
powersave thread

Oct 1st, 2014
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  1. What powersaves CAN do:
  2. >Clone (Up to a whole box at once)
  3. >Shinify (Up to 10 'mons at once, but 'mons that are shiny locked can't be traded back to you. Also can't be nicknamed afterwards)
  4. >Make anything 6iv (Up to 10 'mons at once)
  5. >Change any IV to 0, 1, 30 or 31 (One 'mon at a time)
  6. >Natures (One 'mon at a time)
  7. >Get you items/berries, although they may say no to multiples as they'd have to trade you as many >pokemon as you need of that item.
  8. >Unshinify 'mons (One 'mon at a time. The OT will become the powersavers, but still can't be nicknamed in XY, can in ORAS)
  9. >Change the region of a 'mon to US, UK or JP (One 'mon at a time)
  10. >Change balls (One 'mon at a time)
  11. >Give pokemon pokerus (One 'mon at a time)
  12. >Generate event 'mons from gen 6 that have happened (Recent events will not likely be able to be done shortly after launch)
  14. What powersaves can NOT do:
  15. >Anything with pokehex or whatever it is that you want to do so stop asking
  16. >Change abilities
  17. >Generate 'mons for you
  18. >Get certain moves
  19. >Ribbons
  20. >Edit location caught (i.e. route 7, but I want route 10. Born in Kanto, can't change to Johto)
  21. >Specific levels
  23. Codes for specific games
  24. OR/AS:
  25. >Nickname
  26. >Something with the ID/SID/PID, once someone tests this I will update what can actually be done.
  27. Details of above to codes are down underneath known powersavers
  29. X/Y:
  30. >Change form of Floette, Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist, Vivillon, Shellos/Gastrodon, Basculin, >Burmy/Wormadam, Deerling, Furfrou, Unown (You can change genie and deoxys form in game)
  31. >Evs (One mon at a time and anything not 252/0 is probably going to be declined)
  33. Requests will be ignored that do not include FC, IGN AND the actual request including all details. Do NOT reply to another post 'asking for whats in that post'. Retype or copy and paste if you're requesting again.
  35. Be patient with savers, they're the one doing you a favor.
  38. Known powersavers (may or may not be active)
  39. Blazin' Asian (IGN: Christopher[XY], Saphire[aS]) 4398-9805-0107
  40. Cory 2165-5754-6609
  41. Thuggins 2380-3656-2838
  42. Timm(Y)/Kate(X)/Lord English(aS) 4957-3894-6634/4399-0437-1292
  43. Sean 2079-8175-8358
  44. Noire 5000-3431-9125
  45. Smullyan 3625-8264-2655
  46. Ryan 0473-8274-1399
  48. Lord English conducted this test
  49. >not shiny lileep, pepesk8 is the OT, not Lord English, can't nickname it
  50. >make it 6iv
  51. >use shiny/modify PID code
  52. >ivs are now shit, speed is best, not 31, attack 0
  53. >still cannot nickname
  54. >make 6iv again
  55. >didn't check wit IV checker because I know this code works
  56. >apply rename/reset TID
  57. >not shiny, made me the OT, CAN nickname
  58. >nicknamed it D!ldo
  59. >ivs are still all 31
  60. >apply shinify/modify TID, which turns it into a traded mon
  61. >D!ldo still has nickname, is shiny, all 6ivs
  62. >OT is Lord English, but can NOT be nicknamed
  64. >not shiny, not KB Cofagrigus
  65. >didn't check IVS, can't be nicknamed
  66. >apply rename/reset TID code
  67. >Cofagrigus not KB, no pentagon
  68. >Cofagrigus CAN be nicknamed
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