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Jan 8th, 2017
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  1. [05:03:42] IntSys: >CEREMONY
  2. [05:03:44] MintSys: LOL
  3. [05:03:51] IntSees: inno is destroying the perfect screenshot!
  4. [05:04:00] IntSyss: Inno is undercover
  5. [05:04:01] Asish Padhi: what the hell is happening
  6. [05:04:05] IntSys: I don't know
  7. [05:04:10] IntSys: but you don't want to be a part of this
  8. [05:04:10] IntSyss: Reborn
  9. [05:04:11] MintSys: Nobody nose
  10. [05:04:12] IntSys: trust me.
  11. [05:04:18] Intssys: oh god
  12. [05:04:25] YntSis: this
  13. [05:04:27] YntSis: is
  14. [05:04:30] YntSis: REBORN
  15. [05:04:31] IncSys: fantastic
  16. Prasiolite joined
  17. [05:04:33] IntSees: IntShappening
  18. [05:04:34] Intbis: this is sparta
  19. [05:04:35] IntSyss: Hi Ice
  20. [05:04:36] IntSys: Ice help
  21. [05:04:37] IntList: Hi Ice
  22. [05:04:37] IncSys: ey Ice
  23. [05:04:44] • YntSis kicks everyone into the pit of dool
  24. [05:04:45] IntSees: hey ice
  25. [05:04:45] MintSys: Hi ice
  26. [05:04:46] Intbis: hi ice
  27. [05:04:46] YntSis: doom too
  28. [05:04:49] YntSis: ey ice
  29. Ghost_Tartar joined
  30. [05:04:49] IntCSW: IceSys
  31. [05:04:50] Prasiolite: I am unable to help
  32. [05:04:53] IntSys: tartar help
  33. [05:04:54] IncSys: ey Tartar
  34. [05:04:55] IntSyss: Become one of us
  35. [05:04:56] IntSees: hey tartar
  36. [05:04:57] MintSys: Ice
  37. [05:04:58] YntSis: ey tartar
  38. [05:04:59] MintSys: Join us
  39. [05:05:00] IntSyss: Hi Tartar
  40. [05:05:00] Intbis: one of us
  41. [05:05:02] MintSys: ONE OF US
  42. [05:05:03] IntSys: H E L P
  43. [05:05:05] IntList: one of us
  44. [05:05:06] IntSon: What happened to my mother? She was IntSi-
  45. IntSon left
  46. [05:05:06] • IntSon disappears due to time paradox
  47. [05:05:07] IncSys: ONE OF US
  48. [05:05:07] Ghost_Tartar: Hello.
  49. [05:05:07] Prasiolite: Nor do I plan to join for im too cool
  50. [05:05:12] IncSys: LOL
  51. [05:05:13] IntSyss: Lame
  52. [05:05:19] MintSys: Not as cool as
  53. [05:05:20] Ghost_Tartar: What happened, did IntSys create a cloning machine or something?
  54. [05:05:20] IntSees: too lame!
  55. [05:05:21] YntSis: is that a pun
  56. [05:05:24] IntBro: IntBro
  57. [05:05:29] IntSyss: He's Ice, ofc it's a pun
  58. Personthing.Exe left
  59. [05:05:31] IntSys: tartar I didn't ask for this
  60. [05:05:32] IntSyss: this is what i live with
  61. [05:05:33] IntSyss: every day
  62. [05:05:35] YntSis: mfw
  63. [05:05:36] IncSys: IntBro x IntSys tbh
  64. [05:05:40] TarSys: Conversion compelte.
  65. [05:05:42] YntSis: LOL
  66. [05:05:44] IntSys: DW WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING
  67. [05:05:44] IntBro: That would indeed be Incest
  68. [05:05:46] IntBro: LOl
  69. [05:05:49] IntSys: GOD DAMNIT
  70. [05:05:50] IntList: no one ever asks for this
  71. [05:05:54] IntList: but it happens anyway
  72. [05:05:57] TarSys: Assimilation into the IntSys Hivemind achieved.
  73. [05:06:00] YntSis: yup
  74. [05:06:05] IntSys: not you too
  75. [05:06:07] IntBro: Invest happens every day?
  76. [05:06:07] IncSys: You know what I'm implying
  77. [05:06:09] Prasiolite: me making a pun is unheard of
  78. [05:06:10] YntSis: welcome to my life intsys
  79. [05:06:10] IncSys: YES TARTAR
  80. [05:06:12] YntSis: :]
  81. [05:06:18] IntBro: Ice, that's untrue
  82. [05:06:29] IntSys: also I've never been pinged so much before
  83. [05:06:30] IntSys: what is this
  84. [05:06:32] TarSys: This is so going on the forums...
  85. [05:06:33] IntList: yes, I've definitely never heard you make a pun, Ice :>
  86. [05:06:34] YntSis: intsys
  87. [05:06:45] Prasiolite: exactly
  88. [05:06:47] IntBro: Intsys is a big boy now
  89. [05:06:51] Prasiolite: no puns ever
  90. [05:06:54] Intbis: this is the life ob bibs
  91. [05:07:00] IntSys: let this die
  92. [05:07:10] YntSis: LET IT GO
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