

Jan 17th, 2012
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  1. [Commie]
  2. **00:15+00:17 - Overinterpretation/Scriptwritinng / See notes
  3. *00:41 - Scriptwriting(arguable) / "paid in" was not really in the script or in context with 00:15 line. It does happen later, but it's an unintended spoiler.
  4. *04:03 - Misinterpretation(arguable) / This line is more of a "You'll fail if you try too hard", or "moderation in all things" with liberal TL. It means it's fine to be nervous, but you'll mess up if you're overanxious.
  5. *07:07 - Context / "So this is what concerts are like!"
  6. *07:29 - Not too sure about engineering terms, but I don't think "suppression" is "safety mechanism"/"buffer".
  7. 07:34 - Error(negligible) / "no, {OR I mean,}" not "and".
  8. *14:17 - Error(unimportant line) / "It seemed hungry."
  9. *14:29 - Context (minor) / "... is half to blame"
  10. **15:07 - Error / "I couldn't even get a glimpse of her."
  11. **15:33 - Error / "...greatest disaster in history."
  12. 18:18 - Context (negligible) / "It's a fact."
  13. **18:35 - Mishearing (recurring) / "Come on, Limited Edition CDs come with amazing bonus materials."
  14. **20:00 - Mishearing / "We got further away from the shelter."
  16. [GetWet]
  17. **00:15 - Context and sentence structure. / See notes
  18. 07:34 - Error(negligible) / "no, {OR I mean,}" not "and"
  19. *08:30 - Literal Error (minor) / I know their weapons resemble those two, but "carrying a spear and a sword" sounds silly. It simply means "armed/equipped with weapons".
  20. *12:02 - Nuance(minor) / "just" is pretty bad there. Could remove or go with "I wanted to [...] one day."
  21. *14:29 - Context (minor) / No context, "... is half to blame"
  22. **15:07 - Literal Error / "I couldn't even get a glimpse of her."
  23. **18:39 - Context / "Wouldn't they sell out then?"
  25. [gg], Ep2
  26. **##:## - Detail / No song translation for musical style dialogue. Rest are w/e, but the first 2 lines were kind of relevant.
  27. *00:17 - Context(minor) / "What the hell is going on?"
  28. *06:03 - Detail(minor) / +"your actions and communication will be restricted"
  29. **07:24+07:40 - Error / "Don't bother acting friendly." "Smiles are not needed where we're going."
  30. *12:10 - Liberal(minor) / "Suit" -> "Gear", SymphoGEAR.
  31. *13:04 - Error(minor) / "person of interest" -> "material witness"
  32. **13:20 - Error(recurring) / "appear to be any permanent damage!" -> "I don't see too many things wrong with you"
  33. *21:43 - Error(minor) / "I may only drag you down now, [...]"
  35. [Ayako], Ep2
  36. *##:## - Errors(minor) / A lot of songs were questionable or had small errors, but it's probably not possible to get everything with audio alone.
  37. *7:44 - Literal(minor) / "Welcome to humanity's last line of defense."
  38. *9:29 - Error, Logic(minor) / "Once again..." {OR "Like I've been saying..."}
  39. *17:36 - Liberal(minor) / "solid carbon" -> "Charcoal", "Ashes". "Solid carbon" is an unnecesary liberal twist. afaik, people are made of carbon from beginning. Solid carbon fiber wouldn't crumble too.
  40. *19:09 - Error, Logic(minor) / "Only Symphogears have the power to defeat Noise, right?", Symphogears don't fight on their own.
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