
  28. [15:53] <Nick_Varnegs> realm? so this IS another dimension
  29. [15:53] <visceralVanguard> I'm still not exactly certain what role we play in all of this, but I am determined to find out.
  30. [15:53] <visceralVanguard> It would seem so
  31. [15:53] <visceralVanguard> But there are other people here with us too!
  32. [15:54] <Nick_Varnegs> really?
  33. [15:54] <visceralVanguard> I have been reaching out to them in an attempt to connect all of us. After all, if we will all be working as a team to accomplish whatever the goal of this game is, it would probably be very beneficial for us to have at least met each other.
  34. [15:54] <visceralVanguard> But so far, they have been unresponsive. Sigh.
  35. [15:54] <Nick_Varnegs> sigh....
  36. [15:55] <Nick_Varnegs> i wonder what the others are doing
  37. [15:55] <Nick_Varnegs> or if that golden city was real
  38. [15:56] <visceralVanguard> I know, it is very intriguing to think about.
  39. [15:56] <visceralVanguard> What do you mean by golden city? Did you find such a beautiful place on your land?
  40. [15:56] <visceralVanguard> I can imagine it would be a welcome sight amidst the rest of the landscape. :/
  41. [15:56] <Nick_Varnegs> in my dreams... i felt like i woke up... in another place
  42. [15:57] <Nick_Varnegs> a golden city floating in the void... towers keeping people and its citizens where white like the snow and covered in some kind of shell
  43. [15:57] <Nick_Varnegs> like a caparace
  44. [15:58] <visceralVanguard> I also had a dream, but I must say it was a great deal less vivid than yours. I would also describe it as more of a nightmare. :(
  45. [15:58] <Nick_Varnegs> it felt so real and weird... the people in the towers maybe are the rest of the people in here?
  46. [15:58] <Nick_Varnegs> nightmares?
  47. [15:58] <visceralVanguard> Oh, you found other people in your dream?
  48. [15:59] <Nick_Varnegs> they were sleeping
  49. [15:59] <Nick_Varnegs> in the towers
  50. [16:00] <visceralVanguard> Yes, I dreamt about my planet, but as it turns out, going below the layer of darkness is not a very friendly place. I tried recording what I saw in my dream on my e-glasses, but since it was a dream, it obviously was unsuccessful.
  51. [16:00] <Nick_Varnegs> tell me about it
  52. [16:00] <Nick_Varnegs> dreams have always fascinated me
  53. [16:01] <visceralVanguard> Have I told you about the place I appeared when we started playing this game?
  54. [16:01] <Nick_Varnegs> the floating land?
  55. [16:02] <Nick_Varnegs> and the deep void its floating in?
  56. [16:02] <visceralVanguard> I seem to be on a whole planet of my own
  57. [16:02] <visceralVanguard> The Land of Wicks and Bulbs, it would seem
  58. [16:03] <visceralVanguard> It's beautiful, actually!
  59. [16:03] <visceralVanguard> Albeit quite boring.
  60. [16:03] <Nick_Varnegs> tell me about it... mine is literally a black wastelands
  61. [16:03] <visceralVanguard> The whole land consists of thin, tall rocky spires with sources of light gently hanging in the sky above them
  62. [16:04] <Nick_Varnegs> sounds amazing
  63. [16:04] <Nick_Varnegs> i really would like to see that
  64. [16:04] <visceralVanguard> But down below the spires, the rocky towers disappear from view in an endless ocean of cloudy darkness
  65. [16:04] <visceralVanguard> I have a feeling I will need to travel down there at some point
  66. [16:04] <Nick_Varnegs> oh no
  67. [16:05] <visceralVanguard> But for now I am trapped in this rocky spire my house appeared on top of
  68. [16:05] <Nick_Varnegs> is there really no way to get out?
  69. [16:07] <visceralVanguard> I discovered a winding staircase leading down through the center of the spire
  70. [16:07] <visceralVanguard> And have been gradually working my way downwards.
  71. [16:07] <visceralVanguard> There have been a variety of room and enemies blocking my way though
  72. [16:07] <Nick_Varnegs> oh no!
  73. [16:07] <Nick_Varnegs> please tell me you are ok
  74. [16:07] <Nick_Varnegs> or that you are a better shot with a crossbow than i
  75. [16:08] <visceralVanguard> There was a behemoth of an ogre that gave me quite the run for my money!
  76. [16:09] <visceralVanguard> But thankfully my dining room table made a noble and valiant and sacrifice and saved me from too much harm.
  77. [16:09] <visceralVanguard> All thanks to your idea with my tablekind specibus!
  78. [16:09] <visceralVanguard> Alas, I will need to be acquiring another table that is not just a pile of splinters on the ground. :(
  79. [16:10] <Nick_Varnegs> that table will surely be missed
  80. [16:10] <Nick_Varnegs> what if you make another?
  81. [16:12] <visceralVanguard> I acquired a great deal of grist from the ogre and imps, and I wrote down the captcha code of table before it was slain, so I think I will do just that!
  82. [16:12] <visceralVanguard> Speaking of making objects
  83. [16:12] <visceralVanguard> I talked with my sprite, and he confirmed that you can create new objects using the alchemiter!
  84. [16:13] <visceralVanguard> If you take two different captchalogue codes and you bitwise operate & or |, then you can combine them in different ways!
  85. [16:13] <visceralVanguard> Oh. ummmmmm
  86. [16:13] <visceralVanguard> I suppose that didn't make a single lick of sense, did it?
  87. [16:13] <Nick_Varnegs> i figured that out by watching byron
  88. [16:13] <Nick_Varnegs> you just put two cards in there
  89. [16:14] <visceralVanguard> Oh, excellent!
  90. [16:14] <Nick_Varnegs> and choose one of the thingies to combine... sadly... byron didn't have enough grist
  91. [16:14] <visceralVanguard> I can show you how to combine codes by hand some time so you don't have to keep wasting extra captchalogue cards.
  92. [16:14] <Nick_Varnegs> really=!
  93. [16:14] <Nick_Varnegs> ?!
  94. [16:14] <visceralVanguard> Have you figured out how to make more of those, by the way?
  95. [16:15] <visceralVanguard> After some..... incidents, I'm missing quite a few elements from my periodic table modus
  96. [16:15] <Nick_Varnegs> what happened?
  97. [16:15] <Nick_Varnegs> also... you could put blank cards inside a card to make more no?
  98. [16:15] <visceralVanguard> So, you know how I told you that everything in the world is made up of different elements?
  99. [16:15] <visceralVanguard> !
  100. [16:15] <visceralVanguard> That's an excellent idea!
  101. [16:16] <visceralVanguard> I shall test that out straight away when I return home!
  102. [16:16] <Nick_Varnegs> yes...
  103. [16:16] <Nick_Varnegs> but how did you lose the cards?
  104. [16:16] <visceralVanguard> Well it turns out that some elements are more stable than others
  105. [16:16] <visceralVanguard> Some elements will break down over time
  106. [16:17] <visceralVanguard> And some can explosively react with others
  107. [16:17] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm
  108. [16:17] <Nick_Varnegs> interesting
  109. [16:17] <visceralVanguard> So if I'm not careful with what I captchalogue where and what cards I bring in contact with each other, bad things can happen
  110. [16:18] <Nick_Varnegs> you combined things that shouldn't be combined?
  111. [16:18] <visceralVanguard> For example, there's an element called Cesium that explodes when you bring it in contact with air.
  112. [16:19] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  113. [16:19] <Nick_Varnegs> where did you find that?!
  114. [16:19] <visceralVanguard> Where did I find Cesium?
  115. [16:19] <visceralVanguard> It's very difficult to obtain
  116. [16:19] <Nick_Varnegs> oh....
  117. [16:19] <visceralVanguard> But it's often present in many thing in very small quantities
  118. [16:20] <Nick_Varnegs> so...
  119. [16:20] <Nick_Varnegs> what happened?
  120. [16:21] <visceralVanguard> Well.....
  121. [16:21] <visceralVanguard> I wasn't thinking and I touched it to the card for Oxygen (one of the elements found in air)
  122. [16:21] <visceralVanguard> Let's just say my hair got rather burnt in the ensuing explosion.
  123. [16:21] <Nick_Varnegs> so your cards react to each other the same that normal elements would?
  124. [16:22] <visceralVanguard> Unfortunately, yes.
  125. [16:22] <Nick_Varnegs> im not from the future and all that... but i dont advise breaking them
  126. [16:22] <visceralVanguard> It's very annoying.
  127. [16:23] <visceralVanguard> Good advice, indeed
  128. [16:23] <Nick_Varnegs> ... dividing the elements of nature sounds like a bad idea
  129. [16:24] <Nick_Varnegs> so... thanks for building up my house
  130. [16:24] <Nick_Varnegs> do i have any grist left?
  131. [16:24] <visceralVanguard> Yes, you do!
  132. [16:24] <visceralVanguard> I didn't want to consume all of it, lest you want to experiment with the alchemiter
  133. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> nice!
  134. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> because im going to make a feast for a bunch of crows
  135. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> lets hope that doesn't drain that much grist
  136. [16:25] <visceralVanguard> Oh, have you found a large collection of crows?
  137. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> yes!
  138. [16:25] <Nick_Varnegs> a murder of crows!
  139. [16:25] <visceralVanguard> I only saw a couple flying around last time I looked at my SABATH screen
  140. [16:26] <Nick_Varnegs> it gets better
  141. [16:26] <Nick_Varnegs> i think they like
  142. [16:27] <Nick_Varnegs> sorry
  143. [16:27] <Nick_Varnegs> a crow stepped on my enter key
  144. [16:27] <visceralVanguard> :)
  145. [16:27] <Nick_Varnegs> anyway... they like me! and they love bread
  146. [16:29] <visceralVanguard> That's good!
  147. [16:29] <Nick_Varnegs> but hear me out
  148. [16:30] <Nick_Varnegs> there's something weird about this crows
  149. [16:30] <visceralVanguard> What makes you think that?
  150. [16:30] <Nick_Varnegs> their inner crows are silver... and the black cover seems painted on
  151. [16:30] <Nick_Varnegs> inner feathers i mean
  152. [16:31] <visceralVanguard> Whoa, that was not what I was expecting you to say!
  153. [16:31] <Nick_Varnegs> what were you expecting?
  154. [16:32] <Nick_Varnegs> secret crow conspiracies'
  155. [16:32] <Nick_Varnegs> ?
  156. [16:32] <visceralVanguard> Something about the crows seeming ominious (as crows can easily be) or something odd that they did. Not something quite literally odd about the crows!
  157. [16:32] <visceralVanguard> That is very interesting
  158. [16:32] <visceralVanguard> As it turns out, I also found an oddly colored bird
  159. [16:32] <Nick_Varnegs> really?
  160. [16:33] <visceralVanguard> It is the only living creature from this land that I've encountered so far
  161. [16:33] <visceralVanguard> It was a pigeon
  162. [16:33] <Nick_Varnegs> really?
  163. [16:33] <Nick_Varnegs> like the ones that deliver letters?
  164. [16:33] <visceralVanguard> But its feathers weren't the usual grayish tan
  165. [16:33] <visceralVanguard> Indeed, those are the birds!
  166. [16:33] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm
  167. [16:34] <Nick_Varnegs> what color
  168. [16:34] <visceralVanguard> Instead its feathers were all manners of colors, ranging from bright yellow to vibrant red to deep blue to intense green
  169. [16:34] <visceralVanguard> It was quite something to behold
  170. [16:35] <Nick_Varnegs> interesting
  171. [16:35] <Nick_Varnegs> i wonder what my pidgeons are up to
  172. [16:35] <Nick_Varnegs> i had a bunch of them... to deliver messages
  173. [16:36] <visceralVanguard> Oh, how quaint!
  174. [16:36] <visceralVanguard> Sorry, that was inconsiderate of me
  175. [16:36] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  176. [16:36] <visceralVanguard> I'm sure it's a perfectly reasonable mode of communication for you!
  177. [16:36] <Nick_Varnegs> dont worry
  178. [16:37] <Nick_Varnegs> im familiar to more agressive comments
  179. [16:38] <Nick_Varnegs> like the ones byron said
  180. [16:39] <visceralVanguard> Oh, I would take his insults with a grain of salt. He spends a lot of time playing competitive games electronically (through a computer like the one you're holding now), and agressive comments like that are pretty standard there
  181. [16:39] <visceralVanguard> The culture is online gaming is very much to intimidate and ridicule your opponents to give you a psychological edge
  182. [16:40] <Nick_Varnegs> oh... believe me i have heard quite te talking in competitive activities... its not limited to "electronic" things
  183. [16:40] <visceralVanguard> Considering his skill in such games, I have no doubt that he's had quite a bit of experience using language like that, and given how much of them he plays, it's probably a sort of habit by now
  184. [16:41] <Nick_Varnegs> believe me it is
  185. [16:41] <Nick_Varnegs> sometimes they seem to come involuntarily out of his texts
  186. [16:42] * visceralVanguard chuckles
  187. [16:42] <visceralVanguard> So where have you been exploring recently?
  188. [16:42] <Nick_Varnegs> well
  189. [16:43] <visceralVanguard> I've only inspected your house; I'm afraid I haven't been keeping terribly good tabs on you
  190. [16:43] <Nick_Varnegs> i could tell you about the day this far
  191. [16:43] <Nick_Varnegs> also... remind me to not sleep naked anyomer... i forget that you can watch me
  192. [16:44] <Nick_Varnegs> okay... so i decided to go to a hill in the distance but there was a giant colossal imp guarding it... it was kind of an ogre... after a failed attempt to become an ogre jockey i gave up and killed it
  193. [16:45] <Nick_Varnegs> and i went up the hill where a rock knocked me unconsious
  194. [16:45] <Nick_Varnegs> and then yadda yadda byron conversations.etc
  195. [16:46] <visceralVanguard> Have you reached the top of the hill yet?
  196. [16:46] <Nick_Varnegs> yes
  197. [16:47] <Nick_Varnegs> there's a couple nests and a LOT of crows
  198. [16:47] <Nick_Varnegs> in the distance i think i can see some tiles like a chess board or something...
  199. [16:47] <Nick_Varnegs> it looks like a house
  200. [16:47] <visceralVanguard> That's an odd thing to find!
  201. [16:48] <Nick_Varnegs> i know!
  202. [16:49] <Nick_Varnegs> but im probably in another dimension... so i just accept it
  203. [16:49] <visceralVanguard> That does seem to be the only reasoanble response to most of these shenanigans
  204. [16:50] <Nick_Varnegs> there's no need to boggle vacantly at everything when everything is already so weird
  205. [16:51] <visceralVanguard> So I informed you of the details of my dream, but I still don't feel like I fully comprehend the excitement of yours!
  206. [16:51] <visceralVanguard> You said there was a tower you were sleeping in?
  207. [16:51] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  208. [16:51] <Nick_Varnegs> i had dreamed about that before
  209. [16:51] <visceralVanguard> Oh really?
  210. [16:51] <Nick_Varnegs> but i could not wake up in my dream.... i was... sleeping in there too somehow
  211. [16:52] <visceralVanguard> So this is like a recurring dream, only now it was more vivid and memorable?
  212. [16:53] <Nick_Varnegs> yes
  213. [16:53] <Nick_Varnegs> it was like i just was somewhere else
  214. [16:54] <visceralVanguard> And you said you saw other people there too?
  215. [16:54] <visceralVanguard> What did they look like?
  216. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> like... people
  217. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> with assorted objects in their rooms
  218. [16:55] <visceralVanguard> Oh, like what?
  219. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> a flowerpot... a weird hairless cat demon
  220. [16:55] <Nick_Varnegs> fancy looking machines i suppose were computers
  221. [16:56] <visceralVanguard> Okay, so you found two people?
  222. [16:56] <Nick_Varnegs> three
  223. [16:56] <Nick_Varnegs> 2 were girls
  224. [16:57] <Nick_Varnegs> i wonder who they were
  225. [16:57] <visceralVanguard> Okay, so which ones had which things in their rooms?
  226. [16:57] <visceralVanguard> As I meet people who are connected to us, I can do some investigating to see if they are the people you saw!
  227. [16:57] <Nick_Varnegs> hmm...
  228. [16:57] <visceralVanguard> with any luck, some of them will match up!
  229. [16:57] <Nick_Varnegs> i dont quite remember that
  230. [16:57] <visceralVanguard> That's okay
  231. [16:58] <visceralVanguard> Maybe you'll visit there again next time you sleep.
  232. [16:58] <Nick_Varnegs> i remember one of the girls had a flowerpot
  233. [16:58] <Nick_Varnegs> i hope so
  234. [16:58] <Nick_Varnegs> there also was a great palace in the distance
  235. [16:58] <visceralVanguard> and one of the other two had the odd cat
  236. [16:58] <visceralVanguard> what about the third?
  237. [16:58] <visceralVanguard> Was there anything of note in their room?
  238. [16:58] <Nick_Varnegs> but i fell asleep before i could reach it and woke up here
  239. [16:58] <Nick_Varnegs> not really
  240. [16:58] <Nick_Varnegs> sadly
  241. [16:59] <Nick_Varnegs> byron was not any of them
  242. [16:59] <visceralVanguard> intriguing
  243. [16:59] <visceralVanguard> Well I can assure you I don't have any potted plants or frightening kittens
  244. [17:00] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm
  245. [17:00] <Nick_Varnegs> curioser and curioser
  246. [17:01] <visceralVanguard> Indeed
  247. [17:01] * visceralVanguard dons monocle
  248. [17:01] <visceralVanguard> Something we will need to figure out together!
  249. [17:02] <Nick_Varnegs> we have quite the mistery on our hands
  250. [17:03] <visceralVanguard> The plot thickens, my friend.
  251. [17:03] <visceralVanguard> The game is afoot!
  252. [17:04] <Nick_Varnegs> how can the plot thicken when it was already thick?
  253. [17:04] <visceralVanguard> Hmmmmmmmm
  254. [17:04] <visceralVanguard> I found a rather ornate wooden chest
  255. [17:04] <visceralVanguard> But I can't seem to find a key anywhere
  256. [17:04] <visceralVanguard> If the plot thickens anymore, we're going to have a tricky problem on our hands!
  257. [17:05] <Nick_Varnegs> chests?
  258. [17:05] <Nick_Varnegs> ... have you tried picking the lock?
  259. [17:05] <visceralVanguard> Though, with a viscosity that high, I dare say solving the mathematics problem would be much simpler.
  260. [17:05] <visceralVanguard> No, I don't have anything with me at the moment that I could use for that
  261. [17:05] <visceralVanguard> I have some tools in my workshop back home that would probably be of use.
  262. [17:05] <Nick_Varnegs> franchesco teached me to open chests when i was little
  263. [17:06] <Nick_Varnegs> if the lock is simple like im thinking you could just kick it open
  264. [17:06] <Nick_Varnegs> or take a careful aproach and use small metalic object
  265. [17:07] <visceralVanguard> I have some wires that I could try using for that
  266. [17:07] <visceralVanguard> I've never actually picked any locks before though.
  267. [17:07] <visceralVanguard> Do you have any tips?
  268. [17:08] <Nick_Varnegs> .. take your time
  269. [17:08] <Nick_Varnegs> the art of opening a lock is in a steady hand
  270. [17:08] <Nick_Varnegs> feel your way to the multiple parts and figure out how they fit together and then.... *clak* and its open
  271. [17:12] <visceralVanguard> Excellent!
  272. [17:12] <visceralVanguard> Duly noted.
  273. [17:12] <visceralVanguard> If all else fails, I have a small laser cutter I can use to cut off the hinges to the chest
  274. [17:12] <visceralVanguard> But I'd prefer to not apply brute force if necessary.
  275. [17:12] <Nick_Varnegs> you should have said that firts
  276. [17:13] <visceralVanguard> Heh, I suppose that would have been a useful detail to know. :)
  277. [17:14] <Nick_Varnegs> i suppose....
  278. [17:14] <Nick_Varnegs> hey faerzen
  279. [17:14] <visceralVanguard> Yes?
  280. [17:15] <Nick_Varnegs> if you don't mind i would like to resume my journey.... i got a lot to explore and the place is still just a plain gigantic rock
  281. [17:15] <visceralVanguard> Oh yes, of course!
  282. [17:15] <visceralVanguard> I don't mean to keep you
  283. [17:15] <visceralVanguard> I'm just walking down lots of stairs, so I forgot you could have important things to deal with. :)
  284. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> dont worry
  285. [17:16] <visceralVanguard> Best of luck in your adventures, and hopefully if we can work together to build your house up enough
  286. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> i will look forward to our next conversation
  287. [17:16] <visceralVanguard> We can meet in person! <3
  288. [17:16] <visceralVanguard> Ta-ta for now!
  289. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> best of luck to you too
  290. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> till next time faerzen
  291. [17:16] <visceralVanguard> -- visceralVanguard [VV] bids farewell to alluringArtist [AA] --
  292. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  293. [17:16] <Nick_Varnegs> <3
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